Chapter 1159
"Hey hey hey!"

Li Xiaomiao worked hard in the gym, lifting the iron, and chanted while lifting.

If her father were here, he would not be able to believe that the girl in front of him was her daughter.

When she arrived, Li Xiaomiao weighed nearly [-] catties. She was not particularly tall, and she walked like a moving mountain of meat.

But now, her fat, which looks like a Michelin tire man, has obviously "reduced swelling", especially the hips and waist, the two places where fat is most likely to accumulate, have shrunk most obviously.

As for the limbs, because she exercises a lot every day, the weight loss effect of the limbs is also quite obvious, but it is not as exaggerated as the previous two places.

According to the electronic scale, her current weight is 230 jin.

I lost 64 catties in seven days, nearly ten catties a day. No one would believe this speed.

Although she is still broadcasting live every day, the audience can't see it for the time being because of her body shape.

After she loses to one hundred and eighty ninety catties, the audience will probably exclaim suddenly: Why is Li Xiaomiao so thin now? !
This is what the boss told her: I want to lose weight silently, and then amaze everyone. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but speed up the weight lifting.

"Are you also an entertainer preparing to participate in Huanyu Girls?" A voice sounded from behind.

Li Xiaomiao put down the dumbbell and turned to see the curious Dongfang Chen.

"Okay... so beautiful sister." Li Xiaomiao couldn't help saying, "Sister, you have snowy hair, don't you belong to the White Dragon Clan?"

"The boss told you?" Dongfang Chen was very surprised, she put away her horns, why was she recognized at a glance?
"I'm guessing, after all, in my impression, only the Bailong clan is closer to your elder sister." Li Xiaomiao stood up, wiped her face with a towel on her shoulders and said, "I'm from the Kate clan, call me Li Just meow."

"Dongfang Chen." Dongfang Chen cherished his words like gold, and seemed not easy to get along with.

"Sister, from what you asked just now, are you also signed by the boss to participate in the Huanyu Girls?" Li Xiaomiao looked at Dongfang Chen's good figure enviously, and asked softly.

Dongfang Chen nodded: "Thanks to the boss for giving me a chance to be independent, what about you, are you the same as me?"

"The boss promised me to let me lose weight, so I came here." Li Xiaomiao said, lifting the swimming ring on his stomach, "I used to think how could I be an idol star like this, but these days, I found that losing weight It doesn't seem that difficult, and the netizens here are also very friendly, encouraging me every day."

"Are you sure you're not looking at your joke?" Dongfang Chen saw Li Xiaomiao's body shape, and felt that it was too difficult to lose weight.

In Huanyu, some people will be very enthusiastic when they see a girl with this body type, but they are all looking for ugliness and curiosity, purely looking for fun on fat girls.

They don't care if the fat girl can lose weight, they just want to see her working hard for a few days, finally declaring that she failed to lose weight, and then eating and drinking as if she was giving up on herself.

"How could it be!" Li Xiaomiao obviously didn't think so, "The fans in the live broadcast room are all sincere, and they even gave me a nice nickname."

Dongfang Chen looked at Li Xiaomiao: "How did you get the nickname?"

"Fat meow..."

"Isn't this just looking for fun on you?" Dongfang Chen was speechless.

Li Xiaomiao scratched her head and said, "But it's true that I'm fat. I'm quite fat now, and I'm chubby, which sounds cute. If I lose weight in the future, won't this name become Is it a pet name?"

"I don't know if you're naturally stupid or if you're out of your mind." Dongfang Chen shook his head, "Then you should practice hard and try to make the black name more positive."

As soon as the words finished, Wen Xia and Luo Quan walked in.

"Are you guys already acquainted?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

"Boss, Miss Xia." Dongfang Chen shouted politely.

Although she usually doesn't like personal communication, if it is a person who must communicate, she will become very polite.

"Just now I chatted with Sister Dongfang for a while, and she praised me for being cute." Li Xiaomiao laughed.

Dongfang Chen looked puzzled: "When did I praise you for being cute?"

