Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1178 Big Fish

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you!

"I declare that the champion of the first Bilibili fan club is... Shen Zhou!"

Luo Quan read out the results of the competition loudly, and the audience burst into applause.

For all, this result did not come as a surprise.

As early as in the preliminaries, Shen Zhou had already shown himself as a champion. His ethereal voice was too invincible. There were few such timbres in the whole country. If he didn't sing, it would be a huge loss for music fans.

With such a talent, excellent singing skills, and no stage fright in the face of tens of thousands of concerts, it is not surprising that the champion was won by such an all-around player.

Of course, Rand's fans must still be quite disappointed.

If there is no sinking boat, he must be a well-deserved champion.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in the world.

The good news is that Aide himself is quite satisfied with the result of No.2.

In his final speech, he felt that it was a pity that he failed to win the championship, but having such an experience in the competition is also a precious asset, and its value is not much worse than winning the championship.

He will always remember this experience, and he is also very grateful to the fan club at station b, which allowed him to gain great popularity and several close friends.

This speech with high emotional intelligence caused the audience to applaud again, and even attracted a lot of passers-by.

The program has basically come to an end here, and the contestants have already gone to the restaurant of the resort to prepare for a buffet barbecue.

According to common sense, the live broadcast room has now started to roll the curtain, thanking the major sponsors.

But the audience in the live broadcast room did not lose too much. Luo Quan took a look at the live broadcast room of Station B, which still has more than 1 million popularity, and asked with a smile: "Why are you staying in the live broadcast room if you don't leave?"

"I haven't watched it for fun, but I still want to watch it!"

"Luo Bao, you know what everyone is thinking."

"I'm waiting for you, Luo Bao, sing quickly!"


Sure enough, the audience in the live broadcast room was still here to listen to her continue singing.

But it's almost ten o'clock in the evening, wouldn't it be twelve o'clock after singing a few more songs?She still has a lot to do tomorrow.

Luo Quan expressed his concerns, and the fans expressed disappointment that they would sing a song anyway.

It would be fine if you only sang one song, so Luo Quan waved his hand and greeted Wen Xia and Leon who were going to watch the excitement: "Here you are, you two don't intend to just sit like this, do you? "

"You didn't say you were going to sing beforehand, and you didn't even have a rehearsal." Wen Xia complained, but she still took the microphone and walked to Luo Quan's side, "Tell me in advance, I can't stand all of your songs Go up, don't blame me if you sing."

"Don't worry, this song can be sung even if you don't need singing skills, the most important thing is an atmosphere."

Luo Quan had a warm smile on her face. Before the music played, she was already swaying: "The next thing I want to bring to you is the most popular song recently, "The Most Dazzling National Style"!"

Hearing this, the fans in the live broadcast room all gasped, as if recalling the fear of being dominated by the square dance.

At this time, the director thoughtfully projected the barrage onto the screen on the stage, so that Luo Quan could see with his own eyes what kind of emotions the fans were feeling at this time.

"Luo Bao, you're playing with us now, aren't you?"

"It's obviously a new song that hasn't been released for a long time, but it always gives me a feeling that it's burned into my bones."

"It's not just the bones, it's going deep into the soul!"

"Luo Bao, can we change another song?"

"Everything else is fine, not "The Most Dazzling National Style"!"


Facing the demands of the fans, Luo Quan just shook his fingers: "I'm sorry, the arrow is on the string and we have to send it!"

As soon as the words fell, the prelude to "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" started.

Leon was crazy. Seeing this kind of scene, he couldn't help getting high, and twisted his buttocks while holding the microphone.

"The boundless sky is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills.

What kind of rhythm is the most swaying, what kind of singing is the most joyful

Originally, this was supposed to be a female voice, but Leon snatched it when it was missing.

But this is not important anymore, as soon as the lyrics are sung, the melody that almost melts into the blood is awakened uncontrollably, making everyone who hears the song involuntarily sing.

