Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1153 Wen Xia teaches you to be an idol

Chapter 1153 Wen Xia teaches you to be an idol

"What the hell is going on in your head?"

Luo Quan looked at Li Xiaomiao, dumbfounded: "I should have never photographed something myself, why would I let your employees do it!

I still understand the principle of not doing to others what you don't want to be done to you, and even if it is something I am willing to do, as long as you are not willing, I will not force it. "

As he said that, Luo Quan knocked on Li Xiaomiao's forehead: "So, just put your mind at ease, I will never let you film such obscene and disgusting content, idols can be cute or cold It can be sexy, but it must not be vulgar!"

"Haha, Luo Quan really dotes on meow, is there anyone for this CP?"

"Okay, sisters have the same heart, more than 400 catties."

"Ah this..."

"To be reasonable, Luo Bao is not too light. He just said a while ago that he has one hundred and two or one hundred and thirteen."

"The one who said that didn't even look at Luo Bao's figure, 1.7 meters five, 36F!"

"Stop talking, I can't stand it anymore."

"Pass it on, Luo Quan is rubbing a very new edge."

"She's teasing me with numbers!"


There were a bunch of lower-headed barrages in the barrage, but Luo Quan had already taken it for granted, and said to Li Xiaomiao: "In short, as an idol, you must not do the behavior of Ginny's hot search, not to mention the price drop, or put it yourself. Send yourself to others to humiliate.

Of course, I have never been an idol myself. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask your sister Wen Xia. She is the leader of the former girl group, and she knows a lot more than me in this regard. "

"Sister Wen Xia used to sing and dance?" Li Xiaomiao blinked and used a word she had just learned.

The barrage instantly sensed the element, and asked:

"what do you mean?"

"Learning everything will only hurt you."

"Seriously, Wen Xia can be regarded as an authoritative person in the field of idols. If a newcomer wants to enter the industry, it is definitely right to ask her to give some pointers."

"I look forward to Xiaomiao's debut, and hope to lose weight quickly."

"It's best to lose weight gradually. If you lose weight too quickly, you will have many ugly wrinkles on your body."

"That's not necessarily the case. It mainly depends on whether Xiao Miao has been fat since she was a child, or she has only gained weight in the past few days."

"Anyway, don't be in a hurry. Learning some dancing and singing while losing weight is an important basic skill."


For the newcomers who are not very familiar, the words of fans are basically encouraging, and Li Xiaomiao still feels very heartwarming seeing them.

However, Luo Quan was attacked by some fans of Ginny because of his comments on Ginny's filming of the [-] banned movies.

Most of the fan circles are extreme, not to mention the Korean fan circle, and the reaction will be very big when there is a disturbance.

And Luo Quan looked down on Ginny so much, her fans couldn't bear it, and they all took the swimsuit photos she took as an issue.

Then, the gathering place of these fan circles was blasted.

The first is Ginny Chaohua. Because there was no restriction on speaking at the beginning, fans of Luoquan directly brushed up thousands of aggressive posts, and the entire Chaohua was almost paralyzed.

And these people want to fight back, but find that there is simply nowhere to go.

Luo Quan has no super chats or fan clubs on Weibo, so fighting back under her account is seeking abuse.

I want to go to station B to make troubles, but that is their territory, and your comments will be deleted every minute.

And there is an entrance exam, with their knowledge of Acg, I am afraid it will be very difficult to pass.

All of a sudden, the anger of fans in the fan circle was as uncomfortable as hitting cotton.

Under the crazy attacks of Luoquan fans, these people finally chose to surrender and apologized for their previous attacks on Luoquan.

In fact, this matter is originally a matter of looking for trouble.

Ginny's behavior was also incomprehensible to fans and passers-by in Korea, and she received countless scolding.

As a result, Huaxia's fans were very protective, while Luo Quan was just talking about the facts.

And if it wasn't for this TV show, R Flower, she wouldn't even be interested in chatting.

She didn't even know about the fact that she was attacked this time and the fans fought back.

If she knew, she would definitely have to deal with her temper herself.

But fortunately, the fighting power of the fans was strong enough, so she was never given a chance to know about it.

In the following days, Wen Xia suddenly became a busy person, and Li Xiaomiao took her to start exercising together.

