Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1185 I don't watch it for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over

Fang Mo smiled: "Actually, I just want to find something serious to do for myself, and I don't particularly care about the benefits."

"Anyway, it's a good thing. My friend doesn't know anything else. She's a good show maker. This Huanyu girl will definitely become popular." Ye Zhining squeezed her chin and said, "By the way, since you want to learn to sing and dance, you can go to Luo Quan directly. There should be no one in Huanyu who is more professional than her."

Fang Mo smiled awkwardly: "This... I am not familiar with the Holy Mother of Luo either."

"It's simple." Ye Zhining sat up from the sofa suddenly, and waved to Fang Mo: "I know Luo Quan well enough to wear a pair of trousers, so why not just say hello to her?"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and the two of them appeared in Bai Xingwei's room.

Following his memory, Ye Zhining opened the door of Luo Quan's room.

There was no sound in the room, and Luo Quan was lying on the bed, but his body was covered with a quilt.

What surprised Ye Zhining and Fang Mo was that the quilt was constantly tossing up and down.

"This is..." Fang Mo's eyes widened, not knowing whether to advance or retreat now.

"Okay Luo Quan, let's do it in broad daylight!" Ye Zhining lifted Luo Quan's quilt directly, only to find that she was wearing virtual glasses, holding an infinite waist pole, and playing a game.

"Damn, what's going on!" Luo Quan, who was manipulating the virtual mecha to kill all directions, found that his actions were disturbed, and when he was in a daze, he was hacked to death by the enemy who seized the opportunity.

She pulled off her glasses angrily, and saw Ye Zhining standing in front of her.

"Are you mistaken? I'm about to break the record!" Luo Quan couldn't help but yelled at Ye Zhining.

As an iron slave, it is really difficult not to break the defense when encountering this situation.

"Who knew you were playing games." Ye Zhining was also a little embarrassed, but said plausibly: "Also, which good people play games under the covers during the day?"

Luo Quan explained helplessly: "I was afraid that you would find it strange, so I covered myself with a quilt."

Ye Zhining curled her lips: "It's even more strange to be covered with a quilt."

"Stop talking nonsense, the court affairs are not handled, why come to me?" Luo Quan waved his hand and asked straight to the point.

Ye Zhining sneered: "Hehe, the mighty Our Lady of Dawn has returned home. As the king of a country, I am not allowed to come and see her in person."

When Luo Quan heard this, he turned over and got up, knelt on the bed and said, "Your Majesty is auspicious, and my slave Luo Quan pays my respects to you."

"Stop doing this." Ye Zhining lifted Luo Quan up, dumbfounded, "I'm looking for you for business."

"Don't tell me who introduced you to a blind date, and then let me give you a bag?" Luo Quan glanced at Fang Mo and said with a smile.

After Fang Mo heard this, he covered his mouth and snickered, while Ye Zhining's mouth twitched: "Do you really think of me as an old girl who can't get married? Everyone came to introduce me to a blind date. Is I so worthless?"

"Okay, I misunderstood Your Majesty." Luo Quan straightened his expression and asked, "So can Your Majesty tell me what you are looking for?"

Ye Zhining snorted softly and said, "Didn't you recently run a show about girls from the universe? Fang Mo also signed up, but she felt that she should learn some skills that idol idols should master, so I brought her here to see if you could teach her."

"It's easy!" Ever since meeting Fang Mo for the first time, the system has been reminding her that she can sign.

Now that he took the initiative to deliver her to her door, how could Luo Quan have any reason to let her go?
"It just so happens that I'm starting a class recently, so just come directly." Luo Quan agreed without thinking about it.

"That's all right, I'll leave it to you." Ye Zhining said and patted his cousin on the shoulder, "Study hard with Madonna Luo, and you can find her to solve any troubles you encounter."

After speaking, the person disappeared, probably to continue to go back to deal with government affairs.

Luo Quan didn't procrastinate, and took Fang Mo directly to the dance practice room.

