Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1155 The Amazing Change

Chapter 1155 Amazing Change ([-])
The Dragon Clan animation advertisement has already started to be arranged, and if the speed is fast, it can be done tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

During the live broadcast, Luo Quan decided to share this news with fans: "I want to tell everyone a good news, Bilibili has recently won a famous domestic IP, and has decided to animate it.

But let me keep it a secret for the time being, and I won’t tell you what this IP is. Of course, you can also come and guess what it is. If you guess correctly, you are considered amazing. "

"Isn't it the Dragon Clan?"

A barrage floated across the top of the screen.

Swearing to the sky, Luo Quan suspected that this person was an insider from station B who came to mess things up.

How could it be possible to guess right at once!

But those employees couldn't have the guts to leak secrets, so did this person rely on intuition or a blind cat ran into a dead mouse?

"Haha, how could it be the Dragon Clan? I guessed it wrong right away." Luo Quan denied it with a smile
That is to say, her acting skills are good, and I am afraid that I don't know what to say if I am another person.

The first answer is the correct answer, how can this game go on?
And the netizen who posted the barrage didn't know that he had actually guessed the correct answer, so he laughed and started other novels, such as "Fights Break the Sphere" and "Douluo Dalu".

Although this is the correct way to open the game, Luo Quan still felt a little bit sorry, and sighed: "Hey, I originally wanted to trick everyone, but I didn't expect someone to guess right as soon as they came up."

"Huh? Who is so powerful?"

"Could it be Fights Break the Sky?"

"Wuhu, I really like this novel so much."

"It is recommended to make Queen Medusa look better."

"I'll fast-forward directly to Falling Heart Flame!"

"Gou Fugui, illusory yellow, right?"


The barrage thought Luo Quan was talking about the book "Fights Break the Sphere", but Luo Quan shook his head and said, "I'm actually talking about the Dragon Clan. I guessed right when there was a barrage just now."

"Haha, so my intuition is so accurate."

"It's no wonder Luo Bao's expression is wrong, I still said what's wrong."

"You guys are so ignorant. Luo Bao happily bought an ip and wanted everyone to guess. You just told the answer to the riddle. How can you play happily?"

"Indeed, Luo Bao's golden hair is obviously not as bright as before."

"Pfft, is that an exaggeration?"


Fans' complaints made Luo Quan dumbfounded: "No, are you focusing on the wrong focus? Isn't the dragon clan the most worthy of your discussion now?"

Hearing this, the barrage reacted:

"If you don't tell me, we will almost forget."

"Dragon Clan is indeed a famous IP, but it's not easy to adapt, and it's not as cool as traditional web novels."

"It would be great if the little monster didn't die, Erika is so beautiful and so pitiful."

"I don't know if the adaptation can change the ending of the tragic characters in it."


Originally, Luo Quan thought that her thoughts were naive and would not be approved by the original party, but she never expected that there would be so many people who thought the same as her after she said it.

"So you think so too?" Luo Quan said very excitedly, "This time Dragon Clan's adaptation of the animation, I really intend to change the fate of these mortals, not only Erika, but also Xia Mi and Lao Tang. , Yuan Zhisheng..."

As soon as this remark came out, the bullet screen immediately exploded:
"No, Luo Bao, are you serious?!"

"Is it changed like this? If it is really done like this, it will be too exciting."

"It has been changed so beyond recognition, can it still be called the Dragon Clan?"

"So this is an adaptation of an anime, not a copy. I fully support Luo Bao in doing this!"

"Yes, I hope to give everyone a happy ending, so that my youth will be perfect."


There are indeed voices of opposition, but it is obvious that there are many more people who still change in the same way, which is beyond Luo Quan's expectation.

Originally, she thought it was just her own immature fantasy, but she got the support of so many people, she was a little touched for a while: "To be honest, when I first came up with this idea, I was actually quite worried that people would criticize me. After all, the adaptation is not Randomly making up, changing the Dragon Clan like this is tantamount to changing most of the emotions.

