Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1162 Luobao is of course worth the fare

Chapter 1162 Of course Luo Bao is worth the fare

"Congratulations, congratulations to this couple for being successful in my concert. I wish you a happy relationship for a hundred years and a long time."

Luo Quan sent heartfelt blessings to the boy who left the stage.

Taking advantage of the sour smell of love, Luo Quan sang a new song "Confession Balloon", directly raising the sweetness of the stage to the highest level.

"Darling in love with you, since that day, it's been sweet and easy.

My dear, don't be self-willed, your eyes are saying I love you. "

Luo Quan's singing voice full of coquettish tone made countless fans in the audience feel like they were in love, and they uttered the loudest roar at Luo Quan.

"Luo Bao, I love you, marry me."

I don't know which loud voice it was, but even Luo Quan heard this confession.

Luo Quan didn't refuse either, but just asked: "I'm married to you, what about the other fans, are you going to deal with their anger?"

"I will do my best!" The shout broke down immediately, showing that all the strength was indeed exhausted.

But it was quickly overshadowed by the voices of other fans:
"Luobao is mine!"

"You give you the upper side to dream."

"I am Luo Bao's husband!"

"Sinai! Don't hinder my relationship with Luo Bao, bastard."


Fortunately, everyone knew that they were playing tricks, and there was still reason in their minds, otherwise, judging from the quarrel, they might really start fighting.

However, as Luo Quan continued to sing, the fans basically had no energy to fight for Luo Bao's sovereignty, because her singing was so beautiful that people had no time to care about other things.

The concert started relatively early. After the [-] contestants had finished performing, Luo Quan walked and sang about a dozen songs before finally reaching the time when the people in the song dispersed.

The fans had been having a good night. Although they were exhausted at the moment, seeing Luo Quan's beautiful face on the stage, they were still unwilling to leave and shouted Encore loudly.

"Aren't you all tired?" Luo Quan was helpless, "I saw that many fans' clothes and trousers were soaked in sweat, there will be problems if you continue."

"It's okay, we're not afraid!"

Among the fans who shouted, those who were sweating were the loudest.

"You are not afraid of me." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "If the heat turns out to be bad or bad, I will feel bad."


Hearing this, the fans immediately howled like wild animals, apparently extremely excited.

"So, for the sake of everyone's health, today's concert will end here. In the live broadcast room tomorrow, everyone can continue to watch my live broadcast."

Luo Quan waved to all the fans and shouted loudly: "Goodbye everyone, see you tomorrow in the live broadcast room!"

In the midst of a persistent call, Luo Quan walked away from the stage in three steps.

When her figure disappeared, the fans knew that today's carnival was over, and under the guidance of the staff, they left the concert site in an orderly manner.

And until the end of this concert, I don't know what it will be like to raze the hot search list. Almost every song will be on the hot search.

However, in the first half of the contest, most of the hot searches were due to negative news, which can be classified as the scene of a car accident.

In fact, the scene of a car accident at a concert is not uncommon. Most well-known singers have more or less been at the scene of a car accident.

It's more common for variety shows to have car accidents. Even for domestic first-class variety shows like I am a singer, car rollovers are not uncommon.

It's just that the fan club at station B has too much traffic, so it seems that netizens have a bigger battle to condemn it.

Fortunately, a god-level scene came behind Luo Quan, who directly drew all the attention to himself, turning the fan club into his own concert.

All of a sudden, all the attention on the Internet came to Luo Quan's concert.

Not counting the Spring Festival Gala, this is the first time she has sung on stage again after more than a year, and the first song is a country rock that surprised everyone, it is really fresh and nice.

In this way, until the end of the concert, no one told the contestants about the overturned car in advance.

"Luoquan god-level rescue!"

However, it is impossible for what happened to remain unnoticed. After the concert ended, it was quickly revealed, but it was a way of flattering Luo Quan from the side.

Everyone can see that a large number of players overturned in the front. If it ends step by step, it will obviously be scolded on the hot search after the game.

