Chapter 1157
"Feel the baptism of the Holy Light? Are you sure you don't want to receive the baptism of her beauty?"

Luo Quan has seen this kind of situation too much, isn't that just because of her beauty.

But I have become a virgin, why are these people still not giving up.

Also said that he just wanted to meet himself and feel the ultimate beauty?

Luo Quan couldn't figure it out, but I heard that these people could speed up the review process, so it doesn't matter to meet them, but the place is in the Palace of Notre Dame.

After returning to Huanyu, Luo Quan sent a message to Saintess Fafreya, saying that she was free and that all the big shots could come to the Summer Palace of Our Lady for a meeting.

As soon as the news was sent out, Ye Zhining actually arrived.

"Hey, have you installed surveillance on my phone?" Luo Quan joked with a smile.

"What monitoring?" Ye Zhining looked confused, "I don't know what you are talking about, I just sensed that you have returned to Huanyu, and I want to come over and chat with you."

"That's because I thought too much, I'm sorry." Luo Quan quickly apologized.

"Hmm~~ Did you say something bad about me on your phone, that's why you're so nervous?" Ye Zhining stretched out her hand, motioning for her to check.

"Am I the kind of villain who speaks ill of people behind their backs?" Luo Quan didn't have any ghosts in his mind, and directly gave Ye Zhining the phone.

She looked down for a while, then raised her head to look at Luo Quan: "Are you going to meet those visitors from foreign civilizations?"

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded, "You won't be impatient."

"What's so urgent about this?" Ye Zhining laughed when she heard this, "I know that you are beautiful, my concubine, and there is no man in the world who does not miss you, but even if he misses you, he must behave properly. On the site, do they dare to do anything outrageous?"

Ye Zhining paused for a moment, then continued: "Let me give you an example, I used to be a well-known beauty, who wouldn't boast after the foreign guests came to visit?

So am I going to see them?Obviously not.

To be in my position, you must have tolerance. Men yearn for beautiful women, and women yearn for handsome men. That's human nature.

As long as they behave according to the rules, you can socialize and cooperate with them.

People are always group animals. If you are too independent and exclusive, it will be difficult to accomplish things after all. You need to become more cheerful. "

"It seems to be such a truth." Luo Quan nodded lightly, "But I'm rather bored, and I'm not very good at learning from both sides."

Ye Zhining smiled and shook her head: "You don't need to be both right and left, you just need to be neither humble nor overbearing, and get along with these people with a normal heart. Even if you can't be friends, you can at least be partners.

You can't just treat someone as an enemy just because they want to see you. "

"I did overreact a little bit, probably because my strength is too low, resulting in a lack of sense of security, so I'm more repulsive to these strangers."

Luo Quan sighed, and squeezed his fist: "I was not like this when I was on Earth, no matter what the occasion, I never had stage fright."

"I said, you don't have to worry about this at all." Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan on the shoulder, "Have you forgotten the power I left you before?

With it, even a Taoist-level powerhouse can't hurt you in the slightest, not to mention the Necklace of the Fall of the Dawn that the church gave you. With this pair of insurance, what are you still afraid of? "

Hearing this, Luo Quan was indeed relieved a lot.

Probably because she has read too many fantasy novels, she is always worried that she will be bullied by others.

But think about it carefully, she is holding two thighs, one thick and one thin, and she is still in her own territory, so what is there to be afraid of?
After communicating these things, Luo Quan's mentality suddenly became much more open-minded.

The following meeting also proceeded smoothly. Luo Quanguan changed into the golden cloak of the Virgin Mary prepared by the church, and sat on a seat carved with various precious stones.

If she was given a scepter, Luo Quan felt that his aura would be equal to that of His Majesty the Pope.

In this meeting, a total of three foreign guests came, and they all met once at the banquet before, and chatted for a while.

These people were more devout than she had imagined. When they saw her, they knelt down and shouted for the peace of Our Lady.

