Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1149 When Weight Loss Is In Progress

Chapter 1149 When Weight Loss Is In Progress

“It was so delicious!!!”

Li Xiaomiao held her chubby face and rubbed it three times vigorously, trying to relieve the numbness coming from the inner wall of her mouth.

It was the call from the lips and tongue after tasting the wonderful taste. It was the ultimate pleasure from body to heart, so refreshing that the teeth were so soft that they didn't even have the strength to chew.

So I can only rub my face, trying to wake up the normal function of my mouth.

But this scene fell in Luo Quan's eyes, and it was another scene.

Could it be that the situation of falling into an illusion after eating delicious food in the Chinese Xiaodang family can be reproduced in reality?

It stands to reason that this dish of hers is just a sign of becoming a Taoist, but it is not enough to make people fall into the color and fragrance directly.

However, Luo Quan was very happy to see that everyone liked his dish so much.

Perhaps it was because Buddha Jumping the Wall was so delicious, when the last dish was served, everyone's temperament was not as strong as before.

Going back to Fengchi, Kua was indeed the finale of the banquet, and he could smell a refreshing fragrance from a long distance away.

Although the main ingredient is lotus root, Luoquan also smells a floral fragrance.

Because I haven't read the recipe, I don't know what the specific flower is, but the overall taste should be relatively fresh.

This is also suitable for guests who have just had a big meal and drank a large bowl of thick soup to scrape off the greasy stomach.

Going back to Fengchi, the lotus root is as crystal clear as ice, which makes people feel that it is not food, but a work of art.

Luo Quan took a sip and found that the soup had two flavors.

A lotus root that melts in the mouth for a refreshing feeling.

One is a clear soup that is so hot that the head sweats and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

There are quite a few lotus seeds among them. Luo Quan tasted a few of them one by one and found that each has its own characteristics.

"It's really delicious. No wonder the people in the imperial capital want to drink such a bowl."

Luo Quan put down the spoon, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I wonder if this dish can be reproduced if we return to Earth."

"Why, you just ate these two bites, and you want to reproduce this famous dish that is counted among the Celestial Dynasty?" Bai Xingwei laughed, "You don't really think of yourself as the God of Cookery, do you?"

"It's just a try, and there is nothing to lose." Luo Quan propped his chin and smiled, "What if it succeeds?"

"Speaking of which, after today's banquet, the people of the imperial capital are probably not only looking forward to returning to Fengchi to praise this dish, but also your Buddha jumping over the wall." Wen Xia took another sip Soup, let out a breath of hot air contentedly.

"It's a good thing to make everyone like my dishes, but it's a pity that they won't be able to taste them often in the future." Luo Quan said regretfully.

"This is actually a good thing." Wen Xia laughed, "What you can't get will always be a commotion, if you cook Buddha jumping over the wall every day for the common people to eat, you will get tired of it before long.

But if you only let them eat it once every few years or even ten years, it must be grateful to you. "

"It seems to be like this." Luo Quan tilted his head and said with a smile: "But why should I let the people be grateful? I cook these delicacies because I want them to enjoy the delicious food, not to make them appreciate me of.

The intoxicated expression on their faces while enjoying the food is the greatest achievement for me. "

Listening to Luo Quan's words, Bai Xingwei looked at her for a long time, and finally sighed quietly: "I probably understand why you can become the Holy Mother, you seem to always have a sincere heart for the general public.

Compassionate and compassionate, kind and pure. "

"It's not as exaggerated as you say." Luo Quan covered his mouth and kept laughing, "I just don't like the poor.

In fact, every kind-hearted person is like this. Maybe they are not doing well, but they will still feel compassion when they see the suffering of others.

Many people say that human nature is inherently evil, and some people say that human nature is inherently good, but I think that human nature is not inherently good or evil
In the beginning, it was based on survival instinct, animal nature, and animal nature has nothing to do with good or evil.

Can you say that it is evil for a wolf to eat a sheep?Wolves do not eat grass, can you say that wolves are good?
Obviously, no conclusion can be drawn.

In the end, whether it develops into good or evil is mainly related to the environment in which it grows.

If your parents and teachers guide you well, you can naturally become a kind and good person.

