Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1184 A Strong Lineup

Chapter 1184 A Strong Lineup

"I really didn't mean not to add you as a friend." Luo Quan apologized again dumbfounded.

"No, I'm not angry." Chu Yueyan explained.

"In short, if you are willing to participate in this program, I definitely welcome it. If you feel that you are lacking in dancing, you can come to me to learn directly. I happen to be teaching classes here."

"Is it really possible?" Chu Yueyan's voice sounded a little nervous, mixed with excitement.

"Of course it's true. If you're free, you can come here now!" Luo Quan said, and sent the coordinates of the teleportation circle here.

"I'll be right over." Chu Yueyan gave a simple reply, and then there was no more movement.

Luo Quan also immediately turned over to the teleportation circle on the first floor, and opened the permission to accept strange teleportation.

Ten seconds later, a white light flashed, and Chu Yueyan, who was wearing casual attire, walked out of the magic circle.

Although she was dressed without makeup today, compared to when she was on the TV station, Chu Yueyan was still shockingly beautiful.

There is less deliberate heavy makeup, and more fresh and elegant casualness.

"You are more beautiful than when you were in the Chinese New Year." Luo Quan praised Chu Yueyan according to his usual habit.

"No matter how beautiful you are, you are not as beautiful." Chu Yueyan gave Luo Quan a helpless look, "She is so beautiful that she has to hide her real face all the time."

"There's no need to brag about each other in business." Luo Quan took Chu Yueyan's arm and brought her to the dance practice room on the second floor.

In the dance practice room, several girls are practicing dancing according to the video tape Wen Xia made.

After seeing Luo Quan coming in, he was about to greet her when he saw Chu Yueyan appearing beside her.

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Chu Yueyan to come.

"Why are you here?" Xu Yanqing and Chu Yueyan still had some friendship, so they were the first to ask.

"I want to participate in the show of Huanyu Girls, and come here to learn how to dance." Chu Yueyan didn't expect to have acquaintances here, and her face turned red immediately.

"It seems that you are convinced by the boss's personality charm." Xu Yanqing laughed maliciously, "I remember that you don't seem to have a brokerage company, how about it, why don't you just sign with the boss?
The treatment and so on are secondary. The key point is that there are many people here, and it is very lively every day. "

"If it is signed, will there be any hard targets for performance?" Chu Yueyan looked at Luo Quan, with some worry in her eyes, and said, "I'm a lazy person, and I don't do things I don't like. When I want to play, I will play enough before starting to get down to business."

"That's great." Luo Quan laughed, "I happen to be a very lazy person, so I never force employees to do things they don't like, as long as they want to play, they can play all the time, even if they don't work, it doesn't matter.

And they are employees in name, but I regard them as the best sisters. In my place, there is no relationship between superiors and subordinates, and everyone is an equal existence. "

"Anyway, I don't have a company, so I'll sign with you in Luoquan." Chu Yueyan nodded in agreement very straightforwardly.

"Are you so talkative?" Xu Yanqing obviously didn't expect Chu Yueyan to agree in such a short period of time, and thought she would think about it for a few days.

"Do you still need to doubt the Holy Mother's character?" Chu Yueyan showed a smile, "I really believe in Luo Quan's promise."

"Joining the company will definitely not disappoint you." Luo Quan patted Chu Yueyan on the back, "You guys practice dancing first, I'll go and deal with the matters related to the show."

After returning to the room, Luo Quan posted the news of Chu Yueyan's participation in the Huanyu Girls on the official website and pinned it to the top.

If the popularity of Huanyu Girls before this could only be regarded as fiery, then it is simply on fire now.

As one of the top stars in the entertainment industry in the universe, Chu Yueyan's popularity is definitely higher than Xu Yanqing's.

Although Luo Quan is already well known to everyone, there is still a huge gap in the number of fans compared to a senior like Chu Yueyan who has debuted for a long time.

Such a top-tier addition, no matter what program she joins, will attract huge attention.

