Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1181 Everything is ready

Chapter 1181 Everything is ready
Although Luo Quan's self-assessed operation frightened a large group of people in the background.

But the final ending is good, a group of stars dedicated an extremely exciting evening for the audience.

The birth of many classics requires some bold imagination. Too many restrictions will greatly affect artistic creation.

After sleeping in the hotel for one night, Luo Quan flew back home early the next morning.

After she had almost packed her luggage, she had time to review netizens' comments on the party.

What's interesting is that the entry "Luoquan god-level scene" was on the hot search for a day last night, but Luoquan didn't see it.

After she got up, the entry was gone, and it was replaced by "a fig leaf for internal entertainment".

Although they were all talking about her, Luo Quan always felt a little weird about her appearance.

"Although Luo Quan's performance this time has successfully retained the reputation of domestic entertainment stars, but I have to say that most of the domestic entertainment singers' performances this time are too good. Overall, they were completely crushed by the veterans of Hong Kong stars."

This is the comment with the highest likes in the comment area, and there are quite a few similar complaints below, and the language is even more intense.

But this is not to blame the netizens, after all, many singers sang so badly last night that they couldn't even see it.

Fortunately, Luo Quan and Shen Zhou somewhat saved Nei Yu's face, so they were called the fig leaf of Nei Yu.

After dedicating his wonderful singing voice last night, Shen Zhou gained nearly a million fans overnight, his popularity skyrocketed, and a large number of videos related to him immediately appeared on Douyin.

According to this trend, it is only a matter of time before he becomes popular all over the Internet.

If the agency he signs with works well, it won't be a problem to market him as the most successful male singer of the year.

Don't think that marketing is a derogatory term. If you want to be popular in the Internet age, you need marketing. After all, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

Luo Quan himself does marketing, and this kind of thing is the same as advertising. As long as the marketing target is strong, netizens will never have any opinions.

Just like Shen Zhou, when the short video marketing him and the article on the official account were released, the comment section lamented the wisdom of his parents, his own efforts, and Luo Quan's insight, etc. No one would say anything offensive.

Except for some stupid fans who feel that their brother's status is threatened.

If Shen Zhou was the most popular male singer last night, then Brother Hua should be ranked second.

But Hua Ge's limelight, probably no one would want to get it.

He is also the only male singer who is the most searched for with the words "singing skills and diving".

Fans usually boast that he is almost blown to the sky. He holds a concert with various practices and performance art. Under the brainless praise, he really thinks that his singing skills are invincible.

As a result, last night, there was a non-repair sound full-on mic, and it was revealed in an instant, making a group of netizens laugh so hard that they couldn't even close their teeth.

And Shen Zhou performed so well last night, of course the two will be put together for comparison.

It was only after the comparison that I realized that the gap was simply one sky and one earth.

If Shen Zhou is at the level of the national team, then Brother Hua can at most be considered at the level of the big stage in the country. Putting the two together is embarrassing, and Shen Zhou should be on the side that will feel more embarrassing.

If it is replaced by other stars, it is estimated that someone who wants to buy it will already be blackmailed by the navy.

Fortunately, Shenzhou has been the most popular recently, and the popularity of passers-by is ridiculous.

At this time, if you want to rely on the navy to hack him, the success rate is almost zero.

So we can only wait until Shen Zhou makes his own mistakes, and then let the water army contribute, so that we can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

As for Shen Zhou's next plan, Luo Quan didn't ask much.

She asked Shen Zhou before if he was interested in signing with her company, and she would help solve the breach of the contract.

It's a pity that Shen Zhou didn't agree, and felt that his current company was pretty good, but he would not be able to adapt to an unfamiliar environment.

Probably because he didn't feel safe, so Shen Zhou chose to stay instead of boldly jumping out of his comfort zone.

After the gala in the Greater Bay Area, Luo Quan's fate with him was exhausted, but he didn't know if he would call himself Teacher Luo when they met in the future.

