"Are you ready?"

Luo Quan and Shen Zhou sat side by side on the stool, facing the closed meeting room door.

There are two days left before the Bay Area Gala. This time, in order to show the strength of the singers, the director allowed everyone to sing for real.

As long as you think you are strong enough, the program team will cooperate in all aspects.

But if you don’t have this confidence, then keep lip-syncing.

It is precisely because it relies on strength to speak and does not need to be arranged in advance, so this time it does not even need too many rehearsals.

Speaking of which, Hong Kong entertainment has declined in recent years, and it has been a long time since there has been a bright newcomer, and a bunch of old faces are supporting the scene.

As for internal entertainment, no matter how good they are, the popularity of newcomers is all over the place, and being on the hot search is like going home.

Although the entertainment industry has always been a generation of newcomers replacing old ones, but in this Vanity Fair, no one wants to be eliminated just like that.

Therefore, it is said that the artists in the Hong Kong circle are holding their breath this time, and want to show their strength at the party.

If you are lucky, you can definitely create a feeling of being a tiger.

In the future, there will be any variety shows, movies, TV series, etc., and you can also avoid winning a few places.

Now the movie variety show is okay, but the TV series really don't see a few artists from the Hong Kong circle.

In addition, Hong Kong dramas themselves are not up to date. They are police and robbers over and over again, or they are martial arts that have been filmed badly. The mainland has long since given up on this kind of routine.

In order to rejuvenate their careers, a group of old guys are secretly preparing to compete with young people.

As for these young people in internal entertainment, Luo Quan came over just now and saw that most of them were playing on their mobile phones, and a few of them went upstairs chatting and chatting. They probably had something more private to talk about.

Young people, handsome men and beautiful women, can't help but want to talk about their relationship when they meet each other all of a sudden.

Luo Quan knew that this evening would be of a certain nature of competition, and she herself was not worried at all, and she didn't think anyone in the evening could be her opponent.

But seeing his teammates all look like this, Luo Quan felt that he had "defeated" written all over his face.

"It's not a crime of war." Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, the hero was short of breath.

"What's the matter, Sister Luo?" Shen Zhou cast a curious look, "What mouth?"

"It's nothing." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, "You enter later, why should you answer truthfully.

If you are asked to sing a few lines, you will perform well as usual. "

"Don't worry, Sister Luo, I will definitely not embarrass our fan club." Ever since the semi-final sang in the Bird's Nest, Shen Zhou no longer knew what stage fright was.

He has experienced big scenes with nearly 10 people. Is there any venue in China that is bigger than the Bird's Nest?
Even if there were, the number would not exceed too many.

If you insist on saying yes, then there should be only the Spring Festival Gala left.

However, Shen Zhou can be said to be very and extremely confident now, even if he is really allowed to go to the Spring Festival Gala, he will probably be able to perform normally.

Words such as nervousness and stage fright are completely insulated from him now.

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the door of the conference room opened, and several singers came out from inside with very frustrated expressions.

These are the same as Shen Zhou, they are singers who come in for interviews based on their connections.

Although there is a relationship, it is only an opportunity for an interview.

The stage is so important, popularity and singing skills have to be equal. If there is no popularity, no strength, and only one favor left, then it will definitely not be able to make it to the stage.

Judging by the expressions of these singers, it was obvious that they were too overwhelmed to be selected.

And Shen Zhou, who entered with his front and rear feet, behaved in a completely different dimension from the previous ones.

As soon as the voice was raised, the expressions of several interviewers changed in unison.

It's not that they haven't heard Shen Zhou's song before. The fans of station B are so popular, they will always get some clips.

Among them, Shen Zhou was of course the most amazing, but they thought that the sound modification of the show also had a certain effect on Shen Zhou's singing.

However, after they really heard Shen Zhou's original sound on the spot, they realized deeply what it means to eat with God.

The voice is really nice, and the singing skills are not to be desired, not to mention that he just won the championship of the fan club recently, and the traffic is currently the first in domestic entertainment.

How could such a supernova need Luo Quan's recommendation? A good stage should let a good singer like him be on it.

