Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1144 Returning to Fengchi Kua

Chapter 1144 Returning to Fengchi Kua

Thanks to Toro Quan, the word-of-mouth of "The Little Mermaid" fell off a cliff in the United States.

Originally, the scores of the major platforms were only hovering around the passing line, but they dived to 4.0 the next day.

Everyone knows what's going on with a politically correct movie like this.

If you shoot yours, I won't watch it or comment on it, anyway, it's not us who are disgusting.

But those of you who like to praise stinky feet and attack my goddess with political correctness are your fault.

How good is Luo Quan, as the world's most beautiful and world-class superstar, she still often shoots swimsuits, cosplays, and insists on giving benefits to netizens who like her.

Where can I find such a good star?

You bastards scold people every day. If Luo Quan doesn't give benefits in the future, where are they going to appreciate such a beautiful face and such a graceful figure?
Such behavior is simply a violation of world peace, extremely anti-humanity, and must be sent to The Hague Court for trial!

So, in order to vent their anger on Luo Quan, fans far away in the United States, without anyone's organization, exerted great subjective initiative and began to write negative reviews for "The Little Mermaid".

At the same time, it is also destroying the film's false word-of-mouth on major online platforms.

And as these things went on, the box office of "The Little Mermaid" finally suffered a collapse.

Originally, its estimated box office in North America was around [-] million. It is impossible to make a lot of money, but if it reaches this figure, it can pay less.

Given that Disney has a big family and a big business, paying tens of millions is just a sprinkling of water.

But now the downward trend of the box office is far more than expected. If nothing else, the final box office of this movie will not exceed [-] million US dollars.

In this case, Disney will lose at least [-] million yuan.

If this kind of loss is placed in Huaxia, it will be enough to bring most film companies into a slump.

This is Disney, and it can hold up.

As for one of the culprits who provoked this dispute, that is, Hai Li, the heroine of the Little Mermaid, has already started to be sprayed to log out of Twitter and ins accounts.

Although Luo Quan's fans usually don't talk much, they are not dead.

After all, their idol is a Valkyrie with explosive combat power, and she likes to solve any troubles by herself, so she doesn't need to appear on the stage at all.

But when the critical moment came, no one dared to say that Luo Quan's fans had no fighting power.

As for Haili, she was lucky enough to be another negative teaching material, that is, don't try to be against Luo Quan.

Soon, TCC, the website responsible for selecting the most beautiful in the world, also issued a statement:

"This website has started the real-name voting system a long time ago, and each person has only one chance to vote each year, and each vote is the choice of the netizen.

Therefore, there is no situation where websites kidnap everyone's aesthetics. Luoquan's world is the most beautiful, and it deserves its name! "

Under such circumstances, not many Western media dare to support Luo Quan.

Political correctness is the sword of Damocles on everyone's head. You never know when it will fall and stab you to death.

So even if they knew that Luo Quan had done nothing wrong, no one dared to speak up for her.

TCC is an exception, because it was founded with superficial intentions, telling the world that this website is based on faces, and that the public chooses them, and they are only responsible for listing good-looking people.

And there are many black people on the list, so I am really not afraid of being attacked.

In short, this storm of political correctness has temporarily ended with Luo Quan's victory.

As for whether it will be brought up again in the future, it is unknown, but Luo Quan generally does not cause trouble, and is never afraid of trouble.

Time flies, and the rematch of the fan club at Station B has begun.

This time, 50 entered 30. It seemed that there were not as many people who would be eliminated as in the preliminary round, but the intensity of the competition was definitely rising in a straight line.

Because the rest are all carefully selected masters, each of whom has reached the level of a professional singer.

Fifty singers will still complete all competitions within three days.

However, this time there was plenty of time to prepare, and every contestant was quite confident before going on stage.

And because Luo Quan revealed before the competition that anyone who can enter the final will have the opportunity to perform on the same stage with her, and No.1 can even get a single tailored by her.

This also makes all players extremely eager to advance.

Not to mention the single that Luo Quan wrote personally, just performing on the same stage with her is already an experience worth boasting about.