In fact, I was ready to be scolded. "

Luo Quan's true feelings were revealed, which also made the fans speak their minds:

"In the past, this kind of ending was called touching, but now it can only be called Wenqing disease.

"Relying on the emotion brought by a character that everyone likes is very tricky and extremely harmful to readers."

"Now everyone is under a lot of pressure. In fact, I just want to watch something refreshing and happy. I don't want something that is deep, close to reality, and bitter and bitter."

"Indeed, if I want to stay close to reality, just read the classics directly. Isn't reading online articles and anime just for decompression."

"So Luo Bao, do you know what to do?"


This time, the barrage has achieved a unified tone. It seems that everyone hates Wen Qingbing's behavior.

Even if Luo Quan didn't say anything, they all made the request.

"Since everyone's emotions are so high." Luo Quan took a deep breath and said excitedly: "I promise, this time Dragon Clan will do its best to produce it, and strive to make it the animation with the most explosive special effects in China. !"

"I'll go, will Unreal Studio come to do it?"

"That's amazing. I remember that the last animation "Azeroth" won many awards in the West, right?"

"It's not just about winning awards, it's almost becoming the Jerusalem of the Western animation industry."

"Haha, tell me about Jerusalem."

"I just have one request. The looks of the handsome men and beauties of the Dragon Clan are integrated. The characters written by Jiang Nan's old thief are all extremely delicate in appearance description, so the modeling should not be too hip."

"Do you need to be reminded of this? That's what Unreal Studio does."

"It is suggested that Luo Bao go directly to be a model. It has no other meaning, just because it looks good."

"When the time comes, the 3D area will welcome the new goddess, right?"

"The abacus beads hit my face."

"The role modeled by Luo Quan is exciting just thinking about it."

"Shut up, you have a way to kill yourself like this!"

"Why can't I understand what you are talking about, I am still too pure"


In this situation, Luo Quan is not easy to speak out.

Because if you refute it, you will be questioned and ask her: How do you know so well?Do you often watch it?

To tell you the truth, she had actually seen some of them.

When I watch it, I am always amazed at the advancement of technology now. AI face changing and modeling have reached the point of lifelikeness. Although there is a big gap with me, it already has a bit of charm, so she will feel a little weird in her eyes. of.

This kind of thing is not clear, so in order to avoid exposing his browsing history, Luo Quan pretended not to understand the fans' comments and said: "You mean the AI ​​​​on the B station to change faces, some of them use my face model, indeed It's quite similar, if you like it, you can use it more, maybe I can occupy a place in the ghost animal area in the future."

Seeing Luo Quan say this, he was a little confused:
"Luo Bao really doesn't understand?"

"I guess I haven't seen it."

"Really, I don't believe it."

"Haha, isn't everyone's topic a bit crooked?"

"It's nice to talk about the Dragon Clan."


This made the fans who were originally thinking about fishing feel bored and started chatting about other topics.

After more than an hour, Luo Quan's live broadcast ended, and he fell asleep after washing up.

Just after seven o'clock the next day, Luo Quan, who wanted to sleep late, was awakened by an eager knock on the door.

When he opened the door, he found that it was Wen Xia who was full of surprise.

"What are you doing, Wen Xia, why did you wake up so early today?" Luo Quan yawned and blinked his sleepy eyes.

"Luo Quan, what on earth is that lotus root soup of yours!" Wen Xia stared at Luo Quan with wide eyes: "When I came together this morning, not only did I find that I had become younger, but also seemed to have become much prettier. It's all thanks to your lotus root soup!"

"It must be." Luo Quan admitted without hesitation, "Didn't I tell you before you ate it, don't be too surprised if there is any change when you wake up the next morning, because it is all caused by drinking lotus root. A normal thing that happens after soup."

The empress dowager's state banquet was the finale dish. Thinking about it, I knew how it could only have the effect of prolonging life.

That belongs to the most basic effect of the ingredients themselves, and I don't know how many natural materials and treasures have been added to this soup, but most of them have been boiled into the soup, so you can't see it at all.

In addition to prolonging life, rejuvenating, improving appearance, improving martial arts, and improving aptitude, these are all the effects it has.

