Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1141 Huabiao's Great Harvest

Chapter 1141 The Great Harvest of Huabiao ([-])
"Since I have to say a few words, then I will say a few words.

What are the two sentences?I thought about it, let me say a few words about this game.

I also think that these two sentences are better than those two sentences.


This was a dialogue that Luo Quan had planned to deal with the reporter's questions, but considering the seriousness of the Huabiao Awards, she still didn't plan to make a fuss.

Change to a red carpet that is a little more entertaining, and she will give everyone some nonsense literature.

The specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. With so many senior leaders watching, Luo Quan finally chose to speak more constructively.

As for whether anyone would take it seriously, that was out of her control.

However, judging from the reactions of netizens, they seemed to be quite satisfied with her speech, and praised her as a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

Entering the venue, Luo Quan and the crew were arranged together. She sat in the first row, and the others sat in the second row nearby.

It seems that although they are still together, the order of the front and back reflects the coffee position.

In the past, during the meager night, everyone could still play with their mobile phones for a while.

However, after Luo Quan sat down and looked around, he found that almost no one was looking down at their phones, and they were all sitting upright, waiting for the awards ceremony to start.

This made Luo Quan feel a little pity.

If everyone was playing, she could play too.

After waiting like this for about half an hour, nearly a thousand stars and crew members entered and sat down one after another.

As the host came to the front of the stage, the awards ceremony officially began amidst the sound of passionate music.

First of all, the host will give a speech, thank you all the guests and leaders.

After talking a lot about summarizing the past and looking forward to the future, the warm-up show began.

It was a song and dance performance called "Four Seasons". The dancers used body language to imitate the scenes of all things in spring, summer, autumn and winter, which was quite exciting.

However, the netizens who were watching the live broadcast had no interest in singing and dancing performances, they just wanted to fast forward to the awards ceremony.

There are old actors, Mesozoic, and young people in the nominations for this award.

Of course, the most traffic is a few young people. In the eyes of some people, they are the future hope of Huaxia Film and Television.

Some people think that they are the leaders in the launch of capital.

The comments on the Internet are mixed, which is the biggest characteristic of this group of people.

Many of them have been dug up by supernatural netizens, but even if they are resisted by the public, they can still obtain countless high-quality resources, and even have countless famous directors and movie kings match them.

This made the netizens very angry, thinking that the more you praise me, the more I will attack you.

So whenever the shots are shown to these people, the bullet screen will immediately become more turbulent.

But it's not scolding, the Internet is not a place outside the law, and insulting others at will will be banned.

Therefore, netizens use the method of creating stalking to carry out more "moderate" attacks on these young movie stars.

Although there are no dirty words, there is a little bit of humiliation in it.

Correspondingly, there are annoying stars, and there are likable stars.

Luo Quan did his part and secured the top spot.

As soon as the camera was shown to her, the bullet screen was full of drunken speeches such as "my wife is so beautiful" and "don't rob me of my wife".

With the end of the dance performance, today's first award: the award for outstanding feature film began to be awarded.

Because it is held every two years, the nominated films also include films released within these two years.

However, there is more than one award for an excellent feature film, so there is no nomination stage, just the list of winners.

"This year's Huabiao Awards, the works that won excellent feature films include "My Hometown", "The Wandering Earth 2", "Nezha", "Hello, Mother", "Memories of Murder"..."

It wasn't until the name "Memories of Murder" was pronounced that everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's actually not easy to win awards for such heavy-duty crime movies.

Because it is easy to make one size fits all when submitting for review, the essence of the content is cut off, and the perception of this movie will be greatly reduced.

Coupled with the preferences of the judges, it also indirectly increased the difficulty of winning awards for this kind of film.

Before he read the name of "Memories of Murder", even Luo Quan had no idea.

But fortunately, gold always shines, and the prize that deserves is not missed after all.

Amidst the festive music and applause, a group of award-winning filmmakers came to the stage one after another to accept the host's congratulations.

