Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1169 You Are Advising Me To Make A Mistake

Chapter 1169 You Are Advising Me To Make A Mistake

ps. Thanks for the book coins rewarded by book friend Fanmeng Xingchen owo, thank you!


Xu Yanqing's return finally calmed down the excited fans.

Everyone stopped arguing for Luo Quan to cosplay, but asked Xu Yanqing to watch the popular dramas at station B, trying to make her a two-dimensional.

The drunkard's intention was not to drink, of course everyone was not that innocent, they were so enthusiastic only to make Xu Yanqing a cosplayer.

But Xu Yanqing is not very interested in watching anime, and she is currently learning how to sing.

For an entertainer, just having one skill is not enough. After seeing the example of the boss, she realized how great the advantage of versatility is.

Acting alone is not enough to distinguish her from other stars, she has to be like the boss, know a little bit of everything, in order to develop better in the future.

After the live broadcast ended, Xu Yanqing stretched her waist.

Luo Quan's eyes lit up as he watched from the side, wondering what kind of material Xu Yanqing's T-shirt was made of, it was stretched so big that it didn't tear with a "click", and she would buy one someday.

No matter how good the material of clothes on the earth is, it probably cannot compare with the high technology in the universe.

Now sometimes she also feels that her body is a bit uncomfortable being strangled by the clothes. Although there will be no marks left, there is always a feeling of being squeezed by a heavy object on her chest, which is really not very good.

"Yanqing, why did I feel that you were a little absent-minded during the live broadcast just now?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"I don't know if I should say something or not." Xu Yanqing lowered her head in embarrassment, not daring to look at Luo Quan.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, but it's okay to say." Luo Quan patted Xu Yanqing's shoulder, "I don't have any taboos here!"

Xu Yanqing was shocked by these two slaps: "Boss, I wonder why you didn't show that photo."

"Which one?" Luo Quan was a little puzzled.

"It's the photo you took for that charity event of caring for women. It's so beautiful. If you get it in Huanyu, won't it sweep the entire Internet?"

Xu Yanqing's idea is relatively simple, doing so can greatly increase the popularity, so he started to tease.

"Then how can we publish the photo in Huanyu?" Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "This is not the same as the swimsuit photo. That photo is truly naked."

"You are worried about the identity of your Holy Mother..." Xu Yanqing asked tentatively.

"Of course not." Luo Quan shook his head, "The nature of the swimsuit photo is not much different from that photo, it's just that the former shows a little less.

What I worry about is that if the photos are taken to the world, it will easily cause confusion.

I also saw the news before, after I posted the swimsuit photo, many heart patients were admitted to Huanyu Hospital, saying that the blood flow was too fast, and the shortness of breath caused acute myocardial infarction.

Although Huanyu's medical treatment was developed and all of them were rescued, this caused trouble after all.

It's just that the swimsuits are already like this, if they take more exciting ones, can they still accept it? "

"So that's the case." Xu Yanqing suddenly realized, "If this is the case, many people may really die because of it."

"That's what I'm worried about." Luo Quan nodded, "So if you're shy or not, there's no such thing at all. If you dare to shoot, you won't be shy.

But as beautiful as I am, I always have to take care of those weak viewers.

If it is really because of me that they lost their lives, then I am not a beauty? "

Luo Quan explained solemnly.

This is the inevitable situation when the appearance reaches [Star Charm].

Even if the face has been modified, the charm cannot be concealed no matter what.

This is not her narcissism, it is an objective fact.

How could it be possible for those big aliens who are used to seeing beauties to be so attentive to her just based on her looks?

It must be charm.

Because of his relatively clear understanding of himself, Luo Quan is usually more cautious, lest if he is not careful, his fans will be so excited that their noses bleed.

Just like the indescribable things in the Cthulhu mythology, it is easy to lose san after watching it for a long time.

Either his vitality will be severely injured, or he will go crazy directly.

Hematemesis is considered good, at least it is only some physical damage, and it can be recovered with proper cultivation.

If there is a mental problem, the problem will be more serious, and it may become a lifetime of pain.

