Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1170 New Song

Chapter 1170 New Song
"Okay, you don't have to worry about such a small matter, and it's all been solved perfectly?"

Luo Quan put his arms around Xu Yanqing's shoulders, comforting her with moist eyes.

"I didn't mean to cause such a big trouble for you, boss." Xu Yanqing continued to wipe away tears, "If it is placed with other celebrities, this situation may cause serious problems."

"It's just a photo, what can go wrong, we are not afraid of the shadow!" Luo Quan smiled proudly, "Okay, let's go to rest, it didn't cause any loss, but it also gave me a lot of fans .”

"I'm sorry, boss." Xu Yanqing stood up and faced Luo Quan, bowing deeply.

It was so deep that Luo Quan couldn't see the end of his eyes at a glance.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing to accept an apology from time to time, at least it's quite eye-catching.

Luo Quan lifted Xu Yanqing up with a smile, and said: "Okay, everything is going well now, after waking up tomorrow, it will be a new day, so don't have any psychological burdens, with my current status, I can't meet anything too big trouble."

"Then I'll go back to my room, boss." Xu Yanqing nodded lightly, finally calming down.

After Luo Quan sent Xu Yanqing back to the room, he turned on his phone and glanced at Weibo.

Lyon's "stunning" appearance tonight has indeed attracted countless discussions.

As expected, there were two distinct groups of people on Weibo regarding Lyon's bold behavior.

A group of people think that this dress is too casual and does not respect the occasion at all.

A group of people think that they just like to watch this kind of expression of true temperament, and how much respect should they have for another entertainment award?Do you want to set up an altar to burn incense before you go?
What's wrong with dressing up as Batman? It's not like wearing underwear like Superman, and it doesn't have any impact on the appearance of the city.

Generally speaking, most people are still on the side of the second statement, thinking that there is nothing wrong with Lyon doing this, and even hope to see more stars who are as bold and open as him in the future.

As for Luo Quan, she didn't support him on Weibo like those friends that Leon met when he was filming variety shows and movies.

But she released an electronic song: "Something just like this".

In the song it says:

Spider-Man's Powerful Control

Batman's great boxing skills
Obviously I can't compare with them
I just want to do what I can
just wanna kiss my love

that's all i want

This song sang the true meaning behind Lyon's doing so, but I hope everyone still has some innocence left in their hearts.

Who says adults can't be naive, it's those unrealistic fantasies that make young hearts beat enthusiastically.

But speaking of it, Leon is only in his early twenties now, so it's not surprising that he behaved like this. Those who accused him of being immature felt that he was truly immature.

Luo Quan fell asleep after posting the song, while countless fans on the Internet couldn't sleep at all.

Because this fast-paced electronic music is so brainwashing, people can't help shaking their heads and shaking their legs.

Of course, the happiest thing is Douyin.

Because of the new BGM material, the main and chorus of this song are very suitable for short videos as background music.

Judging by the current popularity, it is estimated that it will not be long before another popular single with billions of plays on the whole network is released.

And because Leon went to bed early, he only heard this song made for him after waking up.

"My sister's level is as sharp as ever."

Lyon commented under Weibo.

Then fans quickly upvoted his comment:
"Did you wake up so late?"

"Dude, let you cosplay Batman, you are really a cosplayer, awesome."

"Help, how can I get a good sister who can write songs to explain my brother's behavior, wait online, it's very urgent."

"There is no chance in this life, unless you marry Leon and become Luo Quan's brother-in-law."

"It's not impossible, please ask Leon to be so dead with sex card."

"He's already married."

"It is suggested that Leon become an Arab citizen and that he can marry four at a time."

"If the gender is too rigid, then it's not impossible for me to have sex reassignment surgery."

"Why are you so unambitious? Can't Leon be allowed to undergo sex reassignment surgery!"

"I'm Leon, and I've called the police."


"Hehe, these people are so funny." Leon shook his head and said cheerfully, "Sister, is my breakfast ready?"

