Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1186 I don't watch it for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over

"Very good, thank you for your hard work!"

Luo Quan accepted the results of the design and construction with a satisfied expression.

It can only be said that high-end materials can indeed create high-end effects. The stage where the contestants perform looks like a dark vortex, but when people walk on it, brilliant stars will bloom, and the visual effect is quite explosive.

And what the contestants did was a rotating nebula, with a magical power to draw people's eyes deep into it, and its appearance completely fit the painting "Starry Night".

In comparison, the positions made by the instructor are relatively dim. The parts located in those castles and houses are originally black, and they are not particularly conspicuous on the stage.

Of course, this is Luo Quan's request, mainly because he doesn't want to overwhelm the guests. What this stage should really highlight is the charm of the contestants, and the mentors can only be regarded as foils.

After the stage is settled, the next thing to do is to wait for the broadcast day of the show.

This time I invited a professional team from Universal Variety Show. Although the price is high, the level is directly proportional to the price. Luo Quan proposed a general shooting direction, and then they drew inferences from one instance and directly helped her fill in all the details and loopholes.

It can only be said that the professional team deserves to be a professional team, perfectly solving the problems that the employer thought of and did not expect.

Cheap things often have many disadvantages, while expensive things often have only one disadvantage, that is, they are expensive.

"The money is well spent." Luo Quan happily finished work and returned home.

When I came to the dance studio, I found that the girls were disheveled and collapsed on the ground, soaked in sweat, and they didn't know what they had just experienced.

"What's the matter with you, all of you seem to have been ruined?" Luo Quan asked suspiciously with his hips on his hands, "I've been away for a while, how did it become like this?"

"You're the one who was ruined." Wen Xia glared at Luo Quan, "We just practiced dancing hard all morning."

"Dancing will make you so tired? Don't you stop dancing once you start?" Luo Quan was a little surprised, "Even if the show is about to start, it's not so desperate, right? If you exercise too much Cause muscle dissolution, what are you going to do next?"

"It's all my fault." Dongfang Chen said embarrassingly, "I feel that after practicing for so long, everyone dances separately, so I proposed to let everyone dance together once. After all, the essence of a girl group is order."

"And then?" Luo Quan asked hastily, "It's a good thing to dance together, everyone will be like this in the future."

"Then we couldn't stop once we jumped up." Wen Xia took the pills handed over by Mo Xiaxia, regained some strength, and said, "It's like following a demon, everyone jumps one after another, jumps." After buying dozens of them, everyone stopped after knowing that the little cat was exhausted."

"This should be homology." Bai Xingwei was well-informed, and quickly explained the reason, "This kind of situation usually only occurs between twins, or very familiar friends and couples.

Once in this state, the actions of the coordinating parties will become consistent, and Bei She will start to act according to his inner thoughts.

It was the first time we entered the coherence just now, so the situation has become a little more intense, and we can control it a few more times.”

Speaking of this, Fang Mo also remembered: "It is indeed the same tune, I heard that we can even communicate with each other after practicing to a high level.

But what I'm more curious about is why we have synchronism, since we've only known each other for a few days. "

"Maybe it has something to do with Wen Xia's way of being an idol." Luo Quan put forward a conjecture, "Didn't I tell you before that Wen Xia awakened her own way as soon as she came to Huanyu.

As for idol idols, isn't dancing uniformly the foundation of the foundation, so it's not surprising that this happens. "

"Is there such a thing?" Fang Mo was a little surprised.

She has the guts, of course she can understand this kind of thing, but she didn't expect Wen Xia to have no foundation at all, and she would wake up as soon as she arrived in Huanyu.

"Maybe this is the greatness of the originator of the mountain, even the gods care about it." When Bai Xingwei spoke, her tone was full of envy.

Wen Xia blushed: "Don't say that, I still don't know what cultivation is all about, I can only ask Luo Quan every day."

