Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1176 A Good Chance to Show Your Face

Chapter 1176 A Good Chance to Show Your Face
After a night of indulgence, Li Xiaomiao consciously began to control her food intake again. Her mouth was watering just looking at fat meat, and she resolutely refused to stick her chopsticks there.

"It's ok, Xiao Miao, are you already so conscious now?" Luo Quan couldn't help praising, "In the past, you would stretch out your chopsticks to dip some oil and water, but now you don't even touch it."

"Because I saw the dawn of slenderness." Li Xiaomiao lifted the fat on her belly.

Although her belly still looks like a swimming ring now, you must know that a month ago, she was even more exaggerated than the pregnant women of the Wailuo triplets.

And the huge contrast between before and after is the reason why Li Xiaomiao can be so firm.

What is it to sacrifice a little appetite?Eating whole grains and vegetarian food is not enough to eat!
And the most important point, as she loses weight, the amount of each meal she eats is also rapidly decreasing.

In the past, the amount of rice she ate every meal was measured by the catty, but now she has slowly returned to the level of a normal girl.

Now Li Xiaomiao is looking forward to it every day, looking forward to what she will look like when she really reaches 120 catties.

Therefore, of course, she can not touch the fat on the dinner table that would damage her practice.

After lunch, Luo Quan originally wanted to broadcast live.

However, the mailbox received a message, the content is considered good news.

At the Bay Area Gala, she was invited to perform, to be precise, to sing a song. Stars from both sides of the strait and three places will participate. Although the traffic is not comparable to Weibo Night, the importance of the two is definitely not on the same level Up.

To be able to participate in the party, either the traffic has reached the top, or the strength is well-known.

Young stars generally rarely get such an extremely formal opportunity to show their faces. The Spring Festival Gala and Mid-Autumn Festival Gala can be compared with it throughout the year. The gold content is by no means comparable to ordinary activities.

So as soon as the list of selected stars for the Greater Bay Area Gala was announced today, the fans of those selected stars began to brag.

Of course, the veteran stars don't care about these things anymore, their qualifications are there, and they will definitely be thought of when they have activities.

For the new generation of artists, these are all actual achievements, which can be made into a form and used as a credit book for publicity.

So starting from noon, the hot searches are full of relevant news.

But Luo Quan has been busy in the kitchen, so he didn't pay much attention.

Now that I was free, I saw the invitation email.

Luo Quan has attended such important evenings too many times. Generally, as long as she is not particularly busy, she is willing to go up and perform.

Of course, this time is no exception, but before agreeing, she wants to bargain with the program team.

"The theme of this show is to nostalgia and welcome the new, so that young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait can see the new look of newcomers in the entertainment industry, so I think it is necessary to let more newcomers appear on stage.

I have a program that is on the air now, B is looking for a fan club, and the popularity of the entire network exceeds [-] billion. Are you going to perform on stage too? "

Luo Quan sent this text, and only 3 minutes later, there was a reply:

"In principle, yes.

What the program team hopes this time is to let you, the representative of mainland stars, sing Cantonese songs. If you want to add more, it must be Chinese songs, and it is best to sing with you.

What's more, there are too many three people, it is better to add one more, after all, you are not the only one with similar needs. "

Huaxia is a society of human relationships. If you pay a visit to a big boss, this big boss will naturally think of you when he encounters benefits.

The gala in the Greater Bay Area is a good place to get favors. Many artists who were originally unqualified also got the chance to go on stage under the support of the big boss.

This is the case for a lucky guy from the Bilibili fan club.

"The places are limited." Luo Quan sighed regretfully.

Originally, according to her idea, let the three best performers go up, and use this method to give them a direct promotion.

It's a pity that this gala seems to be a hot spot, and many people are staring at it. Even with her status, she can only win one spot.

One at a time is better than nothing.

Luo Quan quickly agreed, but was unable to provide the name of the artist who won the quota for the time being.

To choose one of the three, whether she chooses or randomly chooses, is actually very unfair.

