Chapter 1166 The Appearance of Pulling the Wind ([-])
ps. The scores of the college entrance examination should be released soon. I wish all the book lovers who have graduated can achieve the ideal results and be admitted to the university of their choice!
In addition, is it too late to wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival at this time?

After the shopping page was completed, more than 1 people placed orders at the same time.

This quantity was really beyond Luo Quan's expectations. I thought the first batch of orders would only be about six or seven thousand bottles. After all, the price of 200 yuan is not expensive, but it is definitely not cheap either.

"It's not true that many boys have also placed orders. Are you really giving them to girlfriends?" Luo Quan looked at the barrage and asked with a smile.

"Luobao's same skin care lotion, can't us boys use it ourselves?"

"That's right! Can't boys take care of skin?"

"I just like to support Luo Bao's cause, and I will bring more goods in the future."

"This is to prove to you the purchasing power of our male fans. If you have any good things in the future, just show them, you're welcome!"


"I'm a little embarrassed when you say that." Luo Quan closed the product interface with the corner of his mouth raised.

Although the number of orders has been rising, she has no interest in notifying everyone that the sales have exceeded tens of thousands.

If this kind of atmosphere is created, it is likely that some irrational fans will make impulsive consumption for her, and the things they buy will be useless in the end.

This kind belongs to cheating fans and cheating family members. Although she likes to make money, she doesn't need to make such unconscionable money.

"By the way, Luo Bao, tomorrow night is the night of 9 Weibo. Leon said that he wants to do a big job. What kind of big job is it?"

A paid barrage hung on the top of the screen, obviously coming from Lyon.

"Is Weibo Night coming so soon?" Luo Quan glanced at the calendar and found that it was indeed Saturday, and every day was the annual Weibo Night.

"Lyon has been preparing for this job for a long time. How can I give you a spoiler now? I can only say that you will know when Weibo Night starts tomorrow."

Luo Quan's mouth has always been very strict, even though many fans in the barrage used the Governor to seduce him, he would not let go.

Just kidding, how could she bend down for five buckets of rice?
Seeing that the governor failed to seduce, the fans knew that Luo Quan had made up his mind this time, so they could only suppress their inner curiosity and look forward to tomorrow's Weibo night scene.

Not many people went to Weibo night this time, mainly because Junzi Yun'er and Su Yu got busy again and went to various places to film, so there were only Luo Quan, Wen Xia, and Leon.

Because I have been there many times, Wen Xia didn't bother to think about any eye-catching looks this time, just a handsome women's suit, dressed casually and freely.

Luo Quan is still the same old evening dress, but this time he chose a fresher light green color, which is also a different style.

As for Leon, no one would have imagined his outfit this time.

The next day, Weibo Night Live.

With the end of the Qinglang operation, the life of the traffic stars has become easier again.

Recently, many newcomers and fresh meat have emerged, harvesting fans who love the new and dislike the old.

As a party with heavy traffic, the number of celebrities participating in Weibo Night has always been relatively small.
The big guys here do not refer to those top-tier big guys with tens of millions of fans, but seniors who really have status in the entertainment industry.

These people cherish feathers more and are not very willing to stick with traffic.

Of course, there are also those who love capital more, and they often cooperate with Flow Fresh Meat. After the cooperation, they also praise Fresh Meat for its good acting skills and serious attitude.

Others felt it was funny when they heard it, but these "highly respected" seniors really could say it.

Therefore, as long as the entertainment industry has anything to do with traffic, it is basically not far from the evening festival.

A while ago, the dignified "National Teacher" director Zhang was scolded bloody by netizens because he made a movie for a traffic star.

It can be seen that choosing a partner is also a technology now.

As for Lyon, his luck was slightly better. Although the director he chose, Guo Xiaosi, was not well-known, the works produced here were not bad.

When "Tiny Times" was first released, everyone was talking about worshiping money, how could Shang Hai be like this.

Later, people discovered that they really didn't know much about this bustling city, one of the best in Asia.

