Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1173 You see how I look like before

Chapter 1173 Look at me a bit like before ([-])
"Are you ready, meow?"

Looking at the plump girl in front of him, Luo Quan asked with a smile.

"I'm ready!" Li Xiaomiao nodded vigorously. Compared with a month ago, it's not an exaggeration to say that she has changed.

"Well, you just sit next to the computer, and wait for my instructions, and then you can make a gorgeous appearance."

Luo Quan said, and turned on the live camera.

Today is the appointed day, so before the broadcast started, the live broadcast room was already "crowded", and the barrage rolled quickly.

Speaking of which, the most nervous must be Li Xiaomiao's true fans.

These are all fans who were attracted by Li Xiaomiao's gentleness and kindness when she was still thin.

They didn't care about Miaomiao's bloated body, they fell in love with her soul from the very beginning.

Of course, no one would dislike a girl with a good figure, even the Tang Dynasty, which regarded fat as its beauty, would not like a girl who weighed more than 280 catties.

It might sound cruel, but it's the truth.

Therefore, Li Xiaomiao's weight loss results are what these true fans are most willing to see, and they are also looking forward to what kind of Xiaomiao they will see today.

"There are a lot of people." Luo Quan glanced at the popularity, and sighed in surprise: "This popularity is twice as high as usual, are they all coming to see Xiaomiao's transformation show?"

The audience responded:
"I saw you bragging every day before, and wanted to see if it was so exaggerated."

"If it doesn't conform to China's mainstream aesthetics, does that mean it has nothing to do with Bai Youshou?"

"If you think about it with your butt, you know it's not white and thin, it must be a little fat."

"Just hope it's not too fat."


"I can only say that your worries are unnecessary." Luo Quan gradually raised his hand: "After laying the groundwork for so long, it's finally time for the answer to be revealed, Xiao Miao, you can come out now!"

Li Xiaomiao, who heard the call, appeared in the camera and sat beside Luo Quan. At this moment, the barrage fell into a brief silence.

Today's Li Xiaomiao is wearing a white shirt, a blue coat, and a ball head. Although she has no makeup, she is still bright and glamorous, giving people a sense of charm.

However, her figure is more eye-catching. The fullness in front of her body deforms the entire blouse, and a few buttons are working very hard to stick to their posts, as if they will collapse on the camera at any time.

And her upper and lower circumferences have a latitude beyond the reach of ordinary Internet celebrities, with a seductive sensuality, and a pair of tight stockings on her legs interprets this sensuality to the extreme.

However, despite such a charming figure, Xiao Miao's expression is quite pure and ignorant, like a girl who has not experienced much in the world.

This huge contrast caused countless spectators to burst into wolf-like calls after a short moment of silence:

"Wow~~~ What kind of fairy figure is this!"

"It's too fleshy, it makes my mouth water!"

"Is this the result of Xiaomiao this month? 7 is really surprising."

"Xiao Miao's figure reminds me of a character in a comic. I wonder if you feel the same as me?"

"Brave New World, Team Leader Jin Meiting."

"Hahaha, I thought so too."

"That's not the case. I feel that Xu Yanqing fits such a figure."

"Little Jin Meiting."

"I just searched it, it's quite appropriate, but this figure is too astringent~~"

"I declare that little Miaomiao is my number two goddess, and there is no substitute for her except Luo Bao!"



Meat and fat are two completely different concepts. When the words "real meat" are overwhelmingly written in the bullet screen, it means that Xiaomiao and fat have nothing to do with each other.

However, Xiao Miao didn't understand these differences, pointing at the barrage and said, "Boss, do fans still think I'm fat?"

"How come?" Luo Quan laughed in surprise, "Why do you think so? Everyone is praising you for looking good."

"Then why are you saying I'm too meaty?" Xiao Miao pouted, "Don't meat and fat mean the same thing?"

"That's why you misunderstood." Luo Quan rubbed Xiao Miao's head, "Meat means that your figure is very good and plump, which is in line with the aesthetics of most people."

"So it's like this!" Li Xiaomiao became happy again when she heard this, and looked at the camera and said excitedly: "Then everyone really thinks I'm good-looking?"

