Chapter 1150

ps. Thanks to the book friends 20210205141443094 and Fantasy Stars owo for the book coins, thank you!


Li Xiaomiao really wanted to know the taste of roasted whole lamb.

But the boss is right, if you want to lose weight, it is best not to continue reading these things.

So Li Xiaomiao forcibly suppressed her appetite and sat on the sofa far away.

"Here's for you." Luo Quan took out two air filters that looked like pig's noses, and played them into Li Xiaomiao's hands.

"What is this?" Li Xiaomiao asked curiously, "Would it look like a Piggy when I wear it?"

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "This is a new type of mask. Considering that the smell of barbecue is too strong, it may have a lasting impact on your spirit, so it is better to wear this mask.

I added jasmine essence to this, it will smell very comfortable. "

This is indeed a good way to isolate outside interference, and Li Xiaomiao put on this somewhat silly mask according to Luo Quan's request.

"It's really fragrant." Li Xiaomiao took two breaths and laughed.

After Luo Quan glanced at it, he was stunned.

She suddenly regretted giving this mask to Li Xiaomiao.

It's okay to let a fat girl wear a mask, but if you let a fat girl wear this kind of mask, the problem is very big.

This made others see it, and they would definitely feel that they were laughing at Li Xiaomiao for being fat like a pig.

Whether it is intentional or not, the appearance of this mask has such a meaning, and it is easy for people to think about it.

"It doesn't look very good." Luo Quan stretched out his hand and gently removed the mask from Li Xiaomiao's face, "I'll change it for you later, don't wear this one in the future."

"Why?" Li Xiaomiao didn't realize what was wrong, and looked at the boss suspiciously, "This mask looks cute."

"It's easy to be scolded..." Luo Quan hesitated to speak, it was not particularly easy to explain directly.

"Being scolded is a pig, right?" Li Xiaomiao suddenly chuckled, "It's okay, I've been scolded many times by others, and I won't be hurt because of this kind of thing anymore."

"Are you sure?" Luo Quan confirmed to her.

Li Xiaomiao nodded heavily: "Don't worry, boss, I'm not as fragile as you think."

Hearing this, Luo Quan let go of his hand, and Li Xiaomiao put on the mask again, took out the Chinese Quick Guide, and began to study seriously.

It's really thanks to her that she could come up with a way to divert her attention by studying. Even though the strong aroma was always wafting from the dining table, she still buried herself in her studies like a normal person.

Li Xiaomiao is indeed as she said, very talented in learning.

In just one night, she has already learned pinyin and the meanings of some simple and commonly used words.

In addition to opening his mouth to speak Mandarin, some pronunciation is not standard, or the tongue is flat and tongue-twisted, but the level is already quite good, similar to that of kindergarten children.

If this level can be reached in one night, Luo Quan feels that within two days, Li Xiaomiao will be able to communicate freely with others.

It can only be said that human beings with high-level civilizations are indeed much superior in intelligence.

A foreign language, if ordinary people want to be proficient, it may take years, but for Li Xiaomiao, it may take half a month at most.

Except for herself who can use the system to directly exchange languages, Luo Quan doesn't know anyone on earth who can compare with her.

But Li Xiaomiao herself said that she is only good at learning the knowledge of words, and she doesn't know how talented she is in dancing and acting.

If it is at the same level as written learning, it will be a bit enchanting.

The next morning, Luo Quan looked at his watch while waiting for Li Xiaomiao to wake up and went downstairs.

The length of day and night in the universe and the earth is different, I don't know if she can reverse the jet lag.

At about nine o'clock, Li Xiaomiao walked downstairs refreshed.

"It seems that I slept well last night." Luo Quan greeted with a smile.

Li Xiaomiao replied: "I ate too much yesterday, so my appetite was satisfied, so I slept peacefully."

Luo Quan blinked: "So if you don't have enough to eat today, you won't even be able to sleep?"

"I don't know." Li Xiaomiao shook her head, "Boss, what are you having for breakfast?"

Luo Quan pointed to the food on the table: "I have porridge for breakfast. The side dishes include pickles, cowpea and pickled cabbage. They are all very tasty and go well with rice."

"Is there no meat?" Li Xiaomiao said with a little disappointment as she glanced around the table.