However, Luo Quan didn't say anything, and directly added more than a dozen songs to the concert, abruptly turning the previous content into a foreshadowing, and bringing the climax himself.

So both netizens and fans are praising Luo Quan for his god-level rescue this time:
"It's reasonable, if there is no Luo Bao, I'm afraid Geneva's money refund will be a hot search this time."

"I want to scold people now, didn't I promise that Luo Bao wouldn't sing on stage?"

"Haha, there's no other way. There are too many overturned contestants in front. For the sake of word of mouth, I can only bite the bullet."

"I could have bought tickets, but I believed Luo Bao's nonsense and watched the live broadcast."

"The show with Luo Bao is like this. You never know if she has prepared a big job for you. Or in every show, she has prepared a big job for you. The only difference is whether you believe it or not."

"I was at the scene, and Luo Bao was so beautiful, it made me feel as gentle and sweet as a girlfriend."

"She actually cares about my health. She is really a good wife and mother. Let alone, Luo Bao came to feed me breakfast. (Shy.jpg)"

"Hey! Monster, eat my grandson!"

"One thing to say, Luo Bao performed perfectly this time, directly resolving a car rollover crisis, and even made the fan club more popular."

"Facts have proved that there is still a difference between Internet celebrities and singers. Everyone sings so well online, but few of them can finish singing well on stage."

"They are all young people, stage fright is understandable, and there is still room for growth."

"This time we met Luo Quan to save the stage, who will save them next time? A professional stage requires professional standards, but it doesn't need to be mixed."

"Haha, there's no need to quarrel over this, let's talk about Luo Bao's new song, such as "Xian'er"."

"The style of music sounds like pop rock, but it incorporates a large number of local Chinese musical instruments, and the lyrics are also very dialect-like. I am willing to create a new music genre for it, called Chinese country rock."

"I think this kind of music is experimental music. It sounds strange at first when it is created with a combination that has never appeared before, but you can taste it immediately. This kind of experimental music is meaningful."

"I suspect that you are implicating a certain immortal."

"Do you still need connotation?"

"Haha, don't get tricked by Luo Bao, she's sleeping now, you don't want her to get up in the middle of the night to match up."

"It's okay, she is sleeping soundly in my arms, and she won't get up for a while."

"There are so many users of today, it really is 618."

"Enterprise-level understanding."


Although it was early morning, Luo Quan really didn't sleep.

It was already very late when the concert ended, and when the audience left, she went backstage to comfort a few contestants who were crying hard, and then looked at the list of promotions.

After confirming that there was no problem, the result was announced to everyone before finally leaving.

When I got home, it was almost one o'clock. I had a late-night snack and took a shower. It was already past two o'clock.

Anyway, it was already so late, Luo Quan planned to stay up a little longer, so he turned on the live broadcast in Huanyu.

After going on stage at the previous concert, she also started a live broadcast, but she didn't pay much attention to the barrage.

As soon as the live broadcast was turned on, all the audience were confessing to her, saying that her performance on stage just now was so good that they couldn't help but love her.

"Don't love me, there is no result." Luo Quan said to the barrage with a smile, "But it is a great honor to get everyone's confession, which shows that I am excellent, thank you for your love."

"The Madonna's smile is so alluring. When I think that such a beautiful woman will give birth to a holy son, I feel sorry."

"If the Holy Mother can choose me, I can take the child's last name."

"Tch, what are you doing, I can take the last name of the Virgin!"

"Pay attention to the bottom line, manly man, don't make it worse than your son-in-law."

"You kid wants to persuade everyone to leave, and then you take advantage of the vacancy, right?"

"Speaking of the names of the love songs that the Virgin Mary sang today, it sounds so good."

"Indeed, it makes people have an urge to fall in love."

"The first love song seems to be called "Nuan Nuan". It means very warm, but it is a cute term."


"It's called "Nuan Nuan"." Luo Quan nodded, "I want to say that you are actually very good, but you don't know it."

