Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1175 The Hangover

Chapter 1175 The Hangover
"What happened?"

Luo Quan rubbed his head and woke up on the big bed.

After opening his eyes, he found himself lying on the bed, and subconsciously grabbed his body, only to find that there was only one set of underwear on his body.

"Damn! What's going on?" This discovery shocked Luo Quan's remaining drowsiness away.

What's even more outrageous is that the underwear she is wearing now is not the same as the one she wore yesterday.

Someone must have ripped off her clothes!
Luo Quan turned his head to look, and found that there were legs all around him.

Because he likes to roll on the bed, Luo Quan likes a bigger bed.

Since the bed collapsed during the last practice breakthrough, Luo Quan replaced it with a stronger and bigger bed, directly three times three, which looked like the kind of princess bed in grandpa's castle.

Perhaps it was because my bed was big enough that these melon women actually pressed themselves on the bottom, using their upper body as a pillow.

This means that I am in good health. If I were an ordinary person, I am afraid that I would be suffocated.

"Wake up!" Luo Quan shook his body, trying to shake the women on him.

Who knew that they slept soundly, so they smacked their lips and said don't make trouble.

"Get up!" Luo Quan couldn't take it anymore, and shook violently again.

The girls thought the house had collapsed, and were so frightened that they immediately stood up. After waking up, they found that there was nothing unusual, and then they met Luo Quan's cold eyes.

"Will someone explain to me what happened to me when I was drunk?" Luo Quan crossed his arms and crossed his legs on the bed, "Why did my underwear change to a different set? Could it be that you are drunk? Do you still like to pick people's underwear to play?"

"It's my fault." Wen Xia raised her hand embarrassingly. I drank a little too much and vomited later, and you happened to be next to me at the time, so I vomited directly on you.

"Ouch..." Luo Quan directly masked the pain, lowered his head and smelled it.

Fortunately, there is no strange smell.

Wait a minute, I forgot that she has Wugou Glazed Body, and things like vomit should not stick to her body, not only that, she doesn't even have a smell.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's mood calmed down a little.

If you encounter this situation while awake, it is indeed quite a headache.

But anyway, it was cleaned up, out of sight, out of mind.

"And then?" Luo Quan continued to ask.

"We helped you take a shower, Boss." Xiao Miao said with a blushing face, "I didn't know before, but now I realize that Boss, your body is amazing. Those dirty things are like lubricating oil on your body. The ground is slippery.

Also, boss, your skin is really fair. "

"Your desire to express is particularly strong today." Luo Quan knocked Li Xiaomiao's head evilly, "Then, you guys really threw me into the pool to take a bath?"

"Yes." Dongfang Chen's eyes were shining with a different kind of brilliance, "The boss was spit all over, although the clothes covered a lot, but a lot of it was still exposed.

So the few of us spent a lot of effort to help the boss clean it up inside and out! "

Luo Quan was a little speechless when he heard this, and then asked: "Didn't you take any strange videos or photos?"

"I swear, I really didn't shoot at all. If we cheat the boss, we'll all be puppies!" Xiao Miao immediately raised her hand, as if there was no silver 300 taels here.

Everyone looked at her, thinking how could she stay like this.

"Forget it." Luo Quan waved his hand, "Whether you shoot or not, anyway, remember, the video should be saved on an offline device, and it must not be connected to the Internet.

Although the hackers who cracked the mobile phone system have not heard of it much, but after all, there is such a risk, so not being connected to the Internet is the best insurance. "

"Don't worry, boss." Xu Yanqing patted her chest like a guarantee, "I will definitely not reveal it to you, we all know the seriousness."

"Heh." Luo Quan sneered for a while, "Didn't you just say you didn't shoot it? Now you've changed your mind. The co-authors are lying to me, right?"

Hearing this, the girls could only lower their heads again, not daring to refute.

"I don't care about you, but remember, don't drink me anymore." Luo Quan sighed, and said with a serious expression: "Yesterday, you all saw that there was less than half a bottle of beer. If you drink it, it will be like drinking beer." Like a dead pig, there was no reaction at all after taking a shower and changing clothes, which was better than anesthesia.