The Huabiao Awards does not have the award for best film, so an excellent feature film is equivalent to the best film, although there are slightly more award-winning works, but there is still some gold content.

Especially when the quality of other excellent feature films this year is very good, it is definitely not a general among dwarfs.

As the absolute leader of the film, when it was his turn to deliver his acceptance speech, Luo Quan raised the microphone and said emotionally: "I have always believed that a good audience is the foundation of a good film.

When random bad movies can make a lot of money, it becomes difficult for good movies.

The good news is that until now, Chinese movie fans have not lost their pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty. Bad movies are hitting the street step by step, and the box office of good movies continues to rise. This is the best proof!

Thanks to the fans of this movie, and to all the audience who pursue a good movie! "

It was another constructive speech, and by the way, he ridiculed all the bad movies on the market. The expressions of many stars and directors in the audience changed a little, obviously thinking that Luo Quan was cueing them.

On the bullet screen, Luo Quan's speech naturally made me feel better:

"It's scolding!"

"It has to be Luo Bao, it's time to give strength to this bunch of garbage who make bad movies!"

"You're so good at talking, I suggest you talk more in the future."

"Haha, this is the Luo Bao I am familiar with. Some time ago, I was so Buddhist, I thought you had changed your sex."

"I've loved watching this episode since I was a child."


The applause that Luo Quan received this time was obviously not as much as when she took the stage, and many people's expressions became ugly.

But Luo Quan didn't care at all, after all, she didn't name her.

If you dare to post eccentricities on Weibo afterwards, you will also encounter righteous cyberbullying from netizens.

This kind of attacking others, the feeling that others can't fight back is really comfortable.

After taking the trophy, Luo Quan returned to his seat with a group of people.

Immediately afterwards, it was awarded to the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Director.

There is only one award winner this time, but after the award-winning film was announced, a lot of people went up.

Because this movie is "My Hometown", the movie format is a combination of multiple units, and each director is responsible for one unit.

So a film wins, and a bunch of people come on stage to accept the award.

This is the same as the previous "Lake", a work that must win an award.

Otherwise, the performance of "Farewell My Concubine" was too strong, and it would be unreasonable not to give the best movie, otherwise the golden rooster would not be in the form of a whole double-yolk egg.

You must know that the Golden Rooster Award has always been known for its strict standards. If there are no outstanding works this year, even if the award is not given out, it will definitely not be used indiscriminately.

Prior to this, the double-yolk eggs of the Golden Rooster Awards were all won by actors, and the best movie should not have had a double-yolk egg.

It is quite rare to make an exception and win an award.

But this time, "Memories of Murder" obviously failed to make an exception for the judges, probably because it was adapted from a Korean case.

I heard that the Blue Dragon Award in Korea intends to make arrangements for "Memories of Murder", but there is no confirmation yet, and I don't know if it will be guaranteed.

In short, this time Huabiao Award "Memories of Murder" ran with me, and Luo Quan smiled and sent blessings to the award-winning director.

The cameraman also understood very well, and directly focused the lens on Luo Quan's face.

For someone who doesn't have a city mansion, I'm afraid the unhappiness in his heart has been broadcast live.

"Haha, how did Luo Bao smile so sincerely? If it were me, it would be good not to swear."

"Is this the acting skills of two consecutive Oscar queens? I finally saw it today."

"Luo Quan has an mmp in his heart, and he doesn't know if he should say it or not."

"It's really good to act, it's a sincere blessing, I don't spit out the skin when I eat durian live!"

"It doesn't matter, whoever meets "My Hometown" will not be an opponent, unless Luo Bao immediately makes a "My Hometown"."

"Haha, you want to defeat magic with magic, right?"

"The uncomfortable thing is that there may be two or three such movies a year in the future, which is too difficult for other movies."

"I would rather watch "Wolf Warrior 3". I don't know what's the point of such a platter movie. Even if the content of several units is finally gathered together, I can praise the director's level."

"Indeed, it's too sloppy for several units to be irrelevant."

"Relax, if you don't get this award, maybe you will get the next award."