Luxurious luxury may not be enough to describe the luxury here.

Almost all the joys and sins related to money that you can imagine can be found here.

As for what "Little Times" shows, it's just the daily life of a few ordinary nouveau riche. Some groups in Shanghai live a life far more extravagant than the protagonist of "Little Times".

Therefore, this fantasy film criticized for worshiping money has gradually become a magical realism, which well shows the tip of the iceberg of Shang Hai.

And Lyon's wonderful performance in it also made him one of the few characters in the movie that was not complained about.

No way, what he played was just a vase.

And with his good looks and body, he couldn't find faults in acting as a vase, not to mention that his "vase" is still the pinnacle of acting skills of the whole crew.

Originally, Director Guo planned to invite everyone in the crew to walk the red carpet together, but Leon said that the clothes he was wearing were not suitable for walking with everyone, so he declined.

And until Leon showed up, the whole network didn't know what he was going to do.

Most of them thought that he had prepared some cool moves for this red carpet slow motion.

Yes, this time on the red carpet of Weibo Night, the organizer continued to use Grammy slow motion.

This lens was used in many evening parties before, but the results were mixed.

But I have to admit that after many experiments and trial and error, the photographers have finally found a way to make the stars' poss look better.

As for the ridiculous videos I made before, it was all the cost of trial and error.

"Lion, I think there is a high probability that you will be ridiculed by the whole network."

After seeing his younger brother's outfit today, Luo Quan thought it was too funny.

In the movie, Batman's bat suit is really handsome, but in reality, it's really like a song idiot.

Especially the bat mask on the face reminds people of a classic character in philosophical movies, that is, Diablo Tong Dawei.

"It doesn't matter, I'm fulfilling a fan's wish." Leon smiled excitedly, "Maybe he forgot, he said he wanted to see me cosplay Batman.

But I actually like these superheroes myself, and I have been thinking about the day when I can wear this red carpet in a fair manner, and today I finally got the chance. "

"This reminds me of a song, a song that has already been recorded." Luo Quan said with a smile, "It was originally waiting to be sent to you, but it seems that it is unnecessary now. I will sing it and send it to you." you."

"Oh my sister, thank you so much." Leon wanted to give Luo Quan a loving hug, but he was afraid that his appearance would be messed up.

"You'd better stop, I'm driving." Luo Quan could not help but steer the steering wheel, "Also, if things go wrong later, I will deprive you of being my younger brother at any time."

"Do you want to be so realistic, sister?" Leon instantly became helpless, "Are you so afraid that I will embarrass you?"

"Haha, this face is what your sister cares about the most in her life." Wen Xia couldn't help laughing, "If she really feels ashamed, I'm afraid she will cut it off immediately."

While speaking, the car had already arrived at the scene of Weibo Night.

In fact, with Moyu Qilin's impressive appearance, it has already attracted the attention of many passers-by after he hit the road.

Are there any luxury cars on the streets of Shanghai?Passers-by have long been accustomed to cars such as Ferrari and Lamborghini.

But the car driven by Luo Quan has never been seen before, and the sound of the car's engine is not the roar of a normal sports car at all, but the swishing sound full of future technology. Like a shuttle flying through the air.

This sound sounds so cool, I don't know how it came out.

The video was shot and posted on the Internet, and it was played hundreds of thousands of times in an instant.

Thanks to Leon showing off his sister's exclusive car in the underground garage every now and then, many people on the Internet now know about this Moyu Qilin.

As the only model in the world, the shape of the Moyu Kirin will definitely make people unforgettable in this life just by looking at it.

And when it gallops on the road, people realize that the sports car has to be ignited and run to be more handsome.

"Whenever I can get in the car and sit for a while, this life will be worth it!"

"I declare that this is one of the most handsome sports cars ever made, no objection!"

"By the way, how expensive is this car?"

"It seems that Luo Quan said that the landed price is only tens of millions of RMB."

"So cheap? I missed a zero."

"No, Nikola's cars are indeed cheaper. Even the luxury super sports cars only sell for around one million."