This can't fix Luo Quan, no way Freya said that these people also believe in the Church of Dawn.

After asking, I found out that these people were hopelessly infatuated with her after watching her performance and live broadcast, and became her fans.

This time, I came here as a fan and wanted to meet her as an idol.

As for the review, they have already let their subordinates arrange it, and there will be no problems.

"I said you were fans earlier." Luo Quan felt that his previous worries were just a waste of time. Live it up."

Luo Quan lifted his butt from the hard seat with a smile, and walked down with it, and turned on the live broadcast: "Family, some fans came to Notre Dame's Summer Palace today. See you soon."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at the three fans who were kneeling on the ground and big shots from foreign civilizations: "Do you want to take a group photo or sign an autograph later?

Speaking of which, I have never held a fan meeting or anything before this, and people have been saying that I am playing big names before, and you guys have given me a good start. "

"Mother of Luo, you are so annoying." Several fans didn't expect Luo Quan to change so much before and after, but they still laughed: "It would be great if we can take a group photo and sign everything."

"No problem." Luo Quan raised his hand, his snow-white arm stretched out from under the cloak, and snapped his fingers crisply: "Cindy, please bring me a pen."

Then he looked at the three fans in front of him: "What did you sign on? A book or a T-shirt?"

"I have a scepter." One of the fans took out a golden scepter from nowhere, which looked very expensive.

After Luo Quan got the pen, he wrote his name on the scepter in Chinese characters.

"This is the language of my hometown. If you are not used to it, you can change it to Universal Language." Luo Quan said with a smile.

"That's it, it's like learning a foreign language." The fan holding the scepter nodded and said.

"Learning foreign languages ​​is good, we should learn more foreign languages." The two people next to them also took out a book, opened the title page and said, "We also want to learn foreign languages."

Luo Quan signed autographs for the three of them one by one, and then took a photo together.

It was originally a serious and diplomatic meeting, but it turned into a meeting between fans and idols, and the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

This was something Luo Quan hadn't thought of before.

And these three probably also had the idea of ​​using power for personal gain. Luo Quan broadcasted it live, and was scolded bloody by countless fans in the live broadcast room.

"Gou Ri, why did the three of you ask for Luo Quan's autograph and photo?"

"I have rewarded so much, but still haven't gotten it?"

"You are so lucky, you can really meet Luo Quan directly."

"Before I became a fan of a celebrity, it was difficult to interact with her. Here in Luoquan, I can actually communicate face to face. This is too close to the people."

"No, I'm going to the Summer Palace of Our Lady too!"

"Damn, it's too far away, it will take several days just to ride the curvature spaceship."


Looking at the barrage's angry speech, Luo Quan said innocently: "You didn't ask me for these before, and I don't know the rules of the world, so I don't know what you want."

"I want the swimsuit physical photo book you took out in the live broadcast before."

"You don't even pretend, do you?"

"Haha, actually I want it too."

"Brother is straightforward enough, you should demand it hard. Of course, you must not let Luo Bao suffer. Why don't Luo Bao set a goal and let's crowdfund it?""


Seeing this crowdfunding, Luo Quan thought of some not-so-good memories after he set the flag: "Let's forget about crowdfunding, this swimsuit photo shoot was originally for fans to see, if you want to As for the physical book..."

Luo Quan cut out the screen, searched for Huanyu's photo album printing, and then said: "The price is not expensive, just print [-] copies, and then everyone will post a barrage to get it by luck."


"Well done, Luo Bao, I suggest that Luo Bao be the next Universe Star, who is for and who is against?"

"I agree!"

"Can you replace it with the recent photo, it looks better."

"You're asking for a lot."


Luo Quan is very familiar with how to figure out what fans like.

And with such an operation, the popularity value has risen a lot.

It's a pity that it's not on Earth, otherwise the rising heat would be more valuable.

"In the future, if there are fans who want to see me here, be prepared to be empty-handed in the end, because I'm not here all the time, so don't worry if you don't meet them.

