Chapter 1164

ps. Thanks to Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coins, thank you for your support!

There is a basketball court in the community, and the quality of the ball frame and the floor is quite good. The high-end community of Shangfengshangshui never cut corners when it comes to hardware facilities.

However, there are basically no players playing basketball, but there are more people in the gym, but they are all young girls with hot bodies.

And the men in the community are mostly middle-aged, they are potbellied, and they can always hug such a young girl when they go in and out of the community. Those who don't know it think they are father and daughter, but they have never seen their mother.

"After arriving at the court, Mia found a place to sit down, hugged the baby and gave him some water."

On the other hand, Lyon took the basketball and dribbled it twice, trying to find the touch.

If it is a basketball court with more lively people, then you should be able to go to the teams that are playing and shout "Can you add a group, I don't know how to play".

Generally, it can be added, but it is a pity that there are only three people in such a big basketball court.

Wen Xia said that she would bring Xiaomao and Chenchen over to play later, and she also brought Frisbee, saying that it was a fashionable sport that had recently emerged, and that it could only be played in a relatively open space.

On Luo Quan's side, he took off his sweatpants.

The sun outside was bigger than she imagined, and the sweatpants that reached her knees still couldn't be worn, but there was still a pair of hot pants inside, so Chao Guan did a sit-up on the sofa.

I thought I could warn the boss, but it turned out to be a bluff.

"Luo Bao's figure is really good, full of youth and vitality."

"I understand the truth, but why is Luo Bao's belly button upright? Shouldn't it be round?"

"Not necessarily, mine is flat."

"Huh? Why am I protruding."

"Haha, are you all serious?"


The barrage in the live broadcast vividly explained what human diversity is. Luo Quan looked at it twice, and couldn't help laughing and said: "Because of the division of muscles, girls who are healthy and slender usually have a vertical belly button.

As for boys, it is normal to be round, but if it is flat, it either means that you exercise regularly and your abdominal muscles flatten your belly button, or that you are too fat and your belly flattened your belly button. Think about which one you belong to kind. "

"Damn, how do you know I'm fat!"

"No, I was severely despised by Luo Bao."

"As a fat house, what's wrong with being a little fatter? Can you be worthy of your identity without such a body shape?"

"What does a fat house represent? It represents a rice bucket, a lazy dog. What do you ask me? Sorry, I am also a fat house."

"Don't scold me, don't scold me, can't I lose weight? I will lose weight tomorrow."

"Why play about tomorrow? Because when tomorrow comes you can go on about tomorrow, as if you've made up your mind and just indulged for a few hours at the end, when that day will never come."



Looking at the barrage, Luo Quan laughed: "Otakus, especially fat ones, don't need to be too sad, because fat and chubby are also cute.

But it would be even better if you are willing to lose weight. After all, obesity is not good for your health. "

This statement made the fans smile suddenly:
"Luo Bao is really Asahi."

"What's in the front is all about the scene, and what's behind is the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get involved with fat people, get lost and lose weight quickly."

"Hahaha, it's not rough, Luo Bao is doing it for your own good."


Fans have always had a strong ability to make up their minds, and Luo Quan obviously tried to comfort him, but they misinterpreted it as a sarcasm.

But Luo Quan didn't bother to explain, the more he explained, the more confused he became.

"Okay, miss, I've finished warming up." As soon as Leon finished speaking, he sprinted and jumped, dunking the basketball into the hoop.

"This bounce, there is something."

"Amazing Leon, indeed the New York Sharks."

"It seems to be a powerful type, Luo Bao will be in trouble later."


Putting down the mobile phone frantically swiping the barrage, Luo Quan walked to the three-point line: "Are you in a hurry to become a loser?"

"Wait and see how I beat you ten to zero." Leon didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw the basketball to Luo Quan.

"That's where I stand." Luo Quan caught the ball with one hand and pointed to his feet with the other, "I'm going to make you cry here."

After finishing speaking, a dry jump shot, the basketball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the basket, commonly known as hitting the iron.

"..." Leon was silent for a while, and then laughed loudly: "Isn't it, old lady, are you here to make me laugh?"

