Chapter 1165 Pulling the Wind's Debut ([-])
"Why is Luo Bao's gameplay different from those flying disc aids on Douyin today?"

"Isn't that just throwing a beanbag, but with a Frisbee instead of the beanbag?"

"If it is played like this, then I still agree very much, and I am even willing to join it."

"Go to the other side, can this kind of good thing be your turn?"

"Haha, who wouldn't want to hang out with Luo Bao?"

"It's different for me. I want to stick with Xiaomao. It feels so safe."

"Brother, if you really think so, then you are this. (thumbs.jpg)"


In the room, the live broadcast was on, and the fans were chatting among themselves, but the chairs were empty.

With a "click", Luo Quan came out of the bathroom.

The big golden waves just hung on her shoulders, and she blew a little, but didn't dry it right away.

In fact, she can dry her wet hair directly by using her internal energy, but because of the live broadcast, it is easy for these observant fans to find something wrong, so Luo Quan just wiped it with a handkerchief and planned to wait a while reprocessing.

"Don't mention basketball anymore. I haven't played for a long time, so I lost my touch." Luo Quan guessed that someone would mention this, so he took the lead in blocking everyone's mouths.

"It can be seen that Luo Bao can fight, and his movements are standard and beautiful."

"Indeed, that worshiping Buddha really surprised me."

"It's the three non-sticks that really make people feel uncomfortable."


"If you practice often, you should be able to get back the feeling." Luo Quan glanced at the barrage and said so, then pulled a towel to wipe off the remaining water droplets on his calf.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Luo Bao has never used skin care products before. Don't girls have to have some after taking a shower?"

"Indeed, my 80-year-old grandma always sprinkles some Liushen perfume after taking a bath. In summer, mosquitoes will not invade!"

"Other celebrities have more than a dozen kinds of skin care products all over their bodies, but Luo Bao seems to cover them all in one bottle?"

"Even Dabao is rarely used now."

"It doesn't matter, Luo Bao is born beautiful, so she doesn't need it."

"It's no wonder that no manufacturer has approached her to advertise. It turns out that it can't reflect the advantages of the product at all."

"Is that so?"


Watching the fans' discussion, a business opportunity suddenly flashed in Luo Quan's mind.

She should have thought of it a long time ago. She actually sold milk powder for convenience before. How can selling milk powder make money by selling this!
Which group has the highest spending power in China now?
Of course it's a girl!

Most of the boys' money is used to recharge games. Although girls also recharge, but more of it is used to buy bags, clothes and cosmetics.

Baby clothes need brand value, and it is difficult for her to do so now, so there is no need to think about it.

But cosmetics are not needed, as long as the quality is good enough, you can bring them by yourself.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan pretended to reach into the drawer, and then took out a small and exquisite glass bottle, and then said: "Actually, I have always used skin care products, but you usually don't see it."

As he said that, he poured a little water from the bottle on his legs, and then smeared it on his legs like sunscreen.

After wiping it off, I looked at the lens: "Did you find that it is whiter and brighter than before? Besides, this skin care lotion has a floral fragrance, which is natural and non-irritating, and it is very easy to use."

"I don't believe it unless you smell me."

"Do you want to smell the lotion or Luo Bao's legs?"

"Do you even need to ask? Of course it's skin care water, I'm a gentleman!"

"It's the lotion on Luo Bao's legs."

"Haha, I was discovered by you."

"Seriously, what brand of fairy water is this?"


Skipping the barrage of shrimp heads, Luo Quan replied: "This is our company's own skin care water. It can be used on the face, hands, legs, and feet. It has the effect of whitening and moisturizing. One bottle can cover several bottles of different skin care products." The effect of the product belongs to the fact that one bottle is used more than once.”

Fans immediately posted a barrage of complaints:

"Generally, the effect of such an all-round product is often not outstanding."

"It's easy to understand, omnipotence means nothing."

"Having said so much, where can I buy it?"

"Luo Bao just said that it is produced by his own company."

"Boss Luo is not righteous. If you have a good thing, you can use it yourself. Why don't you share it with everyone?"