"What makes you so insecure?"

"Not only is it good-looking, it is simply the type that makes people lose their lives!"

"Xiao Miao, from now on when you are walking on the street, if someone calls you beautiful, you can turn your head openly, without any doubt, it must be you who called beautiful!"

"The premise is that there is no Luo Quan around you."

"If you can't compare to Luo Bao, you don't need to feel inferior, because someone who can compare to her probably hasn't been born yet."

"That's not necessarily true. Have you forgotten our little Luoxi angel?"

"Then the question is, who is more beautiful, Luoquan or Luoxi?"

"Sixteen years later, Luo Bao will be almost forty at that time! And our Luo Xi has just turned eighteen."

"I choose Xiaomiao, nothing else, it just feels like a bite of meat."

"Xiao Miao, you have to trust Luo Quan's vision. If you weren't a big beauty, how could you be close to the company?"

"Congratulations, little meow, you have been officially reborn from today!"


Looking at the barrage of compliments and confessions, Xiao Miao's eyes became clouded with tears.

She remembered what the boss said to her before, that is, when you become excellent, the world will start to love you.

Before today, Li Xiaomiao had never received kindness from so many people.

When she was studying, the only thing she could get was campus bullying, ridicule from boys, and contemptuous looks from girls.

But now, these are no longer there, and the world seems to have become better overnight.

But Li Xiaomiao was very clear-headed, knowing that if it wasn't for the boss's help, she would never be able to have the favor and praise of the people in front of her anyway.

So, Li Xiaomiao stood up, opened her arms, and hugged Luo Quan fiercely.

"Oh ho ho ho ho, are you so excited?" Luo Quan felt as if something was blocking her chest, but it didn't make her feel uncomfortable.

"Thank you, boss. Without you, I would never be where I am today." Li Xiaomiao burst into tears and hugged her even tighter.

A group of spectators in the barrage were also cheering, because they didn't know how long it had been since they had seen beautiful girls posting each other, and there were two beautiful girls with invincible bodies.

It is simply a meaty feast!

"Okay, this is all the result of your hard work." Luo Quan patted Xiaomiao's back that was trembling from sobbing, and comforted him: "Losing weight is a matter of a person's subjective initiative. If you don't want to lose weight , No matter how others help, it is useless.

So you are helping yourself, and I just let you make up your mind, at most only one-third of the credit. "

"Anyway, thank you very much, boss. I will never forget you in my life." Li Xiaomiao let go of her arms, wiped the tears from her eyes, and then looked at the camera: "And you, thank you too Those fans who supported me from the beginning, your continued support is also one of the driving forces for me to move forward."

This thank you said into the hearts of countless fans of Xiao Miao’s true love:
"With your words, this month's waiting is worth it."

"Come on meow, your future is bright!"

"I suggest hugging Luo Bao again to express my gratitude. I definitely don't want to see some beautiful girl posts."

"You have a good plan. I have heard it abroad."

"Who doesn't like to see beautiful women's posts?"

"One thing to say, indeed."


The fans were excitedly interacting with Li Xiaomiao, while Luo Quan sat behind and didn't speak.

After losing weight, Xiao Miao has become much bolder than before, and her eyes no longer like to dodge as before, and she can look at the screen calmly the whole time.

This is a good thing for rebuilding Xiaomiao's self-confidence.

It is necessary to keep exercising like this, so that you can become a qualified idol in the future.

If you are still as autistic as before, when you perform on stage, the same situation as the previous B station fan club players may appear.

In the face of countless audiences, he opened his mouth and didn't know how to sing, and raised his feet and didn't know how to dance.

If this is the case, it is definitely not acceptable.

How can an idol have stage fright?
It doesn't matter what the idol's personality is, cold, arrogant, scum, queen, flower of Gaoling, it doesn't matter.

But as long as you are on stage, you must put in [-]% effort to perform and express the vitality you have.

Therefore, stage fright or fear of facing the audience is absolutely not acceptable.

Probably because of her low self-esteem since she was a child, Xiao Miao was a little afraid to face the camera at the beginning.

