Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1151 So life, it is bitter like a song

Chapter 1151 (A new book is open!) So life, it is bitter like a song
Good news: a new book has opened

Bad News: Not a Metamorphosis

I wrote a fanfiction under one person, "Under One Person, I'm Zhang Chulan's Brother", which will be signed next Monday. Interested book lovers can take advantage of this time to collect and invest, and earn a lot of money Currency, also give new book ups and downs data.

In addition, this book will not be updated continuously, it will still be updated, so don't worry about it.


It can only be said that Luo Quan's reputation is still here, and fans trust her enough and are willing to listen to persuasion.

After all, after so many years of debut, she has never cheated everyone.

Unlike some stars, during the live broadcast, the family members shouted so kindly one by one, and then turned their heads to die like enemies.

Conversely, Luo Quan often persuaded everyone to buy stocks and sell stocks at the right time.

Although not everyone listened to her words, but everyone who listened to her words made some money more or less.

This is called family, and it really treats fans as their own, instead of using their fans as a money-making tool like other stars.

What's more, Luo Quan's fans have nowhere to spend money if they want to give her.

There was no concert, no album, and the movie was too crowded by everyone, so I shot three movies in one go.

Among the three films, one is free to watch directly at station B, and the other two are only mentioned when they are released, and then it is all up to the fans voluntarily.

It's really hard to find a high-quality idol like this.

So even though the artist Luo Quan recruited to the company this time is indeed not in line with the public's aesthetics, and many hostile netizens directly attack her figure.

But with Luo Quan's repeated guarantees, the fans are still very willing to be kind once again.

Of course, netizens who have nothing to do with themselves are not so easy to persuade.

The Internet where they can’t use their real names is the place for them to vent their grievances. Regardless of whether others are wrong or not, as long as they want to spray, they will not forgive them.

The good news is that there are not many people like Station B, and Luoquan doesn’t play software other than Station B very much, and has deliberately reduced access to these platforms, so it is not too offended by the current comments on Weibo and Tieba.

Probably Xiao Miao’s body shape can only get a little comfort from Xiaohongshu.

There are more girls there, and girls who are not threatening are very big. Even if you are [-] catties, you will say that you are only slightly fat, and you will look better if you lose weight.

On the contrary, girls who are beautiful and have a good figure are easily abused. If the photo scale is large, they will say that they are charming.

As for Weibo, it is half and half.

There are those who praise and those who criticize, making it difficult to distinguish.

In comparison, station B has done its best to take care of other people's emotions on the basis of objectivity and fairness.

They will not unconscionably say that you are not fat, but at least they will encourage you to lose weight.

As for the post bar, there is nothing to comment on, and the whole comment is over with one sentence in the middle of the big flying column.

"Big guys, don't rush to boast now, anyway, I will record the progress of Xiaomao's weight loss every day, and I will broadcast it live from time to time, so that everyone can see her efforts and achievements.

You may not believe me if you say it, Xiao Miao will be exercising a lot now, and the calories she burns every day are quite scary. Within half a month, you will see a completely new her. "

Luo Quan used this dynamic to draw a complete sentence for today's debate.

As for how much Xiao Miao lost, Luo Quan didn't care.

There is no need to ask about the effect of a day or two. Things like losing weight are counted in months, and it will take at least half a month to see some effect.

Of course, this is the case with conventional methods of losing weight.

Xiao Miao took the special medicine given by the system, and she should have improved significantly in a week.

But Fat Luo Quan was surprised that Xiao Miao learned Chinese faster than taking special medicine.

In just two and a half days, she has reached the level of a junior high school student.

What is this concept?Junior high school students are not much different from adults except that they are not good at citing scriptures, and they don't know much about uncommon characters.

There are even some junior high school students whose literary talent is even better than that of adults.

And Li Xiaomiao belongs to this kind of "junior high school student" with outstanding talent. Although Luo Quan has not passed the examination of her writing level in classical Chinese and argumentative essays, if she takes the senior high school entrance examination, she will definitely be at the level of a champion in liberal arts.