"What's more, Luo Bao is still the boss, so it must be the ex-factory price."



Mo Yu Qilin was on the hot search, and Luo Quan just drove the car outside the red carpet of Weibo Night.

Tonight, there was a crowd of people here in the true sense. Fans of countless traffic stars gathered here, wanting to cheer for their brother. Many people even raised flags. There may be tens of thousands of people in total.

At present, these people are still in order, and there is no traffic jam.

After Luo Quan arrived by car, everyone almost reflexively made way for her.

One good thing about a sports car that is handsome like this is that no one dares to approach it.

Because anyone with a little knowledge knows that the more handsome the car, the higher the price.

As for the Moyu Kirin, the starting price is estimated to be more than [-] million yuan, and even a little scratch on the paint may ruin the family.

So all the way to Luoquan, it can be said to be unimpeded.

After parking the car door close to the red carpet, Leon opened the car door and came in front of everyone.

At this moment, the lights flashed.

Then, everything stuck in place again.

"Damn it! What shape is this?"

"It's very chic, Batman is here"

"Speaking of which star this is, I can't recognize him with a mask on."

"Luoquan Wenxia is also there, so this is Leon?"

"Interesting, is it such a big game?"


Amidst countless discussions and everyone's surprised eyes, Leon walked onto the red carpet with his head held high.

He is wearing a classic bat suit from a DC movie. Although his figure is not as muscular as Da Ben and Da Chao, he is still the "incarnation" of the American dream. He still has muscles, so he wears the bat suit on his body. , and there is not much sense of incongruity.

It's just that he doesn't have the iconic beard on his chin.

A handsome young Batman is probably the most pertinent evaluation.

"My God, are you Leon?" The two hosts came over and asked in disbelief.

"Haha, I thought no one would recognize it." Leon took off his mask and showed a grinning expression.

"I'm behind you, it's hard for others not to recognize you." Luo Quan patted his brother's shoulder helplessly, "Bateman, your cloak seems a little crooked."

With that said, Luo Quan fixed the crooked cloak on his brother's shoulders again.

Leon turned his head and took a look. After finding that there was no problem, he directly grabbed the end of the cloak, swung it back, walked to the signature plate like a hero, and wrote his name on it.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia wrote their pens one by one, and then stood together for a group photo.

Leon had a natural expression, as if he was Batman himself.

And Luo Quan and Wen Xia both looked like: I have a half-smile expression, like a soy bean that can't hold back.

Several photographers couldn't help laughing.

Fortunately, the process of walking the red carpet has finally been completed. So far, it seems that the effect is not bad, at least the cheers on the scene are still very strong.

The next step is slow motion, which is the place where the stars have the most overturned cars.

For this slow motion, Wen Xialuoquan practiced hard at home.

The two walked side by side, one in a suit and leather shoes, the other in a gorgeous dress.

When the camera focused on the two of them, Wen Xia embraced Luo Quan, as if a waltz had reached the final moment.

Luo Quan fell obliquely into the air, his soft waist erected a charming arc under the support of Wen Xia.

The bodies of the two are closely attached to each other, but they look so gentlemanly and ladylike. This scene amazed many people.

The audience who were watching the live broadcast exploded in an instant. They didn't expect that Luo Quan and Wen Xia would appear next, and they still used this method.

"The people in Jiquan are ecstatic!"

"Ahhhhhhhh, what kind of fairy combination is this!"

"I just love them both."

"It's really hard to end without a kiss."

"I really want to see the two of them act in an urban sweet pet TV series, not the one with the male lead."

"It's no good, sister, I'm looking forward to it just by talking about it."

"Why do you give me such a beautiful thing, but you can't carry it out to the end? It's really cruel."

"The emotion in these eyes is almost drawing!!!!"

"It's too foul, how can this prevent us from cp?"


Although Luo Quan and Wen Xia made explosive appearances, they are not destined to be the protagonists tonight.

The next one is even more heavyweight.

(End of this chapter)

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