Chapter 1174
"Do you want to buy clothes?"

Luo Quan looked at Xiao Miao standing in front of him, and found that she was a little shy.

"Yeah, after losing weight successfully, it seems that I can't wear the clothes I used to wear." Li Xiaomiao nodded lightly, and then said: "And I bought it this time, I guess I will have to buy it again soon."

"What do I care about? It's just clothes. If I say I'll buy them, I'll go buy them early!" With a big wave of his hand, Luo Quan was about to take Xiao Miao to the mall.

But before going shopping, she had to cover her eye-catching cat ears with a disguise necklace.

"Shopping, I'm going too!" Wen Xia raised her hand when she heard that she was going shopping.

In the whole house, shopping is her favorite.

However, since it became popular, she seldom went shopping. On the one hand, she didn't have time, and on the other hand, she was afraid of being recognized and causing unnecessary trouble.

But sometimes when she has nothing to do, she will take sunglasses and go to the mall for a walk.

Sometimes she doesn't buy anything, just walks through the dazzling array of products, and then buys whatever she wants, which makes her happy.

And this time Luo Quan took the initiative to go to the street, Wen Xia certainly didn't want to miss it.

Dongfang Chen and Xu Yanqing had no desire to go shopping, they just wanted to stay indoors drinking milk tea, swiping their phones, and interacting with fans by the way.

After making a decision, the three of them changed their clothes and went out. The vehicle was the car that Luo Quan picked up from the Nikola 4S store.

The last car was completely reimbursed because of his bravery. Fortunately, the car is not expensive, and it can save so many lives. Luo Quan thinks it is quite worth it.

But this experience once again cast a shadow over Luo Quan's going out for shopping.

It seems that something bad happened when I went to the mall many times.

Kidnapping, touching porcelain, retaliating against society, ordinary people would probably be troubled once, but she has encountered it no less than three times.

I hope that there will be no outrageous things in the street this time. She really just wants to do some simple shopping.

This time I went out all the way to the mall, and everything was normal.

After getting out of the car, three girls with good figures attracted the attention of many people.

However, because of wearing a mask, no one has come to ask for WeChat for the time being, maybe because they are afraid of encountering a killer from behind.

"Is this the Huaxia shopping mall?" Xiao Miao looked at the shopping mall in front of her, and said with some emotion, "It seems a little small."

"It's still small?" People in Wenxia are dumbfounded. This is one of the largest shopping malls in Shanghai. If it's still small, how big is the shopping mall on your island, Miaomiao?

Xiao Miao thought for a while and replied: "It's like a city, if there is no tour guide software, you will get lost in it."

"Then your island is very rich." Wen Xia's eyes were instantly filled with little stars, "I must go to your place someday!"

For a person who likes to shop, it is really hard to refuse a mall like a city.

For Wen Xia's request, of course, Xiao Miao agreed without hesitation.

But only Luo Quan knew that if Wen Xia really went there, she might not have any intention of shopping, because everything there would be very attractive to her, and the content on the Internet alone would be enough for her to digest for a long time.

"Stop talking, today's main task is to buy some clothes that fit Xiao Miao." Luo Quan clapped his palms and brought back the thoughts of the other two.

Afterwards, the three went straight to the clothing area on the third floor.

According to Wen Xia's plan, they should have walked slowly from the first floor, and only started picking clothes when they reached the third floor.

But she didn't expect Luoquan's goal to be so clear, and she directly omitted so many products along the way that made people want to shop. What's the difference between those boys? !

"But the purpose of my coming out is to buy clothes for Xiao Miao, not really to go shopping." Luo Quan shrugged innocently, "You may be wrong."

"I wouldn't have come out if I knew it." Wen Xia muttered, and then followed Luo Quan into the underwear store.

According to the measurements made by the clerk, the size that Xiao Miao should wear was determined.

36E has quite the style of Luoquan in the past two years, and is firmly among the top three in the entire company.

But then she has to lose some more weight, so it should shrink.

But no matter how you reduce it, it will not be lower than D.

This letter made Wen Xia even more eager for the side-effect-free breast enhancement medicine that Luo Quan said.

