Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1160 The Warrior Who Confesses His Love

Chapter 1160 The Warrior Who Confesses His Love ([-])

Wildfires in North America do not happen once or twice, and it is not uncommon for them to be bigger than this time. Which time did not burn a large area of ​​woods before giving up?

If you want to see it extinguished manually, it's not that you don't have the ability, it's just that the government doesn't want to spend the money.

In fact, when these fires first started, they were not very big. As long as enough people are sent, they can be completely extinguished.

But it costs money to send people, how can the capital lords spend this money for the farts who are thousands of miles away?
So the fire dragged on and grew bigger and bigger, until it attracted international attention, these masters realized that the influence was not good, and planned to send people to put it out.

But how could firefighters take huge risks to extinguish a fire of this magnitude?

What are you desperate for a salary of several thousand yuan, so the vast majority of people are working without effort, and they are working with the idea of ​​waiting for the fire to go out by itself.

In fact, in the early years, American firefighters were still willing to sacrifice, but after 911/[-], this spirit of sacrifice ceased to exist.

At that time, 911 was hit by a plane, which caused a huge house fire. Many firefighters rushed in to put out the fire and rescue the wounded without fear of death.

However, the fire at the scene was very large, causing many firefighters to inhale a large amount of harmful substances, and subsequently suffered from various chronic diseases and cancers.

But until now, these heroic firefighters have not received due compensation, and many have passed away.

With the lessons learned from the past, American firefighters will rarely go desperate after this.

No matter how angry he is, it's not his home anyway.

Besides, the house can be rebuilt if it burns out, and the tree can be hit again if it burns out, but there is only one life.

Therefore, it is no surprise that whenever there are natural and man-made disasters in the United States, even some small problems will gradually become big problems.

"I can only say that it's a good thing that the Leon family didn't return to New York. If they do, the baby's health will be really worrying." After reading the news, Luo Quan shook his head and sighed.

"It's really lucky. If I go back here, I won't be blackened by Yan Ziqiu."

"Haha, where's the accent buddy?"

"Obviously a fellow of Luo Bao."

"Yuzhou smoked sausage, right?"

"In that case, wouldn't Arthur have the correct skin color?"

"Master New York is already invincible, why ask for dark skin?"

"Pfft, I almost died laughing at you."

"How can you make up a jingle for everything, it's outrageous."


It can only be said that all the netizens in this year are talented, and Luo Quan couldn't help laughing after watching it.

Chatting about foreign news and domestic news, the time for the live broadcast quickly passed.

Speaking of China, there hasn't been any big news in the entertainment industry recently.

But it will be lively after a week, because the annual Weibo Night is just a week away.

As usual, almost everyone in Luoquan's big house was invited.

For Lyon, who likes to join in the fun, Weibo Night is probably the only entertainment event he can participate in.

He was unable to participate in the previous film award ceremonies due to nationality issues. Among the activities that he can participate in now, the only one with a relatively large name is Weibo Night.

In order to show off on this Weibo night, Leon even planned to borrow his elder sister's ink jade unicorn.

Although Nicholas himself didn't know about this supercar designed by Nikolai himself, since Luo Quan said so, he also recognized it.

As a newly launched supercar, the popularity of Moyu Kirin in the sports car circle is not so high, it can be called explosively high.

Many designs on the body are ideas that have never been seen on the earth.

Just before the appearance of the B2 bomber, who would have thought that the bomber could be designed with such an appearance?

This thing is literally alien technology, I fucking love it!
Many riders have made the above comments on Moyu Qilin, but it is a pity that Luoquan does not usually drive it, and even rarely shows everyone the appearance of the car.

So much so that car friends can only let Lyon go to the garage to take a sneak shot.

Of course Leon would be more than happy to help everyone, and he doesn't think it's a bad idea to go to his garage to take pictures of his sister.

So he ran to the garage these days when he had nothing to do.

If it wasn't for his Huaxia driver's license test, Leon really wanted to drive Moyu Qilin to 9 for a drive.

However, the roads in the urban area of ​​Shanghai are definitely not suitable for supercars to run wild. At most, they can only go for a couple of laps in the suburbs.

