Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1172 You see how I look like before

Chapter 1172 You see how I look like before

The fairy's sweat has no smell, anyway, Luoquan didn't smell the bad smell.

But Li Xiaomiao and the others are not fairies. After so many days of high-intensity exercise, the gym smells like sweat, but fortunately it doesn't stink.

"Don't you exercise without ventilation? What to do if something goes wrong with the heat." Luo Quan felt a wave of heat coming, and turned on the central air conditioner at the entrance of the gym.

"It's because it's hot that it's easy to sweat." Wen Xia sat on the chair and said out of breath.

Li Xiaomiao was still sweating profusely on the treadmill, but he just called out the boss, and didn't even look back.

Luo Quan frowned and persuaded: "Xiao Miao, don't work too hard, you are already progressing very fast now, and if you do this easily, you will suffer from rhabdomyolysis and you can't exercise vigorously for at least three months. Isn't it worth the loss?"

"It's okay, boss." Li Xiaomiao clicked on the treadmill, and slowly slowed down, "We Kate tribe have no other skills, but our bodies are solid, so we are fine no matter how hard we toss.

It's just a little bit of exercise, and there won't be any problems at all. "

"That's true." Dongfang Chen on the side nodded, "The Kate tribe often produces athletes, and they have some racial talent."

"But Xiao Miao has been running for half an hour." Xu Yanqing, who was sitting on a chair reading a book, pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said, "According to the scientific exercise manual, half an hour of exercise has already reached your current limit. If you continue, you will strain your muscles and increase your risk of injury."

"So I stopped now." Xiaomiao gasped lightly with her hands on her hips.

"The effect is really obvious." Luo Quan sighed and squeezed the fat hanging from Xiaomiao's waist.

These are all caused by the rapid burning of fat, but the skin has not yet shrunk.

If it is those who have gained weight for many years, the skin will produce many wrinkles after shrinking.

Fortunately, Xiao Miao was not fat when she was a child, so these fats will gradually disappear in a short time, and there will be no wrinkles.

"How many pounds do you weigh now?" Luo Quan didn't see any electronic scales in the gym, so he asked Li Xiaomiao directly.

"About 180." Li Xiaomiao wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, "My goal is to reduce to 120, but recently the speed of fat burning is much slower than in the first few days.

So after three days, my weight can probably be around 150. "

"It's not bad. 150 is still a bit fat for a girl of your height, but at least it's close to the normal level."

Luo Quan looked at Li Xiaomiao as he spoke, and was surprised to find that her face had become thinner.

In the past, it was completely round and big pie face, and the high puffed cheeks were shining brightly.

But now it has completely lost weight, and gradually has a tendency to develop like a melon seed face. Although it is still a pumpkin seed at present, it is just around the corner to become a Qia Qia Xiang melon seed.

The most important thing is that the oily shine on Xiao Miao's face has completely disappeared, replaced by a very healthy pink and white.

As for the figure, regardless of the fat circle on the stomach, Xiaomiao is definitely the sensual mature woman figure in the Han manga.

It's not slim, but it gives people a kind of ripe fullness from the upper circumference to the lower circumference.

I don't know what size the breasts are for the time being. After all, I will lose another 60 catties in the future. Who knows if I will burn the fat in front of me.

But if this scale is maintained, Xiao Miao must have at least 36 Ds.

Hmm... It seems to be the same as when I was just an adult.

But this level is already very good, and there are really not many people in the villa who can get D.

Just like Wen Xia, after eating so many papayas and doing so many breast enhancement exercises, the final C is still C, and there is not much change.

Following Luo Quan's gaze, Wen Xia seemed to have discovered this too.

Then she lowered her head to look at her own, and a look of envy suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Wen Xia, don't be envious, unless you eat fat first like Xiao Miao, and then lose weight, then the effect will definitely be very obvious." Luo Quan covered his mouth and snickered twice, and then came up with a bad idea.