Luo Quan looked at the camera, opened his mouth and said a few words, and then continued: "If you like this song, I will translate the lyrics and post it on Huanyu Music Network.

In addition, I have quite a lot of songs on Earth. You can listen to them if you like them. If there are any, I can post them. "

When the audience heard this, they immediately sent a barrage:
"As long as it is the song you sing, I like to pinch it."

"With your voice, you can sing well. I feel happy when I hear you speak."

"Don't be too outrageous."

"Everyone, please pay attention. If you continue to behave like this, you may fall in love with Luo Bao and cannot extricate yourself."

"I think I've fallen in love, what should I do?"

"No need to do anything, because everyone is the same."


Today is probably the day when Luo Quan received the most sweet talk, probably because he was stimulated by the boy who confessed his love in public. Both men and women in the live broadcast room were quite excited, and they directly treated her as a girl who was attracted to her.

Fortunately, Luoquan has been bombarded by sugar-coated shells in the past few years, otherwise, the screen-full confession might really be unbearable and blush.

"I'll play all my songs for you when I get some time, most of them should suit your tastes." Luo Quan said calmly, not being affected by the audience's overly intimate words.

"Luo Bao Luo Bao, the way you looked on stage just now, is that the idol you mentioned?"

Suddenly, a viewer posted a barrage like this.

Luo Quan smiled when he saw it, and said, "This audience must be a fan of our Huanyu Girls. Although the show hasn't aired yet, they have already paid close attention to the relevant information of Huanyu Girls and know the concept of idols.

Indeed, my performance on stage just now can be regarded as part of the characteristics of an idol, that is, to satisfy the fantasies of the perfect woman in the hearts of fans, and to have face-to-face interaction with fans, which greatly makes everyone feel happy.

It’s just that I mainly sang on stage just now, without any other form of performance, while idols sing and dance, so strictly speaking, I can only be regarded as a singer, not an idol. "

This definition only made the audience stare:

"Holy Mother, don't read it, I can watch this show when the time comes."

"I can't finish reading such conceptual things as Luo Bao, but I still like to listen to them."

"Is it popular to call Luo Bao now?"

"Doesn't this seem close? Luo Quan is too distant, and the Holy Mother is too formal, but Luo Bao is more pleasant to listen to."

"Isn't it more intimate to call your wife directly?"

"Bold! I am the Crusaders of Dawn. You have seriously violated the church's ban. Now I order you to format the hard drive immediately to cleanse your sins, otherwise we will come to your door and arrest you immediately!"

"Haha, the crusaders still care about this?"

"I see that all the fans on Earth are screaming like wives, Luo Bao probably doesn't mind."

"It's not a good thing to yell too much, because it doesn't sound like that kind of intimacy."


Seeing fans fighting for a title, Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "You can shout whatever you want, as long as you don't take away the insulting nature. When there were more girls in my live broadcast room, the screen was full. They're all husbands."

"One thing to say, when Luo Bao has a cold face, it's really a piece of heaven for Ji Quan."

"What do you mean, I don't understand."

"It's both defensive and offensive, the kind that ordinary girls can't stand."

"Ah, it's another day for you."

"Haha, it's really hard for men and women to resist her charm like the Virgin Mary."

"The Heavenly Father once said that only the devil can tempt the world, but now the Holy Mother is also exercising the same power. Isn't this too ironic?"

"Do you feel pain? Has your life been threatened? Have you fallen because of it? If you don't, and you are happy, how can you say that Luo Bao is the same as the devil?"

"That's right, she is an angel, an angel who accelerates the secretion of dopamine!"


"Okay, why are angels not angels?" Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "No matter how much you praise me, I'm still just a mortal, why don't you praise me for the most beautiful universe, it will make me feel more comfortable.

Angels and the like, those who don’t know think I’ve already gone to heaven.

In short, Huanyu Girls will start soon, and I hope that fans will come to watch the first episode and make the show more popular.

If variety shows become popular, then everyone can see me every day for a long time.

Either it's on the show, or it's in the live broadcast room! "

(End of this chapter)

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