In short, if there is fate, we will definitely meet each other sooner or later. "

At the end of the live broadcast, Luo Quan vaccinated the fans in advance.

Fans said that it is only interesting to have this kind of unknowing feeling like opening a box. If it is here every time, it will lose the kind of happiness that makes people want to shout luck.

In this way, Luo Quan does not know what to do and evaluate. He can only say that the thinking of aliens is indeed different from that of people on earth.

And soon, Luo Quan also met an alien beauty whose thinking was different from that of ordinary people.

The beauty's name is Dongfang Chen. She has horns on her head, a tail behind her, and most importantly, white hair.

This big beauty was screened out by the system, because there were too many applicants for Huanyu girls this time, and Luo Quan couldn't handle it alone, so he simply let the system do it for him.

Anyway, it doesn't need to rest, and its efficiency is definitely higher than itself.

And after dealing with it for so many days, it finally found a newcomer with great potential in each entry list, that is, the white-haired little dragon girl.

"Dongfang Chen, 180 years old (equivalent to 18 years old on Earth), 170 in height, D cup, characteristic: very long legs..."

Luo Quan read the information pushed to her by the system, and asked doubtfully, "Is this Dongfang Chen really describing himself like this?"

"No, the system just extracted the elements of her photo, so that the host can have a more intuitive first impression of her."

"Let me just say, how could it be possible for a girl to introduce herself like this." Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then what about her original personal introduction, it should have something like what she is good at?"

"No, Dongfang Chen gave just such a photo."

"Quite confident." Luo Quan blinked his eyes, "But with this appearance and figure, there is really no reason to lose the election, and there is no problem with being confident.

Do you have her contact information, make an appointment to see her appearance, and confirm whether she is cheating or not. "

Upon hearing the command, the system immediately called Dongfang Chen.

"Hey, who is it?"

Asked in a cold and tugging tone.

"Is it Dongfang Chen? I'm the person in charge of this Huanyu girl. You sent this resume to us. I think the conditions are quite good, so I want to meet you."

"Huanyu girl?" Dongfang Chen was obviously taken aback, "Have I submitted my resume to you?"

"Ah, then why is your photo in our entry mailbox?" Now it was Luo Quan's turn to be puzzled.

"I submitted my resume to many recruiting companies two days ago, and I may have sent it to you unintentionally."

"It doesn't matter." Luo Quan chuckled dryly, "I think your personal qualifications are quite good. Are you interested in participating in our Huanyu Girls program? First of all, the rewards are quite generous."

"I often hear this kind of talk in those MLM companies." Dongfang Chen said coldly, "But I don't have any other companies to reply now, so I will go to your place to have a look. If I am not satisfied, I will They will go straight away."

"Damn it, dare to pull it a little more!"

The corner of Luo Quan's mouth twitched, wondering if the system was joking with her, is it really necessary to recruit such a person into the company?Are you sure recruiting will not affect the atmosphere of the company?
"The system's judgment has never been wrong. Maybe Dongfang Chen is just a person with two faces?"

Hearing the system's explanation, Luo Quan slightly suppressed his inner discomfort, and said with a smile: "Then where are you now, are you in Huanyu?"

"The imperial capital of the Holy Tang Dynasty." Dongfang Chen said flatly.

Luo Quan nodded: "Then let's meet today, in the Xuanwu Teahouse in Beicheng, Room No. [-], Tianzi, on the second floor."

"Okay, it happens to be relatively close to where I live, so I'll go there first."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Quan bared his teeth and said, "Damn, how could there be such an arrogant person."

"What's the matter, who can make you so angry?" Ye Zhining and Bai Xingwei who were next to him looked over and asked curiously.

"A contestant who wanted to join the Huanyu Girls turned out to be as if he had already made his debut." Luo Quan restrained his temper and said softly.

"Then don't accept it, it's not bad." Bai Xingwei's solutions are always so simple and rude.

(End of this chapter)

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