Chapter 1177

Luo Quan didn't know what Leon thought, but even if he knew, he would very much agree.

After all, videos like this kind of foreign life sharing are quite popular.

As long as it is shot, you will definitely not worry about the playback volume.

However, the content needs to be made more interesting, and some sensitivities need to be avoided so as not to touch the red line.

Fortunately, Leon has lived in China for so long, and he should know what to say and what not to say, so Luo Quan is not particularly worried. I hope his new series will be the same as the previous Daddy's Diary The whole network exploded.

In the evening, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast, met with fans as usual, and spent the short time before going to bed together.

"The finals of the fan club at station B are about to start. At that time, the program will open the whole network to vote. You can start voting through multiple accounts such as station B, Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, etc., but one ID card can only be given to three people at most. Players vote, so everyone should be more cautious."

As soon as Luoquan started broadcasting, they chatted about things related to variety shows, which is one of the most popular events at present.

The fan club at Station B, which is sought after by all the people, is about to usher in its finale. Who will win the championship, and related topics are arguing fiercely every day.

But what makes people feel a little regretful is that He Xuanyu, one of the "Big Three", has fallen behind.

In the semi-finals, his votes were already far behind the other two, and he was no longer at the same level.

As Shen Zhou and Lan Aide have their own characteristics, each has a large number of netizens who are optimistic about them, and the votes of the two in the semi-finals are also quite close.

But it is worth mentioning that Shen Zhou has already won the vote three times in a row. Although he is not much more than Lan Aide, he can beat him.

Therefore, Shen Zhou's fans are still quite confident. They feel that as long as Shen Zhou does not perform abnormally in the finals, winning the championship is a high probability event.

And Lan Aide's near-perfect singing skills also made their fans feel that things are not so bad. If there is a super performance, maybe they can fight back?

So at present, no one on both sides dares to open champagne in advance. Fans are sending electronic wooden fish in their idol's super chat, accumulating character.

Originally, the show was very popular, but Luo Quan mentioned it again during the live broadcast, and of course the fan club was on the hot search again.

During this period of time, there have been more than a hundred hot searches related to the show, making it the hottest variety show of the year. In a few years, there should be no other show that can be compared to it.

For the next three days, Luo Quan devoted most of his energy to supervising Xiao Miao and Chen Chen's dance learning.

When the Fan Club at station B is over, it will be the time for the Huanyu Girls program to start auditions, and then there will be a showdown with Wen Xia. I hope she can accept this news that is enough to shock anyone's jaws.

Wen Xia still doesn't know what is waiting for her, and she is still teaching two apprentices to dance with a smile, imagining that she will go to America to make a career in the future.

The Luoquan business did not tell Wen Xia where the show was held, only that it was abroad and very developed.

With this description, the first option that most people can think of is naturally the United States.

She even once thought that Dongfang Chen and Li Xiaomiao would be Chinese-American, but after repeated inquiries, the answer she got was "We are not Americans".

Although she still didn't believe it, since the two of them didn't want to talk, Wen Xia stopped asking and devoted all her attention to teaching.

On the weekend, the much-anticipated Bilibili fan club finals finally started.

From the first hundred students, they were gradually eliminated to ten remaining.

The network anchors or amateurs with the best singing skills on the entire network are basically here.

Maybe there are still some hidden gems that haven't appeared, but we can only wait until the next episode.

In short, in this issue, the ten standing on the stage are the strongest in the whole network!
The finals are still broadcast live, but this time the stage is back indoors, which is a familiar and comfortable environment for the students.

"On the stage of the finals this time, everyone won't feel the pressure anymore, right?"

Luo Quan stood up, and took the initiative to mention what happened at the concert last week: "In the semi-final performance, many students performed abnormally. I know that is not your true strength, but in the future, such a stage will still be good. There will be many, many.

If your mentality cannot mature quickly, your future situation will become very embarrassing.

So, on this stage of the finals, I decided to add a little more pressure to you.

The champion this time will have a chance to rise to the top. If you win, it will be a real take-off, so show your best form, because this may be your unique opportunity in this life! "

As soon as Luo Quan's words came out of his mouth, the expressions of the students who were originally quite relaxed suddenly became serious.

Who doesn't want to have the chance to change their destiny?

However, most of the people are quite satisfied after coming here, and they don't have too many extravagant hopes for the championship, because they deeply realize the gap between themselves and Shen Zhou and Lan Aide.

But Luo Quan's words made them worry about gains and losses again, and their desire for the ownership of the championship resumed.

"In short, let's all work hard, I don't want you to mention today as regret rather than pride."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, the camera turned to the stage, and the rest was all for the students.

"I'm so excited. After chasing for so long, the result is finally coming."

"Luo Quan's sense of oppression is really strong, a few words can brighten up the atmosphere."

"This is a world-class superstar, so the sense of oppression is not great? And she is telling the truth!"

"It is indeed a unique opportunity for the students in this life, and it will be difficult to gain such exposure in the future."

"Tell you a ghost story and watch the popularity of the live broadcast room."

"Damn, [-] million, is that an exaggeration!"

"I feel that the load in the live broadcast room is almost reaching the limit, and the popularity has never been so high."

"The last time the popularity was so high was the S8 Global Finals, when LPL won the championship for the first time, but it was only over 5000 million."

"A new record was born, and depending on the situation, there is no chance of breaking it."

"Amazing my station B!"


In fact, not only station B, but also the popularity of live broadcasts on several other platforms have reached their peak.

Although it is not enough to break the historical record of the platform, it is definitely enough to shock the fat people.

And this is because multiple platforms have reached such a high popularity value. If these are all combined, how terrifying will the number of viewers be?

