Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1183 Brave New World Again

"What are you thinking, why are you so stunned?"

Wen Xia waved her hand in front of Luo Quan: "I still have something to ask you. How is this program arranged? Should I go straight to the first round, or start with the audition?"

Luo Quan came back to his senses and said without hesitation: "I definitely want to participate in the audition. If I give you a backdoor, why don't you just let you be the champion?"

"It's exactly what I want. If I didn't get the qualifications based on my ability, I would think it would be boring to advance." Wen Xia looked very confident.

Since the concept of girl idols did not exist in this world before she came, her advantages must be enormous.

And Luo Quan also said that her beauty is also a rare beauty in Huanyu, so there is no need to worry about not being liked by fans.

The right time, the right place, and the right people, no matter how you look at it, I have the advantage.

If it's like this and you can't even pass the audition, then Wen Xia thinks she should stop doing this idol dream.

"It's best for you to have this awareness." Luo Quan smiled and nodded.

In fact, they say to be fair and just, but people often have double standards, and Luoquan is no exception.

If Wen Xia really shows signs of being eliminated, even if she is scolded, she will escort Wen Xia all the way into a group.

It's easy to say that it's easy to say, but how many people can keep practicing it?
Anyway, Luo Quan felt that if he faced such a situation, he would definitely be unable to help his relatives.

But fortunately, Wen Xia's strength lies there, and there is a high probability that this show can be promoted without her help.

If Wen Xia is really strong enough to not need her help, that would be the best situation.

"By the way, this is for you." Luo Quan took out a candy and a watch-shaped machine from his pocket.

"After eating this candy, you can immediately learn several official languages ​​of Huanyu, which is convenient and quick.

As for this watch, you can understand it as a mobile phone of Huanyu, and it is smarter than any smart phone you have ever seen. You can search for everything you want to see with a simple move of your mind. "

As Luo Quan said, he stuffed the sugar into Wen Xia's mouth directly, and then helped her put on the watch.

"Is it reliable?" Wen Xia pinched her neck and swallowed the candy before she had time to chew, not knowing what it tasted like.

Luo Quan gave her a blank look: "Huanyu's technology is beyond your imagination, it's just learning a language, what harm will it do to you?"

As soon as the words fell, Wen Xia blinked.

She found that she suddenly had a lot of knowledge in her mind, and she directly mastered several foreign languages!

"I'm going, it's amazing!" Wen Xia cheered in surprise, "This sugar is too powerful, it feels so unscientific!"

"It's actually very scientific." Luo Quan stretched out the instruction booklet of this candy that can master foreign languages ​​quickly, and read aloud: "The main component of this candy is protein with a lot of pheromones, and you can master knowledge within five to ten seconds after eating it.

In order to make the candy more delicious, we added the taste of honey, which will feel soft and sweet after eating..."

"It sounds okay." Wen Xia pouted, "It's a pity that you stuffed it too quickly, and I swallowed it without tasting the taste."

"Okay, don't be like Grandma Liu who has never seen the world." Luo Quan patted Wen Xia on the shoulder and said, "Huanyu has a lot of delicacies, and there will be opportunities to taste them in the future."

"Speaking of which, is your Going Back to Fengchi Kua a dish brought back by Huanyu?" Wen Xia suddenly thought of this, looked at Luo Quan and asked, "It can make people younger, and it looks like an alien black technology."

"Smart." Luo Quan gave her a thumbs up, "It was cooked by Zhi Ning's mother, and her status in Huanyu is the Queen Mother of the Holy Tang Dynasty."

Wen Xia suddenly covered her mouth in surprise: "It's actually the queen mother who cooked the soup herself, that's too embarrassing!"

Luo Quan smiled: "Thinking too much, everyone has a share of this soup, as long as they are residents in the imperial capital, they can drink it."

"That's it." Wen Xia's enthusiasm suddenly cooled a lot.

But no matter what, the soup is made by the Queen Mother, which is definitely a rare thing. It is not a loss to taste a bowl of this worldly delicacy for free.

"Okay, you just learn first. I'll announce the official start of the Huanyu Girls program later. I've already signed up for the audition for you. The rest is up to you."