And those perverted killers often had a miserable childhood.

Therefore, my kindness is not because I am born kind, but the environment in which I live makes me kind.

As for getting out of the mud without being stained, that is a very rare case. "

Bai Xingwei's head was dizzy after reciting Luo Quan's long speech: "You are the Holy Mother and you have the final say. To be reasonable, I am no match."

Luo Quan smiled: "This is not reasoning, it is explaining the facts."


At this time, there was a lovely hiccup sound from the side of the two.

Turning his head to look, he found that it was Li Xiaomiao who had already returned to Fengchi with two packs of pots and finished boasting to Quan Xuan. He leaned against the chair with his stomach full, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten so full. When I think that I won't be able to eat like this again, I feel a little sad." Li Xiaomiao searched her stomach, showing some regret in her satisfied expression.

"Again, you can exit at any time before opening.

But once it starts, it's up to you when it ends. "Luo Quan pinched Li Xiaomiao's chubby face, and gave her a final reminder.

"Don't worry, boss, I will never give up halfway!" Li Xiaomiao said vowedly.

"Okay." Luo Quan nodded lightly, "After signing the contract later, you will go to my hometown with me, and let you taste the food that is different from Huanyu."

"The hometown of the Holy Mother, what will it look like there?" Li Xiaomiao's eyes showed curiosity.

"A very beautiful place." Luo Quan said with a smile, "Although it is on the edge of the universe, it is very remote, but it is far less prosperous than the world.

But there are still a lot of beautiful scenery there, and if you integrate into it, you will definitely find it very interesting. "

In a few words, Li Xiaomiao's expectations were aroused.

But before going, she was also told some precautions by Luo Quan.

That is, she cannot reveal anything about Huanyu. From now on, she is an Asian on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, and her ancestors all came to the island by boat.

As for the cat ears on the head, they are covered with larger hairpins.

After explaining a few precautions, Li Xiaomiao also understood what he could and couldn't do next.

Although she is fat, there is no problem with her intelligence.

It's just that he is young and laughs, so he seems a little ignorant of world affairs.

In fact, in most cases, she is still a lot of wit.

The dinner ended with laughter and laughter. When Luo Quan left, many princes and nobles invited her to the next party.

Although he didn't know the nature of it, Luo Quan felt that it was better not to join in the fun.

I don't even know what the theme is, who knows what party will come after I go there.

The games played by the rich on the earth are already expensive, and the games played by these advanced and developed alien civilizations will only become more diverse.

Considering his reputation as a majestic virgin, I think it's better not to get close.

Although she hopes to negotiate the cooperation, it is based on purely monetary interests.

If you want to develop some other memories, then it's out of the question.

Tonight the palace is brightly lit, Ye Zhining has been receiving embassies from various countries, and Aunt Fang is in the four districts of the imperial capital to meet the people.

Everyone had business to do, so when Luo Quan left, he could only send them a text message to say goodbye.

Fortunately, they didn't make themselves wait too long when they replied, and quickly sent her a message, wishing her all the best, and we will meet again later.

After saying goodbye, Luo Quan brought Li Xiaomiao, who had already signed the contract, back to Earth.

According to the performance of Ye Zhining and Bai Xingwei when they came to the earth, the Huanyu people are quite adaptable to the earth's environment.

Other than getting slightly less energy from your diet, there shouldn't be a huge difference.

"Boss, your room smells so good, is it because of this flower?" Li Xiaomiao looked at Luo Quan's room, and was soon attracted by the many sunflowers on the computer desk.

"If I remember correctly, this is the sacred flower in the Liming scriptures. It is said to always yearn for the light, and it is the embodiment of purity." Li Xiaonian stepped in front of the sunflower and said excitedly.

"Actually, it's a piece of armor, not a flower." Luo Quan chuckled, "As for the sunflowers you mentioned, there are many in my hometown. I'll let you take a look if I have a chance."

"Is this armor?" Li Xiaomiao pointed at the potted sunflower in surprise, "Does the boss' home planet also have such a spiritual treasure?"

"Of course there are, but the number is very small." Luo Quan said, taking out a thick book from the storage space.

