Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1148 Catwoman

Chapter 1148 Catwoman
"Don't cry in a hurry." Luo Quan saw Li Xiaomiao whose eyes were beginning to accumulate tears, and quickly pulled a tissue to wipe the corners of her eyes, "Although I want to help you, what is your parents' attitude?" , we have to communicate first."

"Holy Mother, don't worry." Li Xiaomiao wiped her eyes with a tissue, "My father wishes to marry me off quickly, but none of his favorite sons-in-law can take a fancy to me.

If it can make me lose weight, he will be willing to ask for hundreds of millions, let alone debut as a star. "

"You still have to discuss it with your father, at least let him know what you are doing." Luo Quan still wanted to meet Li Xiaomiao's father for safety's sake.

The guests who can participate in this banquet are either rich or noble. It is still a matter of whether they can accept the fact that their daughter becomes a star.

Although there are 360 ​​lines, all walks are in the Tao, and there is no distinction between high and low on the surface.

But in private, there will still be prejudice against some professions.

Of course, celebrities belong to the kind with a little bit of social status, at least they sound better than Internet celebrities, but they are not so good.

Li Xiaomiao ate the last piece of pastry on the plate, licked the grease from her fingers, stood up and said, "Holy Mother, come with me, I will take you to find my father."

"Don't call me Holy Mother, call me Boss in the future." Luo Quan corrected with a slight smile.

When the three of them found Li Xiaomiao's father, he had just finished drinking with his new friends and sat next to him to take a rest.

This middle-aged man is not good looking, but he has a huge belly comparable to a general's belly.

Sometimes when describing a girl's good figure, she would say that she can't see her feet when she looks down.

And the one in front of him couldn't even lower his head.

Because he is so fat, his double chin is so high that it is directly connected to his neck, and it is very difficult to change the direction of his head slightly.

Seeing the appearance of this father, Luo Quan knew why Li Xiaomiao couldn't lose weight.

"Father, the Holy Mother of the Liming Church has something to discuss with you." Li Xiaomiao patted his father's shoulder, shaking his flesh.

"Our Lady?"

Li Dafu suddenly raised his head, saw Luo Quan standing in front of him, and then his pupils trembled: "Holy Mother Lolololo! I don't know what you want to discuss with me?"

"Hello." Luo Quan stretched out his hand as if to shake it, but Li Dafu's stretched out hand was several times bigger than hers, and he couldn't hold it at all.

"Don't shake it, I just gnawed a chicken, and my hands are full of oil." Li Dafu withdrew his hand in embarrassment, "I made you laugh, Holy Mother."

"It doesn't matter. At the banquet, you just have to eat happily, or you will live up to the Queen Mother's hospitality."

Luo Quan's EQ is very high, and Li Dafu felt like a spring breeze when he opened his mouth: "I don't know if you are looking for me, Holy Mother, what's the matter?"

"It's about your daughter." Luo Quan looked at Li Xiaomiao who was standing next to her, "I think she has the talent to be a star, I wonder if you would like her to sign with my company?
I can't guarantee anything else, at least I am confident that your daughter will lose weight. "

"She's a celebrity?" Li Dafu looked at his daughter suspiciously, "Does anyone really like her? Which celebrity is so fat?"

Although these words were true, Li Xiaomiao still felt extremely sad when he said them from his father's mouth. His inferiority complex immediately hit his heart, and his eyes were full of sadness.

"You can't say that about Mr. Li." Luo Quan's expression was very serious, "Even if you are fat, you are qualified to pursue a better life.

And it is precisely because the starting point is low that there is more room for improvement. As long as you are determined, you can definitely reduce it. "

"I have tried many methods before, but the doctor told me that it is a family inheritance, an innate disease, and it is difficult to cure."

Li Dafu also sighed: "For so many years, I have spent an unknown amount of money on weight loss, but nothing has worked.

Originally, I was ready to give up, but since you said so, Holy Mother, I will definitely believe your words unconditionally!

I don't care, anyway, no matter how fat I am, it won't endanger my life, but if I can really make my daughter lose weight..."

"There is no need to talk about repayment."

Luo Quan bowed domineeringly, and stopped Li Dafu's next words: "I like Xiaomiao, and I thought she was suitable to come to our company. Taking the road of being a star is actually a kind of exchange, so there is no need Thank me."