"There is no meat for breakfast, but you can eat more meat at noon."

Luo Quan stood up and opened the lid, revealing the eggs inside: "There are two kinds of eggs here, one is boiled eggs, the other is tea eggs, light and salty, it depends on your taste, one is almost enough."

For people living in poverty, an egg a day is the cheapest and most cost-effective supplement.

Of course their family is not in short supply, but for Li Xiaomiao's sake, life must be tighter.

Although the breakfast soup was indeed a little watery, but Luo Quan's cooking skills are not to be said. Even the pickled vegetable porridge, Li Xiaomiao ate it with relish, and even dazzled two bowls.

If it is based on the usual appetite, at least three bowls should be prepared first.

But she is still very conscious about losing weight. Even if Luo Quan doesn't say anything, she knows that two bowls are enough, and it would be impolite to eat any more.

"Well, quite consciously."

Seeing Li Xiaomiao put down his chopsticks, Luo Quan nodded with satisfaction: "Sit down and digest it first, and eat this by the way."

With that said, he handed a bottle of Sanwu medicine without outer packaging to Li Xiaomiao.

"What is this?" Li Xiaomiao glanced at the red capsule inside, and looked at Luo Quan puzzled.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "This is a medicine to help you lose weight. It can help you burn excess fat more effectively and make your exercise more effective.

Just take one tablet after each meal without worrying about any side effects. "

In fact, this is a weight loss product she exchanged from the system. It doesn't have much effect on people who are already slender, but it has a very significant effect on a fatter body like Li Xiaomiao.

And there is really no side effect, because it increases her fat burning coefficient during exercise, which belongs to natural weight loss.

In other words, as long as she moves faster, she will lose weight faster.

Li Xiaomiao didn't know what kind of treasure he got.

In terms of the efficacy of the medicine alone, none of the medicines prescribed by Huanyuxing Hospital may be as good as it.

And Li Xiaomiao heard the boss say that this thing has a miraculous effect on weight loss, so he didn't think much about it, just poured out a pill, and then threw it into his mouth.

"How do you feel?" Luo Quan asked Li Xiaomiao how he felt because he had never taken this medicine himself.

If something is wrong, it can be quickly dealt with.

"No, I feel warm all over." Li Xiaomiao shook her head, "No, it seems a little hot."

"It's right if it's hot, it means your fat has started to burn and emit heat, that's why you feel hot!"

Luo Quan said, and took out a bucket full of ice from the large double-door refrigerator: "It's a good thing to not be too hot, but if it's too hot, it's easy to hurt your body, so if you feel that you can't stand it, just put some ice on it." Ice cubes on me.

If it doesn't work, go to the upstairs bathroom and rinse with running water. "

As he said that, he punched it directly into the bucket, smashing the complete ice cube into cracks.

Then he stretched out his fingers again and tapped into the bucket like a chisel, and in a short while he got a bucket of crushed ice.

"Fortunately, I don't feel as outrageous as having a fever. I think I can try to exercise again." Li Xiaomiao wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, stood up and prepared to skip rope.

Luo Quan also took out his mobile phone at this time, pointed the camera at Li Xiaomiao's back, and took a short video.

When it was released, the accompanying text said: "Welcome to the new artists of Quanshui Entertainment. Don't look at them a little fat, but they will look good when they lose weight."

Before clicking publish, she hesitated for a moment, not knowing what kind of attack Li Xiaomiao would suffer next.

But if she wants to be an idol, this is the road she must go through.

So in the end, I was ruthless and clicked publish.

Not only the earth, but also her social platform on Huanyuxing.

Sooner or later, Li Xiaomiao is going to participate in the Huanyu Girls. She will start to lose weight from now on, and when she really loses weight, she will amaze everyone. This will allow her to accumulate popularity earlier than others.

Of course, black powder will also be harvested earlier.

It can be said that there are disadvantages and advantages, but the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Sure enough, after the video was released, it immediately aroused many people's discussions, and the words were not particularly friendly:

"No way, Luo Bao, do you call this a little fat? At least two hundred catties!"

"There's a militarized beauty to it."

"Who knows, my family, I was judged by a few low-ranking men again today. It's obvious that he only weighs less than three hundred catties, and he's just a little fat."