This is "A Quick Start to Chinese", which was what Xu Yanqing read before.

"In addition to losing weight, you have another thing to do, which is to learn Chinese.

The whole world is speaking Chinese dialect, the words of Confucius are becoming more and more..."

As Luo Quan talked, he almost started singing.

But the meaning is similar, in short, learning Mandarin is very important.

"Learning a foreign language?" Li Xiaomiao's eyes lit up. "This is what I'm good at. I can learn everything related to words very quickly!"

"If that's the case, it's the last." Luo Quan nodded slightly, and then opened the door: "Go downstairs first, and meet my family and friends, and we will get along day and night from now on."

"Ah?" Li Xiaomiao suddenly became a little awkward, "The boss's you really want to meet?"

"Don't worry, they are all very kind people, and you will get along well."

Luo Quan said with a smile, and led Li Xiaomiao's hand downstairs.

Just in time, everyone is having dinner in the living room at this point.

Hearing the sound of going down the stairs upstairs, I thought it was Luo Quan who had left the customs.

When she stood up and looked around, she found that there was a new face behind her.

"Hey, who's little sister is this, she's so cute." Wen Xia has always been familiar with her, so she took the initiative to say hello.

Seeing Li Xiaomiao looking at him blankly, Luo Quan immediately said, "She and Ye Zhining came from the same place, and they still don't understand Chinese well, and they are learning."

Then he translated Wen Xia's words to Li Xiaomiao.

"Is there really a girl who would praise me for being cute?" Li Xiaomiao asked excitedly, "At school, the girls all said I was so fat, and standing together shaking made their appearance lower."

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "I told you, the people here are very nice and will not attack you because you are fat.

But after becoming a star, it's not necessarily so. People on the Internet are not as high-quality as us. "

"What are you two talking about?" Wen Xia couldn't participate in the conversation, so she asked directly.

"Xiao Miao is saying that someone will really praise her for being cute. She thinks she is fat, and she was often scolded by female classmates in school." After Luo Quan finished speaking, Li Xiaomiao added another sentence and continued. : "Xiao Miao also said thank you sister for complimenting her."

"What a gentle girl, those women who attacked her must be the villains among the villains." Leon couldn't see this, and spoke out against Li Xiaomiao.

Wen Xia's response was also very straightforward, she directly pulled Xiao Miao to the table, and invited her to have dinner together with a smile.

Tonight's dinner is very rich. On the table is a roasted whole lamb sprinkled with cumin, and then there are mapo tofu, roasted eggplant, roasted chicken legs, large sausages, beef skewers and so on.

Obviously, I ordered a big set meal at a barbecue restaurant. The food conditions are really hard to lose weight even if you want to lose weight.

Although Li Xiaomiao didn't know what the foods on the table were, the tempting aroma had already made her salivate.

Obviously she was so full at the banquet just now, but she felt that as long as she wanted to, she could eat all the food on the table!

"Thank you, sister, then I won't be polite." Li Xiaomiao didn't care whether Wen Xia could understand her words, after thanking her, she stretched out her hand with a smile.

"Ahem!" Luo Quan coughed heavily twice as a reminder.

Li Xiaomiao was shocked all over, and her outstretched right hand froze in the air.

Luo Quan said to everyone: "Eat, why don't you eat?" Wen Xia asked suspiciously, "Don't you like to eat barbecue?"

"My little cat came here to lose weight, you don't know how many calories this barbecue has, right?

And she was already full before coming here, for her own good, let her just watch this barbecue. "

"That's it, it's really not suitable for eating barbecue." Leon nodded lightly, "I plan to finish this meal, and I won't touch barbecue again in the future. It's really not good for health."

"But it's delicious." Wen Xia mourned for Li Xiaomiao for three seconds, then picked up a meat skewer and rolled it.

She has experienced the taste of losing weight, and that is really not the life of a human being.

Xiao Miao's body shape is much more outrageous than her original one.

If you want to lose it, you don't know how much effort you have to spend and how much appetite you have to endure.

Hope she doesn't steal food.

"My suggestion is, it's best not to read it." Luo Quan patted Li Xiaomiao's shoulder, and said with a smile: "After all, it's out of sight, so it's not in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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