"Come on, my Master Leon." Luo Quan put on an apron, and brought breakfast from the kitchen to the table: "Can you have a better attitude, you don't respect at all, be careful, I'll clean you up later!"

"Oh, which one of us is with whom?" Leon leaned over to the table with a smile, grabbed the bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Delicious, old lady, your skills are getting better and better." Saying that, Leon gave Luo Quan a thumbs up.

"Hehe, he only compliments me when I'm eating." Luo Quan gave Leon a supercilious look, then untied his apron, and sat on the sofa: "After eating, wash the dishes."

"Okay." Leon responded, and then asked: "By the way, what about Wen Xia and the others, I saw them just now, why are there no shadows now?"

"I'm exercising." Luo Quan turned on the phone and said without raising his head: "Xiao Miao's weight loss effect has been very good during this period, and it will be dawn soon, so Wen Xia also increased her fitness efforts.

In addition, you probably won't be able to see Xiao Miao these days. She said that she will come out for you to see after she has achieved great results, and will amaze everyone.

For this reason, she didn't even broadcast the live broadcast. "

"Is that so, don't I want to avoid her when she passes by the living room later?" Leon said curiously.

"No, as long as you don't go to the gym, you probably won't see her." Luo Quan looked at Leon, shook his head and said, "She's going to spend all her meals and lodging in the gym these days, so she just sleeps there on the floor!"

"Awesome!" Leon sighed involuntarily, "With this perseverance, what kind of weight can't be lost? If I can have such determination, my weight won't keep soaring."

"A few days ago you said you would quit barbecue, but I haven't seen you quit." Luo Quan complained disdainfully.

"I found that quitting barbecue and the like is not as effective as proper exercise." Leon said with a serious face, "So I plan to eat more meat, and then increase the intensity of exercise.

After a lot of consumption, the fat will naturally not go up. Do you think I have a plan? "

"The key is to persevere." Luo Quan lay down on the sofa, "Just like you give up barbecue, every time you support it for two or three days and make a bunch of excuses, how effective it will be."

"Hmph, just see how long I can last this time!" Leon said unconvinced, and then stuffed the last bun into his mouth.

"Hey, it's gone?" Leon looked at the empty dinner plate, "I'm not full yet, how can I have the energy to practice if I'm not full?"

"There are beef jerky and chicken feet in the utility room, why don't you eat them as cushions." Luo Quan raised his finger and pointed to the utility room in the distance, "Who made you wake up so late, everyone You don’t go downstairs until you’re done eating, it’s not that I’ve done too much today, you’ll just be hungry.”

"Forget it, eat more when you're hungry until noon." Leon didn't bother to compete with the pickled pepper chicken feet, and he got angry after eating too much beef jerky. Although they were all delicious, he had already eaten them in the past few days It’s a lot, so let’s avoid it.

After speaking, Leon wiped his mouth, came to the yard and started zama step.

It seems that he really wants to use actions to prove himself, to prove that he really has the determination to make his body better and better.

As for Xiao Miao, not only Lyon is asking, but fans are also asking.

I haven't seen anyone since yesterday, and everyone didn't respond to the broadcast for a day, but it didn't broadcast this morning, and everyone was very worried about what happened.

Luo Quan immediately turned on the live broadcast, wanting to respond to this question.

"Luo Bao, what are Xiao Miao and Chen Bao doing these days?"

"I haven't seen them since yesterday. I'm really worried."

"If I don't see Xiao Miao and Chen Bao for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all over!"

"Hey, are they preparing a surprise for us?"


The bullet screens were all asking about the situation of the two, Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Don't worry, Xiao Miao is trying to lose weight, and Chen Chen didn't broadcast live in order to accompany her.

And let me tell you a good news, Xiaomiao is quite successful in losing weight now, at most one week, she will let you see a completely different her.

Don't be too surprised when the time comes. "

The fans were suddenly surprised:
"You're so right, it makes me feel so itchy."

"Can you show me now, I'm not afraid of spoilers."