Simply rely on their own abilities, whoever can win the championship in the end will be on the show, and two traffic gift packages will be given directly to help the champion soar into the sky.

Leaving aside the uncertainties, Luo Quan's own quota has already been decided.

This time he was going to sing Cantonese songs, and many classics of Beyond came to Luo Quan's mind.

But I still felt that it was not suitable for me, so I finally chose a song that may not be particularly old for fans-"Thousand Thousand Que Songs".

Its Japanese version "Song of the Setting Sun" was dubbed by Japanese fans as a work of the last century when it was released, full of strong nostalgia.

After it was changed to Cantonese and released, it naturally became the Hong Kong style song of the last century by domestic fans.

In fact, it is quite normal. After all, a considerable part of the popular music in Xiangjiang in the last century was Sinicized, and many popular songs also used Japanese tunes.

Therefore, the Japanese love songs of the last century overlap with the Xiangjiang love songs to a large extent, and there is not much difference.

Of course, after Luo Quan released "Thousand Thousand Que Songs", with its extremely annual melody, it became the best Cantonese song of that year, and even set off a retro craze.

Although it is thunderous and rainy, this song is still very popular in the Greater Bay Area. It can be heard in most car audio-visual stores and car music. The mass base is definitely not worse than those classic old songs.

Of course, the hottest Cantonese song in recent years is "Guangzhou Ten Years Love Story".

Perhaps the melody and lyrics are not as gorgeous as "Song of a Thousand Thousand Que", but the lyrics are grounded enough to resonate with ordinary people and appear more real, so they are deeply loved by the public.

As for "Song of a Thousand Thousand Ques", to be honest, it can only be said to be the love of the petty bourgeoisie.

Where does the love of ordinary people come from so many life and death, love and hate entanglements.

The end of ordinary people's love is generally more realistic, such as not being able to afford a house, parents' pension problems, cheating, bride price and so on.

Poetry and distant places belong to the rich, and the poor only live in front of their eyes.

What's more regrettable is that this evening's party doesn't really need this kind of song that is too common.

Otherwise, Luo Quan would definitely propose to bring Leon on the show. After all, the siblings are already die-hard music fans of the middle-aged and elderly people in Huaxia. If they want their sons and grandchildren to play some songs, it would be Legend of Phoenix.

This is the name Luo Quan chose for the combination of himself and his younger brother. Fans think it is too rustic, but the older generation thinks it is quite foreign.

In particular, the two singers in this group seem to be more western-style, each with a high nose and fair skin, they can speak Mandarin so well, why don't they look like Chinese?

Of course, the elderly are generally not too entangled, after all, their equipment basically can't see what the singer looks like.

Elderly phones and square dance speakers do not have the function of displaying pictures, but as long as they hear the song, they can dance immediately.

The good news is that Luo Quan and Lyon are quite popular among young people.

So when their songs are sung, as long as the time period is not particularly outrageous, fans can still tolerate it.

In this way, the irreconcilable contradiction between square dancing and young people seems to have been perfectly resolved.

It's a pity that no one at the party wanted square dances, which are more suitable for the family carnival Spring Festival Gala.

In short, the song to be sung has been determined by myself, which is "Song of Thousand Thousand Que", I believe it will be liked by fans on both sides.

As for the song of the fan club championship, it depends on who wins the championship. Anyway, the Greater Bay Area Gala will be next Wednesday, and the last session of the fan club will be on the weekend, that is, three days later. Wait for the results to come out. Reporting is completely in time.

In the evening, Luo Quan told Leon about the Gala in the Greater Bay Area.

He immediately checked his mailbox when he heard this, and was disappointed to find that he hadn't been invited.

Like the previous few times, probably this time I was unable to perform on stage for the same reason.

Of course, Lyon is not incomprehensible, and at the same time, he doesn't feel sorry for himself because of this failure.

If he wasn't invited this time, it meant that he wasn't famous enough.

If he can have the influence of his sister, he will always find him on a stage like this.

Of course, my sister is also partly responsible.

Obviously knowing that there is a high probability that he will not be invited now, but in the end, he still wants to fool him into giving him hope, and then let him experience disappointment.