At this time, Wen Xia also came out, and was getting familiar with the usage of various high-tech in the universe.

Luo Quan stepped forward, handed Fang Mo directly into her hands, and asked her to lead everyone to dance together.

Luo Quan hid behind and secretly took a short video.

After returning to the house, she posted the video on the official website, and it became popular in no time.

She didn't bother to read the comments at the bottom of the video, so she directly turned on the live broadcast, and netizens could come here to say anything.

"Well done, Luo Bao, are the girls in the new video all artists of your company?"

"It should be, Xiao Miao, Chen Chen, and Wen Xia are all old acquaintances."

"To be reasonable, Xiao Miao has really changed a lot these days. She is so thin that I can hardly recognize her."

"Before you said she was a potential stock, I was just joking. I didn't expect her to be such a beauty after she lost weight."

"To tell you the truth, I like Wen Xia better. She has a sassy heroism, and at the same time she is very friendly. People can't help but fall in love with her."

"So I'm not the only one who likes Wen Xia?"

"Although Wen Xia is not stunningly beautiful, she has a very special charm and is very pleasing. I just can't help liking her."

"It's a bit like Luo Quan."

"I like pinching both, both are my wife."

"Open the door and check the water meter!"

"Damn, did the crusaders come to the door so soon?"


It was still a lot of speeches from users, which kicked off today's fun time.

Luo Quan automatically ignored those barrages of wanting to marry him, sleep with him, and have a baby with him, and said with a smile, "Has everyone paid attention to Huanyu Girls? Several entries have been trending today, and our show is really going to be popular now."

"Interesting, it seems that not only idols can be cultivated, but also variety shows?"

"The main thing is to accompany growth."

"I just love watching it go from nowhere to famous."

"By the way, will all the girls in the video participate in the show?"

"They're all beautiful, and I like them all."


Facing questions from the audience, Luo Quan explained: "They will all participate this time, and most of them have already signed up. You can see it on the official website and vote for those students you like.

I would like to declare in advance that although they are all artists of our company, there is no secret operation in this voting. They are all based on their own strength and passers-by's favorite list. "

As soon as this was said, netizens were shocked:
"No way, there is such a decent program now?"

"Variety show competitions without cheating are really rare these days."

"As expected of the Holy Mother, she is really just and fair."

"I wasn't interested in these at first, but after hearing what you said, I had to support it."

"It seems that the main goal of the girl in the universe is the truth."


"That's right, I think the biggest highlight of this show is the truth." Luo Quan nodded to the netizens, "If the final result has already been formulated, what's the point of the process?

Therefore, most of the promotion rights of the students this time are in the hands of netizens. Even my mentor does not know who did not make their debut in the end.

However, in view of the large number of students participating in the audition this time, I decided to expand the number of debutants from the original five to nine, which directly increased the number of seats by four, and also gave more opportunities to those outstanding students. "

Luo Quan said, looked at the date, and continued: "One more thing, the first episode of the program is scheduled to be broadcast in four days, everyone remember to watch it then."

For this kind of variety show, the popularity of the first episode largely determines the popularity of the entire season.

As for how to shoot, Creation Camp has already given a standard answer, and she just needs to copy it.

But the stage and costumes must be gorgeous and dazzling.

This show doesn't need any depth, what it needs is all the elements that ordinary people can like.

Beauty, prosperity, luxury, splendor, all terms that can be associated with exaggeration can be added to it.

Of course, it’s definitely not okay to be too exaggerated, and the degree of this needs to be carefully considered.

According to the current official website data analysis, the show's popularity after it aired should be able to enter the top [-] in the global variety show rankings.

It sounds average, but the top [-] results are already quite terrifying. You must know that there are tens of millions of variety shows currently on the air.

There are too many options for the audience to choose from, and being able to enter the top [-] is actually her optimistic view.

Under actual circumstances, entering the top [-] can be regarded as the best production of the year.

For a newcomer, winning the best production of the year for the first time in a variety show is a talent that comes once in ten years.