Li Xiaomiao wanted to lose weight, while she wanted to adjust her state and prepare for the next show.

But what happened to Ginny also made Wen Xia worry about the upcoming show.

In the American entertainment circle where political correctness prevails, the status of black people is still very high, and no one dares to blatantly discriminate against black people.

However, although Asians also belong to ethnic minorities, they have always been the subject of discrimination.

Ginny is like this, she is obviously a famous female idol all over the world, but she still has to be assigned such a disgusting role when she gets there.

It means that all her strength, fame and enthusiasm are not as useful to the director as her Asian face.

And this Asian face was only used to match the R-line in the TV series, which made Ginny's actions a big joke.

And Wen Xia thought about it, if she went there, the situation would probably not be any better than Ginny.

Many queen-level female stars in the entertainment industry have gone to the United States to develop, but except for a very few who have made a name for themselves, the others are just playing a trick.

Although it is not as unbearable as Ginny, but because of the huge gap between China and the United States, she is often ridiculed by domestic fans.

Wen Xia was worried that if she went there, she would encounter such an embarrassing situation.

But thinking that Luo Quan has a certain prestige abroad, Wen Xia couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

It is good to have a best friend who is capable. If you really go to the United States to develop on your own, the probability of hitting the street is 90.00%.

But now that Luo Quan is helping to pave the way, Wen Xia even has the illusion that the road ahead is open.

In fact, she has always wanted to be an independent person, but there is no way, Luo Bao's thigh is too fat, and it smells delicious, so she can't help but hug it.

Being independent is certainly commendable, but adding difficulty to one's life even though one can live a little more easily is a lack of brains.

"Oh, it's really shameless for me to think like this." Wen Xia on the sofa thought in her heart, and then smoothly lifted Luo Quan's thigh, which was sitting next to her, and placed it on her own.

"Why are you touching my legs?" Luo Quan drank juice, and glanced at Wen Xia whose hands and feet were not very clean.

"I noticed that your thighs seem to be getting thicker recently." Wen Xia said.

"How is it possible, no fat legs will ever get fat." Luo Quan completely disregarded Wen Xia's tricks, "Why do you always pick this kind of thing to attack me? What is your intention? What is your ulterior purpose? Didn't you want to break my Dao heart?"

"That's impossible." Wen Xia quickly denied, "I'm just reminding you that you can't stop losing weight, otherwise you, Xiaomiao and me, how about exercising together, sweating profusely is what summer should look like. "

"I'm not interested at all." Luo Quan shook his head, and threw a white rabbit toffee into his mouth, "And my body is destined not to be suitable for strenuous exercise.

What about skipping rope, running push-ups, and wearing fitness tights, wouldn't that directly become an edge-grabbing anchor?
If you imagine that scene, every time I jump on the spot, the flesh of my whole body will also shake. The description alone feels outrageous. "

"It seems to be true." Wen Xia chuckled, "But it's fine if you don't live broadcast."

"It hurts, okay?" Luo Quan stopped pretending and directly stated the reason for the refusal.

This is indeed the end, and Wen Xia has no reason to refute.

But she really wanted to see Luo Quan exercising and dancing, that scene must be very touching.

Of course, the most impressive person in this villa is definitely not her, but Li Xiaomiao, who is still losing weight.

Her body is much larger than Luo Quan's, and she looks overwhelming just walking, let alone jumping rope and running.

It's a pity that at present, Li Xiaomiao's weight loss does not have any ornamental value.

But Wen Xia thinks that her eyebrows and eyes are really good, and when her weight drops below [-], she should be able to see her true face.

If nothing else, this should be a very smart beauty.

"Boss, I feel so hungry."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Li Xiaomiao, who had just finished exercising, took a shower and walked downstairs.

"Aren't you hungry, promise, apple." Luo Quan pouted his lips, signaling Li Xiaomiao to take whatever he wanted.

The family has always bought fruit, but because they are lazy dogs, they buy easy-to-eat apples and bananas. Those that are not easy to peel may taste better, but no one buys them at all.

"The more I eat apples, the more I get greedy. I want to eat meat." Li Xiaomiao said so, but she still picked up an apple and washed it, then took a big bite.