As for Shen Zhou's company, Luo Quan doesn't have much contact with it. I just hope that this company will not be short-sighted. Seeing Shen Zhou's current popularity, it will squeeze it crazily. If this kind of behavior of fishing in the dry lake continues for too long, it will hurt a celebrity's popularity.

Of course, since last night, how Shen Zhou develops has nothing to do with her.

She really cherishes talents and wants to sign this potential new star, but since he doesn't want to, she won't bother him too much.

Turning on the live broadcast, Luo Quan prepared to chat with fans, and then applied for a vacation. "

"Did everyone enjoy watching the live broadcast these days?" Luo Quan looked at the camera and smiled, "Every day is seven or eight hours, and sometimes it even lasts until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening, and I can show you new programs from time to time."

"When I heard Luo Bao's words, I knew she wanted to rest again."

"It's really hard work during this time, I'll give you a day off, don't be ignorant!"

"One day? Half a day feels a bit long to me."

"Haha, you really are not human, do you really treat Luo Bao as a donkey for the production team?"

"Actually, I really think that Luo Bao can rest for a while. I feel that she has slept well and woke up very early in the past few days."

"Business is like this, and I have to do shows, manage the company, and broadcast live, so I can only compress the rest time."

"Although Luo Quan is in good health, he can't act like this, so please rest for a few days."

"The previous ones are just jokes, if you want to rest, you can rest, don't worry about it so much."


This time, the fans stopped joking with Luo Quan, but sincerely advised her, wanting her to pay more attention to her body.

Although Luo Quan knew that there would be no problems with his body, he was still very moved when he saw this.

"Thank you for your concern. After today's live broadcast, I will rest for about half a month." Luo Quan raised his hand to straighten the camera, and said, "When I come back from the rest, the new album that I promised you before should also meet with you, so everyone just think that I am recording songs these days."

Luo Quan said, opened the web page of Weibo, and asked with a smile: "Have you watched the party last night? Is the song by Shen Zhou and me not bad?"

"It sounds good!"

"It severely swollen the faces of those ignorant singers."

"I usually don't like this kind of brutal behavior, but recently they have been so bad that they really need some whipping."

"The song is nice, and it's very refreshing."


Looking at the words of the netizens, Luo Quan was a little surprised: "So everyone is so resentful, I thought they were more concerned about whether the song is good or not, but in the end they would care about things other than the song."

The fans didn't quite agree with Luo Quan's views, and corrected:

"These are the things about the song. If a singer can't even sing well, he has to be scolded!"

"If you don't scold now, you'll be really bad in the future, but you won't be able to scold anymore."

"To be reasonable, it actually died a long time ago. It's just that Luo Quan supported it, so everyone thinks it's not very serious."

"Imagine what the current music scene would be like without Luo Bao?"

"Damn, when you said that, I just burst into tears."

"So Luo Bao is really important to everyone, and we will never persecute her again."

"So you used to persecute her often?"

"Haha, I haven't seen many good people in the barrage."


If this kind of thought can be said, Luo Quan himself will not care too much about it, who knows if it is a joke or a real sunspot, it may be a little bit of both.

"You can see why netizens are so angry and disgusted if you look at the third most searched topic."

At this time, a paid barrage appeared at the top of the screen.

"The third hot search?" Luo Quan saw this text, and immediately clicked on the hot search, which showed that Brother Hua joined the professional team of the chicken eating mobile game and will appear in the competition in seven days.

"It's awesome, Brother Hua is still developing in multiple directions."

"If you can't sing, you should switch to playing e-sports, right?"

"I thought he would have some sense of shame, at least he sang so badly last night, at least he had to apologize, and then vowed to work harder in the future, who knows."

"Sure enough, people are shameless and invincible in the world."

"Brother Hua is planning to follow the black and red route to the end."

"I haven't even understood my main business yet, and now I'm working hard in another line. This is really..."

"It's not bad that netizens sprayed him, it's true that he's not so clear-headed."

"Luo Bao, as the king of the League of Legends player, you can be regarded as a small half of the e-sports reserve team. How do you comment on this?"