"Things for girls, why are you a boy joining in the fun?"

"Why do you dare to assume my gender? I'm going to start punching Luo when you're here!"

"My fault, Jimei please spare my dog's life!"


The barrage of gags continued, but Luo Quan was not affected by it, and explained: "The main reason is that I thought that there are usually more male fans who come to the live broadcast room to watch me, or that I have more male fans, so I didn't think about it." Trying to sell this stuff.

After all, there was a poll on Weibo before, calling it the female star most hated by girls, and I ranked No. 1, which shows that the number of girls who like me is low. "

As soon as these words came out, the girls in the live broadcast room were instantly unhappy:
"Who said that! I've been a fan of Luo Bao for ten years!"

"Be more confident, there are many girls who hate you, and there are also many girls who like you."

"Haha, I didn't expect Luo Bao to really believe in the voting that the robot can participate in by swiping the vote?"

"That's right, at least at Station B, I think there are as many girls who like you as boys."

"So, hurry up and hand over your fairy water!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you sell it to a boy. I also want to be a delicate pig boy."

"Yes, I can still give it to my girlfriend."

"Correct, Luo Bao said clearly just now that this fairy water has the effect of protecting hands."


"Hahaha, don't be too funny, can you?"


Although he was refuted, Luo Quan felt happy instead.

She knew she had female fans, but she didn't know there were so many.

"Since this is the case, let's give female fans a bonus this time. This 100ml bottle of skin care water is priced at 200 yuan. If female users buy it, they can get a [-]% discount.

The quantity is not particularly large, so each person can buy up to three bottles, and you can place an order if you need it. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he dripped the lotion on his feet and continued to wipe it off.

This thing was actually given to her by Ye Zhining, who said it was a very useful skin care product. After the system identified it, it was said that it could be mass-produced with heat value, but she didn't care about it. At first, she never thought of using it for business. .

Later, it was only after reading the barrage that I realized that this might be a hidden business opportunity, so I took it out and tried it.

Originally, she didn't intend to use this and didn't need to use it, but now for the sake of advertising, she has to take it easy no matter what.

So after wiping his legs, he began to wipe his feet. As for his face, he didn't need it at all. Ye Zhining used other skin care products.

It is a kind of cream product. It is said that it can produce miraculous effects after rubbing it on. Anyway, it can improve the value of the face.

But this kind of thing definitely can't be sold. If it really reaches the level of plastic surgery, I'm afraid I will be investigated immediately.

Still, the lotus brand skin care water in my hand is relatively safe. The ingredients are all molecules that can be structured by the system. Even if it is sent to an agency for inspection, there will be no problem, and the price is not particularly expensive. As long as it goes on the market, it will definitely sell well.

Soon, Luo Quan's scar healed, and he lifted his foot directly to let the fans test the results: "Female fans have seen that even the skin on the back and sole of the foot is relatively rough, the effect of this skin care lotion is very obvious .

Of course, don't pour so much when you use it yourself, or it will be used up in a few strokes. "

Seeing this effect, the female fans became excited, thinking that this time they finally met something good.

The male fans are also very excited, but the excitement is slightly different from the girls:

"It shouldn't be, I thought it would be the big feet full of yellow calluses."

"What caused you to have such an outrageous illusion of being at home?"

"White and rosy, the arch of the foot is slightly curved, it is the best."

"Food grade."

"Food grade? State banquet grade!"

"Dafang has to be Luo Baodafang, you can watch this, how can other anchors be like this."

"The main reason is that even super-controllers dare not ban it."


As soon as the voice fell, the live broadcast room went dark.

Just after Luoquan showed the effect, the live broadcast room showed that the anchor violated the rules and was banned for 1 minute.

The barrage exploded with laughter:
"No, brother, are you really sealed? You don't want to work anymore?"

"Is it necessary to be so sensitive about live streaming?"

"Indeed, there are so many outrageous female anchors in Douyin Kuaishou, and I don't see anything wrong."

"Facts have proved that even if you become a boss, you are no match for Super Management."

"Deduct the money! You must deduct it from me!"