Thinking of the relatives I met today, the interviewers all shook their heads and sighed.

It's fine if Shen Zhou doesn't show up, which means that everyone in the entertainment industry sucks.

But there is such an outstanding newcomer as Shen Zhou, which shows that the internal entertainment is not without talent, but it is just that those who are favored by capital have suppressed the opportunity to succeed.

How can this not make them feel sorry.

But no matter how regrettable it is, there is no other way, whether it is human favor or capital, today I have to choose a few from this group of mud to make up enough places, and then push them to the front of the stage.

If it wasn't for Shen Zhou, one more person would have to be selected today to make up for it.

In short, Shen Zhou passed the interview very smoothly.

Luo Quan originally thought that it would take a lot of work, but it turned out to be so simple, Shen Zhou only sang a few lines and passed.

It can only be said that his voice is really powerful, as long as he speaks, it can make people's skin crawl all over, making Luo Quan himself a little envious.

After the list of performers was confirmed, everyone started the rehearsal exercise in the next two days.

This is the second time for Shen Zhou to appear on the stage of a concert. He has a very calm expression after having experienced it once before. Many old-timers in the music industry watched in amazement and lamented that he is really a young man now.

Days passed by, and soon it was the day of the gala in the Greater Bay Area.

The theme of tonight is destined to be nostalgia.

Because nearly half of the artists on stage are old Hong Kong stars over forty.

At their peak, they contributed the best entertainment content to the people across the country.

Whether it is music or film and television works, even if they are available now, they are all classics that are difficult to surpass.

In this rotten era, people find that even the recognized garbage works of the past are comparable to many excellent works now, let alone those recognized classics.

So in fact, netizens really like internal entertainment to drive backwards. If you go back 20 years, internal entertainment will be more exciting than it is now.

But flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again.

The era of those old Hong Kong stars has passed, but at least occasionally they can still show the grandeur of the past.

The gala in the Greater Bay Area is such a stage, and with Brother Chen Long taking the stage for the first time to sing, this elderly storm belonging to Hong Kong stars has finally begun to blow.

As the only international superstar in the party, Brother Chen Long's status is quite manageable even in front of Luo Quan.

Although it is rare to have two consecutive Oscar winners, the Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award is not bad at all.

Especially compared to the popularity abroad, Luoquan may be better in Europe and America now, but if it is in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Brother Chen Long is definitely a thunderous existence.

This is a superstar who only needs to mention his name to get politicians from various countries to facilitate his filming. If necessary, even the army can be used.

Decades of hard work have already made him a cultural symbol and a symbol of an era.

And Luoquan is now working hard to develop in this area, but it is quite close to success.

Perhaps in another ten years, when she gradually loses popularity, people at that time will say more naturally when they mention the second decade of the 21st century: that is the era of Luo Quan.

If such a thing happened, Luo Quan would be quite satisfied.

As for whether she can remain popular until 2030, to be honest, she really doesn't dare to think about it, but it's not like she has a chance to do it.

Like Brother Chen Long, who is over 60 and still refuses to accept his old age, making action movies.

It's just that the vision of choosing partners is really bad, so after the news of the shooting of the new movie came out, it was complained by many netizens.

But the complaints belong to the complaints. When he took the stage, the barrage of "Brother Chen Long" and "Uncle Long" still represented the respect of countless generations born in the 90s and 00s.

As the lead singer of Welcome to the Capital, Brother Chen Long's status in the entertainment arena is well-deserved.

Of course, no matter how high the status is, you still have to lip-sync.

Although Brother Chen Long was a singer when he debuted, he is a kung fu superstar after all. In terms of singing skills, he can only be said to be full of emotion, but his skills are a bit lackluster.

When I was young, I was able to hold those passionate songs with the strength I learned from martial arts, but now, it is a fact that I have to admit that the hero is getting old.

Therefore, Brother Chen Long took the initiative to lip-sync. Compared with the high probability of broken voice and shortness of breath, he felt that it is better to dedicate the best singing voice to the audience.

Of course, if this is the stage of an action movie, then he will definitely play in person.

After singing "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant", the scene has already heated up.

