Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1180 The last fig leaf of domestic entertainment

Chapter 1180 The last fig leaf of domestic entertainment ([-])
ps. "Big Fish" recommends Zhou Shen and Guo Qin's chorus version.


"The waves silently drowned the night
Over the corners of the sky

The big fish swims through the gap in the dream

staring at your sleeping silhouette

There was no foreshadowing, and the audience did not have the slightest defense.

A few seconds after the two stood still on the stage, Shen Zhou began to sing.

Today is the most handsome moment in his life. Wearing a blue suit and a spiritual hairstyle, he looks glamorous.

He was already handsome, but after a little dressing up, he became quite handsome, so as soon as he took the stage, countless female fans started to send barrage and cheer.

Originally, this behavior of comparing fan circles would easily arouse the disgust of passers-by, but Shen Zhou's recent limelight is rarely matched on the Internet.

Capable people can always be tolerated and liked by everyone, not to mention that Shen Zhou won the championship without any disputes, no one can say that he is half dissatisfied.

Therefore, the current popularity of thousands of people is a reward for his strength and popularity.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone knew that he was singing for real this time. The unmodified natural timbre was completely different from the sound from the recording studio.

It was Shen Zhou's singing that shocked many Hong Kong stars in the audience.

Originally, when they saw the singers in front of them performing so well, they felt a little bit like a joke.

As a result, a newcomer who hadn't heard much before came up suddenly, and he sang so well.

The key point is that he sang a section of Luo Quan and continued with a long chorus. His voice was pure and ethereal, and the quality of the treble was unbelievably perfect. As soon as the head voice came out, everyone's scalps were numb.

It feels like there are no longer two singers, but two sea monsters singing on stage.

The sound of the ancient siren came from the speakers, making all the audience look fascinated.

And that's not the best part of the song.

The current performance of Shen Zhou and Luo Quan can be said to be as good as all the singers in front of them.

But compared with their own peak level, they are still a lot worse.

Shen Zhou won the championship with a perfect performance of "Listen" on the stage of the finals of the fan club before, but the singing skills he has shown now can only be described as stable.

It is said that Shen Zhou was born learning bel canto, but music fans really haven't heard much about him singing bel canto.

If he still plays normally this time, the strict fans can only give him 6 points.

Of course, Shen Zhou's passing score is also a level that his peers in domestic entertainment cannot match.

After all, the smaller the ability, the smaller the responsibility. No one would expect a group of fresh meat that a bunch of capital has slammed to sing at the level of the national team.

As for Luo Quan, she has jumped out of the Three Realms and is no longer in the Five Elements. No one will compare her with anyone.

The two sang at this level, which can only be said to be normal.

Nice, but not amazing enough.

And just when netizens were worried that the song would end in a calm situation, Gao Neng finally came.

"See you fly away, see you fly away from me
So you were born to belong to the sky
Every drop of tear, flow to you
back to the first encounter

After singing this point, Luo Quan and Shen Zhou looked at each other, and decided to start amplifying their moves.

After the second chorus, the sound of the accompaniment did not weaken, but became more passionate.

And at the moment when all the emotions were brewing to their peak, Shen Zhou held up the microphone, and amid Luo Quan's singing, he uttered a series of long and high-pitched words that trembled in ears.

Moreover, Luo Quan and his high notes came and went one after another, and in the final stage they overlapped together, creating a bel canto duet that stunned everyone.

This kind of performance, which can be called a work of art, directly raised the level of the entire stage by at least three grades.

The haze accumulated due to the collapse of those domestic entertainment fresh meat before was swept away by the invasion of this beautiful sound.

Probably because the performance of the two of them was too amazing. After Luo Quan and Shen Zhou took the curtain call together, many people at the scene still kept expressions of shock.

Although Hong Kong music is classic and widely sung, it is mainly guava and its form is relatively old.

And Big Fish ingeniously added bel canto to popular songs, which is definitely a bold and talented attempt.

