Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1154 The Amazing Change

Chapter 1154 The Amazing Change

ps. There are bugs in the previous chapters. Ye Zhining’s mother is also the queen mother, and she should be called Fang Yitian.


"It's delicious."

Leon held up his mobile phone, taking pictures of the lotus root soup bubbling in the pot.

"This lotus root looks delicious."

"Nonsense, Luo Bao's craftsmanship, can it be worse?"

"It's really a blessing to be a family member with Luo Bao. You can eat delicious food anytime."

"Is this lotus root soup on the shelves? I want to try something new."

"In this weather, even if Jingdong delivers it to your home, it should be smelly."

"Luo Bao used to open a restaurant when he was in New York, and he cooked the food himself. Unfortunately, he doesn't have such an opportunity now."


The fans in the live broadcast room were so greedy that they were drooling, but they could only watch through the screen.

In order to avoid everyone's constant pain of not getting what they want, Leon chose to turn off the live broadcast after the lotus root soup was cooked.

"It's time for dinner, everyone, let's go eat quickly, the more you watch in the live broadcast room, the more hungry you will be." This is what Leon Guan said before the live broadcast.

The fans just wanted to say that it doesn't matter, they just need to watch Luo Bao's delicious food to eat, but the live broadcast room is gone, which is helpless.

But Leon couldn't control all this, rubbing his hands and sat down excitedly.

The lotus root soup has been cooked, and the smell is so fragrant that the whole room can smell it.

And this kind of fragrance is not the kind of hot pot, which can't be washed off once it is stained. It is a very fresh and natural fragrance.

Lyon is sure that this lotus root soup called "Return to Fengchi Kua" must be very good at degreasing and suitable for health preservation.

"Everyone have a bowl first. The soup has the highest nutritional value at this time." Luo Quan stood by the table and kept serving a bowl of soup to everyone around him.

In addition to the soup, a little bit of lotus root, lotus seeds, petals and so on came, trying to restore the taste when it was just served on the table.

"This soup is really fresh. It's really enjoyable to use it to make rice!" Su Yu took a big sip and commented with a happy expression.

But even though I have this idea, it is too wasteful to use it to make rice, and I have to drink it directly to enjoy it.

"I added some small ingredients to this soup. I might feel younger after drinking it, so don't be too surprised when you wake up tomorrow morning."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he lifted his bowl and took a big sip.

Everyone here knows about the recovery of spiritual energy, so they are not surprised by Luo Quan's reminder.

"It's not so exaggerated to rejuvenate directly?" Wen Xia's eyes were full of curiosity and expectation.

Among the people here, she is the one who is obsessed with age the most.

When I heard that this soup is good for the skin, my heart suddenly became hot.

"You'll know when you wake up tomorrow morning. Anyway, there must be benefits and no disadvantages." Luo Quan sold it out mysteriously, which made Wen Xia even more excited, and opened his mouth to eat a large piece of lotus root.

On the other hand, Li Xiaomiao is well versed in the way of not talking when eating or sleeping.

Such delicacy is a gift from heaven, how can we be distracted at this time, so I ate with my head buried, and from time to time I also picked up a large chopsticks of shredded fish-flavored pork.

The boss said that with her body type, she will basically say goodbye to braised pork, double-cooked pork, and braised pork in a short period of time. If she eats again, it will easily make the fat she just lost rebound.

So even if you want to eat meat, you can only eat white meat, that is, chicken breast and the like.

Of course, everyone is happy tonight, so I made an exception and had a meal of fish-flavored shredded pork.

When rewarding herself at the Wu Zang Temple, Li Xiaomiao felt that she was really lucky to meet such a kind person as the boss, who not only helped her lose weight, but also gave him such delicious food from time to time.

If the days can continue like this, even if she can only lose one catty a day, she will be very satisfied.

After a big meal ended in a pleasant atmosphere, Luo Quan returned to the room and began to look at the company's work results in all aspects during this period.

It is stable and improving, and the development is still quite good.

In addition, the copyright of the adaptation of the novel she bought from Penguin has already been obtained, because Penguin is already going to adapt Douluo Dalu and Dou Po Cangqiong into animations, so Luo Quan chose another popular IP - "Dragon Race".

