Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1182 The World View Collapses

This time Wen Xia slept for a long time, it felt like at least ten hours.

She dreamed that she was traveling in the bright sea of ​​stars, flying over thousands of alien worlds, and witnessed countless bizarre scenes.

In the end, her body stayed outside a huge planet, but her gaze pierced through the clouds, clearly looking down on all living beings on the earth.

This planet looks very similar to the earth, but the technology is highly developed, far more advanced than the earth. Everything that appears in her field of vision is something she seems to have known but can't name at all.

What's even more outrageous is that she actually saw Luo Quan's appearance on this planet. Isn't that ridiculous? Wen Xia realized that she must be dreaming here, and even unconsciously smiled.


Smiling, Wen Xia opened her eyes.

The things in the dream just made her quite fond of aftertaste. It probably means that she is going to the United States soon, so she thinks about it every day and dreams about it at night.

Just when she was about to turn over and get out of bed to pack her luggage, she suddenly froze.

"Wait a minute, where is this place?"

Wen Xia looked at the completely unfamiliar room in front of her, her pupils trembling violently.

Everything in front of me is so strange, as if I have come to a brand new world!Moreover, the decoration style here is very similar to what I just overlooked, and they all have a sense of futuristic technology.

"I must have not woken up yet." Wen Xia closed her eyes and fell back directly.

Damn, even the touch of the pillow is so dreamy, as comfortable as lying on a cloud, if a person with insomnia lies on it, he will fall asleep in about 5 minutes, right?

Wen Xia thought so, and then opened her eyes again.

Should be able to wake up from the dream this time, right?

However, what appeared in front of my eyes was still the same as before I closed my eyes, without any change.

Wen Xia stared as if she had seen a ghost, and then slapped herself hard.

"Woo~~It hurts!" Wen Xia almost burst into tears, this slap was too hard, she estimated that her face should be red right now.

Perhaps the slap was so loud that it attracted everyone from the next room.

The door opened quietly, and Luo Quan, who had already changed his attire, walked in.

"Luoluo!" Wen Xia straightened up suddenly, and shouted in surprise: "What's going on, I feel like I'm dreaming!"

Luo Quan chuckled: "Is it a dream? You'll know if you slap yourself?"

"I've already slapped it once." Wen Xia rubbed her cheek that was still in pain, pouted and said, "It hurts so much, it's not a dream at all!"

"It wasn't a dream in the first place. Everything you see now is real." Luo Quan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the wall in front of Wen Xia became a super-clear big screen under the effect of projection.

And the above broadcast is a promotional video produced by Huanyuxing to recruit immigrants from various planets. It is called "Welcome to Huanyu".

The subtitles of the video have been translated into Chinese. Wen Xia's mouth was big enough to stuff an apple after watching it.

There really is an alien civilization?She felt that her worldview had collapsed.

"I'd rather believe that I'm dreaming, otherwise it's really hard to convince myself." Wen Xia said with trembling lips, then slowly raised her palm, ready to give herself another blow.

"Okay, no matter how much you hurt yourself, you can't change this reality." Luo Quan took Wen Xia's hand, "You should feel excited and lucky, because you are probably the second earthling to come to the universe. As a pioneer in exploring alien civilization, you will definitely have a place in the history of the earth in the future!"

"I'm a little embarrassed by what you said." Wen Xia laughed dryly, obviously still a little uncomfortable with everything in front of her.

Luo Quan was not surprised by Wen Xia's depressed appearance.

When most people encounter this situation, they will become skeptical of life, just spend more time and figure it out.

"By the way, Xiaomiao, Chenchen, and the former Yanqing, Zhining, and Xingwei are all from Huanyu, and I made up that so-called island."

At this time, Luo Quan chose to tell the whole truth.

"That's it." Wen Xia raised her head, "No wonder, I just said how could there be a country of daughters in the world, it turns out that they are all aliens, no wonder they are all so beautiful."

