Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1152 Don't learn, this is not an idol

Chapter 1152 Don't learn, this is not an idol

A lot of good things may become a bad thing after being on the hot search.

A lot of bad things are likely to get worse after being on the hot search.

Just like when a child dies unexpectedly, if the child's mother looks better and dresses better, she may be subjected to cyber violence.

Similar things are not uncommon, even forcing people to jump off a building. No matter where the evil of human nature is completely unconstrained, it is hard to imagine what shape it will bloom into.

So Luo Quan doesn't think that singing a song to save someone is worth being put on the hot search and making people talk about it.

Mainly because I was worried about some villains, so I attacked the student who was persuaded by me.

She could persuade him to come down once, but she couldn't succeed every time.

So Luo Quan contacted Weibo and spent money to bring down the hot search.

Hearing Luo Quan's request, the Weibo manager was quite confused.

After working in this circle for so long, it is normal for celebrities to be popular.

Good things are easy to do, and bad things are easier to do.

And when those celebrities see their negative news on the hot search, they usually quickly spend money to reduce the popularity and remove their news from the hot search.

However, it was the first time for the manager to meet him, and he spent money to remove the trending search even though it was positive news.

But to use people's money to eliminate disasters for others, since the client has made a request, then he will just do it.

Soon, the related news went down from the hot search, and Luo Quan finally felt relieved after seeing it.

"You don't need to make too much publicity about this matter. It's not the first time that singing to save lives is not the first time. I remember that I came here once when I was in Tokyo."

Luo Quan recalled it for a while, and then confirmed: "That's right, in Tokyo, there were two Sony employees who failed to invest, and they happened to commit suicide upstairs where I lived, and I rescued them.

In fact, in a person's life, sometimes he will encounter some things that he can't figure out. If he can't figure it out, he will easily go to extremes.

But I think, if you are not even afraid of death, why should you be afraid of living.

So, try to live as long as you can. "

These remarks were unanimously praised by the barrage:
"Well said, Luo Bao, the Three Views are really upright."

"She is so gentle, I really want to cry to death."

"Haha, what kind of fan circle quotation is this?"

"That's why I like watching Luo Bao's live broadcast. I can always learn some life principles here."

"I feel like, today I can have a good song to accompany me to sleep again."

"This song "What Can I Use to Keep You" is really good, and I hope to release a studio version soon."

"I feel that the state of mind that Luo Quan sang for the first time cannot be imitated in the recording studio environment. This version should be the pinnacle."


After the students who jumped off the building were successfully rescued, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became brighter again.

For Luo Quan and fans, this is an episode worth remembering, but it will not occupy too much space in their lives.

But for the boy who was persuaded to come down, his life took on new vitality.

Coincidentally, Li Xiaomiao felt that her life had also opened a new chapter.

After three days of exercising and dieting, although her appetite has accumulated to a level that is difficult to suppress, seeing the fat she has lost these days, Li Xiaomiao has no desire to eat and quit at all.

It's not that she didn't make up her mind to lose weight in the past, and she persisted for several days several times.

But persistence for a few days will not have any effect on the fat on my body.

Moreover, after the appetite has accumulated, once you can't hold on, it will lead to retaliatory eating.

Therefore, after a few days of dieting, she is often disheartened because she can't see the effect, and then her appetite increases.

This cycle went on and on, not only did her weight not decrease at all, but it even increased a lot.

Originally, she had already planned to give up, so let's keep getting fat, no one likes it, no one likes it, it doesn't matter if you stay at home alone and play with yourself.

Anyway, she has a nice voice, and she doesn't have to show her face when playing games. When her teammates hear her voice, they all lick her.

But Li Xiaomiao also knew that these were all false.

When those people heard their own voices, they thought that they must be a beautiful woman, that's why they were so enthusiastic.

But if he really saw his own appearance, he would definitely avoid it, and even scold her from embarrassment.

Therefore, after Li Xiaomiao is satisfied with her vanity, she will soon fall into great loss and inferiority complex.

However, all this changed completely after she met her boss Luo Quan.

