Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1161 The Warrior Who Confesses His Love

Chapter 1161 The Warrior Who Confesses His Love ([-])
ps. Thanks to the book friends for correcting the error, it has been corrected.


"Mentor, did you have stage fright when you first came on stage?"

Shen Zhou asked Luo Quan curiously.

Although Shen Zhou has a handsome appearance and looks very soft when interacting with the players, he is actually one of the players with the most stable performance. There is not much fluctuation in his singing from the beginning to the end, no matter whether it is online or offline. Next, there was no stage fright at all.

"Did you ask me?" Shen Zhou didn't mention it, Luo Quan almost forgot when he was on the stage of the concert.

Her first concert was at the Tokyo Dome. At that time, she was on stage with Prince Jinggong, and they sang a duet.

Before the song was sung, rumors about her and the prince's affair began to spread throughout Japan, and after the song was over, it was even exaggerated to the point where she was appointed as the imperial concubine.

Jing Gong Masaku's mother was coerced by public opinion back then, and married a man she didn't love at all without any emotional basis.

Luo Quan was also afraid of this situation at the time, so he flew back to China directly after the concert, which is called Narita's escape in history.

She definitely doesn't have any stage fright on the stage of the concert, but after singing, she's so frightened that her long legs tremble uncontrollably, and she can't even stand up.

"My heart has always been big, so no matter how many people there are, I won't be stage frightened. When I first took the stage, it was at the Tokyo Dome. There were tens of thousands of people at that time. There is no big difference between my performance and now."

When Luo Quan spoke, his tone was plain and straightforward, but to others, it was a strong sense of showing off. Probably this is the ultimate form of Versailles literature.

"In fact, everyone should not have any psychological pressure. You are already very strong here, the kind that can be counted in the whole country, so keep a normal mind and give full play to your due strength. Try not to leave any regrets."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he began to arrange the order of appearance of the contestants, and at the same time explained to the cameraman and director which direction to take more shots during the live broadcast.

If she is the director, of course she can arrange the live broadcast at any time in the background. After all, there will be multiple cameras shooting at the same time, and she can choose some angles.

But she has to go on stage at any time, so she can only explain the key points in advance.

Fortunately, these directors and photographers are old acquaintances who have collaborated many times and know Luoquan's habits, so communication is very simple.

The players in front were still getting familiar with the field, while Luo Quan checked the weather forecast.

Rain was forecast yesterday and it arrived as expected.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is bright and sunny, hope nothing goes wrong.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the sun shines during the day or not, after all the concert is at night.

In the evening, Luo Quan started a live broadcast, reporting the preparations for the concert to fans.

"Although it rained yesterday, it delayed some time, but because the preparations started ahead of time, there is no problem with the progress."

Luo Quan held the small microphone in front of him, with a smile on his face that everything was under control: "But live broadcast, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents, but I will try to reduce the probability of accidents as much as possible, so fans who bought tickets , look forward to our live performance and it will be over."

Hua Luoquan had said this many times before, and the fans certainly didn't doubt her ability, so they didn't say much.

But, just when everyone thought nothing major would go wrong, problems arose.

The next day, the fan club at Station B was in the Bird's Nest semi-finals. The show was so popular that there was no need to worry about selling out the tickets for the semi-finals, so more than 9 seats were fully booked.

Looking up, it was full of surging light spots and human heads.

"This is too exaggerated, I'm so nervous." One of the students said with sweat on his face.

Looking at him like that, it doesn't look like he is enlivening the atmosphere, but he is really panicked.

Not only him, but other students' expressions were also not relaxed.

It is normal to have stress, but if it keeps accumulating like this, it is prone to problems.

Luo Quan clapped his hands and said, "Everyone relax, just pretend that the people below are carrots and cabbage, put all your body and mind into the singing, don't think too much."

After the comforting words were finished, everyone's complexion improved a little.

But when the first person came on stage, the first line was overwhelmed.

Fortunately in the misfortune, the voice of singing Biao was not loud, so even the audience didn't realize that this sentence was not sung well, and they all shook the light sticks in their hands in cooperation.

