Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1146 Returning to Fengchi Kua

Chapter 1146 Returning to Fengchi Kua ([-])
"Isn't this a cornucopia?!" Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise when he heard Ye Yitian's description.

If you put a diamond and pour a little water, wouldn't you be able to harvest a whole big tank of diamonds?
"Does this only work on food, or does it work on everything?" Luo Quan looked at the bronze tripod eagerly, and these words were written all over his face for two days.

"Of course it only works on food." Ye Yitian smiled softly, "If you can copy all objects, then I don't know how many people will stare at my baby, such as you Xiaoluo."

"I'm just asking." Luo Quan chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed after his little thoughts were exposed.

As for Ye Yitian suddenly changing his name to Xiao Luo, Luo Quan didn't think there was any problem.

She has such a good relationship with Ye Zhining, if it wasn't for the fact that the emperor's house is different from the common people, she could directly call Ye Yitian Aunt Ye.

While talking and laughing, a pot of fragrant Buddha Tiaoqiang appeared in the Jushi Ding.

Luo Quan scooped it up with a spoon and tasted it, and it was no different from his own.

Ye Yitian asked with a smile: "How, is it the same taste?"

"Amazing, it's the first time I've seen such a miraculous baby." Luo Quan nodded approvingly.

If this is done in a one-stop manner, the cost of banquets will drop by 90.00% in the future, and you can easily contract a thousand tables.

No wonder the lotus root in Xichi Lake is cherished so much, and the people in the entire imperial capital can taste it.

With Jushi Ding, there is indeed no difficulty.

Now that Buddha Tiaoqiang has been released, Luo Quan's task for today is basically completed.

Taking off his chef's clothes and his high hat, Luo Quan followed Ye Yitian for a walk in the palace.

"I heard from Zhining, Xiao Luo, have you ever been in love?" Ye Yitian asked softly, and at the same time stretched out his hand, a golden kitten meowed and jumped into her arms.

"Indeed, it's mainly because it's busy with its business." Luo Quan nodded and said.

Ye Yitian smiled: "That's all an excuse, no matter how busy your career is, there is always a time to rest, and the person who wants to talk, can always find time."

Luo Quan was silent, and suddenly felt that Ye Yitian seemed to be possessed by his own mother, and the next step was to introduce someone to her, right?

"This time, there are many young talents from other civilizations.

Originally, I came to celebrate my birthday, but if you show up, maybe everyone's attention will be focused on you. "Ye Yitian stroked the soft fur on the cat's back, speaking in a calm manner.

Luo Quan didn't quite understand Ye Yitian's meaning, he just scratched his head: "If this happens, then I still won't attend this banquet, this is what I'm the worst at dealing with."

Ye Yitian nodded lightly: "I've already seen it when the Holy Mother's Summer Palace gathered before.

You seem to prefer to get along with those ordinary people, including during the live broadcast, and you have no airs of the Virgin at all, and you are more close to the people than anyone in your class. "

"No way." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "In my education, all people are born equal.

Although even in my hometown where this concept is taught, everyone is not truly equal, but I don't care about others, at least I know what is right and I am willing to work hard to practice it. "

"Young people are always like this, always so idealistic." Ye Yitian was noncommittal to Luo Quan's answer.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "At least I have the right to choose to refuse and face the reality."

"Maybe not this time." Ye Yitian looked at Luo Quan, shook his head and said: "As far as I know, although you started with martial arts, being a star is the reason why you improve your cultivation the fastest, right?"

" did you know?" Luo Quan's hair stood on end, his first reaction was that the system was known.

But this idea was quickly rejected by her, because it is impossible for anyone to know, Ye Yitian should refer to absorbing fans' wishes as a star.

So Luo Quan suppressed the horror in his heart, pretended to be calm and said: "The Empress Dowager is really astute, and I really can't reach the current state by just step by step. The status of a star has indeed brought me great help. "

"It's more common to call the empress dowager, and I'll just call you Auntie Ye in the future."

As Ye Yitian said, he found an original bench and sat down: "The Huanyu girl you want to make this time is also for the purpose of absorbing wish power on a larger scale.