Luo Quan hurriedly said: "That's just a test shot, it's just a hot hand! What are you calling?"

"Then I'll let you try to steal again." Leon laughed with one hand on his hip, and threw the ball to Luo Quan again.

"Look, this time it's hollow!" Luo Quan made another jump shot, but he made a three-point shot, that is, he didn't touch the rebound, rim, or net.

This time Leon was laughing so hard that he fell on the ground, that exaggerated movement was completely a series of big words before taking revenge on Luo Quan.

"Is it swollen?" Luo Quan also looked at his hand in disbelief, thinking that no matter how bad her hand feels, it won't be so bad.

"No matter how good the touch in the previous life was, you don't have muscle memory now."

The prompt of the system made Luo Quan realize suddenly.

Shooting depends on talent at first, but after thousands of practice, it all depends on muscle memory.

Today is the first time she touches basketball after crossing, so there is no muscle memory at all, it is normal to not touch three shots!
"Okay, old lady, you are good at talking, let me show you what real basketball is."

Lyon came to the three-point line with the ball in his hand, pointed inside and said, "Go in and defend well, otherwise it will be too unfulfilling to win against a rookie like you."

"I'd like to see what you're capable of." Luo Quan pouted disdainfully and came to the free throw line.

"I passed you like a zebra crossing in the early morning." Lyon dribbled the ball twice under his crotch, and then accelerated and rushed in from the right.

Luo Quan moved quickly and immediately blocked Lyon's breakthrough line.

However, Leon made an emergency stop in the middle of the jump, changed direction under his crotch and rushed to the left.

Seeing this, Luo Quan wanted to rush, but her body was still in the inertia of moving forward. With this change of direction, she immediately lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Lyon rushed to the basket, flew straight up, and made a dunk.

Seeing this scene, the barrage burst into laughter:
"That's Luo Bao?"

"It blows loudly, but the result is not very good."

"Haha, this is the first time Luo Bao has been deflated, don't drop the little pearl later."

"I feel like Luo Bao is going to cry."

"There's something about Lyon. The emergency stop and direction change is so smooth, it's at the level of Street Fighter."

"My knees are aching from this movement."

"Young people are in good health, they can do whatever they want, unlike me, who can only throw three-pointers like Luo Bao."

"Luo Quan: Are you polite?"


The barrage was full of taunts, and fortunately Luo Quan couldn't see the barrage at the moment, otherwise he would be very angry.

"I won't bully you either, let you attack again." Lyon handed the ball to Luo Quan, showing great generosity.

The main reason was that he was afraid that his elder sister would be impatient, so he was about to perform a craniotomy on him, which would be too bloody and violent.

Luo Quan gave Lyon a look of "you're quite interesting", and then dribbled with the ball twice.

The good news is that the dribbling feel is still there.

Although she can't shoot well, as long as she can still dribble, she can still shoot!
Luo Quan thought so confidently, and then he dribbled the ball and rushed inside.

Leon also reacted quickly, taking a step to the left and blocking her.

Luo Quan also imitated what Leon did just now, and made a change of direction with his crotch, pulled the ball back, and then quickly slapped the ball in front of him, making Leon wonder which way he would start to attack.

"There's something, this dribble."

"It's true that I can play basketball. It's not the effect of the show before the three non-sticks?"

"I knew that Luo Bao could play. You can see that her shooting posture and hand shape are more standard than many veteran players who have played for more than ten years."

"I will definitely fight, the front is just a joke."


The point of view of the barrage is also Lyon's own point of view.

Seeing that the old sister's level is not low, I don't dare to underestimate her anymore, and gradually lower my body's center of gravity.

At this moment, Luo Quan bowed to Buddha, pretending to shoot, and directly shook Leon.

But just before she could wrap her hands around the ball, she let go of her right hand and quickly slapped the ball with her left to the ground so she could continue dribbling.

After Lyon was shaken, he could only watch Luo Quan dribble the ball into the interior, and then made a three-step layup.

With a "bang", after landing, Leon quickly caught up and slapped the basketball thrown by the old sister like a volleyball.

"Go to nm's basketball dream!"

"Haha, Leon doesn't release water at all."