Even if you fail to win the championship this time, go back and continue live broadcasting.

When bragging with water friends, saying that he and Luo Quan sang on the same stage, what a reputation!
If he really wins the championship, it will not be a matter of face or face, but a direct take-off, and he will definitely have a place in the Chinese music scene in the future.

Of course, although the contestants were eyeing this championship, they knew in their hearts that there was an insurmountable gap between them and Shen Zhou, Lan Aide, and He Xuanyu in terms of singing skills and the number of fans.

There is a high probability that the champion will be selected from these three people.

But people always have dreams, what if they come true?

After the rematch, they still have two chances to perform, maybe they will come back against the wind?

As long as the game is not over, anything is possible.

So after the start of the semi-finals, the players are in a very hot state.

Just on the first day of the rematch, the popularity of the fan club at station B hit a record high.

Bilibili, Douyin, Kuaishou, Huya, and Douyu, the total real-time popularity of the five major platforms has exceeded a staggering one billion!
This is a data that has never appeared on any live broadcast platform, and represents the pinnacle of the current live broadcast industry.

Although popularity does not represent the actual number of people, the number of people watching the Bilibili fan club at this moment definitely exceeds any TV program this year.

The horror of the live broadcast traffic is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

And during these three days, Weibo hot searches were once again bombed.

The fan club's traffic is so terrifying that countless singers and stars have also begun to gain popularity.

Some tweeted that they were optimistic about a certain player and called on their fans to vote for him.

Some use the attitude of a professional singer to evaluate the stage performance of the contestants.

Although they didn't say anything, the netizens could tell that these people who were so hyped really wanted to be invited by the program group to be a flight guest.

Of course, there may still be some of them who are really chasing this show, and they post on Weibo simply because they like it.

But in this situation where the whole network is rubbing the heat, whether it is true or not, netizens don't care anymore.

They were just happy, happy that the fan club at station b could gain such a great influence, allowing so many celebrities to post on weibo and participate in the discussion of the competition.

This gave them an inexplicable sense of pride, and this was what Luo Quan wanted to see.

When a variety show can make the audience feel proud and satisfied after watching it, it means that the variety show has been extremely successful.

It is worth mentioning that, because the ethnic singing style of opening and closing is quite popular in the ratings of the program, one-third of the contestants in the program chose ethnic music.

However, folk music and the main theme are basically synonymous. When the contestants asked, the bullet screen was full of Guotai Min'an. Those who didn't know it thought they had come to the scene of the gala.

Such a positive energy program, coupled with such a great influence, was quickly praised by GQT:
"A good program should be both elegant and popular, and have fun with the people.

The Fan Club at Station B has set a good example. It has been open to the public since the audition, focusing on discovering talented folk singers.

On this stage, you can have no background, no marketing, and no fans.

But as long as you sing well enough, you can become a big star that everyone is looking forward to! "

After reading this praise, netizens always feel that there is something to it.

It seems to be connoting a certain person, or every group, but without naming names.

So the netizens kindly stated below the names in their minds that should be criticized.

This makes the scene even more exciting.

No show can be smooth sailing without controversy.

Of course, the fan club at station B has also been questioned. Some people say that there are too few judges, and they are too gentle and not sharp enough.

Some people think that the mechanism for allowing netizens to vote is too low. Do netizens understand what singing skills are, do netizens understand what music theory is, and will they comment?

Those who make similar comments are mainly music critics.

Luo Quan sent them away with only one sentence:

"From music theory to singing skills to program production, your level is not as good as mine. According to your logic, you should shut up at this time.

Therefore, it is recommended that experts publish less suggestions. "

It is actually a good thing for music critics to criticize.

Luo Quan also agrees that music needs to have a critical voice, but if criticism is for the sake of criticism, then it is completely unnecessary.

She would never get used to people like this kind of people who are trying to gain fame and think that they can talk freely with the title of a music critic.

This Weibo expressed her attitude. As for the counterattacks of those music critics afterwards, she was too lazy to bother.