So Luo Quan insisted on letting her broadcast live every day, and at the same time let the fans be patient with her, and at the same time let the housekeeper pay attention to controlling the comments.

In this world, there will always be some people who are unhappy in life and speak ill of strangers.

So even if she greeted the audience, someone would definitely spray him.

That's why Luo Quan asked the room manager to control the environment of the live broadcast room. She usually wouldn't do this in her own live broadcast room, but Xiaomiao's live broadcast room was very necessary.

It was also through this method that Xiao Miao gradually exercised her weakness of stage fright without being blown away by the overwhelming bullet screen.

Of course, the online live broadcast is still relatively one-sided after all. What appears in front of your eyes is just a camera. Except for the barrage, you can't see the faces of any fans or viewers.

And offline, what you will face is thousands of faces and their mouths that keep shouting.

That oppressive feeling and being in the live broadcast room are completely two concepts.

The best example is those contestants in the Bilibili fan club.

Here they have to be pulled out to flog the corpses again, mainly because their situation is too typical.

When online, everyone is as stable as a professional singer, and they all perform well.

As a result, when they went offline, they all showed their original shape.

Therefore, Luo Quan is well aware of the pressure gap between online and offline, and will not let down her vigilance just because Xiaomiao is performing better now. She still has more time to exercise next!
"How about fans, I didn't lie to you this time, did I?" Luo Quan proudly approached the camera and said with a smile.

Because she came closer, there were fewer places for Xiao Miao.

"Go away, we want to see Xiaomao!"

"Luo Bao, don't contact us anymore, I'm afraid Xiaomao might misunderstand."

"I won't show up again today, leave all the time for meow, and I will pamper you tomorrow."

"This is to forget the old love when you have a new love, you guys, but I also like Xiao Miao even more."

"Luo Bao's status has been reduced by one again. It's really miserable."

"Don't cry Luo Bao, I have always loved you."

"I'm a newcomer. Is this Li Xiaomiao's live broadcast room? By the way, who is the golden-haired anchor next to him? It's pretty pretty."

"Haha, that's too much, you guys."


Fans can always find opportunities to anger Luo Quan, if Luo Quan is a newcomer like Li Xiaomiao, I'm afraid they will really be trembling with anger from these villains.

But now, she has long been familiar with the method of showing bad, she can do whatever you say, right, right, the main thing is to seal her heart with cement, and no one can hurt her.

Of course, the fans definitely didn't come here to hurt her, they just wanted to tease her.

These fans now like to watch their anchors break their defenses, be anxious, and be phished. It may sound abnormal, but in fact it is because the entertainment methods are too diverse, which raises the threshold for everyone to obtain happiness.

That's why we need to use this unconventional way to get happiness from the anchor.

It's a pity that Luo Quan has never encountered a situation that could make her break her defense since a long time ago.

Of course, she is still willing to hook the fans' fishing barrage once in a while.

After all, if you don't do any work, the atmosphere in this live broadcast room will not be active.

If there is a program effect, fans will find it boring to watch.

For the sake of fan stickiness, Luo Quan doesn't mind being a fish once in a while and making some large-scale jokes.

If the live broadcast room is really built as a paradise for good babies, the popularity will probably be less than one-third lower than it is now.

No one likes the flat and stable live broadcast style. There must be something, and the sinking market must be deeply cultivated.

Just like engaging in art, guava love songs will always have a better market than classical music.

Commercial films definitely earn more and are more popular than literary films.

This is not only due to the genre, but also the audience's acceptance.

So let go when it's time to let go.

Of course, if a little meow listens to these words, I'm afraid she won't be able to comprehend them in a few words.

It takes a certain amount of time to teach by precept and example.

In terms of comprehending the functions of idols, Xiaomiao is more than a little worse than Chenchen.

The good news is that Xiao Miao's cute and silly temperament is indeed very likable.

So like fans say, her future looks bright.

Now that she has successfully lost weight, she only needs to make an appearance in Huanyu's live broadcast room, and her popularity will increase rapidly, and her fan base will be established in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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