Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1142 Political correctness can't control me

Chapter 1142 Political correctness can't control me
The Huabiao Awards ended with a burst of applause. The works shot by Luo Quan this time won three awards in total.

They are the excellent feature film "Memories of Murder", the excellent actor "Memories of Murder", and the excellent photography "Memories of Murder".

In terms of the number of awards, it is at the same level as this year's hit "My Hometown".

It can be said that the sweep of the Huabiao Awards by these two films did not come as a surprise to many people.

Xiao Yang's win as Best Actor is also in line with most people's psychological expectations.

No way, at the end of "Memories of Murder", the gaze he looked at the audience was really shocking, it can be called the gaze that broke the fourth wall, and it can be called a stroke of magic.

After watching the movie, many senior filmmakers tweeted about the goosebumps all over their bodies, and praised that this is a stare that is worthy of being famous in film history!

And not only domestic filmmakers say this, but also foreign countries. The most authoritative film magazine "Voice of Film" even wrote a column to praise this shot and Xiao Yang who created it.

It is difficult for an actor to have several emotions in his eyes at the same time.

Xiao Yang did it, which is also a proof that he has widened the gap with other actors.

After learning that Xiao Yang was a singer before, and he shifted his career focus to acting in his late thirties, everyone was amazed by his talent.

At the same time, Luo Quan, who was well-informed and responsible, was also praised.

After all, a Cannes Best Actor and an Oscar Best Actor have already emerged from her hands, and there will be another Cannes Best Actor soon. This vision, this star-making ability, is really nothing to say.

Under the blessing of so many halos, the big harvest of "Memories of Murder" is completely a flea on the bald man's head-it's obvious.

So after Luo Quan won multiple awards, she showed a state of flattery, just like she did when she first entered the venue.

At that time, the nominated movie stars were more or less nervous, because they were worried about gains and losses, so their emotions were strong.

She was so leisurely as if she was on vacation, she was photographed and posted on the Internet, and a group of fans complained: "Look, it's just pretending."

Then after winning the award, the fans changed their tunes one after another: "Damn it, let her pretend it!"

Seeing the changes before and after, Luo Quan laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Fans like to see her slapped, so why doesn't she like to see her fans get slapped in the face?
If it is time to rewind the dynamics again, it will be a lore, but it is a pity that it will not be released.

The main reason is that she stole half of the limelight from the Huabiao Awards this time, and she even mocked many people when she spoke on stage. If she makes a fuss at this time, how angry should other filmmakers be?

You have to forgive others and forgive others. It is not a good thing to be hated too much.

So Luo Quan resisted the urge to expand his achievements, turned off his phone, and boarded the plane.

I promised fans before that after receiving the award, I will go to the resort at station B to broadcast live to warm up for the next rematch.

Although she didn't sleep, she was still full of energy, so she took a taxi to the resort as soon as she got off the plane.

Before going, she only asked the camera crew to prepare for the live broadcast, but she didn't tell the contestants that she just wanted to make a surprise attack.

If you know it in advance and are prepared, then it is meaningless.

As Luo Quan arrived at the Bilibili Resort, the fan club's live broadcast room also had images without warning.

Platforms such as Station B, Douyin, and Huya, the hot searches immediately appeared at the top of the list.

"Luo Quan suddenly visited the resort!"

With just such a title, thousands of fans of the show flooded into the live broadcast room.

This time the live broadcast camera no longer needs to be held by himself, and Luo Quan's body has become much more natural.

It is worth mentioning that she is still wearing the starry skirt she wore when she participated in the Huabiao Awards.

"I promised everyone before that after the award ceremony, I will broadcast the Bilibili Resort to everyone. I didn't lie to you." Luo Quan looked at the camera and said with a smile.

Even in the daytime, the brilliance of "Starry Night" is still dazzling, shining dazzling brilliance in the lens.

"Excellent, Luo Bao, is this non-stop coming after the awards ceremony?"

"If you don't take a break, you probably haven't slept for five hours since last night, right?"

"It takes four hours to go back and forth on the plane, and it's the first-class cabin. If you want to rest, you can definitely rest more comfortably."