Ning'er told me that your procedures have been completed, and the program has reached the audition stage, have you ever thought about how big it can be? "

"My wish must be popular all over the world." Luo Quan said confidently, and then smiled: "But the wish is the wish, and I have no idea how far it can be achieved.

Although such programs are quite popular in my hometown, when it comes to Huanyu, the possibility of acclimatization is not low. "

"So if the ratings of the program are not very high, then the program you put so much effort into organizing this time may not achieve the expected revenue." Ye Yitian looked into Luo Quan's eyes and asked.

"It is indeed like this." Luo Quan nodded to confirm this point.

"Among the people who attended the banquet this time, many of them are giants of cosmic TV broadcasting. You should understand what this means, right?" Ye Yitian didn't make it clear, or she had already made it clear just now.

Luo Quan has a good reputation, these people are all here for the order of the Holy Mother, of course they want to see the Holy Mother at the banquet, and then chat a little more and develop friendship.

This is an easy thing to think about.

"So they will invite you to drink with me? If you don't drink, will you feel that I don't give face?" Luo Quan asked in a joking tone.

Ye Yitian showed a puzzled expression: "It's normal to drink alcohol at a banquet, don't you even drink at all?"

"It's true that I don't drink a drop of wine." Luo Quan nodded, "As long as I appear at the banquet, countless people are destined to toast.

It is also because I offended many people by toasting and refusing to eat, so I didn't go to such banquets very much later. "

"So that's how it is." Ye Yitian hooked his fingers at the maid beside him when he heard this, "Cancel all the wine for this return banquet, and replace it with other drinks."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." The maid saluted, turned her head and disappeared after a few teleports.

"Aunt Ye, who is this?" Luo Quan stared at Ye Yitian dumbfounded.

"You can't drink?" Ye Yitian laughed, with a mature and beautiful face, "This party is actually quite important to you, it would be a pity if you can't attend because of such trivial things .”

"Then there's no need to cancel all the alcohol at the banquet, right?" Luo Quan was inexplicably moved at this moment.

In order to take care of herself, Auntie Ye was able to spend so much money, she didn't know how to repay her.

"It's just a trivial matter." Ye Yitian waved his hand, "You call me Aunt Ye, as an elder, I must think of you.

And it's not that I don't have a little selfishness. After all, you and Ning'er have such a good relationship, and you are the Holy Mother of the Church of Dawn. Maybe something will trouble you in the future. "

Luo Quan nodded and said, "If it's something I can do, then I won't refuse."

Ye Yitian showed a loving smile: "Hurry up and change your clothes, the banquet is about to begin, this time you are the focus of much anticipation."

Hearing this, Luo Quan cheered up.

If the program "Girls of the Universe" can be pushed to a farther and larger stage, then it's not that she can't deal with those dignitaries.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Aunt Ye canceled all the drinks for herself.

Whether it is idealism or realism, people always have to eat.

Meeting these people, chatting a few polite words and dreaming of a chance to cooperate, why should you refuse?
Let's not talk about whether these people have any crooked intentions, even if they do, at least they have to hear it with their own ears before rejecting it, right?
She believes that not everyone in the world is so against the sky, and she should not presuppose the image of all potential partners as scumbags.

Back at Bai Xingwei's house, she found that she had just finished changing and was looking in the mirror.

"Hey, why are you back?" Bai Xingwei seemed very surprised by Luo Quan's arrival, "Isn't your magnificent and gorgeous summer palace already built, why are you willing to come to my small family?"

"Do you dare to be more sour?" Luo Quan looked at her and rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I don't have any acquaintances in the Summer Palace of Our Lady, and I always feel deserted living there, so it's better than you The house is comfortable to live in."

Bai Xingwei laughed: "The palace built by Liming Church with so much money is no longer a decoration? What if the believers come and can't find anyone to worship?"

"It's okay, a statue as big as mine is standing in the square, just pray to that?" Luo Quan said, taking off his T-shirt directly, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

"You really don't treat me as an outsider, just take it off if you say so?" Bai Xingwei yelled exaggeratedly.

"What are you afraid of alone? It's not like you haven't seen it before." Luo Quan smiled nonchalantly.

