Chapter 1167

ps. The picture of Luo Bao playing basketball has been posted, and you can watch it in this chapter or at the end of the chapter in Chapter 170.


Without any movement, Leon straightened his chest and stood in front of the camera with his hands on his hips.

Just like the most common pose of all superheroes, there is no need for any fancy movements.

And when they learned that this Betterman belonged to Lyon's cosplayer, almost all the viewers who were watching the Weibo Night live broadcast were blown away:

"I'm going, is this Lyon?!"

"It's really him, he actually cosplays Batman."

"It turns out that this is the surprise he said."

"Lyon's truth is really a big deal."

"But is it really possible to enter like this?"

"Why can't I enter, I like to see a stand-out Bertman in the suits that are all the same!"

"I understand the truth, but this looks really funny."

"Lyon is awesome this time, I'm afraid it's going to be the first to reform Chinese star dresses!"

"It's me, I definitely don't dare to live like this, but Leon is an Oscar winner, so he must be able to cover it better than ordinary people."

"Give these three a thumbs up, Luo Baowen Xia waltzes, Leon cosplays Batman, they all have a bright future."


Amidst countless shocked eyes, Leon joined the two people behind him.

"Congratulations, brother, you have successfully become the focus of today's party!" Luo Quan gave Leon a thumbs up, "Say you continue to wear it after you go in?"

"Of course!" Leon nodded without hesitation, "I didn't bring any change of clothes this time, I only wore this bat suit, but I don't need to wear the mask after I go in later."

"Superhero, I hope you can hold your head up like this when you go to the stage to receive the award later." Luo Quan patted Leon on the shoulder, and then entered the venue with Wen Xia's arms hooked.

The three of them walked all the way, not knowing how many flashes they took up.

Of course, mainly Lyon.

Even many celebrities took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

On Weibo night, foreign stars are not uncommon, but this is the first time a foreign star cosplaying Batman appears.

Before the award ceremony officially started, Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and started the live broadcast.

"Fans, the protagonist in today's live broadcast is not me, but the person next to me."

Seeing the dense barrage of greetings in the live broadcast room, Luo Quan pointed the camera at Leon next to him: "Didn't everyone ask Leon what kind of work he wanted to do? Here, this is what he does."

"You are a real bully, Ang."

"I didn't expect this operation, and I would like to call it a good job."

"Lyon always uses practical actions to prove that he is the most abstract artist at present, all of which are program effects!"


"Haha, in fact, I also agreed to the request of a previous fan. Maybe he himself forgot this request." Leon looked at the bullet screen calmly and said, "But I still remember, so I fulfilled my promise this time."

After finishing speaking, Luo Quan pulled the camera back: "Actually, I think Leon's behavior is pretty cool, who didn't have a dream of being a hero when he was young?
Americans like all kinds of superheroes, while we like Dasheng, Calabash and Sheriff Black Cat. The carriers are different, but the spirit and touch are the same. "

The bullet screen praised one after another:
"Well said, Luo Bao's summary has directly sublimated."

"If we can really see celebrities cosplaying various virtual characters in the future, I will give Leon a big credit!"

"Now is the era of hard work. If you don't work hard, you are destined to be eliminated by the times."

"Speaking of the whole job, then we have to mention the incredible work of two super rich people abroad."

"Oh, what kind of melon is this?"


When Luo Quan saw the bullet chat mentioning this, he thought of the news he saw on Twitter in the morning, so he explained to the bullet chat: "This melon is the boss of Tesla and the boss of Facebook, and they want to enter the Octagonal Cage to compete. Compete.

At present, the desire to fight on both sides is very high, but Tesla's boss is Musk, and his mother does not agree with his son's death, so it seems that they can't fight for the time being. "

It’s actually quite funny to say this. Originally, Musk took the initiative to provoke, but Zach didn’t hesitate after seeing it, and gladly accepted the challenge.

As a result, after Zach took up the challenge, Musk suddenly faltered again.

Although Musk didn't think he was cowardly, what his mother meant was basically what she meant.