"This cannot be described as a judgment, it should be weighed and weighed."

"And then pass a quarantine?"

"I really can't see this."


Sure enough, she was ridiculed, but Luo Quan did not immediately refute: "It is true that she is a little fatter, but she is willing to lose weight, has determination, and is also taking action.

So everyone just watch it carefully and see how Xiaomiao lost it.

Let me tell you in advance, don't surprise you too much after Xiaomiao loses weight. "

Netizens immediately replied:

"Maybe it can be reduced, but I don't think there is much hope. It takes so much effort to jump a rope."

"In view of the current body shape, I think it's better to call it Big Meow, which is more appropriate."

"Is this a real name or a pet name? Is it really Xiaomiao?"

"It's a cute name, and it will be even cuter if it's thinner."

"This difficulty is not ordinary."


When Luo Quan saw the netizens' comments, he was indeed questioning them reasonably. Except for a few personal attacks, most of the comments were relatively harmonious, probably because of her face.

I hope to keep doing this until Li Xiaomiao succeeds in losing weight.

After dancing for about 5 minutes, Li Xiaomiao threw the rope on the ground.

Luo Quan was tired so quickly when he was about to ask, but Li Xiaomiao turned around and threw ice cubes into his clothes.

"It's so hot, I'm going to die of heat." Li Xiaomiao's face was red, her body was emitting heat, and she was constantly sweating.

"It seems that the pill has worked. I'll get you mineral water. You should go to the bathroom and take a shower."

Luo Quan got up and shouted, then rushed into the utility room.

After Li Xiaomiao was poured over his head and face with cold water, the stuffiness in his body finally disappeared a lot.

Turn off the tap, unscrew the bottle cap and have a drink. Li Xiaomiao feels that drinking water is also a kind of enjoyment sometimes.

"How's it going, don't you feel any discomfort?" Luo Quan asked outside the bathroom, "It's also the first time I give this medicine to others, and I don't know exactly how strong it is.

Although it will not be a big problem, it still needs to be paid attention to at all times. "

"It's okay, boss, I feel good now." Li Xiaomiao threw the plastic bottle he drank into the trash can, "When I cool down, I will continue to practice, so I just stay in the toilet and you don't come out."

Luo Quan frowned: "It's so slippery inside, aren't you afraid of falling?"

"Not the boss, I'm a cat clansman, I just jump a rope, and I won't fall on tiptoe." Li Xiaomiao said very confidently.

Luo Quan reminded: "Then you should practice first, but don't practice for too long. Sudden high-intensity exercise will easily overwhelm the body. Weight loss needs to be done step by step."

"I know the boss, I can dance for half an hour at most." After Li Xiaomiao finished speaking, she jumped up as if she was jumping rope.

In fact, as long as you can jump high enough, it doesn't matter whether you have a rope in your hand or not, as long as you have enough exercise.

But fortunately, this is a villa, and there are no people downstairs, otherwise Li Xiaomiao's body would jump around, and the neighbors downstairs would definitely come to the door and scold him severely.

Fortunately, the open business conscience, the workmanship is strong enough, Li Xiaomiao jumped for half an hour, the floor did not have any quality problems.

When Luo Quan returned to the room, he saw the short video he sent, and got more and more replies.

Some people complained that she had downgraded her aesthetics this time. She used to recruit big beauties, but why did she recruit a chubby girl this time.

Some people suspect that she wants to start a career in Qia Nvquan, and this Li Xiaomiao is the one who voted for it.

Some people suspect that Luo Quan is doing some strange social experiment with bad intentions.

The network is so big that there are no surprises.

Luo Quan did not expect that there would be so many people with strange brain circuits, and they would guess one answer after another that sounded outrageous.

"Have you seen a Korean song I released? For this song, I also made a micro-movie called "Ugly Girl Transformation".

What I want to say is that everyone has the right to be beautiful, whether it is plastic surgery or weight loss.

This is originally a very inspirational thing, why don't you encourage it, but still speculate and attack it.

Even if you can't look good at others, you should at least understand that a healthy body is very important, right?

Or is it that you are so fat yourself, you don’t want to lose weight, and you don’t see others working hard to lose weight, so you are so sarcastic out of jealousy?
I hope there will be less malice and more kindness. "

(End of this chapter)

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