The diet pill she gave didn't know what kind of fairy medicine it was, but just one pill was more effective than all the medicines she had taken before.

On the first day, she exercised for more than half an hour and lost a full three catties!
In an hour and a half the next day, I lost another seven catties.

Today she was ruthless, skipping rope, running, sit-ups, and exercising for more than two hours, she lost eight catties!

Adding up these three days, she has lost nearly twenty catties of fat, which is a gratifying result that has never been achieved in any previous weight loss.

The burning of twenty catties of fat was really visible. Li Xiaomiao was pleasantly surprised to find that it became easier for her to go up and down the stairs, and her arms and thighs seemed to have become thinner.

She still has 280 pounds. If she continues to lose weight like this, she will be able to return to a normal woman's figure within a month.

This is an appearance that she never dared to imagine before, but now it is really possible.

Li Xiaomiao was so happy that she wanted to cry, but she thought of what the boss told her, she had to be strong, because there would be more times when she could cry.

And in comparison, she now feels that sweating is better, and crying or something is really too weak.

When Li Xiaomiao was sweating profusely in the gymnasium of the villa, Luo Quan came in with a camera.

"Xiao Miao, do you want to say hello to everyone in the live broadcast room?" Luo Quan's camera was not aimed at Li Xiaomiao, but at himself.

The main reason is that she wasn't sure if Xiao Miao wanted to meet the audience when she was exercising, so she didn't rush to shoot her exercise video.

"I just finished training." Li Xiaomiao put down the dumbbell in his hand and smiled.

Luo Quan also pointed the camera at her at this time.

"So this is the front of Xiao Miao?"

"To be honest, the eyes are pretty, but she is a little fatter."

"I'm sweating profusely, it seems that I have really exerted my strength."

"I feel a little thinner than a few days ago."

"Is there any illusion? It's only been a few days. Is it so fast?"


After these few days of study, Li Xiaomiao has learned Chinese at this time, and can fully understand what the barrage is saying.

"In the past few days, Xiao Miao has lost [-] catties, so those netizens who think Xiao Miao has lost weight are right, because Xiao Miao has really lost weight."

As soon as these words came out, a large group of people in the live broadcast room were stunned:

"Eighteen catties? Are you kidding me?"

"Don't be funny, how could it be possible to lose weight so quickly, you wouldn't have just had liposuction surgery, right?"

"If it were really an operation, I wouldn't smoke so much."

"Smoking [-] catties of fat is scary even thinking about it."


Obviously, the barrage didn't believe that Li Xiaomiao could lose eighteen catties in just a few days.

Luo Quan glanced at the barrage, smiled and chimed in, "Is eighteen catties in four days an exaggeration?

I don’t know if you have watched an American variety show called Super Weight Loss King. This show has a weight loss champion who lost more than 200 catties of fat in a year!
Xiao Miao has just started to lose weight. Of course, the effect in the first few days is very significant. It is not impossible to lose ten catties. "

After Luo Quan said this, the questioning sound of the barrage suddenly became much less:

"There is indeed such a show, and there are indeed champions who have lost so much meat."

"I often see that some people slow down more exaggeratedly than this."

"Well, that's our ignorance."

"Xiao Miao really worked too hard, I give you a thumbs up."

"I hope I can really stick to it all the time. The skin is so good, it will definitely look good when it is reduced."


After seeing Li Xiaomiao's efforts and achievements, netizens finally believed that she did have the perseverance to lose weight successfully, and her tone of voice became softer.

For those who work hard, netizens never begrudge their encouragement and praise.

Although there are occasional bad words, Li Xiaomiao will not be affected at all: "Thank you for your encouragement, Xiaomiao will definitely work harder and strive to reduce her weight to less than [-] catties within a month."

"Under two hundred catties? Dare I ask how much the girl weighs now?"

"I reckon it's about three hundred catties."

"This weight, alas, it doesn't make any difference with the lights off."


"No, buddy, you really don't pick."

"It's better not to lose weight too fast, or it will hurt your body, and it will be easy to gain weight back."