If he is determined to fight, he can temporarily ban his mother's account, and then devote himself to the preparation of the game.

Anyway, Luo Quan doesn't think that Musk's fat body can be the opponent of the well-trained Zach.

However, these two are both well-known super rich in the West. Needless to say, Musk has been the world's richest man for several years, with assets worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

And his opponent, Zach, is not bad either. He was also a celebrity who was in the top ten of the rich list. Although his reputation is not very good, he can definitely be called young and promising.

If these two can really enter the octagonal cage, it will definitely be called the most noteworthy duel since the new century.

This should also be the most direct and brutal business war in the entire history of mankind.

Other people's business wars are all about manipulating the stock market, strategizing, and all kinds of calculations.

And the business battle between these two super rich people is to enter the octagonal cage to see who is more resistant to beating, and even abandon all advantages except the body.

At this moment, capital is indeed not omnipotent, and the inherent advantages and talents of human beings have become the key factors for victory or defeat.

Of course, after all, Musk is older and lacks physical exercise, so even if he is taller and heavier than Zach, his current winning percentage in the external network is less than [-], and he is basically not optimistic about him.

However, Musk himself looked reluctant, his mother kept refusing, and he himself said that he really wanted to make a discount with Zach.

Regardless of whether this fight can be fought or not, at least the popularity of these two people has become numb, and even the company's stock has also risen sharply.

In this environment where the economy is going down and stories go up and down more, these two people have done some manipulations and contributed a wonderful marketing.

Just a few tweets and a few Facebook posts and it did what no ad could ever do.

How else can you make so much money? This is business acumen.

And the above is also what Luo Quan told the barrage, about the logical analysis behind the behavior of the two rich men.

"Say one thousand to ten thousand, they did it for marketing, just to make money.

Judging from the current popularity, the effect of this interaction can be said to be very good, and it is estimated that there will be many imitators in the future. "

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said, and the barrage immediately began to tease:
"So, there will be a lot of imitation news in China soon?"

"Imitation? It's been around for a long time. Huya Douyu often engages in cross-border boxing matches, and they are all Internet celebrities."

"It is suggested that these domestic celebrities and rich people also go up and fight to increase their popularity, and then take this opportunity to avenge their grievances and revenge."

"Roll the old horse and Dongzi."

"Haha, the ultimate battle between Ali and, isn't it?"

"If Si Cong is in the ring, there will be a lot of people who should fight."

"If you legally beat up the servant, you will pay for it!"

"Speaking of which, if Luo Bao goes to fight, will the effect of the show be very explosive?"

"I forgot? Didn't Luo Bao fight before, and they were all a bunch of strong men."

"Fuck, I forgot how she got the nickname Valkyrie."


Seeing this, Luo Quan showed a gratified smile.

These fans are finally sensible, and they didn't call him Bawanghua or female Tyrannosaurus.

It would be nice to be able to call her a Valkyrie, of course, it would be more comfortable to call her just a goddess
"The fans are right. With Luo Luo's current combat power, who would dare to compete with her?" Wen Xia also brought her head closer at this time, and appeared in the same frame as Luo Quan.

"Oh, it's Wen Xia!"

"I saw the slow motion of the two of you just now. It's so sweet, it's like hitting a bag of glucose."

"Tell me, when you two will be filming a TV series, don't force me to beg you."

"The people in Jiquan are really ecstatic. I never thought that one day I would really hit you two!"


"It's only now that you start knocking me and Luo Luo?" Wen Xia laughed, "Isn't it possible to start knocking years ago?"

"Yes, Wen Xia and I have been friends for more than ten years. We grew up wearing a pair of trousers." Luo Quan said, curling Wen Xia's hair in his hands: "I remember me and you guys Those who said this, don’t you remember?”

The barrage immediately replied:
"I did."

"But the relationship is so good, just like a good brother, I never thought about cp."

"Mainly you two seem to be very aggressive."

"So who is softer in private?"


"Do I still need to ask?" Luo Quan put his hips on his hips, pretending to be my toughest appearance.