The first few novels of this novel have not been serialized on the Internet, and are mainly sold in the form of published works. However, with its wonderful content, this book can be regarded as the best-selling youth fantasy work in recent years.

For countless middle school students, this book carries countless beauty and touch.

The only pity is that the protagonist in the book is too bad, he can't protect his little monster, he can't get his senior sister Nuonuo, and he can't save senior brother Chu.

Judging from the content that has been serialized so far, Dragon Clan is a complete tragedy, and I don't know how many fans' tears have been earned.

But it is also because the characters in it are vivid enough and the battles are passionate enough that it has gained so much popularity.

I remember that when the fifth part was serialized on the Internet, many records were created. Unfortunately, Jiang Nan broke down the fifth part while writing it, and fell into a long-term interruption.

A while ago, the update was resumed, and it was said that it was going to restart the fifth part to make up for those regrets.

But until now, the content is not much different from before, but some content about Chu Ziang and Xiaolongnv has been added.

Makes up, but not by much.

This kind of scratching is definitely not enough to satisfy the fans. Coupled with Jiang Nan's own reasons, he is at the juncture of "not being guaranteed at the end of the festival".

Of course, regardless of these factors, the first three Dragons are still very classic. In the absence of a better choice, adapting "Dragon" into an anime is actually a very good choice.

Moreover, the author does not describe much about the life of Kassel College, and the main strokes are concentrated on the emotional entanglements between the characters and the dragon slaying.

Luo Quan felt that there was absolutely no need to make the rhythm so tight, and some college life could be properly added.

Simply put, it is water injection, but it is a reasonable water injection.

In this way, the length of the dragon drama can be greatly improved, and the three series can add up to a hundred episodes.

Divided into five to four seasons to broadcast, I think it should be able to gain a lot of popularity.

With the help of Penguin to set up a bridge, Luo Quan's subordinates have already got in touch with Jiang Nan, and basically finalized the details of the contract for the adaptation.

It's not that Jiang Nan doesn't pay much attention to her IP, it's that Luo Quan gave too much.

In fact, Dragon Clan has published comics and games before, but the former is not bad, and it is very popular on the website.

As for the game, after being popular for a period of time, it is half dead. It is an open world game of the next era, and it is essentially a mobile game for skin krypton gold.

Afterwards, Jiang Nan adapted another of his works, and the leading role was played by Lu Han, who was the top streamer at that time.

This work is very famous, called "Shanghai Fortress", and everyone knows what happened next.

Suffering setbacks one after another, coupled with the interruption of the new book, Jiang Nan herself felt very hot.

The little four next door has made a lot of money from the movie "Little Times", and he is still struggling on the manuscript fee.

It's not that they don't earn much, but compared with other people's income of hundreds of millions, it's really a lot worse.

Now there are people who take the initiative to come to their door and want to adapt the work. Although it is not a movie, the income brought by animation is actually not bad.

And if the anime becomes popular, it may not be impossible to adapt it into a movie or TV series in the future.

At that time, the novel IP of Dragon Clan may soar into the sky, and it is not impossible to become a national-level IP.

Even if it is still on the street, at least the copyright fees currently in hand are still very good. There is one thing to say, station B is really generous, and it is difficult for him to refuse the price offered.

The only uncomfortable thing is that the anime will make considerable changes to the plot of the novel.

including but not limited to:

Old Tang, the boss in the first part, did not die, but ran away in the battle at the Shanxia Reservoir.

Xia Mi in the second part didn't die either, Chu Ziang didn't directly stab her to death, and then she was brought back to the academy, and finally chose to cooperate with humans under the influence of her companions.

In the third part, the Genji brothers and the little monster Erika were not dead. Together with the protagonist group, they defeated the White King Horzog, and then regained control of Japan's Saki Hachi.


After pointing out the major changes in direction one by one, Jiang Nan was dumbfounded.

This isn't an adaptation, it's a rewrite at all, none of the damned people died, and the happy ending of the family reunion can still be called the Dragon Clan?
And Luo Quan's answer is also very reasonable:

"The users of station B are all minors, and they watch a lot of anime. How can you kill so many people every season? Can't you pass the review?
Anyway, your book has already made so many people cry, so don’t be so cruel in anime, isn’t it good to give these characters a happy ending?
The idea of ​​bitterness, great hatred and deep hatred has long been out of fashion, and a happy ending for all members is the kingly way. "

Jiang Nan continued to ask with a bitter face: "Is the dragon still slaughtered? Is it possible to make a big reconciliation with those dead servants who are like zombies? Don't kill Bai Wang?"

