Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1158 Tsundere is too suitable for this version

Chapter 1158 Tsundere is too suitable for this version

ps. Blowing on the air conditioner and catching a cold, my eyes hurt as if I just used a photo of the sun. Everyone must control the temperature when turning on the air conditioner during this period of time!


"I still have to accept it. I finally met such a talented girl. If I miss it, who knows when I will wait."

As Luo Quan said, he handed Dongfang Chen's photo to Ye Zhining and Bai Xingwei: "It's such a beauty, it would be a pity if you don't come to participate in the world to become famous."

"This is... the Dragon Clan." Ye Zhining saw the horns on Dongfang Chen's head, and turned to Luo Quan: "What's the girl's name?"

"It seems to be Dongfang Chen." Luo Quan recalled and said.

"That's it." Bai Xingwei nodded, "Dongfang is a common surname of the dragon clan, and the hair looks like a white dragon. This is a nobleman among dragons."

"Is Bailong very noble?" Luo Quan asked doubtfully, "But when I talked to her on the phone, she seemed to be in a bit of a predicament. She was submitting resumes everywhere, as if she was anxious to find a job."

"That shouldn't be it." Ye Zhining was also puzzled, "The White Dragon Clan has always been fond of blood, and will never easily allow their clansmen to live in the world. They are all raised with good food and drink, so why do they need to go out to find a job? "

Bai Xingwei sighed faintly: "That means that the relationship between this girl and her family is not very good, maybe she is currently running away from home."

The reason for this certainty is that she herself had a similar experience.

During those relatively rebellious years, she tried to get the attention of her busy parents by running away from home.

Later, it was discovered that her parents were too busy to know that she had run away from home. Bai Xingwei worked outside for two months, and finally found it was boring, so she came back.

Then just in time for her parents to go home, the two asked her with a smile if she was obedient at home recently, and said that they should go out with her to play in the past few days, so as to make up for the lack of these few months.

From then on, Bai Xingwei basically understood her parents, and she stopped arguing with her parents all day long, and never did such absurd things as running away from home.

Although she didn't know the specific situation of this Dongfang Chen, but Bai Xingwei analyzed it with the mentality of someone who had experienced it. Dongfang Chen must have a problem with her parents or family relationship.

Because adults cannot change their minds, they can only resist by running away from home.

If this is the case, it is understandable for Bai Xingwei to feel that she is so aggressive.

"Just by guessing, I can't figure out why. Let's go and see her!"

Ye Zhining put on a mask and waved out a portal.

In the Holy Tang Dynasty, Ye Zhimin was like a god.

Although omniscient and omnipotent cannot be said, it is no problem to appear anywhere within half a minute.

"This skill is amazing. I want to learn it when I have time." Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining enviously.

Bai Xingwei laughed and said: "You are still a little bit close. At least you have to reach the Divine Refining Realm to have enough ability to support the consumption of the portal. Work hard."

Luo Quan stared: "So you will too?"

"Yes, but generally not." Bai Xingwei nodded lightly, "My family has a civilian teleportation circle, which can be transmitted by Li Ji in the four cities of the imperial capital at will, and the main anchor points a few light years away from Huanyu Star can also be transmitted within 3 minutes. Arrived, very convenient.

Moreover, if the portal is made by one's own spiritual power, not to mention the consumption of mind and spiritual power is too great, it is not stable, and it is easy to deviate from the target location.

So my suggestion is that even if you learn it, don't use it in the end, because sometimes it can really kill people. "

"So that's how it is." Hearing this, Luo Quan sighed in disappointment.

"Come on slowly, you just learned how to run now, we will talk about the flying in the sky later." Ye Zhining said, reaching out to put Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei on the shoulders, the portal immediately wrapped the three of them, and then Disappeared in place.

Luo Quan only felt a flash in his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived at the door of Xuanwu Teahouse.

"Three honored guests!" The shop waiter immediately came up to greet him, and at the same time turned his head and shouted towards the shop.

"The room has been booked, Tianzi No. [-] room." Although Ye Zhining was wearing a mask, he still walked like a dragon and a tiger, and his tone revealed a strong aura of superiority.