What's more, this time it's not just Chu Yueyan, there is also Luo Quan in the show. It's not so common for two top performers to perform on the same stage.

So as soon as the news came out, Huanyu Girl's hot search index immediately went up to a new level.

From this moment on, Huanyu Girl finally showed signs of becoming popular.

Luo Quan also struck while the iron was hot, selected the videos of the students participating in the audition, and sent them out.

The contents of these videos are basically the students showing off the various talents they have mastered.

There are singing and dancing, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, everything.

Although the most important skill of idol idols is singing and dancing, there are too many skills to overwhelm you. If you can learn these two skills, the other skills you master will become your strengths or memory points.

After the audience saw the students, their inner expectations finally had their sustenance.

Fans, fans, only idols can have fans.

If you can't see an idol that suits them, how can fans choose and pursue it?
At a suitable time, Luo Quan showed many excellent options in front of everyone, so that everyone can choose at will.

As for Wen Xia, Xiao Miao, and Chen Chen, the more outstanding students, there is a significant gap in the number of likes received from other students, and they are basically far ahead.

Of course, the tension caused by the number of likes came faster than Luo Quan imagined.

Less than three hours after the video was released, fans of the students began to compare and criticize each other.

Luo Quan didn't like this kind of behavior before, but now he has to start pretending to be deaf and dumb.

I have to admit that the enthusiasm for doing this is really high.

People will always gradually live in the way they hate the most because of the reality. Luo Quan sometimes feels that he is really weird, like an evil capitalist.

But looking at the rapidly rising data, I couldn't bear to give up completely.

People are like this, if you are neither mean enough nor noble enough, then it is normal to live awkwardly.

Fortunately, Luo Quan has a better mentality, and when he feels sad, he doesn't think about it and it's over.

At least Huanyu Girl is really popular now, and everything is developing smoothly beyond expectations.

Of course, there is a lot of credit for Chu Yueyan.

If she hadn't joined, the popularity of the show would definitely not be as fast as it is now.

And in a place that Luo Quan didn't know, there was another heavyweight student who also signed up on the program's official website, and that was Fang Yitian's niece Fang Mo.

She left her home planet to avoid an arranged marriage, but until now she didn't know how she should go down.

You can't live in Zhining's palace forever, can you?She is not really someone else's concubine, and she is said to be a cousin, but in fact, the chances to get along with each other are pitifully small, and they have no feelings at all.

Fang Mo didn't like living under the fence, even if the excuse for getting away from home before was to marry in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

But everyone knows what happened to this matter.

Therefore, Fang Mo was very anxious and planned to find something for himself in Huanyu.

It just so happened that the Holy Mother of Luoquan held an idol audition recently. Although she didn't know what it was for, it seemed that it was no different from being a star artist.

Fang Mo asked herself that she was a girl with many talents, and she should be able to easily advance to this show.

Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so why not join this girl from the universe and join in the fun.

If she really made a name for herself, then she could be regarded as a real foothold in Huanyu.

So she decided to give it a try, and the first video was her practicing calligraphy.

Compared with professional artists such as Wen Xia, Xu Yanqing, and Chu Yueyan, Fang Mo is still more serious, and he is not ashamed to post his dancing appearance, so he chose a little quieter content.

Of course, she also felt that there were people with noble interests in the audience who could see the way she wrote, and as long as they understood the mystery of it, they would definitely be amazed by her.

She has the courage to write, and her expressiveness in writing is unmatched by most mortals.

As long as she wants to, she can even write a magnificent Wenlong after picking up the pen and ink.

However, she intends to show this scene after the official competition starts, but now, she only needs to try it out.

So, Fang Mo posted the video of himself copying the sage's article to the exhibition of Huanyu Girl's students' works, and then felt confident that it would appear on the likes list within 15 minutes, and enter the top ten within an hour at most.

But she miscalculated, an hour has passed, her video has a lot of likes, but it is definitely not that many, it is far from those students on the leaderboard.

And all the netizens who liked her praised her appearance, and none of them discussed her calligraphy.

