Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1147 Every Fatty Is a Potential Stock

Chapter 1147 Every Fatty Is a Potential Stock
Go back to Fengchi Banquet, divided into infield and outfield.

The outfield is in the four cities of the imperial capital, east, west, north, south, and the common people can serve a bowl of "Return to Fengchi Kua" at the designated place and drink with everyone.

And the infield is in the royal garden of the palace, and the civilization that has a good relationship with the Holy Tang Dynasty has sent important figures to participate.

Some were invited by the Empress Dowager Fang Yitian, while others wanted to meet the Holy Mother of the Church of Dawn.

Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei appeared very suddenly. No one could have imagined that the prominent Virgin Mary would come out of the circle. They all thought that she was chatting with the Queen Mother and the Pope.

The first batch of people to greet her were reporters from major media who were invited to this banquet.

They originally brought the camera light ball to broadcast the royal dinner for the audience.

After Luo Quan appeared, all the cameras focused on her.

No wonder the reporters were biased, it was because Luo Quan's image tonight was too dazzling.

Her appearance was unmatched, and she was tall and enchanting, not to mention wearing a gorgeous dress full of artistic atmosphere. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she became the most eye-catching woman in the audience.

Not only the cameras of the reporters, but even the surrounding guests couldn't help but pay attention to her, and the more they watched, the more frightened they became.

"How can there be a woman who combines innocence and charm so thoroughly?"

This is probably the doubt that many men shouted loudly in their hearts. It is really that the contrast between Luo Quan's appearance and temperament is too great.

He obviously has a face that charms all living beings, but his expression is so compassionate, as if he is always concerned about the sufferings of the world.

The Holy Mother should indeed have such a temperament, but the Holy Mother should not have such an appearance, it is too easy to arouse the desire to conquer and possess in their hearts!

"Lolo, I don't know why, but the people around me seem to be very hostile to us." Bai Xingwei said with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

"These eyes are not aimed at you, they are aimed at me." Luo Quan lowered his voice and said, "When I appeared at a banquet before, many people would stare at me with such eyes.

In fact, as long as they are more outstanding women, they like to watch them, and you are no exception, but you just happen to be standing next to me, so the focus is on me. "

"Hehe, why don't I think so?" Bai Xingwei laughed, "Maybe many of them are also looking at me."

Luo Quan also said with great interest: "Stand aside for a while, and see if anyone pays attention to you, so you will know?"

Hearing this, Bai Xingwei immediately walked to a camellia next to her.

However, as Luo Quan guessed, the guest's eyes did not change because of Bai Xingwei's departure.

Afterwards, Bai Xingwei could only return to Luo Quan resentfully: "Well, I admit that my beauty is not worth mentioning in front of you."

"It's very rare to have the courage to admit your shortcomings." Luo Quan shook his head and praised, "This is a sign of a strong heart, how many people can't do this, you have already surpassed others too much. "

"Why do I think you are mocking me?" Bai Xingwei pouted, "No, you are mocking me!"

"How could it be!" Luo Quan clenched his fists aggrievedly, "We've been together for so long, do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Bai Xingwei chuckled: "Who doesn't know your name, Su Datong? You have never suffered a disadvantage when you are in line with others on the Internet. When did you not make others so angry that you couldn't change your mouth?"

"That's because I have reasons and evidence, so those people don't know how to retaliate." Luo Quan said in a natural tone.

"I can't say no to you. Anyway, whatever you say is what you say." Bai Xingwei stopped arguing with Luo Quan and chose to obey.

Facts have proved that it is very stupid to argue with Luo Quan, who is full of skills and full of skills, that is swimming with fish.

As smart as Bai Xingwei, of course she would not make such a mistake, so no matter what Luo Quan said next, she chose to obey.

And when Luo Quan encountered a strike-up, she also wisely chose to sit on the sidelines.

"Dear Mother, I am an envoy from the Caius Business League and the son of the permanent chairman of the League. You can call me Trixiu."

It was a tall man with a beard and a strange robe who spoke.

Walking towards him, Luo Quan could smell a kind of expensive perfume coming from him.