Luo Quan felt that in a day or two, Li Xiaomiao would basically be able to reach the level of a top high school student.

Although it may not be possible to write a full-score composition, it is estimated that there is no problem with a separate live broadcast and fan communication.

Speaking of the high school entrance examination, these days just happen to be the annual graduation season again.

At the moment when the scorching summer is about to begin, the college entrance examination is unstoppable for every student who has studied hard for ten years.

No matter how prepared you are, here it is, giving you a chance to change your life.

In fact, everyone's life has changed after going through the college entrance examination, but some develop for the better, while others develop for the worse.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, netizens asked Luo Quanrui to comment on this year's candidates.

"What else is there to comment on at this time?" Luo Quan scratched his head, "The marathon has run to this point, it's not a sprint, but someone has already crossed the line.

Regardless of whether the study is good or bad, most people's high school is over, of course, except for those who repeat.

After high school is over, how the rest of your life will be depends on your own consciousness. Whether you continue to perform poorly or work hard, it also depends on you. "

When Luo Quan said this, he paused for a moment, and said, "I just hope that everyone can follow their hearts and don't let them regret it in the future."

"It's easy to speak. It's nonsense to talk about studying hard at this time."

"I came to see Luo Bao as soon as I finished the exam. Today's questions are really difficult."

"It's not brother, it's not time for the exam to end yet."

"I handed in the papers ahead of time, but the scores are enough for undergraduates."

"Yes, contentment and happiness."

"Can Luo Bao sing a song, it doesn't matter if it's old or new."


Letting Luo Quan sing is a repertoire in the live broadcast room.

Any intention can make her sing, and the old ones are not enough, it must be a new song.

Luo Quan had seen this kind of routine too much, and instinctively wanted to reject it.

It's okay to sing an old song, but it's a bit difficult to sing a new song.

There is a new song for the college entrance examination every year, so how can there be so much material.

However, just when she was about to refuse, she saw this paid barrage:
"I got a G in the college entrance examination. I suddenly had acute appendicitis yesterday afternoon. The pain was so painful that I did a few questions and was sent to the hospital. Now I am sitting on the roof of the hospital, wanting to die."

After watching the paid barrage, Luo Quan was shocked and said, "Don't! You must never do such a stupid thing.

The college entrance examination is not only one chance, you can come again next year.

I believe that you have the perseverance to persevere for another year. You have survived for more than ten years. What about another year?

And with this year's accumulation and experience, you won't be as tired next year as this year at all. "

In desperation, Luo Quan couldn't persuade her with eloquence, so he could only comfort her.

Danmaku was also taken aback by this situation, and quickly said: Farewell, brother, there are so many beautiful things waiting for you to see, life is so precious, don't just dance, just dance.

There was no movement on the paid barrage for a long time, and a group of brothers in the live broadcast room were anxious, and they all said they would call the police.

Fortunately, he finally sent out another one: "Maybe Luo Bao sings a song and I won't dance."

At this time, Luo Quan didn't care about anything else, and directly held the microphone: "This fan, don't be impulsive. If you want to listen to the song, I will sing it to you. New songs are also fine."

After speaking, he opened an accompaniment in the folder, took a deep breath and said: "I know, it's not very effective to persuade you through the screen at this time, but I still want to say that life is precious, don't let yourself down , and don’t disappoint those who love you.”

When the accompaniment sounded, it was full of sadness.


"Why is this accompaniment so sad, isn't this a reminder?"

"The title of the song actually fits the occasion, there should be a twist."

""What will I use to keep you?"

"Did you see the title of the song, so please stay here bro."


Danmaku discussed nervously, for fear that Luo Quan would just sing and dance.

But Luo Quan couldn't take care of that much at this time, and held the microphone tightly during the accompaniment, and said with firm eyes and a warm and thick voice:
"You forgot the cold wind that blew through the wound

If you believe it, it will be a lifetime

Why do you want to sing when you see the snow falling

Why do tears fall at the moment of letting go"

…………………… "

The rhythm changes from slow to fast, and the lyrics are also slightly sad, which makes people's hearts sink to the bottom of the valley bit by bit.