These people are just for the sake of gaining popularity. The more you talk to them, the more excited they will be. Leaving them alone is the best way to deal with them.

The three-day rematch ended in an atmosphere of carnival across the Internet, and [-] contestants eliminated [-] again.

At the end of the show, many contestants shed tears on the scene, expressing affectionately what kind of touch this competition brought to him.

For many players, this is definitely a rare experience in life.

Because it is true feelings, so the scene is really touching.

The barrage was full of tears, and I don't know how many viewers wiped some tears behind the screen.

Even Luo Quan had tears in his eyes.

"You didn't cry?" Afterwards, Wen Xia with red and swollen eyes looked at Luo Quan in surprise.

"Maybe I'm stronger, so I can bear it." Luo Quan also wiped his eyes with a tissue, "The next scene like this will appear twice, and each time may be more touching.

So it's better to accumulate emotions and save the tears until next time. "

"It's still possible to do this, awesome." Wen Xia gave Luo Quan a thumbs up.

The rematch has ended successfully, and there will be another week of rest.

This time period is often the time when netizens are most active.

Because there is no game to watch, I can only match up on the 9-to-[-] forum.

The content of the laning, of course, is mostly the singing skills of the players.

It is said that the masters are among the folks, and this time the fan club has selected so many powerful singers at once.

In fact, there are quite a few music critics among the people. They are proficient in various music theory vocabulary, and their ears should be more sensitive than sonar detectors.

By picking other people's thorns, and then touting your favorite players.

This is an eternal theme on the forum, and related content occupies [-]% of the discussions in fan clubs.

Although this kind of more tense discussion can easily lead to scolding, but this is how sports are.

If the environment is not fierce, then there is no point in winning the championship.

So Luo Quan is still very happy to see this kind of atmosphere, as long as it doesn't develop into cursing other people's family members, or making appointments offline, everything will be fine.

After dealing with the sponsorship and broadcasting contract of the game, Luo Quan returned to Huanyu again.

The last time I came back was to cook the "Last Supper" for the believers, and this time I came back to return to Fengchi Kua, who is said to be able to increase life expectancy without side effects.

The return to Fengchi banquet hosted by His Majesty the Empress Dowager will start in two days.

Luo Quan was notified by Ye Zhining in advance, saying that he wanted her to do the Buddha Jumping Over the Wall again, and bring it to Fengchi Banquet for the guests to taste.

Thinking that he would also ask the queen to pack a banquet at that time, Luo Quan of course did not refuse.

In fact, when Luo Quan left, he told Ye Zhining the ingredients and method.

She also immediately asked the royal chef to try to do it.

However, although these imperial chefs have the reputation of the God of Cookery, the Buddha Jumping Wall they made has no taste of Luoquan at all.

So the first thing Ye Zhining said when he saw her was: "Aifei, you probably added something else to this dish, didn't you tell me?"

"What else can I add? I've given you all the recipes." Luo Quan looked very innocent, "Do I look like the kind of person who would keep a hand? I wish Buddha Jumping Over the Wall would flourish in the world, okay?"

"Then why none of these kitchen gods can do it well?" Ye Zhining looked puzzled.

"It's not enough for me to put my heart into it. Cooking needs to be done with heart. After all, no matter how high the technology is, it's the same thing." Luo Quan gave a very abstract and idealistic statement.

In fact, the real reason is very simple, because these chefs don't use the magic jars provided by the system.

This magical kitchen utensil can greatly stimulate the taste of the ingredients. Of course, others can't reproduce it if they don't have this kitchen utensil.

But this kind of thing must not be said, lest one's baby be remembered by others.

Fortunately, the magic jar was not very attractive, and there were no energy fluctuations, so even if it was placed in the kitchen, it would not attract anyone's attention.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the dish of Buddha jumping over the wall will become her unique skill.

But that's good too, maybe in the future when I improve my culinary skills to a certain level, I can still enter the Tao like a Buddha jumping over the wall.

It is said that the more times she enters the Tao, the stronger her spiritual power will become. This is definitely a good thing for her who longs for power.

(End of this chapter)

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