"Haha, do you think this is a movie? Spoilers are coming."

"I think the period when Xiao Miao lost weight is really like a movie. If she succeeds, then she is a well-deserved protagonist."

"What about Luo Bao, the unscrupulous black-hearted boss, right?"

"How can you say unscrupulous, the boss Luo Bao is too conscientious."


Amid bursts of ridicule, the corners of Luo Quan's mouth twitched involuntarily, and she smiled triumphantly: "Anyway, everyone, look forward to Xiao Miao's next appearance, I believe it will give everyone a huge surprise.

Give you a vaccination in advance, Xiao Miao's figure is a bit explosive. "

"If you follow this, then I won't be sleepy!"

"How powerful is it, can it compare with you?"

"To make Luo Bao so amazed, could it be that he is at the same level as Yanqing?"

"Wairi, the artists of the spring water company are a bit exaggerated, they can be called the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance of Huaxia Economic Company."

"What do you mean?"

"It's all famous mountain peaks!"

"Haha, is that okay too?"

"The abstraction has to be your abstraction, I can't fix it."

"With Xiaomiao's figure, as long as she loses weight, she is destined not to be small, but the key is to look at her appearance."

"I don't know anything else, at least Xiao Miao's eyes are pretty."

"My request is not high, just don't be a tank?"

"Let's wait and see in a few days, no one can tell right now."


The fans were still skeptical, and Luo Quan also expressed his understanding, so he didn't continue talking, but changed the topic: "Everyone listen to the new song last night, how do you feel, is it good? Have you been aroused by this song? ?"

"As expected of Luo Bao, it's so good to hear."

"Play it steadily, it is a pass line work for you."

"Are everyone's requirements so strict now?"

"You can't just keep raising Luo Bao's lower limit just because she's very good. This will put a lot of pressure on her."

"It's just a joke, how can real fans take it seriously, not to mention that Luo Bao has never let everyone down."

"It's been a long, long time since Luo Bao released an album."

"Now that we've come to this topic, Luo Bao, why don't you come and talk to everyone about when the new album will be released?"


Sure enough, the fans are the most knowledgable, and they can't wait to let her release new songs and make new movies at the slightest opportunity.

Of course, as long as she is not allowed to go to the beach to take swimsuit photos again, then it is not a big problem.

"So many new songs have been released during this period, I'm afraid there are more than two albums together." Luo Quan grinned grinningly, "Why do you say that I re-recorded these singles and integrated them into a new album?" Sample?"

"Then you'll lose me."

"If you dare to do this, don't blame us for spreading photos of your abyssal mouth on Weibo!"

"Mrs. Luo, you don't want your ugly photos to be posted online either."

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"Hehe, you look really bad like this, do you know what to do in the future?"

"Damn, why are there so many Japanese netizens suddenly appearing!"

"The writing is so good, isn't it, write it for 10 yuan!"


Luo Quan never dreamed that these fans would threaten her with a picture of the abyss's mouth.

However, her behavior of reposting the songs she released as new songs does sound quite wicked.

Although it is not like no one has done similar operations, even a singer of the heavenly king level.

He also delayed an album for several years, saying every year that he would release it immediately, but it took five or six years before it came out.

And after it came out, the singles that had been released before were also included, so that nearly [-]% of an album is old songs.

Of course, this operation made a group of fans very angry. The word-of-mouth of the king of heaven began to decline rapidly after the release of the new album.

In the past, it was rare to see negative news about him on the Internet, but now, there are obviously a lot more negative news.

In the past, his comment section was full of praise and compliments. If anyone made complaints about him, he would be immediately helped by a lot of passers-by and fans.

Now, the comment section is always dominated by bad comments.

This shows that no matter how high the popularity is, it will be consumed.

Luo Quan would definitely not do that, what she said just now was just a joke.

In fact, she has no plans to release a new album at the moment.

If there is no new album, there will be no problem of new releases of old songs.

So, Luo Quan told the fans about this idea.

Now, it's the fans' turn to be speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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