Seeing this, the waiter in the shop said in a more respectful tone: "Everyone, please follow me."

Under the leadership of Xiaoer Dian, the three girls went up to the second floor.

Pushing the door open, I saw a beautiful woman in ordinary clothes sitting inside.

"It really is a white-haired dragon girl." Luo Quan couldn't help sighing.

Dongfang Chen looked up at the people who came, and found that the three of them were wearing masks, and asked suspiciously: "Why are they all covering up, are they afraid of being recognized by me?"

"I was afraid of being recognized when I came here, so there is no need to enter the house." Luo Quan said as he took off his mask.

Dongfang Chen looked at Luo Quan, frowned, and then widened his eyes: " are Luo Quan, the Holy Mother of Dawn Church!"

"That's why I wear a mask." Luo Quan nodded lightly, as an admission of his identity.

"It is true that you need to wear a mask. If you are recognized, you will not be able to walk in the city later."

Dongfang Chen said with a face of approval, his eyes revealed a little fiery: "Mother Luo, you may not know it, but I am actually half of your fan."

"Oh, there is such a thing?!" Luo Quan was overjoyed, thinking that this time it would be possible to get it without any effort.

Dongfang Chen was a little excited and said: "Because when I was desperate, I was lucky enough to participate in the Homecoming Banquet, and the best dish I ate at the banquet was your Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

That was the most delicious dish I have ever eaten in my life, and it gave me back my hope in life! "

"What else?" Luo Quan smiled.

"That's right, the ingredients of Mingming Buddha's Jumping Wall are not expensive, but in the end they can be combined to produce such a wonderful taste.

It shows that as long as you work hard enough, salted fish can turn over! "

"Pfft!" Bai Xingwei couldn't hold back, and laughed outright.

Luo Quan looked at Dongfang Chen with a serious expression on his forehead covered in black lines, wondering why she could get such inspiration.

But anyway, being able to inspire people is a good thing, so I said: "I am very happy that you can regain your confidence because of this dish. Since you are half of my fans, are you interested in becoming an idol in my company?"

"Idol?" Dongfang Chen's eyes were full of doubts, because it was the first time she heard such a title.

"It's a kind of celebrity, but you need to be able to sing and dance, and you must also maintain your personality as an idol.

For example, you are now a person with a great personality and a little bit of a pull..."

Before Luo Quan finished his explanation, Dongfang Chen took it over and said, "I usually have such a personality."

"That's also good news, so that there will be no unnatural acting." Luo Quan chuckled dryly, "But having character doesn't mean being rude. If you plan to be an idol, you must have quality. Yes, especially when it comes to fans who like you.

In the words of the merchants, the audience is our food and clothing. "

"Well, then I probably understand." Dongfang Chen nodded, "Idols are actually stars who have some skills, right, so the show Huanyu Girls is a show that produces idols?"

"To be precise, a large group of girls came to participate in the election, and in the end only five of them made their debut as official idols.

The competition is sure to be fierce, so you'll have to think it through. "

"Don't think about it!" Dongfang Chen waved his hands domineeringly, "Anyway, I have nowhere to go now, so I have to find something for myself.

By the way, participating in this program can make money, right?As long as I have money, board and lodging included, I can continue to work. "

"There must be money, and the higher the ranking, the more money." Luo Quan said, took out a contract and pushed it in front of Dongfang Chen: "Also, if you are willing to become an artist of our company, then you can Skip the audition stage and directly participate in the main competition."

"Isn't that the same as going through the back door?" Dongfang Chen said with a look of surprise, "Isn't this a little bit unfair?"

Luo Quan smiled and said: "The employees I like must have their own merits, so I believe that you can pass the audition smoothly, which is not considered a back door.

Of course, the choice is yours. "

"I believe Holy Mother, you won't cheat me!" Dongfang Chen wrote his name directly on it without looking at the content of the contract.

"You are too reckless, don't you even read the terms and conditions?" Luo Quan said dumbfounded, and the other two girls also laughed.

"No need." Dongfang Chen shook his head slightly, "Holy Mother, you inspired me when I was most difficult, and you found me when I needed help the most. I believe this is the arrangement of fate. Let you and me able to meet.