"Don't be a dog-headed military advisor with me!" Wen Xia glanced at Luo Quan, "I don't dare to be foolish, if I get fat and can't lose weight, wouldn't it be a catastrophe?"

"It's okay." Luo Quan supported Wen Xia's shoulders, and said with a smile: "With me and my diet pills, no matter how fat you are, you can lose weight. Isn't Xiao Miao the best example?"

Li Xiaomiao also nodded: "That's right, sister Xia, I used to take no medicine, but I feel like my whole body is burning after taking this medicine from the boss. It's not too amazing."

"That won't work either." Wen Xia shook her head without hesitation, "C is already very good, and it would be inconvenient to dance if it was older. I have no intention of changing it at all."

"Really?" Luo Quan blinked and asked, "If I say that there is a way without side effects, would you like to try it?

And it is nourished by special plant essence, which is pure and natural. "

"No side effects?!" Wen Xia's eyes immediately widened, "Don't fool me, it's true."

"Hey, aren't you already satisfied, don't you need to change?" Luo Quan laughed.

"Oh, hurry up, don't tease me here." Wen Xia grabbed Luo Quan's arm and shook it, like a kid who hates his hometown for slapstick.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Don't worry, this thing is still being developed, but it won't be long, and it will be available to you as soon as it is developed."

"Still in research and development?" Luo Quan said with some frustration.

But what Luo Quan said made the other women in the gym prick up their ears.

Breast enhancement drugs without side effects are still pure natural, which sounds very exciting.

Except for Xu Yanqing, who wouldn't want to improve their tablet.

Just like boys like abs and a healthy and strong body.

Of course, girls also want their bodies to be slim, healthy and beautiful.

Now there is a beauty-beautifying medicine in front of me, I am afraid that only people like Xu Yanqing or Luo Quan will not be interested, because they are already enough, and there is no need to take medicine at all.

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry." Luo Quan waved his hands at everyone, and said with a smile: "This medicine hasn't been made yet, so be patient, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

As soon as these words came out, the girls were not in a hurry.

Anyway, it has been flat for so many years, and it is not bad for one or two years.

"By the way, let's eat Buddha jumping over the wall tonight. I still have a lot left over from what I made before. This time I will take it out to clear the inventory."

Luo Quan announced the meal for tonight, and when he heard that it was the boss's special dish, Buddha Jumping the Wall, a group of goddesses immediately jumped up happily.

After eating so many dishes made by the boss, the best one is Buddha Tiaoqiang. After all, the title of No. [-] in the world is not blown out, it has been certified by countless diners.

The most important thing is that it is definitely not the only dish that Buddha Tiaoqiang brings out, and the boss will probably argue about a few more side dishes for dinner.

If this is the case, then tonight's dinner is too rich.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaomiao rubbed her stomach in distress, wondering whether she should indulge once, or continue to wrong her stomach?
Thinking that the victory was just around the corner, Li Xiaomiao swallowed, and decided to continue to bear it.

When you reach 120 catties, even if you indulge occasionally, your weight will be completely controllable.

So when it was time for dinner, Li Xiaomiao only asked the boss to serve her a bowl of Buddha Tiaoqiang Clear Soup without oil and water, and then Kung Pao Chicken served with rice, accompanied by boiled vegetables.

Compared with the whole eight dishes on the table, what she ate was a little simpler, but the advantage was that it was balanced with meat and vegetables, and there was no red meat, so it was healthier.

In the following time, Li Xiaomiao turned his appetite into motivation, and made the final sprint in full swing.

During Luo Quan's live broadcast, he also said that Xiao Miao will surprise all of you. Those who laughed at her at the beginning should not fall in love with her after seeing her now.

If it was a week ago, the fans might have refuted a few words. After all, Li Xiaomiao had just achieved some results at the time, but her body was far from being "good-looking".

Put it on the post bar or station b, most people will still send comments of "has a kind of militarized beauty" and "tank sister".

But now they haven't seen Li Xiaomiao for a while, and they don't know how she lost weight.

