Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1143 Political correctness can't control me

Chapter 1143 Political Correctness Can't Control Me ([-])

After receiving the award, filming the show, and going home to rest, it was originally a happy thing.

However, when I checked the news, I saw myself being scolded.

But it wasn't the Chinese who scolded her, but a group of foreigners.

"Luoquan abroad has been scolded and trending on Twitter."

What happened on Twitter, Weibo hot searches all appeared.

Luo Quan went in with a puzzled face, and looked at the ins and outs.

It turned out that the cause of all this originated from a movie.

In the past two days, the new version of "The Little Mermaid" produced by Disney was released.

This classic remake actually started warming up last year, and it caused a lot of controversy at the time.

The content of the controversy is mainly the casting of the heroine.

In most people's minds, mermaids are a beautiful humanoid race.

The upper body is a beautiful girl, and the lower body is a fish. After landing, the tail of the fish will turn into legs, but it will become speechless.

This is one of the classic works in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales. It is a poignant and dreamy story.

But after Disney announced the heroine, the fairy tale turned into a horror story.

Because playing the Little Mermaid is a dark and ugly black actress.

In fact, there are many beauties among black people, and some of them are so beautiful that they can be among the top in the world.

In Hollywood, there are many black beauties, and there is absolutely no situation where black mermaids cannot be selected.

But Disney won because it chose such an ugly girl to play the mermaid in Hollywood, which is full of beauties.

When the role was first decided, the whole network had already sprayed the heroine because of the casting.

After that, every time there was news about the movie, I would be scolded for it.

And Disney seems to think that they have found the answer to the version, no matter how much scolding there is, they will not change it.

Political correctness prevails in the West, and there are not a few Oscar winners with black protagonists.

What Disney may be thinking is, since everyone agrees so much, wouldn’t it be okay to rely on political correctness to sell the box office?
That's what Black Panther did, and it was a huge hit.

So Disney plans to do it again, and use "The Little Mermaid" to make another wave of money.

But this time, no audience will pay for such a bad movie.

Although Black Panther is also politically correct, at least the casting is normal, the male lead is handsome and the female lead is also beautiful, and the plot is considered passable.

And The Little Mermaid belongs to the big bad movie with very bad content except special effects.

Of course, the most prominent one here is the heroine named Hai Li.

Being ugly is not her ugliness, but if she chooses to become a star, she will inevitably be evaluated by netizens.

And when she was called ugly by netizens, she chose to line up with netizens and raised the banner of political correctness. When others called her racial discrimination, she called others a just counterattack.

This operation also allowed her to successfully lose the last bit of popularity with passers-by.

Even with so many debuffs, "The Little Mermaid" was finally released as scheduled.

Five days after its release, the box office in North America exceeded 8.5 million, and the media scores were quite high, all above [-], which seems to be not bad.

However, the box office of "The Little Mermaid" outside of North America can be called a hit in the street.

On Huaxia's side, the two-day box office was over 300 million. It is estimated that it was provided by the up owners of the film and television area, and a bunch of people who were really bored and didn't know what movie to watch so they just picked one.

Five days after its release, the box office finally broke through 1000 million, and the final box office estimate is around 4000 million.

Such a movie belongs to the level of literary and artistic movies in China.

That is the kind that other people shoot purely to win prizes, and don't care about the box office at all.

But the configuration of "The Little Mermaid" is a standard commercial blockbuster. From the director to the screenwriter to the crew, they are all well-known figures.

Including post-production, advertising and marketing, the total investment reached [-] million.

And if a movie wants to return its cost, the box office must be at least three times the cost, which is [-] million.

At present, the total box office of "The Little Mermaid" is less than [-] million US dollars, and the weekend with the highest traffic has already passed, and it has begun to decline.

Along with the decline, there are also audience reputation and movie ratings on major platforms.

On the day the movie was first released, the ratings on various platforms were very high, but there were not many audience comments.

What does this mean?
It shows that Disney is brushing the ratings, and at the same time locked the comment area.

It is to create an illusion that the movie is very good, and trick the audience to go to the movie theater to be a big wrong.