If it was placed at the beginning of the century, this kind of heat would be a standard crowd-pleasing alley!
But what about the future achievements of the students, tonight will definitely be the brightest moment in their lives.

Of course, the students still don't know what level of Internet attention they have received.

They all sat quietly backstage, watching their competitors perform.

The order of going on stage today is completely messed up, because the voting is arranged after everyone's performance, so the later the stage is at night, the deeper the impression will be on the audience, and the bigger the advantage will be.

Of course, if the strength is strong enough, you don't have to think about these things at all, just rely on your singing skills to get over it.

Facts have proved that there is no problem for the players who are born as anchors to control this small indoor stage, and each of them performed more than a star and a half better than in the semi-finals.

The same is not to fix the sound, the experience brought to the audience in the finals is simply the semi-finals.

It stands to reason that under the atmosphere of the concert, it is easier for the audience to get excited, but just looking at the number of barrage, it is obvious that the atmosphere of the final is better.

And the stage when the barrage reached its peak was the period when Shen Zhou and Lan Aide appeared one after another.

The two contributed the best performances of their careers in the fields they are best at.

They lived up to Luo Quan's expectations and brought the most extreme climax to this fan meeting with the most perfect singing voice.

It also brought back the word-of-mouth that had collapsed rapidly due to the semi-finals back to the category of Shen Zong.

In other words, their performance is perfect from beginning to end, it's just that other people seem out of tune with them.

Seeing the performance of these two people, Luo Quan's heart also began to struggle.

If possible, she really hopes to let these two win the championship together.

It is a pity that with such a large base of voting, it is impossible to achieve a tie in the final result.

Although she really hoped to see this scene happen, if she really had the chance to win double championships in the distance, it would definitely bring the drama of this show to another level.

But such a good thing basically only exists in the imagination.

After the performance, all the students stood on the stage under Luo Quan's call, ready to meet the final result.

Luo Quan stared at them for about ten seconds, and finally applauded and said: "You are all doing well, it is the fan club's luck to have you in it!"

The sincere gratitude and encouragement made the three girls in the contestants burst into tears, crying so hard that they couldn't make a sound.

The other boys also had red eyes, and tears kept oozing from their sockets.

After living in the resort for more than a month, everyone has established a deep relationship. When there were many people, they even developed a few couples.

But any story has an end, and the show has come to this point, and everyone knows it's time to say goodbye.

But they were really reluctant, and wished they could live here for another month, two months.

"I know everyone is very sad, but life is like this, there will always be times of separation, so I have been telling everyone before, seize every opportunity to perform and don't leave regrets."

Luo Quan held the microphone tightly, and said in a gentle voice: "I believe that at this point, you have all done the best you can, and you are worthy of everyone who likes you, and you are also worthy of yourself.

Regardless of the final results, I hope you can continue to sing generously and forge ahead. "

Speaking of this, Luo Quan suddenly showed a bright smile: "My fans say that I am a humanoid koi, although I don't really believe in metaphysics, but what if it is really useful?
So as a mentor, as a koi, I wish you all the best of luck and a bright future! "

"it is good!"

Under the leadership of Leon, the leader of the atmosphere group, the audience applauded and cheered one after another.

"Well said, Luo Bao, I'm so excited."

"You have to be the one to make a speech, and others don't have the taste of you."

"Hearing this, I alone and passers-by are all excited, and the players should be even more excited."

"Next comes the most intense and exciting voting session. After nearly two months of hard work, the results are finally coming!"

"Come on, Shen Zhou!"

"Come on, Ed!"


I don't know who started it, the cheers for the players appeared in the barrage one after another, and then it was out of control.

Luo Quan heard a reminder from the director in his earphones, and knew that it was time to vote, so he looked at the camera and said, "The performance of the ten contestants has ended, next, please all the audience who are watching the live broadcast, please vote your votes." Vote for the player with the best performance with your precious votes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the voting systems of all major platforms were activated at the same time, and then on the big screen on the stage, ten pillars with the names of the contestants appeared in the center, and then rose rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Among them, Shen Zhou and Lan Aide are the two with the most momentum.

At this time, Luo Quan didn't sell his relationship to everyone. He just asked all the contestants to turn around and see with their own eyes how high their votes could be.

Although before singing, Luo Quan's provocative words made everyone yearn for the championship.

But through the competition just now, they knew that there was an insurmountable gap between themselves and Shen Zhou and Lan Aide, so after seeing the two who were obviously much taller than themselves, they didn't have too many turmoil in their hearts.

Like all spectators, they also began to wonder who could win the championship in the end.

The number of people who voted at the same time this time was quite exaggerated. The number of votes for the two champion seeds quickly exceeded 200 million votes, and the momentum was unabated towards 300 million.

Looking at this posture, it is estimated that breaking through 500 million is not a problem.

And the final result did not exceed Luo Quan's estimate.

After the number of votes reached 500 million, the growth rate quickly began to decrease.

When it reached 600 million, it finally slowed down and started to become difficult.

At this moment, Shen Zhou also showed a smile at noon.

After his votes reached 600 million, it was obvious that he had distanced himself from Lan Aidela, which was about the thickness of a pinky finger.

Although it looked short, it was tens of thousands of votes converted into votes!
Moreover, the rate of increase in his votes was faster than that of Lan Aide, and it seemed that the outcome was already decided.

Shen Zhou's thoughts are actually the thoughts of most people at the moment.

And in the end, no reversal occurred, and ID card voting basically eliminated the possibility of black box operations.

Tens of thousands of votes may not seem like much, but at the final stage of voting, this gap can no longer be made up.

In the end, when the 10-minute voting time ended, Shen Zhou's votes were fixed at 648114 votes, and Lan Aide's was also 640514.

The final winner is Shen Zhou!
(End of this chapter)

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