It smells good, but this Trixie obviously sprayed a little too much.

Fortunately, apart from the smell of perfume, he didn't have any strange smell on his body, and he was quite handsome. There were many high-quality men in the whole banquet.

So Luo Quan stretched out his hand to him, of course, not because he was more handsome.

In fact, when she heard the words of the business alliance, she subconsciously thought of a chance for cooperation, so she wanted to shake hands out of basic courtesy.

And the other party didn't know it was wrong, thinking it was the Holy Mother asking her to kiss the back of her hand, so she held Luo Quan's right hand excitedly, and then lowered her head.

Seeing the chairman's big boy pouted, Luo Quan's hairs stood on end, and he withdrew his hand like lightning: "What are you doing?"

"Didn't the Holy Mother invite me to kiss the back of my hand?" Trixiu was also puzzled.

Luo Quan showed embarrassment: "I just want to shake hands, don't you have such an understanding?"

"Oh my God!" Trixie also reacted now, and apologized embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's really rude!"

"It doesn't matter. In fact, there is a hand kiss in my hometown, but I have never let anyone greet me with this etiquette." Luo Quan smiled slightly to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Then, the two reached out to hold each other again.

The Caius Business Alliance is a powerful civilization that Aunt Fang has told her emphatically that can cooperate.

This civilization is not so much a civilization as it is a giant enterprise.

This enterprise has the most extensive business in the universe, only you can't think of it, and they can't sell it without them.

Live broadcasts, variety shows, and film and television broadcasts are also a relatively popular business in the Caius Business League.

Although Trixiu's father is not in charge of this area, there are a total of 12 permanent chairmen of the major league, and each of them has great power.

So if we discussed the cooperation with Trixie, wouldn't it be easy to push "Universal Girl" to a more distant starry sky?
As for Trixie, his purpose is even simpler, that is, he wants to get to know this recently famous Holy Mother and develop a friendship.

Although the universe is so big, since the quantum entanglement network is established, even news from hundreds of millions of light-years away can be received instantly.

The appearance of Luoquan is no secret to those powerful civilizations with advanced information.

As beautiful as she is, she can be popular no matter where she is placed.

That is to say, she now has a Huanyu Hukou, and she is also the Virgin of the Dawn Church, so she has an unusual status.

If she had become famous on Earth, countless aliens would have flown to Earth long ago and captured her on a spaceship as Mrs. Yazhai.

When Meili has the ability to protect herself, she will become extremely precious, and people's attitude towards her will be completely different.

This is also the reason why Luo Quan dared to perform on the show in the first place. At that time, it was because Bai Xingwei was covering her, and later, it was because Ye Zhining and Benjamin III were covering her.

If the environment were changed, she would definitely have welded the mask to her face, and it would be impossible for anyone to show them her true face.

But in front of women who are really excited, men often behave extremely restrained and gentlemanly.

Judging from Trixie's conversation, he is probably also a prodigal son who lingers in the flowers. He always praises Luo Quan's beauty in different ways, and tells two funny but not vulgar jokes from time to time. He knows how to please women.

Not only Luo Quan, but Bai Xingwei next to him was also loved by Ai Wu Ji Wu, and he never stopped sweet talking to the two of them.

But even so, Trixie didn't say anything about adding friends or getting acquainted.

It is easy for girls to make choices immediately when such words with obvious other intentions are spoken.

Adding friends is to give him a further opportunity to refuse directly, so there is no need to chat.

So Trixie didn't want to let Luo Quan make a decision so quickly, he was very experienced.

Of course, these may be because Luo Quan thought too much. In fact, Ambassador Trixiu is a very sincere and gentlemanly person. He asked girls for contact information without chatting a few words, and the purpose of chatting was purely for chatting.

And the possibility of this kind of situation is not impossible, but it is infinitely close to zero.

And the men next to them saw Trixiu and Luo Quan chatting passionately, how could they let this kid monopolize the Holy Mother?
They all gathered around and revealed their identities.

Some are relatively well-known countries that Luo Quan has heard about from Aunt Fang, while others have not been heard of much.