Li Xiaomiao was also stunned: "Didn't you just say that I am naturally stupid? I remember online saying that being naturally stupid means cute."

"You think so." Dongfang Chen was a little speechless.

"The most important thing is for you to have a good relationship, because you may be working together for a long time in the future." Wen Xia clapped her hands with a smile.

She had met Dongfang Chen just now, and Luo Quan said that this person came to join her from that daughter's island yesterday, and she is also a beautiful woman, but her personality is a bit cold.

However, in a girl group, it is necessary to have members with various personalities. Only in this way can each idol have its own characteristics and make the girl group attract more people.

"From today onwards, I will teach you some basic dance moves. Dongfang Chen has a better foundation, so it will be easier, and Xiao Miao will work harder."

Wen Xia came directly to the open space and started the most basic teaching: "The most basic thing about K-pop is the rhythm. Every song has its own rhythm. If you are a beginner, you have to use your chest to connect with it. Finally It's your limbs..."

With that said, Wen Xia started playing a song, and then asked Li Xiaomiao and Dongfang Chen to find the rhythm of the song.

It is said to be rhythm, but in fact it is to find the beat. There is a concept in dance called stepping, which is used in many modern dances.

When the two people in front were studying, Luo Quan took a mobile phone to shoot and live broadcast in the back. The title of the live broadcast room was "Company newcomers and seniors learn kpop."

Because there are still a few days to wait until the semi-finals of the Fan Club, the netizens are very idle right now. When they saw this title, they clicked in. It was very fast, without hesitation.

"Has Wen Xia started to teach as a teacher now? Does this mean she doesn't plan to perform on stage anymore?"

"Wen Xia is also in her twenties. The girl group has basically begun to transform at this age. It is normal for a teacher to teach apprentices."

"The years are really unforgiving. The pride of the Chinese idol world in the past has now begun to be a teacher. It's really amazing."

"I feel that Wen Xia is in good shape recently. She looks like a student who just graduated from high school. That's called a water spirit."

"You are as rich as her, and you can maintain such a healthy body."

"By the way, no one has noticed the female student who is learning to dance?"

"Xiao Miao, right? I feel thinner than before, and the weight loss has begun to show results."

"You guys are really pretending to be confused, you're obviously talking about the white-haired girl next to you!"

"Haha, I've wanted to say it a long time ago. I don't think I've seen this sister before. This word is quite tall."

"It should be a newcomer, Luobao Crystal Palace has added another champion."

"To be precise, it is my harem."

"Hurry up and dream, even your grandma is there in the dream."

"Hahahaha, this year's netizens are very aggressive."


A beautiful woman like Dongfang Chen can become the focus no matter where she is, even if it is just a back view, it also attracts a lot of discussion from the audience.

And when she turned around inadvertently, exposing her cold and beautiful appearance to the camera, the barrage in the live broadcast room became even more violent, all confessing her love and calling her wife.

This kind of drama basically happens every time the company recruits new people.

Even if he was as fat as Li Xiaomiao, some people called his wife in the live broadcast room at that time.

As for whether it is sincere or just for fun, it is unknown.

As for now, those who called Dongfang Chen his wife in the live broadcast room must be sincere.

The only pity is that Dongfang Chen has not yet learned Chinese, so during the break, Luo Quan asked her to say hello to the fans, but she just waved with a smile.

If another female star greeted her like this, she would be slammed by angry netizens immediately.

We audience are your food and clothing parents, how dare you pretend like this?

But Dongfang Chen's cold demeanor gives people a very unusual feeling, making people think that she is already very cooperative to greet him.

Probably this is the reason why it is easier for people who are cold and cold to get forgiveness and accommodation from the people around them.

Of course, Dongfang Chen's appearance also played a big role.

If it was Li Xiaomiao who put on a bad face, he would have been scolded on the trending searches long ago.

However, due to Li Xiaomiao's personality, even if she is scolded by others, she still looks cheerful, and she is kind and pleasing to look at, so the audience also likes her very much.

But the affection for Li Xiaomiao and Dongfang Chen are two completely different things.