After shopping for lingerie, next up is some change of clothes for the current season.

However, because there were a lot of clothes to buy, Luo Quan didn't have any good advice for Xiao Miao on what to wear, so she asked Wen Xia to pick out clothes.

She asked the waiter to pour a glass of juice, played with her mobile phone on the sofa, and waited for them while drinking the juice.

Speaking of which, the recent entertainment circle is really lively.

Since the end of the concert, the melons of Neiyu have not stopped.

It's either the sexual harassment or the cheating. In the middle, there are a few top-notch people who are already cool, and they are dragged out by excited netizens and whipped.

When these people are doing things, they are probably always lucky. They think that they are top-notch, big stars, and the favored children of heaven that are admired by everyone. How could they have problems because of such a trivial matter?
But when the news of the breaking news came out one after another, these celebrities finally realized that they were no different from most people in the world.

If you break the law, you will be punished.

If you commit a crime, you will be sent to prison.

They are just more famous than ordinary people, without any privileges, they are as cool as they should be.

Looking at several trending searches on Weibo starting with the word "explosive", Luo Quan realized what it meant to be "If you want others to know, you must do nothing yourself".

So don't take chances, and don't think that there are so many people who have done bad things in the world, and I will definitely not be found out.

In fact, it's just that no one broke the news temporarily, but as long as you do it, it will be a matter of time before you find out.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan began to rejoice that his usual style was good, and he didn't even give him the chance to spread rumors.

The male artists who had accidents before were basically because of the incident in their crotch.

As for the accidents of female artists, apart from a few cases of tax evasion, infidelity and cheating also account for the majority.

To put it bluntly, they are all a group of desire slaves who have more wealth and status, so they hope to enjoy more sexual resources.

Many netizens have asked, is it really that difficult to control your belt?
The truth is really difficult. Many people keep trying to lose weight and quit smoking, but they can’t even quit handicrafts.

After all, these are the two most primitive desires hidden in human genes.

appetite, libido.

If it was really so easy to suppress, then the human group may have long since ceased to exist.

Fortunately, Luo Quan is considered to be the type of person who can control things better.

After other female stars become famous, they will soon be dug up by netizens with great powers. The photos of their middle school and college days are often quite exciting, giving people unlimited reverie.

But Luo Quan's middle school days can only be described as pure to pale.

As for now, online fans praise her for being so sexy, she is the goddess in everyone's mind, and they all want to marry her as his wife.

But she has always been abstinent in reality.

The appetite cannot be let go, because the body needs to be controlled, but controlling the appetite has been quite hard for her.

As for the other one, it is quite easy to control, after all, she is not interested in men.

What's more, there are all kinds of props given by Wen Xia, it's like asking for nothing.

Of course, if this kind of thing is known to others, I am afraid that it will be more or less punished.

There are already more than [-] people, but Chu Ye is still there.

When I turn 30, I'm afraid I'm going to be called an old maid.

The good news is that she is now a Madonna, for a very legitimate reason.

At least in Huanyu, no one would laugh at her because of this incident.

After all, it is perfectly normal for a Virgin Mary to remain chaste at all times.

It's just that the starting point is different. Everyone in Huanyu must think that she is doing it for faith or holy light and other messy things, but she just has no secular ideas in this regard.

Therefore, in the situation where it is completely impossible to catch rumors, Luo Quan has not been rumored about his private life by a few people so far.

What Heizi talked about the most was that she was flirting with boys and rubbing against her.

However, there are quite a few fans who defend her. After all, if she is scolded and withdrawn from the Internet, who will show it to everyone in the future?

So Luoquan's current life is relatively moist. There are sunspots on the Internet, but there are few.

There were almost no rumors. There were a lot of them before, but she basically sent them to the bureau.

It's just that these people who got into the game were not all because of spreading rumors, there were some other reasons.

But the matter of going to jail was announced, and the netizens didn't care so much, they just knew that Luo Quan took care of everyone who offended her.

With this kind of psychological shadow, there are really not many people who dare to touch her.

Of course, Luo Quan knew that he was not completely immune to flaws.