But the comment section and ratings may not be locked for a lifetime. With the release of real data, the rating of "The Little Mermaid" has fallen to the passing line.

As for the comments from netizens, it was even more scolding.

From the director's scolding to the plot, from the tidbits to the feature film.

Of course, the heroine is the one who scolds the most, and the caliber is extremely uniform, that is ugly.

However, white leftists and blacks abroad are also very unconvinced, wondering why they are so insulting, is it racial discrimination?

Then the alignment started on both sides.

Soon, those who scolded the heroine came to Luo Quan as an example, saying that only someone like her is suitable to be a heroine. Even if Luo Quan can't be found, they can settle for the next best thing, such as Carlilyn and Christine. .

And those who support the heroine began to spray them with racial discrimination.

What happened to Luo Quan?Are white people more noble than black people, and must they be more beautiful than black people?
In our eyes, Luo Quan is not beautiful at all, and his face is quite ugly.

Because it is because of people like her that the beauty and ugliness in the world are defined, and people have a standard for attacking and belittling each other.

Therefore, Luo Quan is actually the real ugly, while Hai Li is the truth, kindness and beauty.

Such remarks were liked and forwarded by Haili herself.

Now on the Internet, many white leftists and blacks are using this statement to attack Luoquan.

They scolded her for being ugly, thought that she could not represent the mainstream aesthetics, and demanded that she be disqualified from the next World's Most Beautiful competition.

What's more, she had to deprive her of the championships she had won before.

This kind of anti-intellectual speech is unexpectedly very popular abroad, and it even got recommended hot searches.

However, Luo Quan looked at the number of discussions. Although it was enough to be on the hot search, it was too exaggerated to be the first on the hot search.

Considering that Twitter is the site of the boss of Tesla, and he is the second shareholder of his biggest competitor, there may be factors that are fueled by the richest man in Ma.

Fortunately, judging from the stock price of Nikola Motors, the market has not experienced any turmoil because of its ugly appearance in the "popular aesthetic".

It doesn't matter if a company's shareholders turn ugly, as long as the cars it sells aren't ugly.

And Luoquan became the world's ugliest overnight, which also refreshed netizens' understanding of human diversity.

To her, this was a complete disaster.

Sitting well at home, others use her to attack others, and then the attacked person starts attacking her.

Luo Quan opened the Twitter account that he hadn't logged in for a while, and first sent a bunch of ellipses, expressing that he was speechless.

Then wrote back:
"The mission of a movie is to satisfy the audience's fantasy, so no matter whether the characters are beautiful or ugly, as long as it satisfies the audience's fantasy, it is a good movie.

That's why there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people, because everyone's fantasy is different, and the definition of beauty and ugliness is of course also different.

I am very happy that everyone can deny authority and the definition imposed on me by the public.

I also sincerely hope that those who deny me, one day you can become like Hailey, with the same truth, kindness and beauty as her.

"The Little Mermaid" is an excellent movie, if there are 2, I hope the director can create a role of clown fish, I will definitely be very interested in acting. "

If Yin-Yang Weiqi has a rank, Luo Quan is at least at the master level.

However, there are not many people who can see that she is eccentric, and these remarks quickly aroused the attacks of many foreign netizens.

"Why do you curse us so viciously?"

"Why are you attacking everyone?"

"Don't you think the words are too harsh?"


Luo Quan just wished those who supported Haili to become as beautiful as her. How could this be a curse or an attack?
She was very puzzled, and asked back: "Isn't Haili the embodiment of beauty that you think, and it's not a good thing for you to become like her?"

Such a rhetorical question directly silenced these people.

Whether the answer is yes or no, it seems to be very uncomfortable.

After a brief silence, these people finally stopped pretending and directly attacked Luo Quan personally, calling her ugly.

And Luo Quan sent a few smiling faces, and replied: "You call me ugly, I just laugh, because I know it's all fake.

And some people are anxious when they are called ugly, because she knows that what everyone said is the truth. "

If this Haili didn't like and scold her tweets, Luo Quan would never attack this moment.