"Don't think that aliens must be superior to people on Earth." Luo Quan patted Wen Xia on the shoulder, "With your looks, you can definitely be called a rare beauty even in Huanyu. Be confident, even if you come to aliens, you can rely on your previous skills to make a living here!"

"It seems to be so reasonable." Wen Xia's eyes sparkled again, "It turns out that what you said about redeveloping the idol business is to develop in Huanyu. Compared with the United States, being an idol in an alien planet is indeed more challenging."

"What is the United States?" Luo Quan crossed his arms and said in a very provocative tone: "In Huanyu, there is no such thing as an idol at all?

Your combination of singing and dancing will be a unique skill here, I am ready to host an idol talent show called Huanyu Girls, which Huanyu has never had a career before!

Before you, there were no idols in the world, after you, you will become a famous girl idol in the world! "

Seeing Luo Quan's hands gradually raised to the sky, something called fighting spirit began to burn in Wen Xia's eyes, as if a special force had injected into her body for a moment.

"Okay!" Wen Xia couldn't help applauding, "After living for so many years, I finally found a place where I can display what I have learned all my life! I hope that in Huanyu, I can really become an idol that sweeps the world!"

"Global?" Luo Quan laughed loudly, "Xia Xiazi, your vision is too narrow, the Huanyu star is the mother star of the Huanyu civilization, and this civilization has tens of millions of human planets like this!
And our program this time will not only be broadcast across the world, but also civilizations in other parts of the universe can watch it, so our goal is to sweep the universe! "

Hearing Luo Quan's words, Wen Xia was a little dizzy: "Sweeping the universe is too far away, I'm a little scared when I hear it."

"How bold a person is, how productive the land is, Wen Xia, if you don't even dare to think about it, how can you realize it?" Luo Quan patted Wen Xia's shoulder, and said earnestly: "The first step for a person to become famous is to start dreaming."

"It makes my blood boil." Wen Xia rubbed the goosebumps on her arms, looked at Luo Quan and said curiously: "Speaking of which, what level of appearance can you rank in this universe?
There are more than 1000 million planets, and each planet has 100 billion people..."

Wen Xia broke her fingers, and found that the number was so large that she couldn't imagine it at all. It couldn't be calculated with fingers, and it might not be enough with toes.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Wen Xia suddenly had a bad premonition, "You won't tell me that you are also the number one beauty in the universe, right?"

"I'm sorry, the one standing in front of you is Luo Quan, the number one beauty in the universe." Luo Quan said shyly, hanging her head.

"Why are you so shy!" Wen Xia was speechless, "Do you dare to hit me a little more?"

"Didn't I want to be more modest?" Luo Quan sighed helplessly, "Actually, after I got here, my appearance has improved to a certain extent, which is related to some supernatural phenomena in the universe.

In short, if you are particularly good at a certain aspect, you will obtain a state called entering the Tao. If you enter this state, then you want to become more and more powerful.

Sometimes you don't even need to practice, and you can become stronger while lying down and sleeping. It is worth mentioning that any profession can enter the Tao, such as being a star or being an idol. "

"I've seen alien civilizations, I won't be surprised what you say to me now." Wen Xia looked as if it should be taken for granted, thinking that everything in front of her was quite normal.

"Actually, ever since I improved my appearance, I have always shown people my previous face, and not many people have seen my true face." Luo Quan then told Wen Xia another fact.

"Why, are you afraid that you are too beautiful to make everyone beautiful?" Wen Xia laughed, "Can you stop being so narcissistic, my Luo Bao."

"I'm really not joking with you." Luo Quan looked serious, "The specific situation is more complicated, and you will know it slowly in the future."

"By the way, what do you mean by your current attire?" Wen Xia asked curiously, "Why do you dress like a Greek goddess? Is this the aesthetics of the universe now?"

Luo Quan rolled his eyes: "If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, okay? This is the Holy Virgin's garment specially made for me by the Church of Dawn. It is very comfortable to wear at home.