But there are too few people in the suburbs, and they can't enjoy the sense of vanity that the sports car speeds past and countless pedestrians turn their heads to look at.

Yes, Leon admitted that it was vain, and reminded him many times during the live broadcast that it was not good to do so.

But if there is a chance, Leon still wants to give it a try.

However, the crime of driving without a license is not light, and Lyon is not low in China now. If he is reported as soon as he drives on the road, he will be as conspicuous as a five-star wanted criminal on the road, and he will be arrested and taken to the police station sooner or later.

Lyon doesn't want to change from a celebrity in entertainment to a celebrity in the rule of law, so the way to show the car to the audience is limited to embossing various shapes in the car, so that everyone laughs that he doesn't know how to drive at all.

Can Leon hear this?

"I don't know how to drive? Come on, turn on the mic!" Leon was about to start a battle with this man, "You didn't know where I was when I was racing in Miami, and you didn't know where I was when I was racing in California. You didn't know where you were at the time, you didn't know where you were when I was racing in New Jersey..."


"Is this the strength of the rap king? Opening your mouth is freestyle."

"It's so powerful, it kills all rappers in seconds."


"Haha, you guys are the only ones who can say such nonsense." Leon couldn't help laughing when he saw the barrage, "If this can be called rap, then Shulaibao under the bridge that day should be a legend in the rap world It’s a classic, it’s obviously casual.”

Lyon's sincerity made the fans laugh even more happily. Although it is flattering, everyone knows what Lyon's real strength is like, and they are not afraid that he will not be able to hold it, so they praise it even more.

In short, Leon came to show everyone the car when he had nothing to do, and told his sister that he must drive this car to the scene on Weibo night. When the time comes, the visual effect of his entire Batman cosplay will definitely be very explosive.

"Then don't I want the whole cosplay, don't I cooperate with you?" Luo Quan asked.

"What other cosplay do you need?" Wearing an evening dress casually, you are the most beautiful girl at the party, and you are still shining brightly even if the spotlight is not on you!

Leon's quick talk is almost unobstructed, but Luo Quan is quite useful, so he happily decided to give him a ride when the time comes.

As for cosplaying Batman, Leon didn't tell anyone, just intending to surprise everyone.

In any party in Huaxia, no one would dare to make such a mess.

Let alone cos, which one is not a suit and leather shoes?

It is estimated that Leon has ideas, courage and shame, and it is estimated that any other actor would not be so deviant.

However, it is precisely because it can produce effects that others cannot have, so Luo Quan feels that Leon's whole work may be a great success this time, and it may even change the dressing style of domestic entertainment banquets in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan suddenly felt that a cosplay was not unacceptable.

In fact, she has long been tired of wearing those same uniform evening dresses, and she has innovated and innovated, but it is just those few elements, with an open back, low cut, bare legs and hands.

If she makes Neil, Tifa or something this time...

Forget it, if she really wears it out, the big guy will have to complain about her childishness.

Leon alone is enough for Kid King, so she won't join in the fun, just stay at home these few days and prepare zongzi. I don't know if Li Xiaomiao and Dongfang Chen are used to this local food. .

The location of Weibo Night is still in Shanghai, but Luoquan has to go to the capital for a few days.

Although it is still a live broadcast this time, it is still necessary to let the players familiarize themselves with the venue, and let the employees practice the steps and possible situations that may be encountered by the way.

Considering that some contestants are relatively fragile psychologically, they may lose their voice all of a sudden in the face of so many audiences, or even withdraw directly from the competition.

Didn’t this happen on the I’m a singer show before? The contestants withdrew in front of everyone, and it was broadcast live nationwide.

However, the singer who retired must have nothing to say about his strength, and there is no stage fright. So far, no one knows why he retired.

Everyone only remembers the retirement, which gave birth to a famous scene, that is the textbook rescue.

But when Luo Quan was young, he felt a little strange when he saw the save. He thought to himself that the player retired. There is nothing to make a fuss about. Just enter an advertisement and rearrange the order of the competition.