"Ask her?" Bai Xingwei almost laughed her teeth out, "She is only a half-baked person herself, and it would be more rewarding to ask Yan Qing for advice than Luo Quan."

"Why, you're not convinced?" Luo Quan gave Bai Xingwei a fierce look, "What's wrong with my level? I'm now the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church, and sooner or later I'll be a Taoist!"

"Let's talk about it after you climb up first." Bai Xingwei curled her lips in disdain, "Besides, there are two masters at the Dao level in our room."

The two masters that Bai Xingwei was talking about were Xu Yanqing and Chu Yueyan. One of these two was once top class, and the other is now top class. With the support of fans' popularity, their strengths are quite terrifying.

It's just that in front of the boss, they all behaved quite well-behaved, probably this is one thing and one thing.

"Okay, let's take a bath quickly, everyone is so wet, what does it look like." Luo Quan began to remotely control the faucet of the bathtub from the air, urging the girls to take a bath and change clothes.

"You don't plan to come?" Seeing Luo Quan standing there, Wen Xia didn't seem to want to come together.

Luo Quan said straightforwardly: "I just washed it when I went out, why wash it again now?"

"This is like a company team building." Xu Yanqing felt that the boss did something wrong, and said, "Boss, you are the backbone of everyone, how can you be absent?"

"That's right, boss." Li Xiaomiao also nodded her head, "If you don't come, it will be too boring."

Luo Quan was speechless: "You guys are so funny, you need me to accompany you after taking a bath, right? Am I the atmosphere group?"

"Less so much nonsense." Bai Xingwei has always advocated simple and rude rules of conduct, and directly pasted Luo Quan's body, and the sweat-soaked clothes were immediately pasted together with Luo Quan's clothes.

The others followed suit, surrounded Luo Quan, and dragged Luo Quan into the bathroom half begging and half coercing.

To be liked so much by his employees, Luo Quan felt that he was quite successful as a boss.

But if the employee likes it too much, it will easily cause her some troubles.

For example, right now, they are forcing her to take a shower in the bathroom.

Who knows what will happen later, this group of people don't know what their hobby is, they all like to study her body, Luo Quan feels very helpless.

What's even more helpless is that under so many people's "hostage", she has no ability to resist at all, and can only drift with the flow.

By the time Luo Quan came out of the bathroom, an hour had passed, looking like a "remnant flower and a willow", and those who didn't know thought it was ruined.

"Whatever you do next time, be careful that I will deduct your wages!" Luo Quan weakly threatened the girls, but what he got was ridicule.

"Alas..." Luo Quan sighed after seeing this scene, feeling that his family status was declining day by day.

Is it because she is too approachable? Why are everyone not afraid of her?
No, the status must be taken quickly, otherwise such acts of disobedience to her will definitely happen frequently in the future.

But what you want to do is one thing, and how you do it is another.

It is actually very simple to show majesty, just say a few harsh words and punish severely.

But with such a good relationship with them, if I really let myself be a villain, I really can't be.

This made Luo Quan very conflicted.

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no result, Luo Quan simply didn't bother to think about it, and we'll talk about it later, the first priority right now is to bring Leon over.

Taking the time to go back to Earth, Luo Quan told Leon to take him on a business trip, maybe in a week or so, and let him say hello to his wife and son.

Leon didn't doubt that there was him, but thought that the old lady was going to make some kind of Olympic movie again, and wanted to find him to play the male lead or second male, so he readily agreed.

Now that Arthur has passed the most difficult stage of taking care of him, even if Leon is on a business trip, Mia can take care of the baby well, and there are so many people in the room, usually there will be no problems.

In this way, Luo Quan fooled him to Huanyuxing under the pretext of a business trip.

Similar to when Wen Xia came, Leon also found that he had time-traveled after waking up.

"Welcome to the alien civilization—Huanyu!"

Luo Quan expressed his welcome to Lyon with the same words.

"Holy fxxking shit!"

Leon was stunned for half a minute, and then slowly cursed a curse word, which roughly translates to: "God damn it!"