But to be able to appear in the banquet venue, the status must not be low.

At this time, Aunt Fang's decision to cancel the drink supply really helped her a lot.

When the man came over with a glass full of fruit juice and offered to drink for the beauty and health of the Virgin, Luo Quan finally didn't have to refuse this time.

In the past, she rejected such scenes many times, and refuted the face of N people.

In fact, she doesn't want to be a person who toasts and refuses to eat, there is really no way.

But this time because there is only juice in the bottle, of course it is free to drink.

In the midst of cheers, Luo Quan raised his wine glass and drank the sweet juice inside.

And at this moment, a chubby girl walked past her eyes.

"Potential stocks detected, suggest the host to sign her!"

Before Luoquan juice was eaten, his eyes were fixed on the fat girl and he couldn't move away.

She happened to be looking at him too, and when their eyes met, the fat girl immediately lowered her head, not daring to look at herself again.

"Thank you everyone, I will have a drink with you later when I have a chance!"

After drinking the juice, Luo Quan temporarily left the center of the small group and walked towards the fat girl.

Seeing Luo Quan approaching, the fat girl thought that the gaze had offended the Virgin just now, and immediately turned around in fear, trying to escape, but Luo Quan held her shoulder.

"Don't go, girl." Luo Quan greeted with a smile, "Why do you seem to be afraid of me, I'm not a monster."

"Right, I didn't mean to keep staring at you." The fat girl lowered her head, apologizing as if she had made a mistake.

"I didn't mean to blame you." Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "And it's not a big deal to stare at me, after all, everyone likes to do it."

Under Luo Quan's gentle comfort, the fat girl raised her head and said timidly, "Holy Mother, are you really not angry?"

"Don't be angry." Luo Quan looked around, pointed to a stool not far away and said, "Then go over there, I want to talk to you."

"Talk to me?" The fat girl was very surprised, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Although she was very puzzled, she was pushed into a corner by Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei.

In this situation, those who didn't know thought that the two of them were going to bully the fat girl.

"What's your name?" Luo Quan casually brought a plate of pastries with a warm tone like a spring breeze.

Seeing the delicious pastries, the fat girl obviously relaxed a lot, and said while eating, "My name is Li Xiaomiao."

"Looking at the accent, you're not a native of the imperial capital, right?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"It's really not." Li Xiaomiao shook his head, "My parents are interstellar wealthy businessmen who have just joined the birthplace of Shengtang Dynasty. I also just learned Huanyu dialect not long ago, so I don't speak it very well."

"Then we're pretty much the same." Luo Quan laughed, "By the way, why were you so nervous just now?"

Hearing this question, Li Xiaomiao lowered her head sadly: "Because I'm so ugly, if I look at you, the Holy Mother, it's an insult to your eyes."

"How come?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, "Has no one ever said that you are chubby and cute?"

"No, everyone called me fat." Li Xiaomiao shook her head, "This time my father brought me here to give me a blind date, but I think how can I find a partner if I'm so fat.

But I am very envious to see you, Madonna, surrounded by so many handsome guys. "

"There's nothing to envy!"

Luo Quan suddenly waved his hand proudly, startling Li Xiaomiao: "Now I have a way to make you lose weight and become more beautiful. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Slim down and become beautiful?" Li Xiaomiao looked at Luo Quan with bright eyes, "Holy Mother, are you really willing to help me?!
In order to make me lose weight, my dad has consulted countless doctors and taken countless medicines, but none of them have any effect. Do you really have a solution? "

"Not only does it, but it also makes you more popular than you are.

If you are willing to join my company, I guarantee that the rest of your life will be very different from now! "

At this moment, Luo Quan was like the mentor of a certain MLM organization, and he began to brainwash Li Xiaomiao with an extremely seductive tone.

But because her appearance and status are so high, Li Xiaomiao has no reason to doubt her at all.

Is there any problem with the Holy Mother helping the suffering Li Xiaomiao?

of course not!Li Xiaomiao felt that the good luck she had been waiting for for 18 years was finally coming, and she couldn't help feeling the urge to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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