Fortunately, I'm at home, if it's outside, wouldn't Luoquan be miserable? "

Luo Quan made a joke with a smile, but there are not many Two-dimensional in the room, let alone this kind of meme that only appears in Two-dimensional, so no one can get it.

Of course, everyone understood the consequences of doing so, so they all nodded like pecking rice, and vowed that they would never do stupid things again.

"Actually, it's all my fault." Su Yu pouted and said, "Actually, I was too drunk at the time. When I saw that you didn't drink any alcohol, boss, I thought of giving you some too, and it turned out like this."

"These are trivial matters." Luo Quan patted Su Yu's butt, "I just told you what not to do, and I didn't mean to blame you."

Luo Quan said and stood up: "Okay, everyone, if you want to go back to sleep, go back to sleep, and if you want to get up and have breakfast, go and have breakfast."

Before the words fell, the air conditioners on the girls were quietly dropped to the ground.

Only then did Luo Quan realize that the others were wearing underwear just like her.

This scene is really lively and fragrant.

Luo Quan didn't know whether it was because they had been tossing all night, or they didn't sleep well with their bodies on their pillows.

After the girls got up, they all yawned and looked listless.

But when I asked them to catch up on sleep, they all said they couldn't sleep anymore.

Luo Quan had no choice but to get busy in the kitchen and cook another hearty breakfast.

"Boss, you remind me of my mother."

At the dining table, Li Xiaomiao gnawed on a steamed bun with a warm smile all over her face.

"Why, the craftsmanship is as good as your mother's?" Luo Quan smiled and took off his apron.

"No, it's that kind of temperament." Li Xiaomiao shook her head lightly, "I don't care about everything, I can take care of everything, I feel like everything is arranged by your side, as if I don't need anything I worry about it myself, and it feels like everything will be done naturally.”

"You are quite good at complimenting others. Are you saying that I have a strong desire to control?" Luo Quan picked up a meat bun and laughed.

"How could it be!" Li Xiaomiao immediately denied, "I wish someone could take care of me, since I have been poor in self-discipline since I was a child, whether it's diet or study or other things.

If it weren't for my mother to supervise me every day, I would have to add at least one hundred catties to my current weight. "

Luo Quan chuckled: "It's a good thing that you like being controlled, but I'm worried that you guys think I control you too much, and complain that I'm an old mother who wants to get involved in everything."

"How can the boss think like that." Dongfang Chen immediately disagreed, "Everything you are doing now seems to be for our sake.

And every time before making a decision, we will let us decide first, which is not what the old lady can describe. "

Luo Quan showed a moving smile: "I am very pleased that you can think so, at least it proves that I am a competent boss."

"Hey, it's a pity that you are not particularly old, boss." Xiao Miao sighed with her head down, "Otherwise, I really want to call you godmother."

"So my temperament is so old?" Luo Quan was left speechless by Li Xiaomiao's words, "I'm only 23 this year, okay, godmothers are here."

"It's a metaphor." Li Xiaomiao explained, age and temperament are not the same thing, and boss, you do have a kind of mother feeling. "

"Yes, I also feel that way." Dongfang Chen also nodded in agreement, "When you are with the boss, there is always a feeling of being cared for. My own mother doesn't treat me that well."

"That shows that I am beautiful and kind-hearted." Luo Quan raised the corners of his mouth and praised himself without any trace.

In the past, this kind of shameless beauty would be ridiculed by everyone, but this time no one sang against it.

Probably because of feeding these girls every day, they have all fed their feelings.

But it's normal, after all, she is the Virgin Mary.

According to the Church of Dawn, she, who can become the Virgin, possesses all the shining points of a mother. She is a collection of truth, goodness and beauty of human beings, and the great motherhood is fully reflected in her.

So it is not incomprehensible for these girls to be moved to call her mother under their "careful care".

