Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1156 Beautiful troubles

Chapter 1156 Beautiful troubles

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you!

Looking at Leon and Mia, who were several years younger, Luo Quan felt that what he said seemed reasonable.

"But it's a good thing to be younger." Luo Quan chuckled, "If it doesn't work, you can tan your skin a little bit, and then grow your beard a bit longer."

"I think this looks pretty." Mia pinched Leon's cheek, "It's exactly the same as when I first met you, so handsome that I can't extricate myself."

"Really?" Leon's eyes lit up, "If you think it's not bad, then I'll keep it like this and not try to change it back."

"Actually, I like them all." Mia said affectionately.

"Oh my God!" Luo Quan's expression was full of disgust, "If you continue to do this, I will use my pointed leather shoes to kick both of your asses hard!"

There are so many single dogs in the whole house, and it turned out that these two were there to show off their love, which really made the sour smell of love permeate the whole house.

If Luo Quan doesn't make a sound to stop them, I'm afraid they will hug each other and have a kiss.

"If you have anything to say, go to the room and say it. You can do whatever you want. It is strictly forbidden to spread dog food in public places." Luo Quan pointed to the stairs with a serious expression, signaling that if they want to make out, they should go upstairs and make out, and don't get out of the way. .

"My sister is jealous, don't care about her." Leon said with a smile, and then led Mia upstairs.

"Haha, Luo Bao calm down."

Wen Xia took out a chocolate from the refrigerator, tore open the packaging bag, and stuffed it into Luo Quan's mouth: "Who is fat? We are single, and the relationship between the young couple is so good. Speaking of it, we have influenced them." .”

"When did you become so talkative?" Luo Quan took a big bite of the ice cream viciously, and after tasting the ice-cold blueberry sauce inside, he finally felt a lot better.

"My whole heart is filled with love and peace now." Wen Xia clasped her hands together, lowered her head and said kindly, "Amitabha".

Luo Quan looked at her speechlessly, knowing that after she became younger now, she had completely escaped from the half-menopausal state. Not only was everyone smiling, but she was also happy from the bottom of her heart.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan could not help but sigh.

Although some changes have taken place in the family after going back to Fengchi Kua after this meal, but overall things are still developing in a good direction.

I just don't know what's going on with my mom and dad, and I hope it won't have any bad impact on their lives.

After resting at home for two days, the weekend finally arrived.

The long-awaited Fan Club at Station B finally started broadcasting again. This time, [-] to [-], the number of places is relatively sufficient compared to the total number of people, but the intensity is definitely far higher than the previous few games.

Because Luo Quan said that as long as he can advance to the next round, he can join her on the concert stage of the Bird's Nest Stadium and perform in front of tens of thousands of live audiences and millions of live audiences.

There is no need to say more about what a huge drainage opportunity this is. As long as you perform well, it is almost equivalent to half a foot stepping into the ranks of stars with millions of fans. There is no need to repeat what it means.

Of course, if he behaves abnormally due to nervousness and causes a car accident, the consequences will be very serious. At that time, it will not be as simple as being ridiculed by the crowd, or it will be ruined.

In the show, the audience that the contestants have to face is only three instructors and a scoring team composed of passers-by, music critics, and media people. There are only about a hundred people in total, so there is no stage fright at all.

But what is the concept of the Bird's Nest concert?There are restless audiences in all directions, with tens of thousands of mouths shouting at you at the same time. Just thinking about that kind of momentum makes one's scalp tingle, let alone singing in this environment.

Some socially fearful or introverted people have difficulty opening their mouths to speak on such a stage.

Therefore, some contestants have already begun to worry about gains and losses before they have advanced, and even deliberately made mistakes in singing, trying to avoid the next stage.

However, this kind of situation is still rare after all, and they do it very covertly. After all, it is a live broadcast, and it is very normal for a little mistake to occur.

So even though Luo Quan saw that something was wrong, he didn't say much in the end.