Looking at the barrage, Luo Quan didn't expect that Dongfang Chen's mistake would cause fans to have a beautiful misunderstanding, which was very helpful for her to establish a character.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to let Dongfang Chen take the arrogant route, but it seems that the aloof style is more popular, or she can just choose this one, since she doesn't like to talk anyway.

Looking at Dongfang Chen who was looking down at how to use the phone, Luo Quan thought it was a good idea.

The live broadcast didn't last long, and Wen Xia's dance teaching room soon started teaching again. There was really nothing to watch in the mechanical and incoherent training. Luo Quan returned to his room with his mobile phone.

"Don't, Luo Bao, I still want to watch Xiao Miao dance."

"Did you go for Xiaomao? You clearly wanted to see Baimao!"

"Don't call him Baimao, he has a name."

"Speaking of which, what is the name of this beautiful lady? I haven't heard Luo Bao mention it yet."


"Her name is Dongfang Chen." Luo Quan typed the name on the computer, "How is it, does this name sound nice?"

"It sounds very domineering!"

"It would be nice to replace Chen with Unbeaten."

"Haha, the leader, right? But I think Dongfang Chen's expression is really suitable for playing the role of the leader."

"Indeed, that aura is enough to play a strong female character."


"You guys are quite accurate in your judgment." Luo Quan laughed, "But Chen Chen has never studied acting, and most of her energy is now learning to dance, so if you want to see her play Dongfang Bubai, you probably have to wait a long time For a long time."

Hearing this, fans expressed their distress:
"Now I kind of understand why those idols come out to shoot film and television dramas without learning acting. This is to prevent fans from waiting too long."

"Haha, now I really want Chen Chen to debut right away, I don't blame her if she doesn't perform well."

"Haha, everyone scolds the fan circle, everyone is a fan circle."

"No way, after all, the essence of human beings is double standards."


The fans in the live broadcast room sounded tolerant, but Luo Quan was not confused by their words at all.

After all, the number of people watching the live broadcast does not represent all the audience of Dongfang Chen in the future, and there are even fewer people who post barrage.

Therefore, if she really asked Dongfang Chen to act without any training, it would be scolding.

If it wasn't for his super talent, Dongfang Chen's career would definitely suffer a devastating blow after the filming.

So for her sake, Luo Quan would definitely not do such a stupid thing like fishing in a dry lake.

"Let Chen Chenwai practice. It's not too late to film after she has some acting skills. After all, she is still young, and I have a lot of good scripts here. I will definitely keep the ones that suit her."

The barrage suddenly filled with envy:
"Haha, it's nice to have a boss who is a screenwriter."

"Being an artist in Luo Bao's company is simply too lucky. There are simply too many resources to eat up."

"I really want to be taken care of by Luo Bao, I don't want to fight anymore."

"Who wouldn't want to? Even if Luo Bao is seventy and eighty, I won't despise her."

"Haha, Luo Bao is in her seventies and eighties, why don't you rush to go? After all, she can be sent away immediately."

"It's you guys who are shameless."

"It's an old woman, right? Don't worry, Luo Bao will take you with me when I leave."


Watching these fans discuss his situation in his seventies and eighties, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing.

With her current lifespan, when these fans' graves are three feet high, she probably won't have a single wrinkle.

Not in one dimension at all.

But this kind of thing can't be said out loud, it can only be thought in the heart.

"Lobo, can you comment on the air pollution in New York?"

A question suddenly appeared on the bullet screen. When Luo Quan saw the question, he knew that there was another problem in the United States.

After searching, I found that the sky in New York had turned yellow, and the specific reason was a series of reactions caused by the wildfires in Canada next door.

Originally, these fires were ignited in Canada, and the focus of the disaster was also in Montreal, Canada.

Unexpectedly, a sudden gust of wind blows all the smog caused by the fire to the south and into the territory of the United States.

Then, New York, which had nothing to do with the fire, suffered.

Seeing this news, Luo Quan, who doesn't like to laugh at natural disasters and man-made disasters, couldn't help laughing: "Although it is indeed unlucky, don't New Yorkers have the slightest responsibility?"

(End of this chapter)

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