However, Luo Quan still hoped that it would be better for them to call her sister. After all, it was too early for her to be a mother, and she was not ready to be a mother at all.

"Oh, my dear sister, you guys woke up so early today." Leon went to the bathroom in the morning and heard some movement from below. When he got down to look, he found that everyone had already woken up.

In the whole room, only Leon was calling Sister Luo Quan.

"I remember that you also drank a lot, don't you feel hungover at all?" Luo Quan glanced at his brother, and found that he had a relaxed expression, it didn't look like he had drunk half a case of wine at all.

"Did you say that little drink last night?" Leon laughed, "How can that low-alcohol beer make me drunk? It's still hangover, which is to the extent of gargling.

When I was on the east coast, I drank tequila or vodka when I hooked up with the underground...bro.

And it's a cocktail of several alcohols mixed together.

Just saying that, you definitely don’t know it, but I know that there is a kind of mixed wine in the bar called Lost Body Wine, you don’t know this, right? "

Wen Xia nodded: "I've heard that, it is said that after drinking the wine, you will definitely pass out within an hour."

Luo Quan chuckled: "For me, there is no difference between any wine."

"So, the wine order last night was a piece of cake for me." Leon said and laughed, "If you encounter any drinking situation in the future, you can let me block the wine and secure a table Everyone drink and get down!"

Wen Xia joked: "You do understand wine table culture, you will be a cadre in the future."

"What is wine table culture?" Li Xiaomiao asked blankly, "Is it the one where Sister Wen Xia and Sister Su Yu punched and drank last night?"

"It's one of them." Luo Quan nodded, "But most of the wine table culture is dross, and there is no need to learn about it."

"That's it." Xiao Miao immediately took out a small notebook and started writing on it.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Li Xiaomiao said with a smile: "I'm recording the suggestions you gave me, boss. I'm afraid that if I can't remember them, I will forget them, so I take a notebook and write them down. Always new."

"Yes, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen." Luo Quan praised, "But don't write down everything. Sometimes if I am in a hurry to scold people, don't write down these quotations. If someone sees them one day, then It's ridiculous."

Li Xiaomiao said in a swearing tone: "Don't worry, boss, this will definitely not be exposed, just like the video I took for you yesterday!"

"What video was it yesterday?" Leon poked his head over curiously, "Show me."

"There's nothing to see, don't be like a curious baby and want to see everything, okay? Seeing everything will only hurt you!" Luo Quan pushed Leon's head away, "Don't do this, let me ask you, Have you decided on the program for the final show?"

"Think it over, let's Phoenix Legend just sing and dance rap?" Leon put his hands under the table, pretending to be dribbling the ball under his crotch.

"You can save trouble." Luo Quan curled his lips, "I originally wanted to give you a chance to sing solo."

"Forget it, old lady, it's not like you don't know my little singing skills." Leon waved his hand helplessly, "It's definitely fine if you ask me to do a quick rap. As far as this alone is concerned, I can give the singers in the whole show a lot of praise." Take a lesson.

But if it's a serious singing, then I can only say that my level is average, and I can't compare with those students on the show. "

"You're pretty self-aware." Luo Quan covered his mouth and laughed, "I thought you'd pretend that you could do anything."

"I'm not as good as you. My skill bar is limited. I can't fit five or six at most." Leon smiled at Luo Quan. , You can pack as much as you want."

"Need to say?" Luo Quan's expression became smug, "This is just the least worth mentioning of my many advantages. You can boast about other advantages in the future."

Seeing the elder sister's appearance, the corner of Leon's mouth twitched, and he laughed twice.

Old sister, she is good at everything, but she is a little too narcissistic.

But this is also normal, after all, it is really hard not to be narcissistic for someone who is as good as her.

To foreigners, if she is not narcissistic, she will appear hypocritical.

Her character needs to be a little more arrogant, so that she can highlight her talent and ability, and make others respect her more.

Of course, Eastern and Western cultures are different, at least the old sister rarely behaves like this online, except when facing fans and family members.

(End of this chapter)

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