It's not the program team's responsibility for the players to retire. Is it worth saying so much there?

Luo Quan felt that the textbook-level rescue was to make the audience unaware that a live broadcast accident had occurred.

I'm a singer, it's definitely not, at most it's a textbook how to save a performance.

As for the live broadcast of the fan club this time, if there are no accidents, there will definitely be some accidents.

Live broadcast, no long-term rehearsal, and uneven quality of stage personnel, these seriousness will directly increase the possibility of accidents.

Even Luo Quan himself can't guarantee that there will be no accidents. During previous concerts, there have been situations where high heels got caught in the gaps on the stage, or clothes were torn off, let alone these newcomers on stage?
Therefore, Luo Quan has already prepared the psychological expectation of various situations, and has even begun to think about how to save the scene without leaving a trace.

The final answer is that if there are no accidents, it is best to record and broadcast, live broadcasts cannot be perfect, unless you cut the camera quickly, you can only try to avoid major problems.

Of course, Luo Quan likes to think of everything as bad.

In fact, the probability of no accident is also there, and it is not low.

So if it is optimistic enough, then the next situation is that there will be no surprises and a perfect performance.

But the sky failed, and Luo Bao encountered a downpour on the first day when he came to the capital with most of them.

I originally planned to take everyone to get acquainted with the Bird's Nest today. Many people may often hear and see it on TV, but it should be the first time to go in and experience the structure and atmosphere inside.

It's a pity that the weather is not beautiful, so we can only wait for the next day.

However, it stopped raining the next day, even though the sun was a little bit bright, but it was not impossible to go out.

The temperature this year is much more comfortable than last year. At this time last year, some areas of the country had already started a red warning for high temperature, but this year it seems that there is no place that is particularly colorful.

After all, the extreme weather like last year is probably not encountered once in more than ten years, how could it be possible for two years in a row.

Some people said that every year in the future will be hotter than this year, and Luo Quan thinks it is completely unfounded.

This is getting hotter every year, and I am afraid that the earth will not be suitable for earth people to live in before long.

Forty or fifty degrees every summer, what is the difference between that and a steamer, people will be familiar with it sooner or later.

Although the pollution problem of the earth is indeed serious, it is not so serious.

"No way, the sun still needs to wear sunglasses at this point?" Luo Quan looked at Leon, Wen Xia and the others, and said dumbfoundedly.

"The ultraviolet rays are so strong today, shouldn't you take good care of the skin around your eyes?" Wen Xia said with her hands on her hips, "And you, Luo Luo, you are too white, standing next to me feels like you are focusing the light on me .”

"Is it so exaggerated?" Luo Quan turned his head to look at Leon, only then did he realize that he was no longer the white face he used to be, but had a wheat-colored skin. Those who didn't know it thought he ran to the fields to bask in the sun every day .

Leon nodded: "It's really a bit dazzling, especially when you raise your arms."

Luo Quan is wearing a suspender skirt today, with two white arms exposed outside, and he lifts them up to stroke his hair from time to time.

But she never expected that this would attack other people's eyes.

"It's because you stayed in the house for too long and didn't see the sun, so you became too sensitive."

Luo Quan didn't intend to admit that it was his fault, so he curled his lips and complained a few words, then turned his head and walked towards the stage that had already been set up.

"All the contestants come here, all eyes are on the same level with me, I will announce something!"

Luo Quan stood on the stage with her hands raised high. In Leon's words, she should be shining now.

Although he couldn't see what he looked like in other people's eyes, Luo Quan immediately attracted everyone's attention as soon as he stood on the stage, and even the workers who were still arranging the lighting equipment stopped.

"Everyone will perform here tomorrow night. At that time, at least [-] spectators will come to the scene to cheer for you. The scene will definitely be very shocking."

Luo Quan didn't have a microphone in his hand, but his voice was very loud and clear when he just shouted like this: "The scene is so shocking, everyone will definitely have stage fright to some extent, so I hope everyone will be mentally prepared and don't go on stage It’s only now that I’ve realized it, and it would be a pity if I can’t perform properly because of this!”

(End of this chapter)

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