Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1145 Returning to Fengchi Kua

Chapter 1145 Returning to Fengchi Kua ([-])
ps. The extra episode will be released on the evening of June [-]st. At the request of group friends, the theme of the extra episode is the story that Luo Bao and the empress have to tell. Interested readers can expand the introduction of this book and pick it up by themselves.


The sage said, the gentleman stays away from the kitchen.

The sage said again that he never tires of food and fine food.

So the meaning of the sage is that you must eat well, but you can't cook yourself, so you are teaching people to get something for nothing.

Luo Quan didn't know if this was the right understanding, but she felt that there was nothing shameful about cooking by herself.

Although the cooks who helped her in the kitchen were all surprised, they probably didn't expect to be able to cooperate with the Holy Mother one day.

"You cut things up, put them in the pot in order, and then control the heat and cook slowly."

Luo Quan was wearing a tall chef's hat, strategizing in the middle of the kitchen, and who didn't know it thought he was filming some food show.

However, there is no Jiuzhuan large intestine here that she needs to taste, and there are only precious ingredients from all corners of the country.

Because it is the highest standard banquet in the universe, Luoquan has upgraded more than one grade in the selection of ingredients.

For example, ordinary beef was used to make soup before, but this time it is 5A snowflake beef imported from Japan.

Although they are all beef, the price may differ by more than a thousand times.

There is definitely no beef in Huanyu, but the price of the top ingredients here is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

But for the grand royal dinner, the best ingredients are naturally used, so all the top-quality ingredients prepared by Luo Quanrang were moved into the kitchen.

The cooking process was quite long, and Luo Quan sat in the kitchen and didn't know what to do, so he could only turn on the live broadcast.

"Yo, where is the Holy Mother?"

"What a gorgeous kitchen, isn't it in the palace?"

"It looks a bit like it."

"Luo Quan, do you mean that you are a chef?"


Facing questions from fans, Luo Quan said with a smile: "I'm just cooking soup in the kitchen now, because it takes several hours to cook, and I'm idle, so I turn on the live broadcast to chat with everyone."

The audience immediately went on to say:

"There is no direct answer, it seems that he is really in the palace."

"Tomorrow is going back to the Fengchi banquet. With Luo Bao's posture, is he going to cook a pot of soup for us?"

"By the way, how is Luo Bao's culinary skills? I don't think you can learn how to cook just by seeing the culinary skills, right?"

"A few days ago, I was lucky enough to taste the soup made by Luo Bao. I can only say that I have never eaten such delicious food in my life."

"I understand the truth, why do you guys start using words like Luo Bao?"

"Isn't that what the fans on Earth are all shouting? Hurry up and be more kind."

"Not only kind, but also cute."


It is true that these fans have learned to be with you, Luo Quan looked at the barrage, shook his head and laughed.

When she broadcasts live on Earth, she can be seen on Huanyu most of the time.

Although you may not be able to understand the barrage at first, but the technology is so advanced that you only need enough words, and after analyzing the logic, you can translate it.

So the cross-server chat didn't last long, and Huanyu's audience could already understand the barrage.

And the learning ability is quite fast, and all kinds of hot spots began to be popular in the live broadcast room.

Fortunately, they don't know the stalk of the giant mouth of the abyss for the time being, otherwise their black history may be spread to the world.

This is definitely a devastating blow to her majestic image of the Virgin.

After laughing for a while, Luo Quan remembered the business, looked at the camera and said: "I have some good news to tell everyone, that is, the review of the new program has come down, and I guess I will meet you soon, I will take this opportunity to make a phone call advertise.

If you have the kind of beautiful and generous sisters who are good at singing and dancing, you can ask them to sign up for the program of Huanyu Girls.

This is a big stage for them to show themselves. If they perform well, they will have the opportunity to debut in a group and become stars directly. "

Luo Quan is a professional in painting big cakes.

Becoming a star should be the dream of most Huanyu people.

Because the threshold for this profession is relatively low, it doesn't particularly value cultivation talent.

In the universe where everything can enter the Tao, if you become a star and have a sufficient number of fans, you can also have extraordinary fighting power.