This is their own choice, and the result is already out, and nothing can be changed after speaking out, but it will only increase troubles.

Some people just like to sing in a room where no one is watching. Even if it is not too popular, they can still live a very nourishing life with their own singing skills.

It can only be said that everyone has his own ambitions, and she should respect other people's choices and fates.

However, although some people chose to retreat, because they were not the ones with the best chance of winning the championship, even if they played abnormally, it did not cause much controversy.

Shen Zhou, Lan Aide, and He Xuanyu's performances are still stable and outstanding. This time the scores are very similar. Lan Aide's performance is slightly better than before, so they rank first, and Shen Zhou ranks second.

If nothing else, the champion should be born between the two of them.

Although He Xuanyu's strength is also very strong, but his appearance is not as likable as Shen Zhou and Lan Aide, and his fans are much weaker.

There is no way to do this, looks are destined by God, compared to ordinary people, he is very lucky to have such a singing talent.

Shen Zhou and Lan Aide were luckier than him.

Because there were only 30 people competing, the show just lasted over the weekend, and in two days, the next [-] contestants to be promoted were announced.

At the end of the show, the ratings of the fan club at station B once again hit a new high, and the discussions on related topics on Weibo also exceeded 50 billion!

This has already made a very exaggerated figure. When Super Girl was broadcast, there was a Weibo just now, and the data cannot be verified.

The most popular music talent show variety show in the past ten years should be The Voice of Huaxia, but the popularity of the Bilibili fan club has surpassed the recent "Voice of Huaxia", and the data is close to the most popular first session.

Everyone knows that the next semi-finals and finals will be the most explosive time.

Especially in the semi-finals, Luo Quan, as a mentor, will take part in the battle in person this time, and sing along with the students on the same stage. This is a rare event.

"I believe everyone knows that the next semi-finals will be held at the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said with a smile: "First of all, I want to tell everyone that I will sing on stage this time, but there will only be one or two songs.

After all, the protagonists of this concert are the contestants, and I'm just playing a warm-up role, so don't expect to see me singing on it for hours.

At some point, it will definitely end. If someone reports disturbing the people, it will be troublesome. "

Luo Quan also guessed that some fans would ask him to continue singing for an hour or two after the concert, which was what he did when he held a concert at the Tokyo Dome Stadium.

At that time, tens of thousands of spectators were shouting for her to continue, and even residents living nearby sent messages saying that Luo Quan could continue singing, and then Luo Quan sang until three o'clock.

Luo Quan does not doubt his popularity in China, but the tolerance of the residents is not a concept.

And if it is posted on the Internet to make complaints about it, the impact will not be very good, so when it should end this time, it will end at what time.

In order to avoid fans being disappointed, Luo Quan greeted them in advance.

But even so, the tickets for the concert a week later were sold out in the blink of an eye.

This level of popularity did not exceed everyone's expectations, but most of them must have been bought by scalpers, and those fans who wanted to come to the scene might have to pay more this time.

But this is not something she can control. If there is a concert, there must be scalpers. This industry has developed very maturely and involves multiple interest groups.

Sometimes even the organizers will take the initiative to sell tickets to scalpers, and then sell them at a higher price than the marked price to seek greater profits.

Although these things have not been exposed too much, they are definitely nothing new in the industry.

What Luoquan can do is not to cooperate with scalpers, and try to limit multiple purchases of a single IP.

As for identity verification when entering the venue, it is too time-consuming and laborious. With so many people this time, it will be very troublesome if the road is congested.

Of course, if the scalping is still particularly serious this time, then Luoquan will have to try the method of identity verification for admission next time he holds a concert.

Although not only scalpers, but also many wealthy fans may have some complaints about doing this, Luo Quan would rather be complained about and try to be as fair as possible to everyone.

It was another week of rest, but Luo Quan did not lie on the bed and let herself go. With so many things to do, she couldn't rest at all.