"Take your time, as long as the goal is completed within a year, it is considered a success."

"Xiao Miao is really cruel, it makes me want to lose weight together."

"Lose weight today, and continue to fry chicken and barbecue tomorrow, right?"

"Haha, I don't have the determination, I can't reduce it at all."


Netizens joked about it one after another, and the relationship with Li Xiaomiao was further strengthened.

This time, it was the first time they took the initiative to get close to her without any prejudice.

This gave Li Xiaomiao a great sense of satisfaction, feeling that her life seemed to have found her direction all of a sudden, and her face was filled with happiness and joy.

"By the way, boss." Li Xiaomiao smiled, as if thinking of something, she turned to look at Luo Quan: "Being an idol, do you have to shoot that kind of large-scale video? If I lose weight If you succeed, will you be asked to do the same?"

"Why do you have such an idea?" Luo Quan looked at Li Xiaomiao suspiciously, "Although I have taken a few swimsuit photos, they can't be called large-scale."

Li Xiaomiao shook her head: "It's not a swimsuit, I mean the one that's bigger than this size."

As soon as this remark came out, the netizens on the barrage were first shocked:
"What the hell, Luo Quan took pictures of these?!"

"Those swimsuit photos are enough, and you will lose your vitality after seeing them once. Is there anything more exciting?"

"What, did Luo Bao go into the sea?"

"You don't know? Didn't you go down a long time ago?"

"Indeed, wasn't everything in Hawaii before?"

"Haha, you guys are really good at it, Luo Bao should be impatient later."


Netizens were confused one by one, but Luo Quan was not in a hurry because of such a small matter: "Don't make up your mind too much, how can I shoot a film that is bigger than a swimsuit?

The only ones that are bigger than swimsuits are just photos, which were originally published for public welfare activities, and there is nothing else to talk about. "

"You misunderstood the boss!" Luo Quan was not in a hurry, but Li Xiaomiao was in a hurry, "I'm talking about a news I saw on the Internet just now, which is related to this very famous girl group idol."

With that said, Li Xiaomiao took out her phone and started searching.

"I guess I know what she's talking about."

"Haha, it's already on Hot Search, so it's a hit."

"To be honest, I didn't expect such a popular person to be able to film such a bad TV series, and the fan filter was shattered."

"What, why can't I understand what you are saying?"


During the conversation among fans, Li Xiaomiao has dug up related videos.

This is a clip of an American TV series, in which many men and women are singing and dancing, and the scale of dancing is large enough to be marked with the symbol of 18+.

And the one who danced this dance was Ginny, a member of the black fan.

As the leader of the five generations of girl groups, Black Fan is currently the hottest girl group in the world.

Ginny's status, in South Korea's current idol, belongs to the top seniors.

It has been marketing for a long time before breaking into the European and American circles, but it turned out that such a vulgar TV series was filmed, which really surprised passers-by and fans.

If it's just like this, it's fine, the key point is that this TV series still has lines of R flowers.

And Ginny is obviously a Korean, and there are no other Chinese people in the TV series.

I don't know why the director arranged such a plot, probably because of Alzheimer's disease caused by premature brain atrophy, there is a beauty of mental deficiency.

In short, after this TV series was broadcast, this clip was scolded to heaven in China, which aroused the resentment of countless passers-by.

Especially Ginny, who played the role of a hot dancer, was ridiculed so badly that many of her fans didn't know how to suck it. They could only use "American TV series are really big" and "this kind of action is normal." Such words to barely wash the ground.

What's interesting is that the domestic fans are still washing the ground, but the Korean fans have already begun to bear it, cursing Ginny for getting into the water, and going to the United States to ruin their image and personality.

This not only ruined her own career, but also tarnished the image of black fans in the world.

How does this make the other three members develop?

For a while, the reputation of black fans fell to the bottom.

"Boss, I won't be asked to shoot this in the future, right?" Li Xiaomiao looked at Luo Quan timidly and asked.

After signing the contract, Li Xiaomiao knew that she had to listen to the boss, but she didn't know exactly how much she wanted to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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