"Don't be too surprised, you will get used to it slowly." Luo Quan patted Leon's shoulder tenderly, and said, "Wen Xia was as shocked as you when she first arrived, and even couldn't accept the reality for a while, but now she has begun to adapt to this It’s a new world, and it fits in pretty well.”

"Can't accept the reality?" Leon frowned, then laughed and said, "I'm so fucking acceptable, I knew there would be alien civilizations, the universe is so big, how could human beings be the only intelligent life. "

Leon smiled and hugged Luo Quan excitedly: "Thank you so much, old lady, you can actually take me to an alien planet, which is 100 times cooler than getting an Oscar winner... No, it should be [-] times cooler Ten thousand times!"

"Eh..." Luo Quan was speechless at this moment.

Boys' brain circuits seem to be very different from girls'.

The girls were all shocked. They felt that the world view had collapsed, and the knowledge they had built up since they were young was also invalid. A fear of the unknown was born in their hearts, and it took a long time to get used to it.

And the boy seems to wish that there are aliens in this world, and if necessary, he even wants to catch one and bring it back to Earth for further study.

It seems that with alien civilizations, many second-time fantasies have been realized for them.

With alien civilizations, are there Transformers and interstellar crossings?
It's a really cool thing for guys.

So it's not incomprehensible for Lyon to be so excited.

Letting go of his embrace, Leon rubbed his hands and said, "Old sister, there must be something wrong with you bringing me here suddenly, is it that the world is facing an invasion or some other huge crisis, and then it needs a prophesied savior to come?" save the world.

If this is the case, I am very willing to shoulder the important task of saving the world, even if I sacrifice my life for love, I will not hesitate. If I die heroically, please tell Arthur that his father gave his life impassionedly in order to save the world. ! "

Hearing the words of my brother's second-degree explosion, Luo Quan couldn't help crying and said: "Don't make up your mind so much, the universe is very peaceful now, there is no crisis, and the world doesn't need anyone to save it.

And even if a doomsday crisis does happen, it cannot be saved with your current ability. "

"It seems to be like this." Leon said with a distressed expression, "I am too weak now, even if I want to save the world, it may not be my turn."

"It's good to have a rich imagination, but don't be too whimsical." Luo Quan chuckled, "As for me bringing you here, it's mainly for a talent show I'm holding here.

There is only one tutor out of three, and Er'er, you are the most suitable candidate.

You may not be able to save the world now, but with your good looks, it is no problem to save those ignorant Huaichun girls. "

"So you asked me to come here to sell my lust?" Leon was very dissatisfied, "I am already a married man, and my loyalty to marriage prevents me from doing such a philandering behavior.

And my current age is long past the period of flirting, after all, I'm not a father. "

"You're thinking too much, I just asked you to be a mentor. You are so handsome, of course you will attract many female audiences. This is a reasonable use of your own advantages, and there is no crossing the line."

Luo Quan paused, and continued to persuade: "And the extraordinary power in this world is more terrifying than the earth. If you become a big star, your strength will improve by leaps and bounds. It is not impossible to become a superman by then."

"Seriously?" Jiang suddenly widened his eyes excitedly, "Tell me earlier, old lady, I'm too good at being a celebrity, isn't it just a little bit of lust, trust me, you just need to do a little trick, It can make those girls fascinated!"

"Take it easy." Seeing that Leon seemed a little too excited, Luo Quan quickly comforted him, "Everything should be done in moderation, if you behave too badly, if you are attracted by some powerful rich woman, I won't let you go." I must keep you.

All the rich women in this world are over a thousand years old. I don't know about their appearance and figure, but there must be none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. You know it yourself. "

Hearing this, Leon said that his ass was tight.

He has seen too many rich women with old cucumbers and green paint. Leon is very familiar with what kind of group they are.

When he first debuted, he had met many rich women and knew how terrifying this group was.

So at present, it seems that when he releases his personal charm, he really has to take it easy.

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