"Xiao Miao, your awareness needs to be improved. Now is the critical moment to lose weight, how can you slack off?" Wen Xia is really optimistic about Li Xiaomiao, so the degree of caring is no worse than Luo Quan.

"I know, Sister Xia." Li Xiaomiao nodded aggrievedly, "The appetite comes up, sometimes it's really unstoppable."

"That means your will is not firm enough!" Luo Quan stood up and stood in front of Li Xiaomiao: "Look at me, boss, do you want to become like me one day? Do you want to be a heartthrob?"

"I think, even in my dreams!" Li Xiaomiao nodded sharply.

Luo Quan raised his chin and said in a fierce tone: "Then continue to be patient, you have only achieved some results in losing weight, and I don't even have the idea of ​​rewarding you for a big meal.

When you lose another [-] catties, I can give you a small chance to indulge, then come and tell me about your desires! "

"Okay!" Li Xiaomiao was injected with chicken blood, and the blood in his heart suddenly surged, and his appetite was temporarily suppressed.

"If you really can't bear it, eat one of these." Luo Quan suddenly took out a candy from his clothes and threw it to Li Xiaomiao.

"What is this?" Li Xiaomiao looked at the candy curiously, "The packaging is pretty, what's it like?"

Luo Quan said with a smile: "This is concentrated Buddha's Jumping Wall soup. It has the essence of Buddha's Jumping Wall, but it doesn't have the exaggerated nutrition of Buddha's Jumping Wall. It's a dry addiction."

"Is there any more? Give me one too." Wen Xia directly extended her hand to Luo Quan
Luo Quan took out another one and threw it to Wen Xia who was on the sofa.

The two unpacked the package at the same time, and threw this yellow-orange-orange cube-shaped solid broth into their mouths.

Then, there were two moans of satisfaction.

The taste of the full version of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall is not something they can resist, as long as such a grain is more satisfying than eating a hundred delicacies.

"By the way, let's drink lotus root soup tonight. This is a high-end product that I have spent a long time making." Luo Quan said suddenly, and Li Xiaomiao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

She knew that the boss had packed a lot of Fengchi Kua from Her Majesty the Empress after the banquet, and she had been looking forward to trying it again.

Wen Xia asked curiously: "What high-end products? I don't want the ones that get fat after eating."

Luo Quan smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's an absolute vegetarian dish. It has high nutritional value but won't make you fat. The most important thing is that it's extremely refreshing. It's just not too comfortable to eat such a bowl in summer."

Of course, these are not the point.

The point is that this bowl of soup will at least increase their life expectancy by several decades.

This is still after dilution.

The original version of Go Back to Fengchi Kua contains too much nutrition. With Wen Xia and the others' current bodies, they will definitely not be able to digest it after eating it.

So Luo Quan has been diluting the boast of going back to Fengchi these days, and today it is completely done.

She has already packaged up all the portions for the big family of mom, dad, and grandpa, and sent them to the UK and the US by courier.

After the express delivery, she also specially said hello, saying that it was carefully prepared by herself, and she must drink it while it is fresh, and do not give it to others.

She wasn't worried about her father and mother, but she was afraid that grandpa would be too generous and share it with a group of old guys.

Fortunately, she went back to Fengchi to praise a lot, even if grandpa didn't drink it for the first time, she could still send another one.

At that time, let the second uncle supervise it carefully, and let the grandfather not be too generous.

After all, if this thing is known by too many people and attracts the attention of some organizations, it will be more troublesome.

After all, there are basically no ingredients on the earth in this sugar. If it is photographed under a microscope, who knows what kind of trouble it will cause.

As for now, tonight's return to Fengchi Kua must be shared with the family members in the house.

Wen Xia has been nagging for a long time that I am getting old and wrinkled again, and my body is getting worse day by day.

After drinking this bowl of soup, it is estimated that it will have a very miraculous effect tomorrow.

I don't know how surprised she will be at that time, Luo Quan is very curious what kind of expression Wen Xia will show.

Soon, Wen Xia told everyone in the house the news that Luo Quan had made a new soup.

Everyone will be looking forward to this new soup, and even Leon took out his mobile phone to broadcast the dish live.

(End of this chapter)

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