Luo Quan stood up after speaking, and walked out of the room while talking.

Wen Xia lowered her head and nodded her watch. The light curtain that appeared in front of her made her marvel at the wonder of this world again, and then she was completely immersed in it.

Back in her room, Bai Xingwei was reading a book on the sofa, and Li Xiaomiao was eating fruit on the other side of the sofa.

"How about it, sister Wen Xia doesn't think she can't accept it?" Xiao Miao asked Luo Quan with a half-gnawed fruit in her hand.

Luo Quan chuckled: "Wen Xia's ability to accept is much stronger than you imagined. It only took less than 3 minutes to accept everything here, and she integrated quite quickly."

"I'd better pay more attention, maybe I just accepted it on the surface, but I was still quite shocked inside, so maybe there are some mental problems." Bai Xingwei picked up a cup of hot tea, gently blew away the foam on his face, and took a sip.

"She has broken through to the blood quenching state." Luo Quan said in a low voice.


Bai Xingwei, who just drank hot tea, sprayed Luo Quan's face directly: "You...what did you say?!"

"Nice job." Luo Quan gave Bai Xingwei a thumbs up, "You are also the first one to spit on the Virgin of Dawn."

"Don't change the subject!" Bai Xingwei hugged Luo Quan's arm and shook it: "You said that Wen Xia broke through to the blood quenching level, but how is this possible!"

"But the reality is like this." Luo Quan wiped off the tea on his face with a tissue, "As the first girl idol in the universe, just now, after clarifying what path she wants to take, she made a breakthrough immediately and jumped two big steps in a row."

"There is such a thing!" Bai Xingwei's eyes fell into confusion, "Is it really so easy to break through to be a star? This efficiency is too exaggerated!"

"Actually, each has its pros and cons." Luo Quan chuckled, and began to analyze with Bai Xingwei: "Although being a celebrity can improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, there are always disadvantages in taking shortcuts.

That is, if you are popular and popular enough, your strength will of course remain at a very strong level.

But if your popularity starts to decline and you become more and more cold, your strength will also drop rapidly. Although it will not return to zero, it is very likely that you will reach a small level, or even a large level!
Yanqing is the most typical example. She was a strong person at the Taoist level in her peak period, but now she has fallen out of the Taoist level.

But at least he has been to that state, and if he devotes himself to cultivation, the possibility of returning to the peak is very high. "

Hearing this, Bai Xingwei sighed: "That doesn't seem to be a bad thing, as long as you keep your popularity high, can you stay in the realm without falling?"

"It's true to say so, but it's really difficult."

"No matter how difficult it is, it is easier than practicing." Bai Xingwei sighed, "This makes me want to debut as an idol. If I can share some of the wishes provided by the fans, maybe I can directly break through the realm above the divine refinement."

"It doesn't matter whether you can become popular or not. Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points depend on luck." Luo Quan said with a smile on his face, and said in a very seductive tone: "But at least the show Girls of the Universe will definitely become popular. If you want to try it, you might be able to get a ride with her."

"Is it really that easy?" Bai Xingwei hesitated, "But I can't sing or dance, it seems a bit late to learn now."

"As long as you are willing to improve, it's never too late to study." Luo Quan put his hands on his hips as a gesture of encouragement: "With your learning ability, even if you start studying now, it's definitely too late. Besides, your conditions are so good, it would be a pity if you don't make your debut."

Hearing this, Bai Xingwei finally made up her mind, clenched her fists and said to Luo Quan: "Then... just sign up for me, I'll give it a try, if you can't advance, forget it."

"Be more confident, I think you are very talented." Luo Quan said and looked at Li Xiaomiao: "As Wen Xia's disciple, I will give you a task now.

Before Wen Xia adapts to this world, you will teach Xingwei some basic dancing and singing skills.

There are all kinds of high-tech assistance in Huanyu, so the progress of learning should be very fast. "

"That's true." Li Xiaomiao nodded, and then said to Bai Xingwei: "Sister Weiwei, let's go find Sister Chenchen, she should be practicing dance right now, let's go together."