"A dragon's beard is not considered a human being. Besides, Horzog is a scumbag and has no human rights. He must be killed!" This is Luo Quan's answer, and Jiang Nan will not be able to fix it directly.

Although listening to such a change, the Dragon Clan has become an outright cool text.

But after thinking about it, this book is not a masterpiece with literary value, after all, it is still a commercial work.

There seems to be nothing wrong with catering to the market these days when the customer comes first.

And Jiang Nan also really wants to give some characters in the book a good ending, otherwise he would not choose to restart the fifth part.

After thinking about it again and again, Jiang Nan finally agreed to Luo Quan's change proposal. At the same time, as the author, he also put forward a request: "That is, please make Chen Motong's model look better, and don't make it too much because of female boxing." Ugly."

Jiang Nan dared to close the door and say this to Luo Quan. Now Weibo is full of female fists, and he has a lot of school girls who read it. If he dares to say that, he will not be killed.

Luo Quan patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, everyone in this book must be full of looks. Have you ever seen an ugly character in my Unreal Engine?"

"It seems to be true." Jiang Nan was asked, and found that it was indeed the case.

Among other things, the modeling of Unreal Studio is famous all over the world. It is beautiful and delicate. It has created many familiar characters, such as Tifa, Jill, Ada King, Sylvanas, etc., which one? Not the goddess of the game circle?
Is Jerusalem in the 3D area worthless?

If you use this level of technology to model the characters in Dragon Clan, it is indeed very worth looking forward to.

Therefore, although Luo Quan made it clear that the original work would be greatly revised, Jiang Nan finally signed the contract.

On the one hand, there is indeed enough money, and on the other hand, the object of cooperation is a high-quality company.

The animations adapted and introduced by station B in the past are almost becoming industry ghosts.

However, since Luo Quan took over, the decline of the previous two years has been reversed, and the fan drama area of ​​station B has become prosperous, and the popularity has been more than three times higher than before.

If the Dragon Clan can take this opportunity to shine, then his wish for many years may come true.

So the two sides hit it off and signed the contract happily.

Jiang Nan has no other requirements, that is, Senior Sister Chen must build beautifully.

This can be regarded as one of his obsessions. He is often ridiculed by fans. Luo Quan expressed his understanding.

As for the adaptation of Dragon Clan, Luo Quan knew that after the news was announced, he would definitely be attacked by many original parties.

Some people like a happy ending, while others prefer the emotional fulfillment of a character's death.

The reason why the Dragon Clan is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people is actually because of its imperfection.

Just like people's youth, it is always full of regrets.

Because of regret, it is worth remembering.

Dragon Clan is such a story, and Luo Quan is completely relying on his own preferences, trying to make it perfect by force.

There are many people who support this, and there are absolutely no fewer people who oppose it.

But anyway, it is an adaptation, so it is impossible to copy the original.

Compared with those film and television works that changed the original works beyond recognition, Luo Quan felt that his selfishness should still be understood.

After all, she just wants those characters who are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people to be alive, and it's not like Jiang Nan's book, let the hero watch the heroine being ntr in front of others.

Literary youth always like to come up with such things, but Luo Quan is not literary, she just simply doesn't like sad tragedies.

Give her Sine for NTR, she is a firm fighter of pure love.

That's probably how things are, the contract is signed, the money is transferred at a certain date, and then Unreal Studio can be arranged to start production.

Recently, Unreal Studio doesn't have any tasks, so I can devote myself to the production of "Dragon Race".

If the show becomes popular, it can be adapted into an open world game in the future, deepening the world setting, and directly creating a "Dragon World", making it a real oriental Harry Potter.

Of course, this beautiful vision seems to be a little bit early.

After all, she just got the copyright, and fans of the original book don't even know if they like her plot arrangement. I hope that after this news is announced, there will be fewer people scolding her. Mouth.

If it really doesn't work, then I'll learn from the general manager, so that I can't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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