"Luo Bao is famous for his energy madness. He always goes to bed at twelve o'clock and wakes up at six o'clock. Then he doesn't need to take a nap. This time is enough."

"So a person's success requires these special talents. A normal person may not be able to maintain a full state of energy for eight or nine hours, but Luo Quan only needs to rest for six hours to be full of energy all the time."

"Nanfu energy-concentrating ring, one section is better than one section, 300 years, Jiuzhitang, cure kidney deficiency, no sugar, Wang Zhongwang ham sausage, jelly I choose Xizhilang!"

"Hahahaha, what is this all about?"

"You're full of jingle, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"The sand sculpture has to be your sand sculpture."


Luo Quan is responsible for the beautiful appearance, and the fans are responsible for the effect of the show.

Obviously, the contestants that everyone was looking forward to hadn't appeared yet, and the whole live broadcast room was full of laughter.

So sometimes the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is more important than the content produced by the anchor.

But then again, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is created by the content of the anchor. The two are complementary results. Without either one, it is difficult to become a great anchor.

After walking for about 3 minutes, Luo Quan met the first contestant.

It was He Xuanyu, standing by the artificial lake and speaking, the high-pitched voice could be heard on the other side of the lake.

"This is talent, you can't accept it."

"It can be heard from such a distance, and it is also a good seed for practicing lion roar kung fu by playing the ancient high and low."

"He Xuanyu's singing ability should be the top of the pyramid in the world."

"One thing to say, indeed."


Amid the sighs of the audience, Luo Quan quickly walked over.

"Are you practicing?" Luo Quan greeted with a smile.

"Teacher Luo!"

Seeing that it was Luo Quan, He Xuanyu was very surprised: "Shen Zhou and Lan Aide asked me to come out to practice singing, but my dormitory is relatively close to here, so I arrived first."

"The two of them are coming too, what a coincidence?" Luo Quan originally planned to gather the three most popular contestants together and take a good photo, but unexpectedly, these three people made an appointment together.

As soon as the words fell, Shen Zhou and Lan Aide walked over talking and laughing.

"Hey, Mr. Luo, why are you here?" Both Shen Zhou and Lan Aide showed surprised smiles.

They knew that Luo Quan would come to the resort, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

Just now they were watching the Huabiao Awards, and after eating a meal and singing a song, Luo Quan appeared.

You must know that the resort is in Shanghai, and Luoquan was in the capital just now.

"That's not the point, the point is that you were lucky to be the first batch of players to appear in today's live broadcast."

Luo Quan hooked his fingers behind him, signaling the photographer to move the camera away from his waist and hips, and focus on the three contestants.

"Fuck, the photographer snapped the chicken legs!"

"Suddenly I don't want to watch fan clubs anymore."

"Luo Bao's figure is really greedy."

"You are rebellious, photographer, aren't you?"

"Don't come next time!"


There was a lot of complaints in the bullet screen, and then began today's theme.

Because it wasn't the main match, Luo Quan didn't intend to let the three of them sing, but asked them about their schooling experience.

No one can sing at birth, especially the three champion seeds in front of them.

Even if their talents are different from ordinary people, they must have gone through years of studying and hard training.

What Luo Quan wants to understand with the audience is also their experience.

The childhoods of He Xuanyu and Lan Aide were relatively similar.

Their family is relatively well-off. After showing their talents when they were young, they were taught by famous teachers soon, and then they were sent abroad for further study.

It must have been hard work to be able to have today's ability, but overall it was relatively smooth.

Even if there is no this B station fan club, they are not short of opportunities to make their debut.

For example, Lan Aide, after the fan meeting at Station B, will go to Mango Channel to participate in a popular music variety show, which is already scheduled before coming here to compete.

So even if he doesn't become famous through the fan club this time, he will gain a lot of popularity on the Internet in a short time, but there may not be any fan fans who will be so exaggerated.

He Xuanyu was basically the same, the masked singer king Ziling invited him.

With his talent, which is difficult to match in the entire Chinese music scene, he can cause huge discussions as soon as he appears on the show, and there is no need to worry about no traffic.