Not to mention becoming your employee craftsman, even a follower, there is no problem at all! "

"Speaking of which, why did you encounter difficulties?" Luo Quan asked curiously, "It stands to reason that the Bailong clan should live in abundance."

"The old man in my family insisted on marrying me to a man from the Feng family that I had never met before. I refused, and he would tie me up if he wanted to. I didn't even think about it. Am I the character who just sits and waits to die?"

When Dongfang Chen said this, he laughed disdainfully: "So I took advantage of the dark night and high winds to escape from the clan to the imperial capital. No matter how powerful those old guys are, they dare not make trouble in the imperial capital, so I can be regarded as making a home here. up.

It's a pity that I didn't bring a penny with me when I came out, and I had already eaten up all the dry food. Now I can only rely on my own efforts. "

"So it's because of arranged marriages." Hearing this, Luo Quan immediately showed sympathy in his eyes: "I support your actions. Arranged marriages were a feudal idea hundreds of years ago, and now there are still people practicing them. It's old fashioned!"

"I support you too!" Bai Xingwei encouraged again and again.

Although Ye Zhining didn't speak, she nodded slightly to express her position.

"It really makes me so happy to be supported by so many people." Dongfang Chen lifted the teapot with a smile and poured everyone a cup of fragrant hot tea.

"Since the contract has been signed, you will be an employee of my company from today onwards. Come with me."

Luo Quan stood up and looked at Dongfang Chen: "How much do you know about singing and dancing? How about your learning talent?"

Dongfang Chen laughed dryly: "I can dance a little bit, and I can learn to sing. I will definitely work hard!"

Well, another vase from scratch.

However, what Luo Quan likes the most is to train from zero, and playing with a full-level account is not interesting.

"It's okay, this time you come back to your hometown with me, and someone will teach you then."

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, Ye Zhining waved and brought everyone back to the room.

"A master!" Dongfang Chen looked at Ye Zhining in surprise.

As a member of the White Dragon Clan, Dongfang Chen's strength is not low, and he knows that only a master of the Divine Refining Realm can do this.

And looking at the appearance of lifting weights as if they were light, it is obvious that his strength is above that of God.

"It's just a trivial trick, it's not worth mentioning." Ye Zhining sat on the side of the bed with a very calm tone.

This is not modesty, but it is exactly as he said.

"Next you are going to my hometown, and I have to tell you in advance about some taboos there."

Luo Quan told Dongfang Chen what he had said to Li Xiaomiao before.

Dongfang Chen listened very seriously, and then touched the horns on his head: "Then do I have to hide this too?"

"It's better to hide it." Luo Quan thought for a while, it seems that no one would wear an antler-shaped hairpin, and he thought it was too strange for Dongfang Chen to wear this thing.

Hearing what the boss said, Dongfang Chen wiped his head with his hands, and the two horns disappeared.

"Very good, your next task is to learn how to become an idol." Luo Quan nodded with satisfaction, and opened any door to the earth.

"Then I'll go back first, and I'll come back to see you when I have time." Luo Quan waved goodbye to Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining.

After taking Dongfang Chen to his room, Luo Quan vacated another room for her on the second floor.

There are already so many people living in the house, and now that another one has been added, the room has begun to become a bit inadequate.

"Boss, I'll just stay in the room. Can I go to the master who taught me how to sing and dance when there are fewer people?" Dongfang Chen sat on the bed and said to Luo Quan.

"Do you have social fear?" Luo Quanxin said that this is broken, how can you be an idol if you have social fear.

Dongfang Chen shook his head: "That's not true, it's just that in a new environment, some people don't dare to get in touch with too many people. It takes some time to get used to it."

"It feels like social terror." Luo Quan complained, "That's fine, if you don't want to come out, you can stay here, and I will notify you to come down when there are fewer people. For training, there must not be many people."

"Good boss." As soon as Dongfang Chen finished speaking, a Quick Start Book of Chinese was thrown into his arms.

"Look hard and study hard, it will definitely be useful in the future." Luo Quan said with a smile, "When you learn it, if you need something to relieve boredom, you will be able to use your mobile phone and computer."

"Understood, boss!" Dongfang Chen replied crisply.

(End of this chapter)

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