After 1 minute, the live broadcast room was unblocked.

With a speechless face, Luo Quan raised the camera by three centimeters, put his feet down at the same time, and said, "There was a little accident, and the super management sent me a message saying that he made a mistake, please forgive me.

Family members, do you say this wave of forgiveness or not? "

Do you still need to think about it?Fans directly sent bullet screens:

"It must be severely punished."

"I'm just saying, how could it be possible to show the effect of the product and be blocked, and it's not really borderline."

"If you really brush the edge, you won't take the camera so far away."


The fans helped to speak their conscience, while Luo Quan was also thinking about a question.

That is the anchor of station B, and sometimes it is indeed banned for some inexplicable reasons.

Sometimes it may be because of words and deeds that cause ambiguity, and sometimes it may be simply because of Superman's displeasure.

Just like just now, the superman said that she accidentally pressed it.

Will it be careless to close the live broadcast room?It takes at least two operations to do it.

So either this Superman wanted to get her attention and deliberately teased her, or he was just plain heartless.

But I apologized in front of the live broadcast, and this time there is no way to attack, I can only pretend that nothing happened.

But this incident also made Luo Quan aware of the problems in the live broadcast area of ​​station B, and decided to come up with a solution when he was free.

"In short, this is the effect of this skin care lotion." Luo Quan moved his butt a little behind the stool, put his foot on the stool and said, "I think it's pretty good when I use it myself. Girls, whether they buy it for themselves It's good to use it or give it away.

For boys, it’s up to you. It’s not impossible for boys to use this thing. If you give it to someone, you can give it to someone who has a girlfriend. "

After saying this, the boys were unhappy again:
"Damn, look down on buddies, right?!"

"Who said I don't have any girlfriends? I have five!"

"Fifth girl, right? Who doesn't have one yet."

"Speaking of which, why doesn't Luo Bao do manicures? It's been several years, and I've never seen that shiny thing on your hands or feet."

"It's best if you don't do it, it's annoying to watch it in a flashy way."

"Haha, how many female celebrities don't cut their toenails when they are so old in order to save space for their manicures, just like the old witch."

"Indeed, after seeing the photos, I immediately feel that the appearance value is greatly deducted."

"I just like Luo Bao, it's all natural and unmodified beauty."


The fan's discussion reminded Luo Quan of something, so he said with a smile: "I don't have any subjective likes or dislikes about this thing.

Just like makeup and beautiful clothes, they are both decorative, and beautiful manicures are also very ornamental.

Wen Xia also planned to take me to do it before, but then I refused. "

"Why do you refuse?"

"If Luo Bao goes for nail art, it must look good."

"It is recommended to make one now, the most popular one seems to be pink tone?"


Looking at the fans' words, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing and said: "Do you want to be so double-standard? Didn't you just say you like pure natural ones, and now you've changed your mind.

In fact, I don't do this, it's just because it's inconvenient. Nowadays, the manicures are a little longer, that is, two or three centimeters, and they are dressed like the noble concubines in ancient times.

But those concubines don’t need to do housework, how can you ordinary people cook and wash dishes while wearing this?
Besides, the manicure on the feet, if you exercise a lot, if you kick it, you will kick the toenails over, it will be sour, think about it for yourself. "

As Luo Quan said, he couldn't help shivering.

"Damn, hearing what Luo Bao said, my feet hurt instantly."

"That kind of pain is really not something ordinary people can bear."

"So these things are suitable for those groups who don't touch the spring water with their fingers."

"If you don't do it, don't do it, just like the natural pinch."

"Good guy, jumping repeatedly, right?"

"So after talking so much nonsense, where is the shopping link?"


Seeing that someone raised a key question, Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Because I didn't think about selling this lotus brand skin care water at first, so I didn't make a related product page.

If it wasn't for fans asking, I wouldn't even have thought of selling this.

Now the staff is stepping up the production, but because of the suddenness, from the design to the start to the completion, it may take a while to see it.

So don't be impatient, everyone, after a while, go and check my news, and you should be able to see it. "

(End of this chapter)

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