This kind of singing without lyrics is a test of the singer's emotions and singing skills. If the singing is not good, it will make the scene quite awkward, giving people a feeling of shouting.

It is worth mentioning that Brother Hua sitting in the audience is one of the domestic pioneers of this singing style.

As early as when he debuted on the talent show, he used a wordless song to let everyone remember his boldness and grotesqueness.

Brother Hua, who got up early, still has some ideas, and wants to dig out a performance path that is different from the traditional singing method.

However, in recent years, he has gone crazy, singing for the sake of singing, and high-pitched for the sake of high-pitched. He doesn't care at all whether the whole song sounds good or not, and finally comes up with a four-dimensional image.

And Luo Quan and Shen Zhou's "Big Fish" is a perfect singing textbook. After the fusion of pop and bel canto, the level of the song instantly becomes advanced.

The enduring applause from the audience and the applause from countless audiences on the barrage are the greatest recognition of this song.

However, this has also become the only highlight of domestic entertainment, and the singers who will appear next can only be described as broken and barely audible.

Only a very small number of people performed well, but they were all completely inferior to the old and vigorous Hong Kong stars
The good news is that with Luo Quan and Shen Zhouzhuyu in front, it doesn't matter how well the Hong Kong stars perform. They have given up the limelight tonight.

As the party was nearing its end, Luo Quan, as the finale star of the show, naturally came to the stage again.

Apart from her, the star who can appear on stage for the second time today is Brother Chen Long.

Brother Chen Long started and she came to finish. This arrangement can be said to be quite appropriate.

"The next song is called "Thousand Thousand Que Songs". It can be regarded as a half-new song. I hope everyone will like it."

Many Hong Kong stars in the audience widened their eyes, because the four characters Qianqianque's song were actually in Cantonese. Could it be that Luo Quan wanted to sing a Cantonese song?

Uh... It seems that it is not impossible. She has released a few Cantonese songs before, and they are all pretty good. I don't know how this one is.

"Looking back slowly, the night that once belonged to each other
Honghong is still you, giving me the sunshine in my heart

..................... "

The Cantonese with a correct accent is as clear as those born in a TVB class, and it even gives people a sense of noble death from a rich family.

A group of Hong Kong stars were a little unbelievable. They didn't expect that the domestic entertainment singer could speak Cantonese so well, which was more standard than many Hong Kong locals.

But remembering that Luo Quan is a linguistics major, it seems that things are not so difficult to understand.

Of course, these minutiae are not the focus right now. The focus is on Luo Quan's song, which sounds a little too good.

Just the part of the main song is already very catchy, and it made many people feel rippling when they heard it.

Perhaps because the party was coming to an end, the atmosphere was here, and many celebrities raised their right hands and shook them to the beat of the music.

And the leader of all this was actually Luo Quan on stage.

Once again, she turned this collective evening into her own concert. When she got up to sing, she raised her hand for everyone to dance with her.

"Sing along to my rhythm!"

Luo Quan said something that made many celebrities dumbfounded.

It is obviously a new song, even if there are lyrics on the big screen behind her, it is difficult to sing along with it.

But soon, everyone found that the melody of this song was very familiar.

After listening to it for a while, I realized that this is "Song of the Sunset".

This Japanese song belongs to Luo Quan's early works, but the early ones belong to the early ones, but because the melody is really nice, the popularity has not been low, and quite a few people have listened to it.

So when Luo Quan shouted, there were actually a few celebrities in the audience, relying on the impression of the Japanese version of the song, they watched the lyrics on the big screen and sang.

After coming to the chorus, everyone hummed along with Luo Quan as if blessed to their hearts.

"The future will be a thousand songs

Floating far away on my way

The future will be thousands of evening stars
brighter than the moon tonight
Can't compare to this night's beauty
亦 绝 不 可 使 更 欣赏

Aha... because you are singing with me tonight

The very appropriate lyrics, coupled with Luo Quan's beautiful face and singing voice, gradually pushed the atmosphere of the whole party to the final climax.

And just after the main and chorus sang for the first time, two young Xiangjiang male artists ran onto the stage, holding a large bouquet of flowers in their hands.