And the mental quality of this outstanding player is strong, but he made a mistake as soon as he came up.

Let's say it's not strong, but the next performance is not bad, there are no major flaws.

In order to encourage him and the players behind, Luo Quan gave him a high score.

Originally, what she meant was: Let's see, I give such high marks to contestants who sing obviously wrongly. Wouldn't it be perfect if they sang higher.

Who knew that the contestants didn't think so much at the moment. They only saw that the first person made a mistake as soon as he came on stage, and then voices of doubt appeared in the barrage, and the pressure was immediately full.

If the first player made a small mistake, then the second player made a big mistake.

When he raised the microphone, the photographer gave him a close-up of his face as usual.

Then, audiences across the country discovered that he was holding the microphone upside down.

He opened his mouth and sang, his voice was so small that there was almost no sound.

Afterwards, the audience burst into laughter, and the barrage was filled with salutes.

Of course the one paying tribute is not Luo Quan, she has never made such a top-level mistake, the one paying tribute here is another well-known female singer, so I won’t name them here.

The contestant who held the microphone upside down quickly realized that he had no voice in singing, and immediately corrected it, but the subsequent singing was inevitably affected.

The following performances were also full of situations, some played lightly, some broke the high pitch, some sang halfway and forgot the words on the spot, and some sang and sang, tears streaming down their faces.

It can only be said that people's physiques are different, and the conditions manifested during stage fright are also different.

At the beginning, the audience was able to express tolerance and applaud them when they made mistakes.

But if every other person comes here once, it will be a very bad experience for everyone.

They are all tickets sold for real money, and some of them come by plane, and they cost thousands of dollars each time they come. Just show me this?

That is to say, because they are all students, they didn't scold their mothers directly, otherwise they would have shouted for a refund.

However, if the car accident continues like this, Geneva's slogan of refunding the money may really ring out. At least the barrage is already quite dissatisfied with the performance of the players.

"Director, I have a dozen or so songs here. You can watch me come on stage later, just put them next to each other for a while." Luo Quan quietly came backstage and handed a USB flash drive to the director.

There was a plan B engraved on the outside of the USB flash drive, and the frowning director immediately beamed with joy when he saw it.

This is seeing the poor performance of the students and planning to go up to save the scene later?
Yes, this is Luo Quan's plan B.

She had envisioned such a situation a few days ago, but the situation she had envisioned was even worse than it is now.

At least among the 12 students who have performed, seven of them performed quite well.

Even if everyone made big and small mistakes, at least the mistakes of these seven people were so small that they could be ignored.

For example, if you sing one or two words wrong, or the treble is not particularly full, what is it, non-professionals can hardly hear it.

As for the other five, there was really no other way but to practice more.

Of course, it seems a bit late to say this now.

The good news is that in such a tense atmosphere, Shen Zhou, Lan Aide, and He Xuanyu, who had high hopes, performed far beyond the previous level, directly detonating the already somewhat suffocating atmosphere of the scene.

Hearing the tsunami-like screams coming from the front, Luo Quan felt that there was some atmosphere of a concert.

Sure enough, it's not unreasonable that the three of them get the most votes every time. The sea is flowing and the hero's true qualities are revealed. The more difficult the time is, the more it can highlight the gap between Internet celebrities and singers.

It's a pity that the three of them played at the finale. After singing, the performance of the contestants came to an end.

The voting session will be held after the concert, and it is only 09:30, far from the end of the show.

At this time, Luo Quan didn't have time to comfort those students who were crying because of their abnormal performance, so he walked to the front of the stage with the microphone.

And after seeing Luo Quan come on stage, the audience who originally thought the concert had come to an end suddenly became hopeful.

"Everyone must not be addicted to listening to it. I think it's still early. Next, you want to sing with me. Do you want to listen to the song?"

"Yes!" The audience cheered in surprise.

"The voice is a little low, I can't hear it." Luo Quan put down the microphone, put his hand to his ear, and listened.

This time everyone raised their voices and roared, the level of noise at the scene was completely different from just now.