Bai Xingwei also smiled: "Are you not afraid that my room is broadcasting live?"

"Don't scare me!" Luo Quan's hand on the button froze immediately, thankfully he didn't move so fast.

If this is broadcast live, what's the deal?

"I'm lying to you, I'm not an anchor, how could there be a camera in the room?" Bai Xingwei was so teased by Luo Quan's nervous appearance that she rolled over and over on the bed.

"Tch, idiot." Luo Quan spat, and simply took the clothes into the bathroom.

No matter how perverted Bai Xingwei is, she can't have a camera in the bathroom, right?

Five minutes later, when Luo Quan came out again, she was already wearing the evening dress named Xingyue Ye that she wore when she attended the Huabiao Awards.

Because he thought it looked good, Luo Quan decided to wear it again. Anyway, not many people from Huanyu have seen it.

"It's so beautiful." Bai Xingwei said with a smile while lying on the bed, "I don't know how many young talents will be fascinated by this."

"You can't blame me for fascinating others?" Luo Quan said innocently, "I've already restrained myself, you can't let me wear a mask to dinner, that would be too weird."

"Haha, it sounds really outrageous, but it's really a good way." Bai Xingwei smiled irresistibly, "Effectively reducing the exposed area of ​​your face is a good thing for both men and women.

Men will not be fascinated by you, and women will not be jealous because of you. "

"That's because their realm is not enough." Luo Quan said with a nonchalant expression, "All appearances are false, if you can't even understand this point, you are an idiot without wisdom roots, and you can't see the Tathagata!"

"I can't see it, you still have a lot of research on Shimen?" Bai Xingwei widened her eyes in surprise. Seeing that the alchemy in your body is exuberant, I thought you were just a couple of martial arts practitioners. Unexpectedly, there are also some good people in Shimen. Insight, is it really so omnipotent? "

"What do you think this is?" Luo Quan rubbed his arm deeply like showing off.

"Very white, dazzlingly white, what's wrong?" Bai Xingwei didn't notice anything strange for a while.

There is one thing to say, Luo Quan's skin is really good, as smooth and white as a porcelain doll, but it is soft and cool on the hands, which makes people really love it.

"No matter how white I am, I'm not so white that it reflects light. This is Wugou's glazed body!" Luo Quan specially revealed his full form.

Hearing what she said, Bai Xingwei suddenly realized.

"No wonder it's so bright, so it's because of this." After reacting, Bai Xingwei couldn't help feeling jealous.

Wugou glass body, one of the top ten physiques in Buddhism, after practice, it will not be touched by all dharmas, and can get rid of all filth and misery.

"No, why did you take a bath early?" Bai Xingwei suddenly thought of this question.

"It's uncomfortable if you don't like it." Luo Quan said, "You've already grown the grain, don't you still like to eat delicacies from mountains and seas? This is purely a personal habit and cannot be changed."

"That's true." Bai Xingwei said and stood up, "So you plan to wear such a suit to the banquet, and you don't have a pair of crystal shoes on your feet? Then run away at midnight with a knife, and leave a shoe for someone to find? "

"Cinderella, right?" Luo Quan chuckled, "I want to catch men, so I need to take off my pants and fart?

Hook your fingers, how many can't come here? "

Bai Xingwei crossed her arms and said, "Just laugh. You'll cry when a hundred or eighty men surround you and make noise like flies."

"That's impossible, can't you really wear a mask?" Luo Quan said helplessly, "And this time I have to talk to a few guests about the broadcast cooperation of the new program. Wearing a mask would be ridiculous .”

"Seduction, right? Luo Quan, you've changed." Bai Xingwei shook her head regretfully.

"Get lost!" Luo Quan raised his middle finger towards her.

If it wasn't for Bai Xingwei's deep understanding of her own weaknesses, if it wasn't for her being unable to beat her, if it wasn't for her family, Luo Quan would definitely let her experience the majesty of the Holy Mother.

"Put everything on and get ready to go." After teasing a few words, Bai Xingwei took out the teleportation circle and started positioning.

A few seconds later, the positioning was completed, and the two stepped into the magic circle side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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