But the core of the song is the melody, the singing voice.

Luo Quan's singing voice makes people unable to hear a trace of sadness, but it is full of warmth and comfort.

She is like a gentle big sister, sticking to your ear and telling you the meaning of life, telling you about your regrets and losses in detail, putting them in front of you, and finally waving them away for you .

This is Luo Quan's usual style.

And it only took a little over a minute for this song to go from falling to the bottom to being positive.

"Do you want to see the sea of ​​flowers blooming
Do you want to see the return of the swallows?
if you can't come back
Then who should I exist for


The drumbeats, like marching, hit everyone's hearts one after another.

With an enthusiastic tone, Luo Quan seduced all those who still had hope in their hearts.

But anyone who wanted to die would have already jumped down when the first barrage was posted.

The fact that the second barrage can be posted shows that there is still a glimmer of hope in my heart.

What Luo Quan has to do is to expand this glimmer of hope and give him salvation.

At the same time, it is also to buy time for the background personnel of station B, so that they can find the IP address as soon as possible, and then call the police for rescue.

Although he still doesn't know how it's going, Luo Quan knows that this boy who hasn't completely despaired should still be listening to her singing until the last second.

"You are shining and falling and reluctant to let go
So life is bright like a song

you must see the flowers bloom
You must wait for the swallow to return
thinking they'll all come back
you swore to die for these


Up to this point, Luo Quan almost exhausted all his skills.

She is not a person who is easily emotional, but in order to make the song full of appeal, she thought about all the sad things in her life.

She did it, the limit of what she could achieve.

The audience in the live broadcast room sang and cried for a long time, and the screen was full of tears, whining, and couldn't hold back.

In Luo Quan's long and powerful coda, the song ended.

The boy who touched everyone's hearts sent a barrage:
"That's nice to hear, Luo Bao, I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone, and I won't do stupid things again in the future.

I have already heard the sound of the siren, and they should come to me. I hope this time it will not be on the news to discredit you. "

"Don't think so." Luo Quan said hastily, "Everyone will have a bad time, but as long as they cross this hurdle, maybe there will be a smooth road ahead.

Therefore, life is bright like a song, please don't give up lightly. "

"I see, thank you Luo Bao."

This is his last barrage.

Luo Quan waited and watched for a while, and then asked the staff about the situation.

"There is news, it is said that he has been rescued, and his mood is relatively stable."

Seeing the employee's reply, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then happily said to the fans: "Good news, this fan has been rescued and is receiving psychological counseling."

"it is good!"

"So it's not a script."

"How could it be a script? Have you seen when Luo Quan was so talkative? It's obviously for real!"

"It's too scary. I'm really afraid that this brother will jump off after listening to it."

"The hot search should have news in a while."

"Hey, every time there will be a few students who fail the exam and do stupid things, it would be great if everyone could come to Luoquan to listen to the song first."

"Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Luo Bao, this is a great merit for you."


Seeing the fans' praise, Luo Quan sighed helplessly: "I would rather not have the opportunity to obtain such merit.

It was so scary. When I sang, my heart rate jumped to at least one hundred and four, and I sang many notes. "

The bullet screen was puzzled and said:

"Why do I feel that this performance can only be described as perfect?"

"I don't feel like there's anything wrong."

"The emotion is so strong that I was in tears when I sang."

"This time it should be one of the god-level venues in Luoquan."

"Geer is also a divine comedy, it is worth listening to repeatedly."

"Hurry up and eat the studio version!"


Although there was no coercion this time, fans still heard the new song they wanted to hear.

The process was indeed a little frightening, but the end result was good.

There is nothing to do about acute appendicitis. It comes when you say it, and you can't stop it.

But just like Luo Quan said, the college entrance examination is not just one chance, you can repeat it for another year, it is not a big event.

The fact that Luo Quan sang live to save fans also quickly became a hot search.

A nurse at a hospital also quickly confirmed the incident, and public opinion on the Internet quickly fermented.

(End of this chapter)

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