"It's still not enthusiastic enough." Luo Quan pretended to be disappointed and said, "But it's okay, the next song will make everyone angry."

After speaking, the stage lights went out, and then the passionate drumbeat sounded.

(The song here is "Xian'er", originally sung by Second-Hand Rose, and the version of the 2018 As You Wish New Year's Eve Concert is recommended)

Immediately following the drumbeat was a section of suona that made the blood boil.

This surprisingly strange musical instrument appeared on the stage of the concert.

Before that, Luoquan's songs rarely used an instrument like the suona, but now that it appears for the first time, it really makes people uncomfortable.

"It's not bright in the east and it's bright in the west. I'm sad when the sun is gone. I'm not busy the night before and I'm busy after the night. After dreaming of gold, I dream of yellow beams..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Luo Quan showed the gap between himself and others to the fullest.

The so-called stage fright can't be seen at all from her, she seems to be born for the stage, as long as she goes on stage, she can ignite the atmosphere and make countless people scream for him.

With only one song, Luo Quan rescued the scene that was about to go out.

Facts have proved that the rescue really does not need to fanfare to say that I am going to start the rescue.

If Luo Quan doesn't come up to sing, the audience will soon come to their senses after the concert is over.

What the hell is this Nima singing? They spent hundreds of thousands of dollars listening to it?

At that time, whether it is gathering outside and calling for money back, or posting bad reviews online, the impact will be very large.

Of course, Luo Quan was very clear about it, so while there was still time, he came up to hold an after-sales event.

Seeing the instructor working so hard at the front, the students in the background were both excited and guilty.

It was originally agreed that this time is their stage, and the instructors will not come to compete with them except for showing their faces at the opening.

But who knew that they sang like this, which made Mr. Luo Quan have to go to work overtime. Thinking of this, those contestants who performed the most outrageously couldn't help but shed tears.

On the one hand, it has caused trouble for everyone, on the other hand, it is about to face the fate of being eliminated, and it is sad for a while.

But the stage was very lively. After Luo Quan came out, the audience immediately put all the unhappiness behind them, and followed the rhythm of the music.

After the first song warmed up, Luo Quan took care of the female audience in the second song "Nuan Nuan".

Different songs have different audiences. The rock song just now is definitely more popular with boys.

But there are also a lot of female audiences in the arena. Luo Quan is not a person who favors one and another, and has always strived to get the same amount of rain and dew.

The sweetness of "Nuannuan" brought the warm atmosphere back to the rhythm that the concert should have. The barrage in the live broadcast room was no longer entangled with the previous accidents, and all focused on Luoquan's clothes.

Because it was a temporary stage, Luo Quan didn't have any costume design. He was only wearing a T-shirt and shorts. However, this kind of dress of the leader's big sister really suits the appetite of fans, and they all praised how good-looking they are.

What's more interesting is that when Luo Quan came to the stage, he was still wearing a pair of flip flops. He was really doing what he wanted to the extreme. Those who didn't know thought it was just dragged from the house to the concert site.

And just as the fans complained about Luo Quan's overly casual attire, a boy ran onto the stage with a bouquet of flowers before the third song started.

Amidst the booing of the audience, the boy came to Luo Quan.

"Is this for me?" Luo Quan smiled and asked without thinking.

"No, this is for my girlfriend." The boy's answer caused the audience to burst into laughter.

"Haha, it seems that I am too narcissistic." Luo Quan was not embarrassed, and asked instead: "Since it wasn't for me, it must be for another girl, so what do you think now?" Tell her?"

"I came on stage because I wanted to promise Yanzi the promise I made, and to confess to her on stage." The boy knelt down on one knee and said towards the place where he was sitting, "Swallow, will you marry me!"

The girl next to her first covered her face in embarrassment, then let go of her hand and shouted "I do."

But the scene was too noisy to hear clearly.

Fortunately, the director quickly shot the girl, and the staff quickly passed the microphone over.

"I am willing!"

This time the girl's voice resounded throughout the bird's nest.

(End of this chapter)

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