Except for Shen Zhou, his family's conditions are not as well-off as the other two, and he has been receiving stipends to study since he was a child.

Because of her excellent voice talent, she was recommended by her teacher to study abroad.

However, because the tuition fee was too high and his family could not afford it, Shen Zhou was ready to give up this opportunity to study abroad.

Fortunately, his parents are far-sighted and know that if they don't spend a lot of effort to cultivate, it will be a waste of their son's talent, and this may be the only chance for the family to turn around.

So the old couple lived frugally, borrowed a lot of foreign debts, and sent Shen Zhou to study abroad.

Facts have proved that the choice of the old couple is very correct.

After Shen Zhou returned to China, he soon encountered the opportunity of being famous in the fan club, and successfully seized it, and finally became famous on the Internet.

With the huge contrast of voice, Shen Zhou is now the hottest male singer on the Internet.

Coupled with his handsome appearance, he quickly gathered a large number of fans.

As long as he continues to perform steadily, he will aerobically become the new top player in the Chinese music scene.

Facts have proved that there is no shortage of singers with good singing skills in the Chinese music scene, but there is a shortage of Shen Zhou with a very distinctive voice.

In terms of singing skills, he is not as good as Xuan Yu and Lan Aide.

But the popularity is the first among the three.

So sometimes when God favors a person, it may really make him bitter first and then sweet.

Of course, Shen Zhou didn't have any deep feelings about this difficult past.

He only knows that his parents and mentors made him what he is now, without them, he would not stand out from thousands of geniuses.

Of course, he also specially thanked Leon.

He said that if it wasn't for Teacher Lyon, he might still be the up master on station B now, and he didn't know when he would be able to make his debut.

"It's gold that will shine sooner or later." Luo Quan patted Shen Zhou's thin shoulder, "The meaning of this fan club is to discover talented but not famous young people like you.

Facts have proved that our program was able to show you crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, which is really too successful. "

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick were originally a compliment, but now it has gradually become a kind of irony.

After Luo Quan used this adjective, it also caused ridicule from netizens:
"I always feel that Luo Bao is doing the work, which makes people want to laugh."

"Don't blame her, if you want to blame it, blame the person who turned this word into a meme."

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick is a good word, but now it has changed."

"It's enough to understand Luo Quan's meaning."

"Shen Zhou is really not easy, it is worth everything now."

"I wish all three of them a bright future, although there can only be one champion in the end."

"Speaking of which, what reward can the champion get?"

"That's right, this is going to be a rematch, and Luo Bao hasn't revealed the championship reward yet."

"Can you give me a spoiler ahead of time?"


After Luo Quan interacted with the players, he took a look at the barrage.

I just saw everyone's questions, so I smiled and said: "The audience in the live broadcast room are all asking what the championship reward is. Apart from the bonuses that were agreed before, I would like to ask if you have any other ideas?"

The shot was shown to Shen Zhou and others.

Shen Zhou said cautiously: "I am already very satisfied with getting so much money, and after being on the show, I have gained so much traffic, I really dare not ask for more."

Lan Aide ruthlessly made He Xuanyu a little more courageous, but it was just a small request of being a guest at Luoquan's concert.

Because they are all fans of Luo Quan, that's why they said that.

"These are not rewards, because when there are ten people left, all of you will be able to perform on the same stage as me in the stadium." Luo Quan told the three of them the extremely pleasant news with a smile.

"How about this, I don't think you dare to speak." Luo Quan showed a smile, "Whoever wins the championship this time, I will cooperate with him to sing a song. What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, not only the three contestants, but even the netizens were stunned.

Since his debut, Luo Quan has cooperated with only a handful of people, and the number of songs he has written for others is even more pitiful.

And now she is willing to make an exception, if this traffic is consumed, what a huge amount of heat it will get.

In an instant, the hearts of the three contestants became hot.

"So if you want to cooperate with me, you have to prepare well." Luo Quan smiled and turned to look for other players.

And when Luo Quan was broadcasting live, a foreign movie was released, which also set off a rhythm against her.

This rhythm is related to political correctness.

(End of this chapter)

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