Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1171 I am standing in front of you

Chapter 1171 I am standing in front of you

"It's impossible to release a new album. Only by releasing singles occasionally can we maintain our life."

Luo Quan expressed his next plan in a playful tone.

Of course, the fans couldn't agree, and immediately threatened:

"Luo Bao, are you really not afraid of your ugly photos being leaked?"

"It seems that you must go all the way to the dark."

"Farewell, Luo Bao, I really can't bear to listen to your new song without you."


Facing the threat, Luo Quan remained unmoved: "If you think these will make me succumb, post them, anyway, it's not that there are no photos on the Internet, and it doesn't matter whether you post them or not.

It's like calling a woman ugly.

If she was really ugly, she would definitely be impatient.

But if she is beautiful, no matter how much you scold her, there will be no fluctuations in her heart. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he stared at the screen leisurely, as if you could do whatever you want, I'll do it anyway.

The reason why she is so tough is because she knows that this opening cannot be opened.

Once you compromise this time because you are worried about the leak of the photos, if you have it once, you will have it twice or three times, and it will be even more difficult to catch fish in the future.

"It's over, it seems that Luo Bao can't be threatened anymore."

"This is what she reacted to. I'm afraid this trick will not work well in the future."

"How wonderful is this?"


When the fans became anxious, Luo Quan smiled and comforted: "Actually, don't worry, there will definitely be a new album in the middle of the year, and this time it will be a three-in-one album of Chinese, English and Japanese. , can satisfy the taste of most fans.

Think about it, everyone, how many singers are there in the music world who can produce dozens of songs every year like me?
So it's not that I'm slow, it's that everyone is spoiled and thinks it's only natural to release three albums a year.

As everyone knows, it is relatively normal to be in a college for three years. "

As soon as this remark came out, the emotions of the fans in the live broadcast room immediately calmed down:

"It seems like this. Luo Bao's three majors in a year is already an exaggeration."

"Others may not have one for three years, and the quality may not be guaranteed."

"Looking at it this way, we seem to be a little greedy."

"That's something that can't be helped. Who told Luo Bao to raise our taste so much?"

"Yes, these are all Luo Bao's fault!"


"Why am I wrong again?" Luo Quan spread his hands helplessly, "You can't blame me for everything just because I'm easy to talk.

Instead of blaming me, it's better to blame Tokiomi. "

Luo Quan's words can be said to wake up the dreamer:

"That's right, it's all Tokiomi's fault!"

"Haha, I finally remembered this almighty backer."

"Tokiomi: Are you polite?"

"Tokiomi said, I have been wronged this time, why should a Two-dimensional me take the blame for the three-dimensional?"

"Luo Bao's ability to throw blame is still as sharp as ever."


Facing the accusation, Luo Quan grinned: "In short, I am not [-]% responsible for this situation.

But I know that everyone has been waiting for a new song for a long time, so I actually already have some ideas for the new album.

It won’t be released too close, but it definitely won’t be too far away, so don’t rush it, maybe one day when you completely forget about it, the album will be released suddenly, that kind of surprise will definitely make you happy a few days. "

This kind is the classic hit a stick, give a sweet date.

Luo Quan didn't learn any skills from Ye Zhining, but he learned this trick.

To use the more popular words on the Internet, it is pua, which probably means hurting a person first, and then comforting her and giving her hope, so that this person can become more dependent and obedient to oneself.

Ye Zhining said that training people is like taming animals, and what is important is to give both grace and power.

Luo Quan didn't know the effect of using it in the live broadcast room, so he experimented a little.

So far, the effect is very outstanding!
However, while Luo Quan was smiling, she felt a little guilty in her heart. She felt that she should not treat fans in this way.

Although the results of the experiment were indeed very good, she felt that she had become a bad woman in this way.

Fortunately, it has already promised to release a new album in the near future, so it is not considered playing with the feelings of fans.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's mood improved a lot, and he regained his confidence in facing the fans.

The time of the live broadcast always passed in the blink of an eye, as if staying with Luo Quan, the time was speeded up, obviously it didn't take long, and several hours passed by just looking at the time.