"I feel like there's less hope."


Not only netizens, Xiao Yang actually thinks so too.

"My Hometown" won the award, which shows that the judges are still more optimistic about movies with the main theme.

Then the next outstanding actor is probably chosen from among the several leading actors in "My Hometown".

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang's heart became even more disturbed.

"The next one that will be awarded is the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actor."

The words of the host cheered up many male stars.

The best actor and best actress are the two most important awards of the Huabiao Awards, and they can be called the highlight of today.

Many male actors have waited for two full years for today.

Of course, Xiao Yang and Zhang Yi are the ones who are most vocal about winning the award.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Yi has won Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Best Actor before.

Only this one is needed to complete the grand slam achievement of the three major mainland film awards.

There are very few male actors in China who have achieved this, so tonight is likely to have a historic moment worth remembering.

After the nominations were read out, the two male guests in charge of presenting the awards opened the envelopes.

After seeing the names, the eyes of both of them widened three points: "The award-winning actor is Xiao Yang!"

After a while, there was thunderous applause.

Xiao Yang was stunned in his seat for three seconds, as if he still couldn't believe that he had really won the award. It was not until Luo Quan patted him on the shoulder that he finally came to his senses and walked onto the stage briskly.

"Congratulations, congratulations to Xiao Yang for winning the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actor."

The host award microphone and trophy were handed over to Xiao Yang, and when Xiao Yang took it, both hands were trembling.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his head and looked at everyone: "To be honest, I still can't believe that I can get this award until now."

The applause sounded again, which was the congratulations and encouragement from his peers.

Xiao Yang calmed down and continued: "This spring is too dreamy for me, but because I had the idea of ​​giving it a try, I sent my resume to the crew of "Manslaughter" and was selected just like that. , followed by the protagonist of Memories of Murder.

Good news came to me one after another, and sometimes I wondered if the god of luck finally took care of me.

But now I understand that Luo Quan is my god of luck. "

Xiao Yang looked at Luo Quan in the audience, and said excitedly: "For my success, I want to thank director Luo Quan the most.

Without her favor, it would be impossible for me to accept these two roles, and it would be impossible for me to get this excellent actor.

The resume I submitted to her a few months ago was the most correct decision I have ever made in my life!
Thank you, thank you to all those who supported me, I will continue to work hard, continue to polish and improve on the road of actors, and bring you more outstanding works! "

After the speech was over, applause rang out again, and this time the stars looked at Luo Quan with fiery eyes.

Facts have proved that Luo Quan can not only make himself, but also make others win prizes.

At present, she already has a Cannes Best Actor and a Huabiao Best Actor under her command, and it is likely that there will be a second Cannes Best Actor in a short time.

What is this concept?
Some people may not be able to win a domestic best actor in their lifetime, but Luo Quan won two Cannes best actor in three years!
Is it possible that she can hold a third one, and a fourth one?

There are no absolutes in the world, perhaps this is Luo Quan's last peak.

But according to common sense analysis, a young man who is only 25 years old is still in the rising stage of his career.

In the next ten years, the possibility of her making better creations will only be a high probability event.

Therefore, if they can establish a good relationship with Luo Quan, then they might be the next Golden Rooster Best Actor or Cannes Best Actor.

In addition, there is another point worth noting, that is, Lyon, the Oscar winner, also got it from the movie made by his sister.

Few people can refuse this most famous actor.

If you really get it, it will definitely be called the only one in China, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a top-notch actor.

Except for those old artists who have long been indifferent to fame and fortune, whether it is young people or those Mesozoic movie stars, at this time, they all wish that the awards ceremony will end early, so that they can go to chat with Luo Quan and get acquainted.

At this time, Luo Quan also guessed what these people were thinking, but she didn't have the thought to expand her friends.

In the past, when actors were needed, they ignored them all.

Now I want her to take care of them, how can it be a good thing?
So, let these people envy Xiao Yang, she should fly home after winning the award, the ticket is all booked.

(End of this chapter)

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