Luo Quan's reasons for rejecting Xu Yanqing were quite sufficient, and Xu Yanqing also realized her mistake.

But what made Luo Quan feel difficult was that when she was discussing with Xu Yanqing, the live broadcast on Huanyu hadn't been related yet.

All the words were directly broadcast by the invisible camera.

Now the bullet screen is full of questions about what kind of photo it is, which is more exciting than the swimsuit photo.

When Luo Quan found out about this situation, it was too late to turn off the live broadcast.

Facing the overwhelming barrage, Luo Quan could only bite the bullet and face it.

But there is only one way to deal with it, and that is to refuse to agree.

"First of all, that photo must not be shown to everyone. This is for the sake of your safety."

As for Luo Quan's words, no matter how other people offered gifts or promised other rewards, he was unmoved.

"It's not about money, it's about human life." Luo Quan declared again.

"Holy Mother, you will kill us if you don't show us."

"If I don't give it to you, I will die for you now."

"It's okay, Luo Bao. I'm in good health and can withstand it."

"It's really not that serious. You have to trust the physical fitness of our Huanyu people."

"It's okay Lobo, please do show us how horrible this picture is."

"If you have already prepared your mind well in advance, then there will be no problems, so Luo Bao, don't hesitate."


The bullet screens of persuasion kept rolling, and Luo Quan was actually a little hesitant in his heart.

On her shoulders, it was as if there were two villains exactly like herself, one with a golden halo above her head and the other with a black halo above her head.

The one with the black circle said: "Just take it out, anyway, it's what they want to see, and it can increase the popularity, so why not do it?"

The one with the white circle said: "How could this be possible! It's too easy to hurt innocent fans like this, don't be impulsive."

Then the two villains started to fight, and Luo Quan's expression became more and more serious.

Xu Yanqing on the side knew that she had done something wrong, she lowered her head and didn't know what to say, she just hoped that the boss would not punish her later, deduct her salary or something.

After Luo Quan hesitated for a few minutes, he finally chose the black aperture.

The reason she convinced herself was also seen by the fans on Earth. It would be unfair for Huanyu to favor one another.

Besides, it's just an artistic photo, so it shouldn't be as serious as imagined.

"Actually, there are no good-looking ones. In terms of sexiness, I think it is not as good as those swimsuit photos taken before."

Luo Quan said, opened the folder where the old photos were stored, and continued: "However, as a reminder, the following pictures may cause health problems, so please activate the doctor robot.

Those who do not have a robot at home should also wear a medical bracelet to monitor their physical condition at any time. "

After speaking, Luo Quan gave everyone 5 minutes to prepare.

In the past 5 minutes, the popularity of the live broadcast room has increased by more than ten times. It is full of fun people who claim that their bodies are indestructible and come to challenge the limit.

Luo Quan was left speechless by this scene, and hoped that Huanyu's medical institutions would be able to withstand the test later.

Five minutes later, Luo Quan clicked on the photo that could be called art.

Contrary to everyone's imagination, it must be wrong to say that this photo is not revealing, after all, there are no clothes.

It's not right to say that it is exposed, because the light and shadow are the same effect as underwear, and you can't see it at all.

I thought it was a photo of a rivalry with a porn star, but this is it?
"Only to this extent?"

"I think it's just average... Pfft!!!"

"No, why is my nose bleeding?"

"Damn, what's going on, the medical robot said my heartbeat was 150, but I didn't feel anything at all."

"No, I feel dizzy, I have to go to the hospital."

"I'm going, I've lost a lot of blood!"

"Brothers, how are you?"


Looking at the various situations that appeared in the barrage, Luo Quan said dumbfoundedly: "I told you that there will be problems, and now I feel like going to the hospital."

At this time, there is no need for Luo Quan to remind him, everyone knows that he should go to the hospital.

Then on the way there, these people looked at the photos from time to time, and the bleeding became more severe.

After a while, the male fans in the live broadcast room basically stopped talking, and the rest were some female fans.