Seeing the turbulent barrage of fans, Luo Quan was also in a delicate mood at the moment, she frowned, and said with a smile: "It's hard to comment, the interlacing is like a mountain, singing has nothing to do with e-sports, and I don't know the specific level of Brother Hua.

But since he dared to be a professional player, there must be something, otherwise it would be embarrassing. "

"That's what I said, Brother Hua has become like that in singing, don't you still dare to go to the gala in the Greater Bay Area to embarrass yourself?"

"That's true. After all, trees don't need bark, so they will surely die. People are shameless, and they are invincible."

"I think this may be another milestone in Brother Hua's life, and his undefined career will become even more hated by everyone."

"At the same time, it will also leave a strong mark on the history of China's e-sports."


For these comments from fans, Luo Quan pursed his lips, suppressing a smile in his heart.

After all, he is also in the entertainment industry, if he looks up and sees down, if he really laughs out loud, it will be too offensive.

Although her comment just now, in the eyes of Brother Hua's fans, they have offended their giegie.

But in this kind of tide where the whole network is forbearing, her relatively large wave is not so conspicuous.

After all, everyone was trolling, and who would pull her out alone? Instead of laning against a girl who was obviously unaffected by herself, it was better to use a lawyer's letter to scare those netizens.

This is the psychology of pollen analyzed by Luo Quan, which is not too different from the reality.

The live broadcast lasted for about three hours. After Luo Quan finished drawing the pancakes after the break, the fans were finally willing to let her go.

Although they talked about letting her have a good rest and take care of her body, they still hoped to see Luo Quan every day.

But flesh and blood will always be tired, no matter how much you like Luo Bao, you can't squeeze her like this, so the argument in the comment area is relatively unified, that is, let Luo Quan enjoy this short vacation.

When I come back from this short holiday, I don't think there will be any chance to rest in the second half of the year.

Speaking of it, every vacation in Luoquan seems to happen in summer.

Last year, the rest period was even longer. It lasted for more than a month, which made netizens think she was pregnant. She was afraid that everyone would see her pregnant belly, which is why she didn't show up for so long.

Fortunately, Luo Quan only disappeared for a month before reappearing. If it took longer, maybe those good-natured people would actually arrange for her a son to come out.

Although according to Benjamin III, she will definitely have a son in the future, which is an irreversible reality.

Of course, at present it seems that there is no soil for such a thing to happen.

After all, the system has guaranteed her that nothing strange will happen to her.

Coupled with the protective power given by Ye Zhining, Luo Quan was quite at ease.

But if it is true that she will be pregnant, Luo Quan hopes that she is pregnant with a daughter.

The daughter is so good, beautiful and obedient, she will not be as active and naughty as boys, and she will not do all kinds of behaviors that make her mother angry during the rebellious period. I don’t know how much less trouble it takes to take care of a daughter than a son.

In Luo Quan's mind, it would be quite successful if he could be brought into the same shape as Lyon.

Although his father is very unreliable, Leon does not look like a dude at all, nor has he contracted any bad habits, and his three views are also very upright, which can be called a benchmark among rich children.

But this depends more or less on what his grandfather and the Queen of England taught him when he was a child, and has nothing to do with his father.

Luo Quan has raised children, but has never educated others, so he takes it for granted that daughters are easier to take care of than sons. This is preconceived based on himself as a reference.

In fact, whether it is a son or a daughter, if the method is not appropriate, it will be difficult to take care of it, and the child's own personality is also an important factor.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan felt that it would be better not to take it with her. She hasn't realized it yet, how can she be a good mother?

"Sleep baby, when you wake up, we will start the rest of the journey."

In Wen Xia's room, Luo Quan smiled and said to her in a mother-like tone.

"Are you out of your mind?" Wen Xia gave Luo Quan a white look, "Hurry up and go back to your room to sleep, don't play tricks on me."

Luo Quan didn't speak, and left the room silently, planning to come in after Wen Xia fell asleep.

The preparations for the girl in the universe have been basically completed. When Wen Xia wakes up, she will be surprised to find that she has come to a brand new world.

(End of this chapter)

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