Thief of time, this is what fans call Luoquan live broadcast room.

Even sometimes if you have insomnia and can't fall asleep, you can fall asleep peacefully listening to Luo Quan's voice.

Just like De Yunse's cross talk, it's really not interesting to listen to now, but it's definitely good to use as a sleep aid program.

When Luo Quan heard what the fans said, he didn't know whether he was on the side of the road or hurt her.

Feel sleepy after listening to her show?Doesn't that mean that she thinks her program is boring, just like the high school math teacher's class, when she listens to it, she knocks her head on the table.

"It seems that if I don't live out the whole thing, do you really think of me as the anchor of the sleeping area?" Luo Quan rubbed his hands together, as if I was going to make a big move.

"Oh? What do you want to do?"

"If you cosplay some kind of anime character with big breasts, then I'm sure you won't be sleepy."

"Don't be so straightforward, we can replace it with characters like Tsunade or Nami."

"No, I have to express my feelings directly, I want to watch Daoupai!"

"The most direct appeal, the purest enjoyment."

"Haha, Luo Bao's face will turn red after talking about it."


"Blushing?" Luo Quan looked blankly at the fans who were blushing for her, "Am I so thin-skinned? I showed you all the swimsuit photos, is there anything else I can't say?
And I said that cosplay is not the only option for the whole job, my original intention is to give everyone a backflip on the spot. "

With that said, Luo Quan got out of the chair and came to the bed: "Look at the fans, don't like or reward this time, just swipe 6666 in the barrage!
Fuck, go, ignore! "

After finishing the slogan three times in a row, Luo Quan did a very comfortable backflip on the elastic bed.

After flipping through, Luo Quan sat down on the chair: "How is it, do you feel that your sleepiness has subsided?"

The bullet screen was first a piece of 666, and then said with emotion:

"Sure enough, it's not a family. If you don't enter a family, sisters and brothers are all so abstract."

"On abstraction, Luoquan is the originator. World-class superstars are going to fight a bunch of big and three rough men. Can you find anything more abstract than this?"

"Indeed, the excitement of this event is rare in history."

"I'm really not sleepy now, because I will be woken up by laughing when I dream."

"Luo Bao, you are a goddess, how can you be so abstract?"


Seeing the doubts of the fans, Luo Quan said with a smile: "Isn't it because I feel drowsy watching the live broadcast, so I want to liven up the atmosphere.

From the current point of view, the work I have done is quite effective for the show. "

Fans were unimpressed:

"But anyone who suddenly does a backflip will wake up everyone in the live broadcast room."

"Indeed, everyone is afraid that you will fall."

"I don't. After all, Luo Bao's skill is still fine. I'm concerned about whether Luo Bao will step on the air when he does somersaults."

"Aren't all of you bad breeds? I wish Luo Bao would turn over, right?"

"The main reason is that Luo Bao is too skinny. If you don't read it once, you won't have a long memory."

"That's right, if you dare to turn on the bed now, don't you want to turn on the street in the future?"

"My grandfather was as courageous as her since he was a child. Once he fell directly on the beam of the house and died miserably."

"Haha, I didn't expect this reversal."

"Give me a laugh."


The fans were still joking around earnestly, and Luo Quan didn't delay them helping to make the show better, even echoing a few words from time to time.

In the evening, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast and prepared to cook.

Although everyone said they wanted to continue watching, but considering that continuing might expose Xiaomiao's weight loss progress, Luo Quan didn't agree.

"As I said before, if you want Xiao Miao to appear in front of you with a brand new attitude, if you reveal it in advance, it will be meaningless."

Luo Quan's attitude was very firm, and the fans had no choice but to agree with her approach.

In the next few days, Luo Quan basically stayed in the house.

During the day, the fans who accompany the earth broadcast live, play games, and sing.

In the evening, I will broadcast it to fans of Huanyu for a while, and tell them the story of Xiaomiao's inspirational weight loss.

In this live broadcast room, the original photo of Xiao Miao can be seen.