I also have another holy robe, which I will show you when I have a chance to wear it. "

"Holy Mother... Dawn Church..." Wen Xia frowned, "Are you still a believer?"

"That's not true." Luo Quan shook his head, "It's just that there is a Church of Dawn here, and they insist that I am their Virgin, and that the Holy Son will appear in my stomach in the future, so I will become a Virgin. Even if I am an atheist, it doesn't matter."

Wen Xia almost laughed out loud: "Why does this sound the same as the plot of the book?"

She remembered that there was a folklore in the past. It was said that there was a temple in a certain place that was very spiritual for seeking children. No matter if you were infertile or eunuch, as long as you sent your wife to the temple for two nights, you could give birth to a big fat boy in ten months.

You can even conceive without having sex with your wife. It's a hundred trials!

As for what exactly happened, maybe only the Buddha himself knows.

When Wen Xia heard Luo Quan's words, the story immediately came to mind, and she found it absurd and funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Quan felt that Wen Xia's smile was a bit malicious.

"No." Wen Xia quickly waved her hand, "I'm just worried, are you really not going to be taken advantage of? Did that holy son really appear out of thin air?"

"Taking advantage of me?" Luo Quan folded his chest confidently, "You may not even know who I am now, the girl who was my manager before was Ye Zhining, she is the ruler of one of the two most civilized countries in the universe.

At the same time, Ye Zhining is also one of my good friends in this world. In other words, this famous empress is covering me now! "

"It turns out that Zhining still has such an identity!" Wen Xia was stunned, it sounded much more powerful than the Queen of England.

"I forgot to tell you that in this world, after you have clarified your own way, if you practice seriously, your cultivation will increase very quickly.

Just like me, now I belong to both martial arts and celebrities, and I can kill an elephant with one punch! Luo Quan waved his fist, trying to make his image more convincing.

"So I have a chance to advance by leaps and bounds?" Wen Xia's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Then what is my way, I want to become stronger immediately!"

"Isn't your Tao an idol?" Luo Quan smiled slightly, "This is your dream since childhood, why do you ask me when it is about to come true?"

"Yes, my way is to be an idol." Wen Xia seemed to be enlightened, her eyes immediately became clear, and the energy in her body changed drastically.

A burst of energy waves swayed in all directions, shaking Luo Quan's hair in all directions.

"Damn, what's going on?" Luo Quan asked the system in surprise.

The system replied: "As the first genuine idol in Huanyu, even if no one knows her now, it is quite normal for a new avenue to appear.

Looking at this fluctuation, Wen Xia has already broken through to the blood quenching level. "

"Why!" Luo Quan yelled extremely aggrieved, "It took so much effort for him to break through to Fanshe, and when she came to Huanyu, she was only one level away from me. How could such a thing happen?"

"The first idol in the universe, it's normal to have this kind of treatment. After the show is broadcast, you will see how fast she becomes stronger, which is definitely beyond your imagination!"

Luo Quan sighed at the words of the system, but soon became curious again: "What is the way of this idol? What is the specific performance?"

The way of music is to use melody to make people enter the illusion, or transform into reality.

The way of movies is to create a real world and then formulate the rules of this world.

As for idols, it's not about designing a character to make people look after them, right?
"The way of idols is similar to that of stars, and the forms of expression are very easy to make people like, people can't help but like them, and pursue them with extraordinary emotions!"

Hearing this, Luo Quan muttered: "It sounds like being obsessed with fanatical fans. Could it be that you make all fans obedient?"

"That's understandable."

"Awesome!" Luo Quan was really convinced now.

This is almost the same effect as when her charm is fully activated, but this one is more like a weapon that causes damage to the body, and the charm ability is more like an accessory.

And Wen Xia is a complete mental manipulation. In a relatively stable environment like Huanyu, it is obvious that Wen Xia is more popular!

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