The arrangement of this concert is very interesting, Hong Kong stars and domestic entertainment artists will take turns on stage.

After Brother Chen Long finished his performance, Brother Hua took the stage next.

Ever since his method became popular all over the Internet, Brother Hua has gone farther and farther on the road of maverick.

In the past, he could still sing well, nothing more than being obsessed with high notes, but if he encounters a song that allows him to play to his strengths, he can still produce a satisfactory performance.

But I don't know if he wants to compete with netizens, or if he is really carried away by fans.

He became obsessed with the practice.

The so-called method is to sing songs in various ways that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, including but not limited to piercing ghost screams, body movements with unclear meanings, and clothing and makeup that exceed the aesthetics of normal people.

Brother Hua is currently terminally ill, and watching him perform on stage is a torment.

But for netizens, it is also a kind of expectation.

Because everyone is curious about what kind of good work this leader can bring to everyone.

But this time, there is no way to spend a lot of time. Not only is the dress normal, but the singing style of the selected song has also become normal.

However, I don't know if he has forgotten how to sing the song because he has practiced too much.

He didn't even open his mouth for three sentences, and this time the stage was turned into a scene of a car accident.

The timbre is broken, the breath is insufficient, the treble is harsh, and the intonation is out of tune. These situations that only passers-by with penitentiary insufficiency will appear, all of which happened to Brother Hua.

When he sang his part, the faces of the audience and the director behind the stage changed.

The specifications of this gala are based on the Spring Festival Gala. What are the specifications of the Spring Festival Gala?
I would rather lip-sync than allow the scene of a car accident, and dedicate myself to the most perfect performance for the audience.

However, this gala is not as strict as the Spring Festival Gala after all. In addition, in order to reflect the strength of domestic entertainment singers, as long as the singers are willing, they can choose to sing for real.

And Brother Hua confidently chose to sing.

Before that, no matter how he went crazy, at least the public recognized his singing skills.

Even if he wasn't as good as those veterans in the industry, at least he was much better than fresh meat, so the director team didn't worry too much about his performance.

Who would have thought that it would be rotten like this now.

And it's fine if he overturns the car, the key is that his song is sung by two people, and the other singer is the lead singer of a rock band in Xiangjiang.

This band is not very famous, basically only the Greater Bay Area is relatively famous, let alone the lead singer. Compared with Hua Ge, the traffic is sky high and underground.

But after he spoke, the difference in singing skills between the two was inversely proportional to their popularity on the Internet.

This little-known lead singer of the band directly beat Brother Hua to nothing.

So much so that after Brother Hua finished singing, there were overwhelming curses on the barrage. As soon as the Hong Kong star opened his mouth, everyone immediately brushed up "Like listening to fairy music and your ears are bright".

Fortunately, the singer couldn't see the barrage, otherwise Brother Hua's mentality might explode.

However, even though the lead singer of the band played so well, he still couldn't stand Hua Ge's historical performance, and ultimately failed to prevent the performance from turning into the scene of a car accident.

It can only be said that it was originally a series of rear-end collisions by dump trucks, but now it has become a car.

Although they were all tragic, at least the latter still left a whole body.

And Brother Hua's collapse seems to have set the tone for today's internal entertainment singer's collapse.

The few young people who appeared after him either lip-synced or sang without skill at all, all of them were high-definition.

As for Xiangjiang, except for those who are too old to sing, they basically sing for real, and their level is quite good.

The contrast between the front and the back made the whole party show a huge sense of tearing.

It is often a person who sings so that netizens are immersed in the music and enjoy the expression.

Then one came up immediately, polluting everyone's ears with hoarse and mocking singing.

It is probably more appropriate to describe it as fragrant and smelly.

Moreover, the group of fragrant people and the group of smelly people belong to two entertainment circles, and the contrast is extremely sharp.

"The entertainment is here?"

Soon some people asked questions in the barrage, and even more people scolded these traffic stars with no strength for daring to come to this stage.

And just when the dissatisfaction of the audience was about to overflow, Luo Quan and Shen Zhou finally appeared on the stage.

The two of them are like the saviors of domestic entertainment, carrying the expectations of countless people.

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