At this time, is there any difference who sings first and who sings later?The three of them simply sang together.

Wen Xia was the happiest. Originally, she was worried that Luo Quan would deliberately make difficult songs for her, but she didn't expect it to be this one.

She is so familiar with this song, the kind that she can sing with her eyes closed.

At this time, not only the three people on the stage, but also the audience in the audience and the live broadcast room could not help but hum.

Even if you don't make a sound, the song must be echoing in your heart.

It's a pity that the contestants weren't there, otherwise Luo Quan would have called them all up on stage to sing together.

Amidst the dancing and singing of the three of them, the Fan Club at Station B was completely over.

After the contestants finished their performances, the Divine Comedy of the Most Dazzling Familiar Style even made the popularity of the live broadcast room rise slightly, which was really a surprise.

For most people, this early summer is as perfect as this variety show, and they have witnessed too many wonderful and touching things.

Originally, it was just a show of Luo Quan's whim, but in the end it has achieved such a scale, and it is destined to leave a strong mark on Chinese variety shows.

This proves once again that if you want to make a blockbuster, you don't need to hire so many top talents, and you don't need to raise so much capital.

Sometimes all you need is a live broadcast room, a grass-roots team that looks very ordinary, and it can produce popular variety shows that are sought after by the whole people.

Of course, most people think that this is another manifestation of Luoquan's strong production ability, and it is difficult for others to reproduce it.

But one thing is for sure, that is, talent show variety shows are still the unstoppable king of traffic in China.

Idols are not allowed to be selected, but it is not only the talent show that allows netizens to participate.

Hip-hop, basketball, e-sports, electronic music, these entertainments that young people like can all be used to make talent show variety shows, and maybe the next hit is hidden in it.

So although the fan club at station B is over, preparations for countless talent show variety shows have already been intensively prepared.

Wen Xia should be the first star to know the news, because at night, her mailbox received invitations to many shows.

But she rejected them all, because she will go abroad for development in a few days.

As for these domestic talent shows that have nothing to do with idol idols, it's better to invite Gao Ming.

On the other side, Luo Quan added Shen Zhou's friends and sent him sincere blessings for winning the championship of this year's fan club.

At the same time, she was also ready to fulfill her promise and hand over two gifts to him.

First of all, it is a song written for him, which is actually a performance opportunity full of gold and attention.

"This "Big Fish" is your new song that will be released soon, and it is also the song that you will perform with me at the next gala in the Greater Bay Area.

Practice hard and look forward to your blockbuster success! "

After Luo Quan sent out the music file, he typed another text of encouragement.

After reading it, Shen Zhou was stunned for 10 minutes without speaking.

All of this is too dreamy, and last night he was worried about whether he could win the championship in the end.

One day later, he has won the championship and is about to enter such an important stage.

Shen Zhou involuntarily slapped himself, and found that it was indeed not a dream.

But now he really wants to fall asleep and dream.

Because in order to prepare for today's performance, he has not slept well for several nights, and he only sleeps for six hours a day.

In order to ensure his state, he specially took two sleeping pills last night, just to ensure his sleep and make his state reach the best level.

After taking the sleeping pills, I did have a very fragrant and deep sleep, but Shen Zhou knew that this stuff should not be taken for a long time, otherwise it would easily lead to autonomic disorder, and it would be troublesome to try to recuperate.

Fortunately, the game is finally over. After tonight, he has no pressure for the time being...

In fact, not only Shen Zhou, but the other participants of this show should feel extremely relaxed tonight.

After a month of tension, it is finally over.

So for most players, the ending is not perfect, but as Lan Aide said, this is an extremely precious experience that is worth remembering for a lifetime.

Of course, for Luo Quan, this is another successful case after her brainstorming.

As soon as the show ended, many bosses wanted to buy her ideas about variety shows.

The reason is that she bragged during the live broadcast a while ago, saying that she had thought of more than 100 ideas like the fan club, and recorded them all in a notepad.