Especially when Luo Quan acted so confidently, the probability of questioning her and being slapped in the face is almost [-]%.

After so many lessons, fans have learned to play dumb and let the bullets fly for a while.

So what Luo Quan says now, just go along with her words.

Even if they were slapped in the face at that time, it would be Luo Quan himself who was slapped in the face, and they could still laugh as much as they wanted.

So Luo Quan unexpectedly got the support of all fans this time, and no one disagreed with her. Everyone was looking forward to Li Xiaomiao's gorgeous transformation.

This time, Luo Quan couldn't fix it all of a sudden, thinking why everyone was so cooperative this time.

In the past, a large number of people came out to question and complain, and then laughed without saying a word, and waited a few days for another hearty slap in the face.

But why don't these people play their cards according to the routine now, and they don't even give her a chance to slap her in the face.

"Are you making a mistake? Shouldn't the current plot be ridiculed, and then stimulate me, let me set a flag or something?"

Looking at the barrage, Luo Quan asked in great doubt.

"We have fallen for you too many times, and we don't want to continue sending you face-slapping material."

This is a paid barrage, and it has also been agreed by other fans.

"Hey, they've all become smarter." Luo Quan chuckled, "I'm not used to them all being so obedient. Then the shock brought by Xiaomao's weight loss will be greatly reduced."

Fans responded one after another:
"So hurry up and bring me out, let's see how the weight loss is going."

"Yeah, Luo Bao, don't be fooled anymore, I can't wait!"

"It's only three days. It doesn't matter if you come out three days earlier, so Luo Bao, don't hide it."


That's what he said, but Luo Quan still shook his head: "I didn't set this time, it was set by Xiaomiao.

She hasn't reached the time set for herself, how can I pull her over?
And don't underestimate these three days, he is now using these three days for the final sprint.

But I can tell you one thing very responsibly, that is, Xiao Miao is very thin now, if everyone didn't pay much attention to her from the beginning, she must be shocked by her now! "

As soon as this remark came out, the hearts of the fat fans became even more itchy, but Luo Quan had already said that she didn't care if she couldn't get out, and Li Xiaomiao had to agree.

So it's useless for fans to worry.

In order to continue the discussion, fans began to speculate how much Li Xiaomiao could lose this time.

First of all, everyone knows the starting weight of 280 six catties.

According to the Super Weight Loss King project, although it is difficult to lose [-] catties in less than a month, it is not impossible.

All the fat people in the show weighed three to four hundred catties.

At the end of the show, most of them fell below 250 jin, and some even dropped below 180 jin.

And the shooting cycle of this program is generally only about two to three months.

So everyone guesses that if Li Xiaomiao is serious and hardworking enough, the current weight is at most 220 catties.

If it exceeds 250 catties, it means that most of the time for paddling is to lose weight by chance.

After discussion, fans set the value at 210 catties.

It is relatively conservative. Some people even think that Li Xiaomiao's weight has reached 190 catties.

However, as soon as this statement came out, it was ruthlessly refuted by other fans.

They thought it was impossible to reduce it to this point all at once. That would be too exaggerated and completely inconsistent with scientific theorems.

In fact, Li Xiaomiao's current weight is already lower than [-], and it will only be lower in three days.

But fans couldn't imagine that Li Xiaomiao would control her weight to this level in such a short period of time.

Luo Quan looked at the guessing bullet screens in the live broadcast room, kept smiling, and didn't comment on any possibility.

"In short, everyone just look forward to it after three days. Xiao Miao's figure may not meet the aesthetics of most girls.

But for boys, it may be very satisfactory. "

This is the only way to tell the truth, and if you say a little more, smart netizens will probably have to guess the answer.

In the next few days, netizens who followed Li Xiaomiao were counting their calendars every day.

Few people in China have filmed live weight loss programs like this.

It can be called a very novel reality show.

So not only station B, but also other stations have quite good popularity and attention.

After working so hard for so long, it's finally time to reap the rewards. How can everyone not care?
(End of this chapter)

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