Just like Xu Yanqing who used to be a first-line star, don't look at her talking about Luo Quan's boss and keeping her posture very low, but she is actually a master at the peak of the other world, two levels higher than Bai Xingwei.

It's just that she hides it better, and it's almost impossible for people to see that her strength is actually so strong.

As for Luo Quan, her current traffic is actually at least enough to become a second-tier star.

It's a pity that she didn't make her official debut, and she doesn't have any particularly memorable works, especially in film and television.

The only thing worthy of praise is "Ode to Joy", but because of the nature of the song, it is basically classified as the belief of the dawn believers.

This is also one of the main reasons why she was able to create so many miracles later on.

If she can become a relatively pure star, and then produce a few blockbuster film and television works, her strength can also be improved by rocket.

It's a pity that everyone in Huanyu has picky tastes. If a female celebrity like Luo Quan with such a good looks and figure doesn't take some shots of Dafa welfare, how can she talk about it?
The bonus here is not to take some swimsuit photos, but to actually need to "sacrifice for art".

If you don't do that, where's the heat?

If there is no heat, how can you become a fan?

If you can't get fans, you can't improve your strength naturally.

It is also for this reason that even though Luo Quan knew that his starting point was already very high, he was still unwilling to debut as an actor.

She doesn't have Xu Yanqing's explosive figure, even if she does, she doesn't have to dedicate herself to art, she still needs to sell some meat.

After thinking about it, she thinks it's better to practice step by step honestly.

The strength gained by fans will gradually decline after you have no influence, and it will be a bubble after all.

Of course, this is for a talented person like Luo Quan, because she has many choices.

For most Huanyu people without cultivation talent, becoming a star is the only way for them to cross class.

Moreover, the threshold proposed by Luo Quan seems to be lower than imagined. You only need to be good at singing and dancing, rather than having the potential to enter the Tao.

The former can be said to be good at through practice, while the latter also requires talent. If you don't have it in birth, you probably won't have it in your life.

Such a low threshold made many girls with good looks in the live broadcast room shake their hearts, and asked if they had any other requirements.

"The requirements are not particularly high. If you are about 18 to 25 years old, it is best not to exceed this range too much.

In addition, the ability to resist pressure must be strong. After the show starts, you will definitely encounter comments from countless netizens. If you are scolded, you will break your defense. I can only say that you are not suitable for this job.

Finally, and most importantly, you must be diligent and studious, and at the same time be humble and dedicated.

As an idol, talent means the upper limit, and character means the lower limit, and if I were to choose, I would rather choose someone with a lower limit. "

After hearing about the idol's car, some viewers' reactions seemed a bit professional:

"Luo Bao, as a saint, you dare to make a private idol?"

"There is one of the Ten Commandments in the Liming Canon: Heavenly Father is the only one, and you must not worship idols other than Him. Don't do that."

"Luo Bao, you can't be the wrong person to create a god, right?"


Looking at these worried bullet screens, Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "You all misunderstood, the idol I mentioned and the idol you mentioned are not the same concept.

This is actually another name for a star, but these stars usually don't act immediately after their debut, and focus on variety shows and tours around the world. The main business ability is singing, dancing, rap, and some other talents. "

After such an explanation, some of the doubts of netizens were solved.

"This will be a group that has never appeared before, and it is likely to subvert everyone's understanding of star chasing, and even give birth to a brand new industry."

Luo Quan looked at the camera with a very excited tone: "Anyway, everyone is looking forward to it and it's over, and girls who meet the entry requirements don't be afraid, this is a good opportunity to go viral all over the Internet.

If you miss it, you may regret it for life. "

Speaking of this, Luo Quan blinked twice, his eyes full of temptation.

Most of the fans are still watching the show.

After all, most of them are boys, even if they are interested, they are not eligible to participate.

If there is a Huanyu boy in the future, maybe he can join in the fun, but it's a pity that Luo Quan will be the Huanyu girl first.

As a result, some Jishuai became unhappy, thinking that Luo Quan was discriminating against men, and began to tremble with anger, sending out bullet screens such as "who knows about family members", which made Luo Quan black.

Luo Quan no longer expects to have much publicity effect in this kind of barrage environment where all kinds of work and tricks take off.