But since you picked things first, don't blame her for being ruthless.

This reply once again broke the defenses of a large number of people, because they found that it was useless to call Luo Quan ugly.

Everyone knows whether a person with this kind of face is ugly or not. Luo Quan, fans, and passers-by probably all look at them like a clown in a circus at the moment.

This also made Hailey's supporters finally resorted to their trump card, which is political correctness.

They began to accuse Luoquan of racial discrimination and insulting the black community.

And Luo Quan's answer can be called lore:

"I am a Chinese, and there is no such thing as racial discrimination in the cognition of Chinese people, because we are all descendants of Yan and Huang.

But racial discrimination appeared abroad and was carried forward by you.

Why do you use something that only exists in the West to accuse an Easterner who doesn't exist in his living environment?
Or are you good at racism yourself, so you see similar traits in me, and you draw conclusions from experience? "

As soon as the rooster sang, the world is white, and after Fang Luoquan refuted with reason and evidence, the comment area stopped instantly.

If you come out and go crazy again at this time, it is tantamount to admitting that you are racist.

There will be no problem for Chinese people to say this, but if Westerners dare to admit that they are racist, it is not as simple as social death, and they may really die.

In fact, China is not without racial discrimination, but how could these foreigners know so clearly, just by using poor information, they can easily fool these living bodies with immature brains.

It is worth mentioning that, even though she had just ended her matchmaking on the external network, domestic netizens posted the content of her matchmaking on Weibo.

Then, she was once again honorably on the hot search because of this incident.

"It's amazing, Luo Bao, you can silence this group of people."

"Worthy of being the number one female God of War on Weibo, she looks like a warring hero back then."

"Baizuo's logic is so stupid. It is no wonder that he is more and more annoying when he is generous to others and imposes his own preferences on others."

"The lead actor of The Little Mermaid is still ugly even if I say it ten thousand times. Anyone who can go to the cinema to watch this movie has a bit of a masochistic physique."

"Haha, don't say that, many of them are just for making videos."

"This can be considered a work-related injury."

"It is suggested that Luo Quan make a movie with the theme of fairy tales, so that these people can see what a princess is."

"How about Snow White?"

"Forget? Snow White is also played by a black person, and she is not much better looking than this mermaid."

"Disney is really hopeless."


Although I don't know why Disney suddenly went crazy, he boldly used a black man to play the heroine of the fairy tale.

However, Luo Quan very much hoped that Disney would step up its efforts, so that if one shoots one film and pays for another one, there will be a lack of a strong competitor in the market.

After all, her dream is to build an oriental Disney based on Bilibili.

Although the road ahead is bumpy, if she can see that the biggest obstacle is killing herself, then she is still very happy to accept their legacy.

Among other things, Disney has a lot of copyrights, including many classic IPs.

But in recent years, it seems that these ips have not been used very well, and they have been used for political correctness.

Speaking of ip, Luo Quan suddenly discovered that the domestic Internet literature is a huge treasure trove waiting to be tapped.

Movies, TV dramas, animation, games, there are too many themes that can be used for web writing.

These works that naturally have a large number of fans, as long as they are adapted properly, can easily attract the audience.

After all, web literature is not like serious literature, which requires careful savoring to be happy.

Internet literature is fast food literature, and the time to get pleasure comes quickly when you see it quickly.

And there is almost no threshold, and the audience is very wide.

The result of this is that there are many people who watch it, and fans are also very sought after.

It is worth mentioning that, at present, it seems that there are not many adaptations of web texts into animations in China.

On the one hand, it is limited by technology, and on the other hand, the capital is not sure whether those long-form web articles will be welcomed by the market.

TV series adapted from web texts are an example. There have been a lot of filming in the past few years, but the proportion of hit the street has reached 90.00%.

Currently the hottest 3D animation is Qin Shimingyue.

The original work is not an online novel, and now the more it is filmed, the more it is scolded.

But Luo Quan feels that this is a promising industry.

Considering that the cooperation relationship with Penguin is so deep, maybe we can make a few originals and make them into 3D animations?

(End of this chapter)

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