"Luo Bao's trick is to worship Buddha and move like clouds and flowing water, but it's a pity that Leon's body is crushed."

"The movement is very beautiful, but boys are stronger in sports, not to mention that Leon is so much taller than Luo Quan, there is no need to fight at all."

"Something, but not much."


Luo Quan didn't see the barrage, but Leon's mocking expression made her mentally explode.

"I won't fight anymore, I can't fight any more!" Luo Quan sat back on the sidelines, unscrewed the lid and took a big sip of water.

Just like what the barrage said, the physical gap cannot be made up by skills, not to mention that Leon's skills are not bad. Without using martial arts, she has no chance of winning.

"Farewell, old lady, I've just been a hot search, so I'll have two more." Leon said to Luo Quan with a smile, wanting her to come again.

"What the hell?" Luo Quan glared at his brother, not wanting to talk nonsense with him.

After a while, Wen Xia came over with a frisbee, followed by two little followers.

"Why didn't you play basketball?" Wen Xia picked up which pot he didn't open.

"Luo Quan was abused by Lyon, and he doesn't want to play basketball anymore." Mia said happily, holding her son.

"There is such a thing?!" Wen Xia looked disbelieving, "There is still someone in this world who can defeat you. You are an invincible Valkyrie."

"I was careless, it's just that I didn't use my real skills." Luo Quan's expression was calm, and he didn't want to argue too much.

"Luo Bao started to speak hard. It's the first time I saw her in such a mess."

"For basketball, a sport that combines body and technology, she is really not very good at it."

"It's better to play lol, Leon's Yasuo is at the gold level at most, you can abuse him casually."

"The king hits gold, that's really casual abuse."


Looking at the joking words of the fans, Luo Quan was angry and funny.

In fact, if it is serious, ten Leon is not her opponent.

But if that's the case, it's meaningless, so she didn't use a little bit of true energy from the beginning to the end.

Facts have also proved that in the absence of extraordinary strength, her technology is indeed no match for Leon's body.

In terms of sports, the gap between men and women is really too big.

Of course, Luo Quan was not lost because of this trivial matter.

The main reason is that I boasted about Haikou before, but I was slapped in the face during the live broadcast, which is somewhat embarrassing.

However, Luo Quan has a good face, and quickly recovered from this embarrassing situation.

It happened that Wen Xia and the others also came, so they simply participated in the frisbee throwing movement together.

Although Luo Quan doesn't know how this movement became popular, it is said that it was because a group of Internet celebrities were posing for pictures, and they were attacked because they occupied their football field.

But without affecting others, Luo Quan thinks throwing the frisbee is pretty good.

It can exercise the body without being particularly intense.

It's just a bit uncomfortable. After all, dogs were usually the ones who picked up the Frisbee in the past, but now they are replaced by humans.

However, if this sport is turned into the sandbag throwing that I played when I was a child, the style of painting will be different immediately.

A few people are limited to an area, and then the person who throws the Frisbee stands outside the circle, throws the Frisbee to the people inside, and if he is hit and fails to catch the Frisbee, he has to exchange with the person who threw the Frisbee.

If you miss or are caught, keep going.

In fact, there are many advanced ways to play sandbags, but Xiaomiao’s physical strength is not very good, and Chen Chen is not very relaxed, so I only played the basic ways for a while.

After playing for half an hour, Xiao Miao was already sweating and drank a bottle and a half of mineral water.

"It's sweating...much more useful than lifting the...gym."

Xiao Miao sat on the chair, panting heavily.

"You've made good progress these few days. If you work harder, you will basically see the project in half a month."

Luo Quan said, pointing the live broadcast camera at Li Xiaomiao: "Look, everyone, has Xiaomiao lost a lot of weight?"

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I’m startled when I see it:
"Damn, it seems to be true!"

"This change is a bit big, the fat on the face is obviously much less."

"It won't really make Xiao Miao lose weight, I haven't even started yet."

"Playing, Xiao Miao is really going to slap us in the face, and come up with a super big counterattack."

"I can't wait to see Xiao Miao become a beautiful woman."

"This is the real meaning, you will look good when you lose weight!"

(End of this chapter)

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