Everyone was very curious about what she could look like in less than a month.

If even Huanyu's medical treatment can't cure it, it means that it is a problem with eating habits.

No matter how powerful the medicine is, it can't stop the patient from eating and drinking without restraint.

So Li Xiaomiao is still fat like this even though his family is rich, it can only show that he is extremely undisciplined.

So why does the Holy Mother think that she can turn a fat man who is not self-disciplined into the light?

If Li Xiaomiao is a boy, it is quite feasible, and the Holy Mother can completely rely on her personality charm to make him obey.

There must be men in this world who are unwilling to listen to teachings, but they are definitely rare.

Who would hate to lose weight in order to win the favor of Our Lady?
Both of these are good things for me, I am afraid only a fool would refuse.

But the problem is that Li Xiaomiao is a girl, Luo Quan's charm is probably more than half of her.

So fans feel that unless Li Xiaomiao's sexual orientation is wrong, it is impossible to persevere.

Faced with such a view, Luo Quan said confidently: "If you think so, then you underestimate a girl's desire to become beautiful.

In order to get rid of people's discrimination, Xiao Miao has made a big determination. Now she only eats a fixed diet every day, and basically quits meat, fishy and greasy things. She is extremely self-disciplined! "

As soon as this was said, it was the turn of the audience in the live broadcast room to mutter:

"Wouldn't the Holy Mother really be influenced?"

"It's amazing, Luo Bao, can it have such a strong effect on girls?"

"I envy Li Xiaomiao. As a girl who is not outstanding in her own qualifications, she can be favored by the Holy Mother."

"I thought that only a great beauty like Dongfang Chen could get the respect of the Holy Mother. Now it seems that the standard of the Holy Mother is not as high as imagined."

"I don't know if I have a chance to be signed by the Holy Mother. Although I am a boy, don't be so rigid about my gender."

"You still have the nerve to say that you are a man? Which man doesn't want to go to Notre Dame's company."

"Nearly twenty beauties, this lineup is not at this level in the general emperor's harem."

"Stop talking, I'm so envious."


Looking at the envious audience, Luo Quan always had a smile on his lips.

This is probably the only achievement she has achieved in the entertainment industry for so long. She has collected so many beauties, isn't she waiting for this moment?

"Haha, please slowly envy, Holy Mother, I will start to enjoy it next." Luo Quan ended the live broadcast in a half-joking tone, and went downstairs to find her "harem".

It is said that it is the harem, but in fact, all the members of the harem, it is estimated that none of them have such awareness.

After all, who would make up so much brains like those fans from the outside world.

Even though they are good sisters who live together, they can imagine so many "have to tell" stories in their minds, just to satisfy the little desire of voyeurism in their hearts.

Until now, Luo Quan didn't even dare to recruit male artists for the company.

When a brokerage company is full of women, from the boss to the employees, if you recruit a male artist at this time, you can imagine how much pressure he will face.

For his own good and the company's good, Luo Quan has basically given up the idea of ​​recruiting a male artist.

So even though the top three of the Bilibili fan club have been recognized by the system, Luo Quan has never expressed his intention to sign them.

On the one hand, those three have companies, and Luo Quan doesn't like poaching.

On the other hand, this is the reason, I don't want to put too much pressure on each other.

Don't look at the fact that all of his fans seem to be quite sensible, if he really sees that Quanshui Entertainment has an extra male artist, who knows how crazy he will be.

These fans usually put themselves in the role of the emperor, and really regard the girls of Quanshui Entertainment as their concubines.

At the very least, it is also regarded as my own bosom friend.

If a male girlfriend suddenly appeared among a group of female friends, the scene would be too explosive.

Luo Quan believed that many fans would not be able to accept it.

Now that he is a gentleman, if this happens, he will be scolded immediately.

Therefore, when Luo Quan recruits soldiers in the future, he will only be interested in girls.

As for boys, there is basically no need to think about it.

Thinking about these things in his mind, Luo Quan came to the gym.

If the calculation is correct, Li Xiaomiao has been here for more than 48 hours.

(End of this chapter)

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