"Okay?" Bai Xingwei did not hesitate, and followed Li Xiaomiao to the dance studio.

After seeing everyone go about their business, Luo Quan lay down on the bed contentedly, and started releasing news about "Girls of the Universe".

When she hadn't passed the review before, she only recruited players during the live broadcast, which was not particularly formal, and there was no publicity.

Now that it has been reviewed, of course it is as much publicity as possible.

Only when everyone knows about it can we lay a solid foundation for this variety show that aims to be famous at the Xinghai level.

And as an idol talent show variety show that Huanyu Huanyu has never had before, plus the famous Virgin Mary as a mentor, and meeting Xiangquan Huanyu for the audition, all the participants are beauties.

The combination of these elements is very gimmick, so after the news was released, it quickly became the top ten in the world's most searched list.

Because it was the first cause of Our Lady, the official account of Dawn Church immediately liked and forwarded it, and many believers also helped to start the promotion.

The Martial God Palace is not idle here either, at least it is also the spokesperson of its own image, how could it be possible to let go of the heat.

Therefore, with the cooperation of several big forces, the Huanyu girl became popular, and it was only natural that the popularity became unstoppable.

When he saw more and more applicants and followers on the official website, Luo Quan finally smiled at this moment.

But what made her happier was a letter from an unfamiliar account.

"Luo Quan, can a star like me who has already debuted participate in the draft?"

The content was very short, and she called her by her first name, which meant that she knew herself, but did she have any friends.

Luo Quan frowned all of a sudden, not sure who the person in front of him was, but he still replied: "Of course, as long as you want, you can come to the show.

And if you have already debuted, it is easier to advance if you have a fan base! "

"But although my singing is not bad, my dancing is so-so."

"Another student with a partial subject." Luo Quan laughed and replied, "You have already mastered the two basic skills, and it's not too late to start learning the rest."

"That's great, I'm willing to learn!"

Seeing the girl on the other side being so progressive, Luo Quan was relieved, and curiously said: "By the way, you can tell me your name, I don't seem to have added you."

"I applied for you as a friend before, but you didn't agree or refuse." A message was sent over there.

Luo Quan blushed immediately, she usually didn't read private messages during non-working hours, and rarely read other people's friend requests.

So this may really be an acquaintance, but people want to add themselves, but they have not been agreed.

"I'm really sorry. I've been on the mother planet before, and I really can't see the news from Huanyu. I definitely didn't disagree on purpose." Luo Quan realized the mistake and immediately apologized to her.

"It doesn't matter." The girl is very generous and doesn't care about this little thing, "By the way, my name is Chu Yueyan. We met before at the Huanyu Annual Conference."

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, feeling that the name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

After a few seconds, she gasped, "Damn it, it's her!"

Chu Yueyan, the world is the most beautiful on the bright side.

Before she appeared, without comparing Ye Zhining and Fafreya, Chu Yueyan was the undisputed number one beauty in the universe.

When participating in Huanyu's New Year's Eve live broadcast, she met Chu Yueyan a few times. Even though she was already a star-level beauty at that time, she was shocked by Chu Yueyan's beauty.

In her opinion, the difference between Meicheng and the Empress or the Holy Maiden is actually very small, and it is not a problem for the three to tie for the first place.

As one of the most popular actresses in the entertainment industry, Chu Yueyan's participation in the Huanyu Girls' draft really exceeded Luo Quan's expectations.

Soon, Luo Quan agreed to the friend request that Chu Yueyan sent again, and then asked in confusion: "You are so popular now, why do you still come to this show?"

"Because I think it might be very lively here, so I think I can make friends." Chu Yueyan sent a voice, and the gentle voice made people feel warm in the heart.

But Luo Quan heard a trace of loneliness from it.

After a while, Chu Yueyan sent another voice:
"Actually, since my debut, I have always been alone, without an agent or a team.

After meeting you, I thought that maybe I met a good friend with a common language, but unfortunately you didn't talk to me after that.

And this time, I just saw you put on a variety show, so I thought I would join in the fun and dispel the loneliness in my heart. "

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