Originally, this was just a joke she said, but who knew that the fans really believed it, and then spread it in a serious manner.

The key point is that the bosses of Party A who heard the rumors were convinced of this, and started booing along with the netizens.

Netizens are just spreading rumors to satisfy their desire to show off.

And these bosses think it is profitable, so they want to spend money to invest, or directly buy out ideas from Luo Quan and do it themselves.

The key is that she doesn't have the notepad she mentioned. The words she said are just bragging, and the real idea is actually still in her mind from the beginning to the end.

But if she is suddenly asked to take it, how will she know which one is better.

Besides, these ideas are so good, wouldn't it be nice for her to keep them for herself?Why do you want to make it for others?
This Bilibili fan club, the income from rebroadcasting fees and advertising fees alone is hundreds of millions.

This is not counting the benefits brought by the huge traffic. After finishing this show, it is equivalent to making a very popular movie, and it doesn't need to be as tiring as making a movie.

So, why would she use such a good job for others?
What's more, if she really had to come up with a plan suddenly, it would be very exhausting.

She has just been busy for a day now, and she really doesn't have any mood to continue working.

And not just today, but tomorrow and the next few days.

Labor always carries out a person's life, and what she likes to do most is to seize every opportunity to catch fish.

Therefore, Luo Quan completely ignored these rich and powerful bosses.

Although she needs to make money to complete the task, the most important thing at this stage is definitely the popularity.

Good ideas come from her, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

But if someone else came, it would be uncertain.

Putting down the phone, Luo Quan lay down on the bed.

Although I rested, I was still thinking about things in my mind.

When the performance in the Greater Bay Area is over, it's time to devote myself to the production of Huanyu Girls.

Dongfang Chen has been broadcasting live for the past few days, and Huanyu's audience is quite familiar with her.

The situation of Xiaomiao is even more optimistic.

Her success in losing weight for one month made her an internet celebrity in the blink of an eye, and her legends were spreading everywhere in the universe.

Everyone is wondering how thin he will be in the end.

Being able to witness a fat girl step by step into a beautiful woman is a much more fulfilling experience than directly falling in love with a beautiful female star.

Moreover, this big beauty will participate in Huanyu Girls in the future, and fans can continue to develop. The feeling brought by this is not comparable to that of ordinary programs.

It's just that the show hasn't been broadcast yet, and people don't understand the competition system yet, so they can't get a specific sense of refreshment, and most of the time they can only make up their minds.

But Li Xiaomiao's appearance and figure, which are changing every day, also gave them enough room for fantasy.

Now in Huanyu, there are fans of the two of them urging them every day, telling them to hurry up to compete, wanting to see them amaze other people.

Only in this way, these old fans can get a sense of refreshment and pride.

However, Luo Quan hadn't finished dealing with the affairs of the earth, so Dongfang Chen and Li Xiaomiao both used the dragging formula during the live broadcast.

No matter how much the audience urged, they just kept repeating that the time had not come and they could not go back.

This is indeed the case, the two of them are now learning to dance with Wen Xia.

Although both of them learned written knowledge very quickly, dancing and these rigid content are not at the same level of difficulty.

To dance well, your muscles, bones, and even your breathing need to be very well controlled.

Both of them studied with the idea of ​​excellence, including working extremely hard during practice.

But practicing dance is a hard work, and it cannot be achieved overnight with hard work in a day or two.

So Li Xiaomiao didn't even touch the fitness equipment these days, and was bouncing and jumping in the gym all day long.

Dance practice consumes no less calories than fitness.

After Li Xiaomiao discovered this, she immediately regretted that she didn't use dancing to lose weight this month.

If she had realized this earlier, she should have achieved some success in dancing by now.

As a result, she didn't learn from scratch until she succeeded in losing weight. Jia Chenchen could already start dancing coherently. Thinking about it makes people feel envious.

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