"Although you said so, I still feel that this is a great kindness." Li Dafu's eyes were full of emotion.

If his daughter's illness could really be cured, it would be equivalent to curing his biggest heart disease, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a benefactor.

Although the Virgin said that he didn't need to repay the favor, he had to remember it himself.

Soon, the matter of making Li Xiaomiao a star was decided. Because it was at a banquet, the signing of the contract had to wait a while.

The discussion of several people also attracted the attention of many guests. They were anxiously scratching their ears and gills, wanting to know what the Holy Mother was talking about with Li Dafu.

This Li Dafu is obviously a nouveau riche from outside, why can he chat with the Holy Mother for so long?
The point is that this nouveau riche is still very rich, so it's not easy for them to intervene directly, so as not to offend both sides.

In fact, Luo Quan didn't chat with Li Dafu for too long, it's just that these people wanted to have a relationship with her so much, that's why they were so impatient.

But Luo Quan didn't give them a chance to speak, and after chatting with Li Dafu, he took Li Xiaomiao to find an empty table and prepared to enjoy this sumptuous banquet.

The banquet has officially started, and it would be foolish to bother the Holy Mother at this time, and many guests sighed.

"This meal is the last time you eat with your belly open. Starting tomorrow, you will start to control your appetite. You have to be mentally prepared in advance." As soon as Luo Quan sat down, he turned his face and said to Li Xiaomiao, with a sharp tone is harsh.

"Is this the only last meal?" Li Xiaomiao pitifully raised her fingers, which were as thick as carrots, and asked timidly.

"If you want to lose weight, you must control your diet. If you continue to eat and drink like before, then everything will be empty talk."

Luo Quan showed a faint smile: "If you regret it and want to continue to be so fat, then I won't force it.

Anyway, now we only have a verbal agreement, and the contract has not been formally signed, so you can go back on your word at any time. "

"I don't want to get fat anymore!" Li Xiaomiao shook her head like a rattle, "After this meal, I will follow the boss's arrangement!"

"This is a good boy." Luo Quan nodded gratifiedly, "At least this rice meal can be eaten casually, and this is the Queen Mother's royal banquet. It has only happened once in many years, and it is already very good."

As soon as the words fell, the first hot dish of the day was served.

The dishes that were placed on the table before were all cold dishes. Although the tastes were all excellent, the most enjoyable dishes for the taste buds had to be steaming hot dishes.

And today's first dish is called Nine Heavens Phoenix Claw.

Of course, no matter how powerful the Holy Tang Dynasty is, it cannot use the phoenix for cooking.

It is said to be chicken feet, but it is actually chicken feet. It is just a rare variety called "Qicai Ling". It can be called the phoenix of chickens, and it is worthy of the name of this dish.

The taste of chicken feet is very fragrant, it is a kind of savory taste.

Luo Quan stuffed one into his mouth, the mouth was soft and glutinous, the meat was thick, and the bones would fall off as soon as he sucked it in. The soft skin and flesh mixed with chewy tendons made it impossible to stop.

Although there is only such a dish, luckily, there are only three people at this table, there are nine chicken feet in total, and each person can eat three.

"It's really delicious." Although Li Xiaomiao usually eats a lot, but where has he ever eaten such a delicacy in the world? It's just a chicken foot. After eating all the skin and meat, and cleaning all the joints , Still sucking up the soup in the bones.

"Eat more if it's delicious." Luo Quan turned her head and said with a smile, at this moment she happened to see Li Xiaomiao opened her mouth and gnawed on the second chicken paw, revealing her canine teeth that were different from ordinary people.

Li Xiaomiao's canine teeth are much sharper and slender than ordinary people. This situation reminded her of a creature that often appeared in film and television works, that is, vampires.

Luo Quan suddenly became interested, and asked curiously: "Xiao Miao, is your blood completely sprayed? Are there any other races?"

There are so many aliens and aliens on Huanyu, intermarriage between aliens should be a common thing, but Luoquan has not seen such people yet.

Maybe you saw it, but didn't recognize it.

Hearing Luo Quan's question, Li Xiaomiao was taken aback for a moment, and then asked suspiciously: "Holy Mother, don't you know which tribe I am from?"

"Human race?" Luo Quan said tentatively, could it be that she was thinking too much?

"No." Li Xiaomiao pushed back the hair on his head, "I am a hybrid of the Kate race and humans."