There were no flowers at the party, and it was obvious that they came prepared to send her flowers at this moment.

It's a pity that these two bold artists are still not brave enough, otherwise they would have to yell at her on stage to confess their love after sending flowers.

But even so, such a situation beyond the program schedule still made the director team in the backstage dumbfounded, for fear that something unexpected would affect the final singing.

However, Luo Quan seemed to have discovered the effect of the show, and directly beckoned to keep them: "After listening to the song, do you remember how to sing?"

For those decades-old singers, after listening to the melody, they can usually sing the lyrics in a flurry.

The melody of the song "Song of Thousand Thousands of Ques" is not complicated, and it is catchy. Luo Quan believes that it is not too difficult for these professional singers.

Sure enough, the two young guys nodded.

"Then stay and sing together." Luo Quan said, looking directly at the audience, "I suggest, how about we all come up and sing together, it's the last song!"

"Okay." Brother Chen Long was the first to stand up and respond, followed by Hua Tsai, Ke Qin and a group of grandparents' singers.

They can basically sing after listening to it once, and some even memorized the lyrics of the chorus.

Under the leadership of a group of old seniors, the young people were no longer restrained at this moment, and stood up one after another.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of artists had already arrived on the stage, and the ones with the biggest names and best singing skills were all holding microphones in their hands and looking up at the teleprompter.

Luo Quan usually sings without looking at the teleprompter, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work.

At this time, it is the time for it to play a role.

Although everyone is not very familiar with this song, but the chorus, plus Luo Quan leading the singing, and the chorus part is more than the verse part, so the audience did not realize that this is a fresh song Released songs.

Even seeing their happy appearance, I thought it was a rehearsed program long ago.

In fact, this was completely Luo Quan's temporary idea.

She looked at the smiling stars around her, and she was very happy in her heart.

That's right, how can there be so many intrigues in a party, and there are so many comparisons.

Let the guests sing happily and the audience listen happily, isn't that enough?
Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help raising his volume, and sang the chorus for the second time:
"The future will be a thousand songs

Floating far away on my way

The future will be thousands of evening stars
brighter than the moon tonight

This time, it was a real chorus of the audience.

I have listened to such a catchy melody again. If I still can't sing it, then my professional ability is quite doubtful.

Seeing such a harmonious and lively atmosphere on stage, the worried director team finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This scene was completely beyond their expectations, and Luo Quan did not notify anyone in advance.

They have been worried that if everyone can't sing, there will be a car accident scene, and then the whole party will be ruined.

Fortunately, they are lucky enough, and the level of Hong Kong stars is indeed high enough.

Don’t worry about messing up now, and thanks to Luo Quan’s ingenuity, this gala in the Greater Bay Area will also be recorded in history and become one of the most classic gala in the past ten years.

At the end of the song, surrounded by all the artists, Luo Quan was in the middle, thanking and saying goodbye to all the audience in front of the screen.

Standing beside her were Uncle Long and Hua Zai, the row was full.

After he came down, Director Ye who was in charge of the party was the first to find him.

This middle-aged man, who was nearly half a century old, seemed to be very weak. The corridor was full of air conditioners, and he was still wiping his sweat fiercely with a towel.

"Luo Quan, you are so messed up. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be so serious." Director Ye squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, "It's not that the effect just now was not good, but the risk is too great. big."

"I realized it after I yelled." Luo Quan lowered his head embarrassedly, "The main reason was that he was a little excited at the time, and subconsciously yelled out this sentence.

But everyone has come up, if they are blown down again, it will probably become an accident. "

"Fortunately, this whim of yours was not messed up, and now it has become a flash of inspiration." Director Ye laughed.

"I promise it won't be like this next time." Luo Quan said vowedly.

"Is there a next time?" Director Ye took a deep breath, felt dizzy, turned his head and left.

Luo Quan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, but finally laughed.

Without any surprise, the last program of the gala in the Greater Bay Area became the hottest trending topic tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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