While attending a rich man's dinner party on the high seas, she had played a few hands of Texas Hold'em and won a sizeable sum.

Although the high seas ship is not under domestic control, it is a huge amount of gambling after all.

No one has revealed the news yet, but who knows if someone recorded it at the time.

The scene where a straight flush is killed by a royal flush is still quite rare, and someone took a mobile phone to record it if it wasn't even.

If it's a movie, then the image of her, the God of Gamblers, is so handsome that it explodes. With the BGM, she is absolutely comparable to Fa Ge.

But if in reality, it would be a big problem if I did this myself.

The only good news is that this has been going on for several years, but there is no news at all.

It seems that no one broke the news, and everyone is quite abiding by the rules.

If this is not counted, then she should not have any stains.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing smugly.

In the big dye tank of the entertainment industry, apart from the artistes of their company, I am afraid that there are not many people who have not stuck to their hearts for so many years.

No gossip, no promiscuous relationship between men and women, clean and healthy private life, no participation in any bullying, grabbing resources, no dealings with any controversial figures or brands, except for filming, basically stay at home and surf the Internet, and don't engage in fan circles.

A lot of advantages are listed, those who know are stars in the entertainment circle, those who don't know are considered saints.

Just when Luo Quan was proud of the example he had set, Xiao Miao had already changed her clothes and came out.

When going shopping, Xiao Miao always wears her clothes.

Because the body shape has changed a lot, Xiao Miao wears it well, and the waist, buttocks and legs have a very obvious sense of fleshiness.

It looks really astringent, like a figure that is too good to explode.

After changing into clothes of the right size, the feeling of tightness was relieved a lot.

Astringent has also become sexy, but the overall look and feel is much more harmonious.

The most important point is that Xiao Miao feels that the flesh on her body is much more comfortable. The previous clothes are too tight, and it is really uncomfortable to wear them.

"Boss, do you think this suit looks good?"

After Xiaomiao came out, he turned around twice and asked Luo Quan with a smile.

She was wearing a white T-shirt with a navel exposed and a pair of hot pants on her lower body. She looked youthful and showed off her round arms and thighs well.

Since losing weight, Xiao Miao has become much more confident and smiles a lot more than before.

This is probably the good state of mind brought by beauty.

"Of course you look good. Now, Xiao Miao, you are a plump beauty with a 100% return rate." Luo Quan raised his phone and took a full-body photo of Xiao Miao.

"Pack all these clothes." Wen Xia walked out with a satisfied face, and the shopping guide lady behind her was holding a lot of selected clothes. These were all picked by her for Xiao Miao, and they were also the spoils of this shopping.

As for the matter of money, they didn't ask. After all, none of the three were in need of money. No matter how expensive a few sets of clothes were, it was nothing more than a number to them.

Although this shopping did not satisfy Wen Xia's wishes, Luo Quan was quite satisfied.

Fame has achieved its goal, and it has not encountered any situation.

I bought clothes for Xiao Miao, and Luo Quan also bought a lot of meat along the way.

In order to celebrate Xiaomiao's weight loss success, Luo Quan is going to cook a total of fifteen dishes tonight, including eight meat, four vegetarian and three soups, as a reward for her unremitting efforts for so many days.

No matter what happens in the future, at least tonight, she can eat with her belly open!
After knowing the news, not only Xiao Miao was extremely happy, but the others were also cheering.

During this period of time, in order to cooperate with Xiaomiao's weight loss plan, everyone ate relatively light food.

After a long time, Xiao Miao succeeded in losing weight, so she can finally have a big meal tonight.

This dinner was probably the happiest meal everyone had in the past month. Except for Luo Quan, everyone drank a lot of wine.

So much so that after dinner, everyone was a little dazed.

Leon had a good capacity for alcohol, so she carried his wife and son back to the room when she was more sober.

The other women used Jiu Jin to directly frame Luo Quan.

Not knowing which one it was, he picked up the bottle and poured it into Luo Quan's mouth.

Luo Quan, whose body was controlled, had no room to hide, and was directly filled with a bottle full.

Then, in a coma comparable to narcotics, she told everyone why she didn't drink.

(End of this chapter)

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