This feeling of ice and fire is really not a comfortable experience.

Leon sighed helplessly, and told the elder sister all the complaints in his heart.

"So you understand it this way?" Luo Quan couldn't close his mouth with a smile when he heard Leon's thoughts, "But I'm obviously just telling you the news, what if you get an invitation?"

"This kind of thing is impossible just by thinking about it." Leon said with a full face of regret, "Maybe it might be better if I stay for a few more years.

I remember that there was a foreigner named Dashan before. His Mandarin was not as good as mine, and he could go to the Spring Festival Gala several times.

When I stay for a few more years and become Huaxiatong, I should be able to get such treatment by then.

If it doesn’t work, I’ll shoot some short videos on Douyin, like the one that says “promise me, if you’re not patriotic, please go away.” If it becomes popular, the effect should be pretty good. "

Leon proposed the above methods, but Luo Quan felt that none of them were very reliable.

Especially the second one, which is so abstract that people can't help frowning.

"These methods of yours seem a little too abstract. What's the use of making such a short video that only adds to the laughing stock?" Luo Quan looked at his brother who was in a hurry to go to the doctor, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "But I have a way, maybe OK."

"What, hurry up!" Leon's tone became urgent.

"The Winter Olympics is coming soon, only a few months away." Luo Quan suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

"Winter Olympics? What does that have to do with me?" Lyon likes sports, but that doesn't mean he has a talent for sports, especially those snow sports that can only be done in winter, so he is even less good at them.

"Sister, you won't be me winning the gold medal at the Winter Olympics to increase my popularity, and then go to the Spring Festival Gala this way?" Leon guessed Luo Quan's intentions, and proposed a fairly reliable method.

"Of course not. Even if you participate, you represent the United States. If you win the gold medal, won't you be scolded to death by netizens?" Luo Quan shook his head and smiled, explaining: "I mean, the Winter Olympics is a very good opportunity , At that time, many foreigners will come to China.

And for such a grand event, there will definitely be related performances in the Spring Festival Gala after the Winter Olympics.

I remember that after the last Olympic Games in Beijing, many foreigners appeared in the Spring Festival Gala that year, and I think there will be some this time as well.

And your Huaxia language is so good, you can volunteer to perform in these shows. "

"That's what I said." Leon lowered his head and pondered for a while, "But how do I know when these programs start recruiting people?"

"Isn't there still your sister here?" Luo Quan took a thumbs up and proudly looked like himself, "There is a rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala, can I not be invited?
When the time comes to invite me, just ask the director directly, and ask for a spot for you, isn’t it all right? "

"Damn, this is a good idea!" Leon's eyes showed excitement.

"So you should prepare well, put on more shows during this time, increase exposure, the more national you are, the better you will be on shows.

In fact, I think you are already very popular on the Internet. Who hasn’t heard of the dad’s diary that you took on the Internet?

So I think when the Spring Festival Gala is about to rehearse, maybe I don’t need to mention it, and other directors will take the initiative to invite you.

After all, in terms of popularity, there are not many people who can surpass you on Douyin Weibo.

And your Chinese is so good, it would be too unreasonable if you don't invite me. "

"Hehe, I hope it can be like this. It's the best result to go through the back door without relying on relationships." Leon took a deep breath and felt that he should post more video content these days.

Dad’s diary is not enough, how about a whole interesting unit?
How about Leon talking about America with you?
Women on Douyin and Weibo seem to be quite interested in foreign countries, especially Europe and the United States.

If I talk to them about life in the United States and Britain, and compare it with China, wouldn't it be interesting?
Lyon doesn't know about other platforms, but there are quite a lot of similar foreigner up hosts on station B, basically all of them have millions of fans.

Putting this number on other platforms is tens of millions of fans, which is quite a good scale.

From this point of view, this series may really have a bright future.

Thinking of this, Leon gradually made up his mind, planning to add some anecdotes about London to the short video of Daddy's Diary first, and see how the fans react.

(End of this chapter)

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