First of all, the filming of the series "Hurricane" has started. This time, it is a joint filming with Channel One, and all the resources used are the best.

The male protagonist is Zhang Yi, the double actor recommended by Channel [-]. He missed the honor of the mainland actor grand slam because he failed to compete with Xiao Yang.

But this time he is very happy to cooperate with Luo Quan in filming.

As long as it is related to Luo Quan's works, there will be nothing but hits. Zhang Yi has already imagined how popular this TV series will be.

He has always had a relatively positive image on the screen. The only time he was a villain was when he played Kong Helan a while ago, in which he played the treacherous manager.

Now returning to the TV series, he also played his role as the leading male policeman.

As for the male second, there are many fewer people submitting resumes.

After all, in the eyes of most people, the male number one must have more and more outstanding roles than the male second and male third roles.

But the position of the first male has already been determined by default, so their demand for the second male is much smaller.

Of course, Luo Quan was also very happy about this situation, because it reduced her workload.

After reading resumes from dozens of actors, she fell in love with a middle-aged actor named Zhang Songwen.

This actor is not very famous. He has acted in some popular dramas before. Although his performance was remarkable, he didn't become popular because of it.

But what is commendable is that this actor did not give up his special research on acting skills because of these details, but continued to hold acting classes and recorded the analysis of the acting skills of foreign movie stars.

These dry goods made him look more like a teacher who taught and educated people than like an actor.

However, Luo Quan felt that it took such a pure person to play the role well.

And before the filming started, Luo Quan didn't tell others who would play which role in this TV series.

It's just that the first male is decent, and the second male is a villain, and the second male is not such a villain with a facial makeup, there will be more portrayals.

However, Zhang Yi's consistent play style has determined that he is more suitable for decent roles, and those who recommend him are also choosing decent roles.

But in fact, the show "Hurricane" is a typical situation where the villain is more brilliant, but only she knows about it.

At this time, Zhang Songwen didn't realize what kind of drama he was receiving, he just had the mentality of giving it a try, to see if he could get the chance to cooperate with Luo Quan.

In fact, when Luo Quan was recruiting male actors for the movie, he also submitted his resume, but Luo Quan chose Xiao Yang without seeing his resume.

But this time he was very lucky. Luo Quan watched dozens of actors but couldn't find the right one. In the end, he was panned for gold in the sand and got him out.

Now "Hurricane" has started filming, and the director is a famous director who has filmed many word-of-mouth dramas.

Although it was not appointed by Luo Quan, after reading the praise from netizens, he did not raise any objections.

As the screenwriter and the main investor, "Hurricane" will be exclusively broadcast online on station B after filming.

At present, TV drama advertisers are still recruiting to join. Although the number of users of station B is less than that of iQiyi and Tencent, it is still very valuable to advertise because of the recent explosion of popularity.

Therefore, the current competition can be called fierce. Luo Quan handed over the right of choice to the newly recruited general manager, which was regarded as a test for him.

After finishing the TV series, a new situation appeared in the variety shows on Huanyu
Although the review has passed, it has only passed the review in Huanyu.

Her ideal situation is to make the show popular in places other than Huanyu, the more people can see it, the better.

However, the review conditions in other places are different from Huanyu's, and she has nothing to do with those places.

So the current review speed is quite slow.

But, because of the banquet, many important people from other civilizations got to know her.

Then I "accidentally" heard that her program was sent for review by myself, so I asked about the situation with great concern.

Of course, Luo Quan himself is not in Huanyu, so the Saintess Favreya is responsible for these matters.

The Holy Maiden sent a message yesterday, saying that there are too many people who want to see her, and it is difficult for the Church of Dawn to reject all of them.

After all, these big shots claim to have believed in the Church of Dawn, and they are eager to see the Virgin and feel the baptism of the Holy Light.

Luo Quan was speechless when he heard this excuse.

(End of this chapter)

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