"Yeah, do I still need to ask?" Wen Xia turned her head and glanced at Luo Quan, "Luo Bao, who do you think will attack us?"

"Get rolling." Wen Xia saw Luo Quan's waist itch, and was really afraid of her tricks, so he immediately pushed her away.

"Haha, I can tell right away."

"I didn't expect Luo Quan to be the passive one."

"Don't look at Luo Bao who is very independent and royal in front of the camera, but in fact she is a soft girl in private."

"I just like this contrast, please allow me to call you wife."

"That's fine for male fans, why are female fans coming to grab Luo Bao from us?"

"Haha, I didn't know about this CP until I checked it out, but I found out that the internet is full of material!"


Looking at the barrage, Luo Quan said helplessly: "Knocking on everything will only harm you, it's okay to knock on CP rationally, but don't go too far.

I heard that Old Ford had a lot of cp articles about me, and each object was more outrageous than the other. "

"Old Ford is not bad. I'm afraid you haven't read the third moderator's."

"Indeed, one of Luo Bao's novels dominates the rankings."

"any recommended?"

"Fun entertainment: starting from the conquest of Luoquan."

"There are a lot of heroines in the urban novels written by Luo Bao, which are extremely popular."

"How do you know so well?"

"Haha, Luo Bao is now the spiritual food of many people, the kind that cannot be missed."


It can only be said that technology is becoming more and more developed now, and it can also be regarded as a reflection of netizens' love for female stars.

In the past, this kind of second creation, let's call it second creation, was used as the protagonist most, Liang Mi, and later Sister Fei.

After Luo Quan appeared, it was basically the works in which Luo Quan was the protagonist, accounting for about [-]%.

Facts have proved that as long as you are good enough, you can monopolize the market no matter what industry you are in.

It's just that she might not be too interested in this monopolized industry.

But just like the martial arts area cannot live without Huang Rong, she has also become a spiritual totem.

At least at the beginning, she is the source of inspiration for countless urban writers, and she is also the first target of countless protagonists Long Aotian who want to attack after being reborn.

You live your life as a star again, why write without getting to know Luo Quan first?
After all, people live for Luoquan.

The only good news is that, at least in the urban entertainment novels of per capita stallions, she is usually the main character, which is in line with her wish, that is, no matter what she does, she must be the boss and do her best.

It is worth mentioning that because of her own relationship, once she is captured, other artists in their company will often suffer as well.

I don't know what Wen Xia and the others thought after seeing it.

However, Luo Quan felt that there was nothing worthy of criticism in this YY novel. As a star, isn't it a concept to make movies and TV series?

It's just that the authors of these novels are a little more daring, but in the end they all provide fantasy material.

At least Luo Quan would not reprimand this kind of behavior, and sometimes he would even search for urban novels with himself as the heroine as the starting point, and most of them were quite good.

So facing the teasing from the fans, Luo Quan just smiled helplessly.

Things that are in the gray industry chain must not be brought out. As long as they do not violate the law, you can discuss them if you want.

About ten minutes later, the awards ceremony was about to begin. Luo Quan also leaned his phone to his place, but the live broadcast was not turned off.

And the barrage is still quite lively at this time:

"It's opening, it's opening, how many awards can Luo Bao win this time!"

"At least the Weibo queen should be in the bag."

"Last year, it was the most searched and most discussed, and this year there is a Bilibili fan club. It's not that she is really difficult to end."

"Where is Leon, can you get Weibo King?"

"It's a bit difficult, mainly because it's all popular on Douyin and Bilibili, but there's not much movement on Weibo."

"Haha, Leon is now the number one celebrity in the post bar."

"Indeed, the acknowledged master of abstraction."


Amidst the conversation among the fans, today's first award was announced, which is the most popular actor of the year.

Leon was nominated for his role in Tiny Times.

Originally, he didn't expect to win the award, but who knew that the host announced that he had won the award in the end.

Then, amidst the applause and laughter of the audience, Lyon stepped onto the podium.

(End of this chapter)

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