"It's so superficial!" Fang Mo was ashamed and annoyed, she never dreamed that she would be so unpopular.

When we were in the family in the past, which one of those young talents didn't revolve around him?I can't wait to hold her up to the sky!

As a result, these ordinary people are not so enthusiastic, and their focus is so superficial.

What's the use of looking good?Shouldn't the most important thing be a person's character, talent and knowledge?
Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty!

Fang Mo stubbornly believed that the content he expressed must be not specific enough or pure enough.

So I deleted the video, and wrote an article seriously again, and also annotated the article, just like those serious gentlemen in Taixue.

As a result, the situation obtained by doing so has become even more ridiculous.

"Is this student working hard? Isn't the definition of an idol an expert in singing and dancing? No matter how good your calligraphy is, no matter how knowledgeable you are, it's useless?"

"Your serious look reminds me of my teacher."

"A pretty girl, why do you look like an old pedant? Don't be so lifeless, show your youthful vigor!"

"It is suggested to dance or sing directly next time, and don't fix these empty-headed things."

"Nine points for good looks and one point for talent. I know that your calligraphy is very good and your knowledge is very profound. Even in Taixue, it is no one in ten thousand. But this is the stage for girls in the universe. Your performance is too off topic."

"At least the appearance is still very good, singing and dancing can be practiced."


Netizens' comments made Fang Mo feel a huge sense of frustration. Since she was a child, she never felt like a failure like she does now.

She has received too much praise and love, and the current feeling is unprecedented.

Thinking about it carefully, she seems to have really gone a little off topic.

As a top student, of course she is very clear about the consequences of missing the exam questions.

People asked to sing and dance, and your whole calligraphy is suspected of being a bit mysterious.

However, what the hell is this beauty that can only score nine points? She is one of the most beautiful women in the Qiankun Empire, okay? She wants to see what monsters are on the ranking list!
So Fang Mo clicked on the video of Chu Yueyan, who is currently number one on the ranking list.

"Hiss!" Fang Mo immediately gasped.

This student seemed really beautiful. Among the people she knew, only her aunt, cousin, and the Lady Luo, who was recognized as having invincible beauty, could compare with her.

Fang Mo scrolled down like he didn't believe in evil, Wen Xia, Li Xiaomiao, Dongfang Chen, Bai Xingwei, these girls all have their own characteristics, but they all have one thing in common: they are very popular, and their looks are not to mention, none of them are worse than themselves.

At this moment, all of Fang Mo's restraint and pride were destroyed, and he finally understood what it means to have people beyond people, and beyond the sky.

However, Fang Mo is a person with a strong heart. After knowing that he is not that good, an extremely strong desire to compete arises in his heart.

Even though her singing is not good and her dancing is average, she is willing to learn.

Since I chose to participate in this program, I must do my best, at least the least, and I have to make my debut.

Thinking of this, Fang Mo decided to seek help from his cousin, asking her to find some court dancers to teach her how to dance.

Just doing what he said, Fang Mo immediately went to Ye Zhining's bedroom.

Except for going to court, Ye Zhining basically handles government affairs in her bedroom, and when she gets tired, she lays down on the bed, and resumes when she has enough rest.

After getting along for so many days, Fang Mo has a better understanding of his cousin's living habits. When he came to the bedroom, he saw that his cousin was indeed here.

But today my cousin doesn't seem to be dealing with government affairs, but is lying on the bed watching videos.

"What's the matter, Momo?" Ye Zhining greeted her cousin very kindly when she saw her.

"Cousin, I want to find some court dancers and singers to teach me how to sing and dance." Fang Mo bluntly explained his purpose.

"Why do you want to learn this?" Ye Zhining smiled happily, "Could you be planning to join the Girls of the Universe?"

"In fact, I have already participated, but the current results are not very satisfactory." Fang Mo blushed a little, but he still explained the truth.

"You really went!" Ye Zhining was taken aback, and then said with a smile: "That's a good thing, this show is very popular now, if you can make something famous, you can get quite a lot of benefits."

(End of this chapter)

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