Fortunately, her live broadcasts are usually trending, so this ad will definitely be seen by many people in Lingbaofeng.

After waiting for the hot search, she will spend some money to keep the advertisement hanging longer, and there will probably be many people who sign up by then.

After coming to Huanyu, her cultivation base improved at a moderate speed, but the speed at which she made money was among the best in the history of immigration.

The rewards for the live broadcast alone are an astronomical figure, and there are also donations from believers, so much money that she doesn't know how to spend it.

This is why she dared to tell Ye Zhining that she could run the show without relying on you.

Of course, it turns out that without the help of the Empress, many procedural links are indeed very troublesome.

For the sake of the overall situation, Luo Quan thinks it's better not to be stubborn.

After chatting about his own shows, Luo Quan watched Huanyu's local variety shows with netizens.

The hottest thing now is still where is my mother going, the forbidden love from the young and the young.

When Luo Quan watched it, it was inevitable that there would be plots like those in some comics. I really don't know what kind of mood these guests had in filming the show.

But one thing to say, the filming of the show is really interesting.

It not only satisfies the audience's curiosity and thrill-seeking psychology, but also captures the touching and aesthetic that romance drama should have. Luo Quan thinks it can be rated as eight stars.

In one night, Luo Quan watched eight episodes in a row, and only caught up to the latest one.

Now, she has a brand-new understanding of the love of the past.

The man is looking for a sense of security and making up for the lack of childhood, so he likes mature and intellectual aunts who understand boys better.

And the aunt's feelings for boys are out of reminiscence of her youthful demeanor, and it is a kind of resistance to the years.

Speaking of it, it is all because of the lack, which makes me more eager, eager to make up for the lack of soul.

It's just that in the eyes of the world, this kind of complementarity seems a bit absurd.

Luo Quan made the above analysis and emotion after watching the variety show.

"As expected of the Holy Mother, you can conclude such a hidden thing after watching a sideshow variety show."

"Haha, the gods and tm make up for each other's lack of soul. Where do these words come from?"

"The vacancy in my heart is Luo Bao, can you make up for me?"

"Bold! Dare to be disrespectful to the Virgin!"

"Open the door, the Crusader of Dawn will check your water meter!"


No matter where they go, Leziren is the main force among fans.

After getting acquainted with Luo Quan, all kinds of jokes followed.

However, Luo Quan said that this level of jokes can still be resisted. When interacting with fans, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is also very happy.

A few hours have passed like this, and the Buddha Jumping Wall is ready to be cooked.

Even before the lid was opened, the strong smell filled the entire kitchen.

The chefs looked at the jars containing Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, wondering what had happened all this time.

It is obviously a random stew without any technical content, why is the final product so fragrant?

Obviously, they cut the ingredients, controlled the heat, and stayed in the kitchen all the time.

Apart from looking at the firepower from time to time, Luo Quan has no other operations, and there is no such thing as adding fuel halfway.

But why couldn't they achieve such an effect when they did it before?
Looking at the dark jar, the Buddha jumping over the wall already surging in the jar, several imperial chefs fell into doubt.

"What the hell, is it possible that Madonna Luo's culinary skills are better than mine?"

Several royal chefs looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally came to such a seemingly impossible conclusion.

"The Queen Mother is here!"

At this time, the voice of the imperial court lady came from outside the kitchen.

Several royal cooks straightened their clothes and hats immediately, and came to the door to welcome them.

"The Empress Dowager is coming. I won't be broadcasting live from now on. See you later!" After Luo Quan finished speaking, he immediately closed the live broadcast room, and followed the royal chefs to the door.

Ye Yitian walked into the kitchen with a few maids, sniffed lightly, and looked at Luo Quan with a smile: "It seems that this Buddha Jumping Wall has been cooked."

Luo Quan replied: "This is just the first pot, and we have to cook it again."

"Why bother?" Ye Yitian clapped his hands, and the maid immediately came over with a big pot.

"This is?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"This gathering food tripod is a very rare treasure that I have collected from all over the world."

Ye Yitian touched the strangely shaped bronze tripod, and said proudly: "Just pour in a spoonful of soup and fill it up with water, within 10 minutes, you can get a tripod of Buddha jumping over the wall!"

(End of this chapter)

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