It is precisely because of such comprehensive functions that Luo Quan asked Ye Zhining to prepare a big pot for her.

As long as it is a good thing, she is willing to hoard it.

And the Queen Mother has such treasures as the Jushi Ding, no matter how much she wants, it's just a matter of pouring an extra basin of water.

Now the cultivation base of the family members is still very low, and they can't eat the full version of Going Back to Fengchi Kua, and the effect has not yet reached its peak.

But even so, Wen Xia was so excited that she wanted to eat more.

"This food has high nutritional value. If you eat too much in a short period of time, you will suffer from indigestion." Luo Quan smiled and rejected Wen Xia's request. Invite everyone to have another drink, and then it will produce good results.”

Wen Xia's words made Wen Xia's imagination run wild.

Just one meal already made her feel three years younger, and her appearance has also greatly improved.

It would be so comfortable to have a meal every week!
Luo Quan seemed to have seen through Wen Xia's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Don't think that the effects of this thing can be superimposed without limit, everything has a limit, and the lotus root soup is the same.

As long as you eat a certain amount, its effect will not be as obvious as when you just ate it.

Just like medicine, it has a certain resistance, but it is better than medicine in that it does not have any side effects, so you don't have to worry about repeated situations. "

"Luo Bao, where did you get this?" Wen Xia was happy, but also curious about the origin of this thing, "It seems that I have never heard of such a thing before, and it feels amazing A little bit."

"If I told you three years ago that I could overturn a truck with one punch, would you believe it?" Luo Quan laughed, "The world is changing, and your mentality needs to keep pace with the times."

"It's not that I can't accept it, the main thing is that it's so amazing." Wen Xia shook her head lightly, then pinched her collagen-filled face: "After eating this, I think I should be able to Never worry about wrinkles again.

I woke up this morning and saw that the wrinkles in the corners of my eyes were gone, and the dark circles under my eyes were gone. I feel like I am back to the age of 16, and I am full of youthful vitality! "

Luo Quan talked eloquently: "In fact, a young mind is far more important than a young body, because the body will age sooner or later, but as long as you maintain a good mentality, then you will be forever young."

"My ideological realm is not as high as yours." Wen Xia curled her lips, "I still prefer this kind of youth that can be seen and touched, mentality or something, as long as the body is young, it will naturally get better .”

"So you are superficial." Luo Quan said with a smile.

"Cut, if you don't clean up after a few days, you're starting to get skinny again, right?" Wen Xia widened her eyes, and stretched out her hand to grab Luo Quan's waist.

As long as she couldn't say anything, Wen Xia would just move her hands without saying a word.

Faced with this situation, Luo Quan had no other good solution but to run away in a hurry, after all, this was her only weakness.

The sound of the two squabbling woke up other people in the room who were still asleep.

Not long after, there were exclamations one after another, and then there was a sound of going downstairs.

"My dear sister!" Leon slid on his knees after running down, "What did you feed me, and how did I become like this!"

Luo Quan took a closer look and found that Leon seemed to have become a lot fairer and younger, with a feeling of a little boy with fine skin and tender flesh.

"It feels pretty good. Is there anything you are not satisfied with?" Luo Quan said with a smile.

"I managed to grow a tough guy's face with a beard!" Leon's face was full of grief and anger, "I am also a father, and everyone is telling me to grow up, and I am doing the same.

Then I had some effects just now, but when I woke up, my beard fell off, and I turned into this sissy look. Those who didn’t know thought I changed my career to act in calcium tablets! "

Luo Quan said solemnly: "I think it's pretty good. The maturity of a person is not the maturity on the surface, but the maturity in the heart. Your ideological realm needs to be improved, brother."

Wen Xia turned her head and looked over, always feeling that this rhetoric seemed familiar.

"But it can't be so outrageous!" Leon pulled Mia who was next to him over, "Look at the two of us, what we have become now, those who don't know think we are high school students, and we will take our son to the streets in the future , I haven’t been arrested by the police yet?”

(End of this chapter)

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