Luo Quan took a closer look, only to find that there was a pair of gray cat ears on Li Xiaomiao's head, which swayed slightly from side to side, giving her the urge to pinch.

"Your hair is too thick, so I didn't recognize it at first glance." Luo Quan explained with a smile, "Kate, so your father is also a Kate, and your mother is human?"

"No, my father is a human, and my mother is a Kate." Li Xiaomiao said shaking her head.

"What about your mother?"

"A while ago, I had a quarrel with my father and went back to my mother's house. It will take a few weeks before I come back."

As Li Xiaomiao said, he solved another chicken paw: "They are like this. They are usually not very loving, but sometimes they quarrel very fiercely. They always go back to their mother's house, but they will meet again after a while. I know why it's so fussing."

Because he has never been married, Luo Quan feels that he should not express his opinion on this aspect.

Looking at Li Xiaomiao's small and cute ears, Luo Quan felt that he was one step closer to success.

Who in the world would hate beast mothers?
Not to mention a cat girl!
Since it was favored by the system, its appearance must not be low. As long as it can be reduced, it will definitely amaze countless people.

Of course, at present, no one would think that this little chubby girl with her head buried in her chicken feet would become a great beauty.

While thinking, the remaining hot dishes were brought to the table one after another.

Although they are all delicacies from mountains and seas, they don't have the boast of going back to Fengchi that Luoquan is most looking forward to.


At this time, the maid walked to the center of the banquet, and made all the guests stop what they were doing with a soft call, and looked up.

"The next thing is the penultimate dish of this banquet, it's called Buddha Jumping Over the Wall." The maid smiled and stretched out her hand towards Luo Quan, "This delicacy was specially invited by the Empress Dowager to be cooked by Madonna Luo.

After tasting it, the Queen Mother once said that this delicacy can be called the best dish in the world, and it is rare to taste it several times in the world. "

"That really made me look forward to it."

"Hurry up and bring up this Buddha jumping over the wall, let us also taste the handicraft of the Holy Mother."

"In this way, the Holy Mother is really beautiful and wise. Not only is she beautiful, but she can also enter the kitchen, and her culinary skills can make the queen mother full of praise."

"This is really..."

Amidst the bursts of rainbow farts one after another, even Luo Quan, who was thick-skinned like Luo Quan, was praised to the point of blushing.

In order to please her, these people really dare to say anything.

In the beginning, they praised her as the most beautiful in the universe, but in the end they directly exaggerated her as a rare woman in the universe.

You must know that this is in the live broadcast, and if you just show it off like this, it won't make people see a joke.

"Everyone." Luo Quan hurriedly got up, "Thank you for your praise and love for me, but I still have a lot to work on, how can I afford such a compliment."

The crowd paused, then erupted into louder praise and applause.

It's all about the Virgin Mary being too humble.

This time, Luo Quan was a little helpless.

If I knew she would have kept quiet, I told everyone not to praise, but in the end, everyone praised even more vigorously.

Fortunately, Buddha Tiaoqiang brought it up quickly, and the incomparable fragrance made everyone shut their mouths and quickly swallowed saliva.

This is the power of Buddha jumping over the wall. In terms of aroma alone, none of the dishes served before can be its opponent.

As for the taste, under the boiling of the magic pot, even a piece of cowhide can be boiled soft and smooth, not to mention those extremely high-end ingredients.

As soon as the porcelain urn filled with Buddha Jumping over the Wall was served, the guests picked up their bowls and couldn't wait to taste it.

"Slow down, no one is going to grab you." Luo Quan shook his head and laughed helplessly when he saw that Li Xiaomiao's mouth was slightly open, almost drooling.

"Boss, did you really boil this?" Although Li Xiaomiao was extremely greedy, she still served Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei a bowl first, and she was the last one.

"Of course I did it, can it be fake?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry.

"If I perform better in the future, will I still have a chance to taste your craft?" Li Xiaomiao picked up the spoon, but didn't speak immediately.

"If you can lose weight, Buddha jumps over the wall and eat whatever you want!" Luo Quan said in a very seductive tone, having grasped Li Xiaomiao's weakness.

"Okay!" Li Xiaomiao clapped her hands happily, then lowered her head, dug a big mouthful with a spoon and stuffed it into her mouth, and her eyes instantly turned into star shapes.

(End of this chapter)

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