"Wow, Holy Mother, what did you think when you took this photo? The composition is so ingenious."

"It's so beautiful, it can be called a work of art."

"I think it is the top work in the way of photography, the kind that can greatly increase one's skills."

"The figure is really beautiful, and I can't find a single flaw."


Facing the girls, Luo Quan's expression became much more natural, and he chatted with them about why he took such large-scale photos and where he got his inspiration from.

During the chat, occasionally a few boys who were not too much affected even posted barrage, saying that this photo probably won't exist for too long.

The Huanyu Network Containment Office has noticed the situation here, saying that it has discovered an abnormal "network pollution source" and has already begun to deal with it.

It is estimated that this photo is to be processed.

Luo Quan took a look at the responsibilities of the Huanyu Network Shelter, and found that they were organizations that cleaned up items that appeared on the Internet and that were likely to cause abnormal phenomena.

Just like anti-virus software, problems will be dealt with immediately.

This photo of myself, which can be called art, is mostly because it hurts too many people, so it is also classified as a source of pollution.

Hmm... Although it sounds a bit awkward, this organization seems to call all harmful objects a source of pollution.

Generally speaking, for Internet users like Luoquan who create pollution sources, they will control people and photos together, and solve the problem from the source.

However, because of Luo Quan's special status, being the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church and a close friend of the Empress's boudoir, they wouldn't dare to arrest her even if they had ten guts.

So I can only delete the photos first.

And after there were no photos, the fans who had just arrived at the hospital were a little anxious, regretting that they hadn't downloaded it.

But anyway, I have already seen it, and the picture will always be imprinted in my mind, and it will be fresh in my memory for a long time.

After waiting for about half an hour, Luo Quan estimated that these people should have been treated almost, so he asked lazily: "How is it, fans, have you stabilized your injuries in the hospital?"

"There are so many people in the hospital, Luo Bao, my nose is blocked by coagulated blood, and I feel a little flustered."

"Vitality is seriously injured, and there are twenty people lying in a ward, and all the questions are from watching your live broadcast."

"Holy Mother, you have to take full responsibility this time!"

"I didn't expect such a big reaction before I saw it, and I didn't feel too exposed."

"This shows that this photo already has supernatural power, and it looks like a Taoist. Of course, we can't simply draw a conclusion."

"It's really nice to have a good photo, but it's really hard to be difficult."

"I really regret it a little. I feel dizzy. How can I go to work tomorrow?"

"Physical fitness needs to be improved, everyone, I am different, there is no problem at all."

"You pull out your adrenaline needle before you talk!"

"Haha, is everyone playing this thing?"

"plus one."


Looking at these barrages of joy in bitterness, Luo Quan didn't know whether to say they were big-hearted or heartless.

The blood in his nose was soaring like a fountain, and he was still making fun of others.

"Your mentality is really good. If you don't know, you think you're talking about your illness." Luo Quan shook his head with a smile, "Another thing I want to tell you is that this photo has been designated by the Internet Abnormal Object Shelter. For secondary pollution sources.

It is not very fatal, but it has very strong transmission and pathogenicity. I believe you have already experienced the specific effect, so just know it well.

All in all, this photo has been blocked. If you upload it again in the future, you will be blocked and questioned immediately, so fans who downloaded the photo, take it easy. "

After finishing speaking, the bullet screen is naturally happy and sad.

The worry is that those who didn't download the photos regretted not downloading and saving them earlier.

Those who are happy are of course fans who have downloaded the photos, and they can take them out to have a look in the future if they have nothing to do. Of course, the premise is that they are ready to be sent to the hospital at any time.

As for the shelter, there are already too many photos that have been blocked before, and everyone knows that they are doing the right thing, so they don’t even bother to spray, complain a few words about why the action is so fast, and then stop .

And Luoquan's artistic photo disturbance lasted for an hour, and finally subsided.

Because it was sealed relatively quickly, it didn't even hit the hot searches.

The people of Huanyu just discovered that the hospital seemed to be much busier than usual, and the blood plasma in the blood bank seemed to be insufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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