So now many advertisers are very optimistic about her and the Huanyu Girls program, and want to pay for a sponsorship.

Luo Quan is not picky at this time, as long as she is famous enough, she will follow.

Anyway, no one buys exclusives. When the time comes, we will learn from Hua Shao and integrate all the advertisers together, and then come up with the name of the dish.

As for the candidate, she has already chosen, and that is Leon.

As the No. [-] quick talker on the east coast, who can compare to him in this kind of professional counterpart?

Anyway, Wen Xia has already understood the affairs of this world, so what does it matter if there is one more Leon?
Slowly, she will let the whole family come to Huanyu, it's just a matter of time.

So Leon was also fortunate to be the third earthling to come to the universe.

Of course, he still doesn't know that his fate is about to undergo earth-shaking changes, and he still stays at home with his son in his arms and takes pictures of Daddy's Diary.

And Luo Quan has spent a lot of money to hire a group of professionals in variety show shooting. The first thing to do is to formulate a basic art style for this stage.

If you choose cherry blossoms, the overall style is pink and gorgeous, and there will be elements of cherry blossoms everywhere.

But this is just an example, Luo Quan will definitely not choose such a slightly tacky element.

The reference she took out was the painting she drew during the live broadcast that day, that is, the "Starry Night" that countless painting masters in the universe were amazed by after seeing it.

The distortion, mystery, splendor and grandeur of the starry sky are vividly expressed in this painting.

And the effect of color has also reached the pinnacle.

Countless painting masters in the universe, after seeing this painting, said that the artist's level can no longer be described as limitless, and has reached a rather terrifying state.

Of course, although I haven't been able to inject life into this painting yet, I haven't completely entered the Tao.

But with the improvement of painting skills, that day will not be too long.

Of course, what these masters don't know is that this is already the limit that Luo Quan can achieve, and if she wants to improve, unless she starts learning how to draw with all her heart, or improves through the system.

But no matter what kind, it is not her current focus, and she does not have extra resources to invest in this area.

But even so, the painting "Starry Night" has become one of the most popular paintings in Huanyu.

A painting that is destined to enter the realm of enlightenment, as long as it is a person who loves painting, it is impossible to refuse the idea of ​​​​collecting it.

So many collectors offered a high price for her painting, but Luo Quan rejected them all.

Such a commemorative painting, Luo Quan plans to exhibit her in his Notre Dame Palace.

Anyone can enter her palace, and the paintings there are still open to everyone to see.

For this masterpiece, it must be the best ending for everyone who likes it to appreciate its beauty at any time.

And not only "Starry Night", Luoquan will reproduce more works of art in the future, and put them all in his Notre Dame Palace, making it a holy place full of artistic atmosphere.

The topic is a little bit far away, Luo Quan is now taking out "Starry Night", mainly to add a little bit more lofty atmosphere to the girl in the universe.

In addition, "Starry Night" and the girls of the universe still sound quite compatible. If the stage elements are composed of it, the appearance of the girls can be made more textured.

Of course, the specific effect depends on what kind of solutions the final professionals can come up with after the design.

The design of the universe is different from that of the earth, and there are too many materials that can create a visual shock here.

Luo Quan has already completed the cramming study, but it is still too difficult for her to apply what she has learned without any foundation.

So professional things have to be done by professional people, and she is only responsible for providing a general direction.

Because "Starry Night" is quite famous and popular, the work of this group of people is more or less related to art. After seeing the authentic work, they became more and more excited.

Then, the group of excited designers stayed up all night for two consecutive days.

In Huanyu, staying up all night is a normal thing. There are medicines to help people recover, and people don't have to worry about their bodies being overwhelmed, so Luo Quan didn't try to persuade them to take a good rest.

After staying up all night for two days, the designers finally came up with a plan.

The stage full of starry night elements was finally born with the hard work of the designers and the support of Luo Quan's unlimited budget.

As the designer promised at the beginning, it is indeed beautiful and shocking.

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