Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1187 Leon is Superman

Chapter 1187 Leon is Superman

After talking for a while, Leon finally knew the real purpose of the old lady pulling him here.

It turned out that the program lacked an announcer, but in order to show the difference and leave a deeper impression on the audience, the old lady wanted the announcer to read the advertisement as quickly as possible.

For rappers, isn't that a professional counterpart?
So I naturally pulled myself over.

Although he came to be a tool man, Leon was still very willing. After all, he was able to get in touch with a brand new world. Nothing could make a middle school boy happier than this.

Then Luo Quan gave Lyon the candy for learning the language, and, like Wen Xia, asked him to learn all the knowledge of the universe by himself.

After settling in Lyon, Luo Quan came to the dance practice room again, wanting to see Wen Xia and the others' dance practice.

If there is a situation where you can't stop dancing once again, it's good to help you find a way.

Fortunately, after experiencing the accident last time, they seem to have mastered the trick this time, and they can stop and rest after each dance.

After entering the coherent state, everyone's dance became extremely neat and full of vitality.

"It looks a little interesting now. If it is paired with a few hot dance songs, the effect should be even better."

After watching a dance, Luo Quan applauded and said.

"It's still in its infancy, just dancing." Wen Xia wiped off his sweat with a towel, and said, "The next step is to sing and dance. How to maintain breath and pitch during vigorous exercise is the real difficulty." place."

"I feel so tired just from dancing." Li Xiaomiao sat down directly on the ground, shaking her bloated stomach three times in a row, "I have been exercising for so long, I thought my physical strength It was already quite good, but after I actually started practicing dance, I realized that it was not enough at all.”

"Just get used to it." Wen Xia said with a smile, "I've only practiced two or three dances, and I'll have to practice one dance for every song in the future, and the difficulty will definitely be higher than now."

"I'm going to die." Li Xiaomiao fell back and began to swing.

Compared to Li Xiaomiao, who has no cultivation base, the other people are in better condition.

Although Khan lost a lot, he didn't feel particularly tired.

After all, they are not weak, and their physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary people. The amount of exercise for dancing a few dances is similar to that of warming up.

Li Xiaomiao feels tired now, the main reason is that her foundation is too poor, and she didn't practice much when she was a child, so her physique can't keep up.

The situation will improve greatly after she is on the show, and now she has gained a lot of fans on the official website of Huanyu Girls.

Her current extremely attractive image, coupled with the extreme deeds of losing weight from fat to thin, has won her the favor of many passers-by.

When she is on the show, these passers-by will soon be converted into fans.

With the willingness of fans, her physique will soon improve by leaps and bounds.

Li Xiaomiao himself knew this in his heart, so although he was crying bitterly, he was still very excited in his heart, and he had already asked Xu Yanqing for the secret of cultivation.

The reason why Wen Xia was not asked was mainly because she and Luo Quan belonged to the talent party, and God favored them, chasing after them to feed them, there was no possibility for ordinary people to reproduce them.

Of course Li Xiaomiao is also an ordinary person, so let's learn from Xu Yanqing honestly. If she follows Wen Xia, sooner or later she will be knocked down by her unconscious Versailles and lose confidence.

"The broadcast will start in two days. The filming of the show will be in the Palace of Notre Dame. When the time comes, everyone will pack their bags and will live in the Palace of Notre Dame for the next period of time."

As Luo Quan said, he pulled a small ball of light out of his wristwatch and placed it in the air: "Since many people have never been to the Summer Palace of Our Lady, there is a topographic map of the Summer Palace of Our Lady inside. Take it and install it in your own optical machine, so as not to get lost in time."

"The Summer Palace of Our Lady, what is that?" Wen Xia only knew that Luo Quan was the Holy Mother, but he didn't know the origin of the Summer Palace of Our Lady.

"It's a palace that Liming Church built for her to please the boss." Bai Xingwei explained to Wen Xia with a smile, "The palace is still very big, and the decoration is also good.

But because it is too big, Luo Quan feels afraid to live in it alone, so he lives and dies with me. "

"How can you depend on you for life and death?" Luo Quan immediately became unhappy, "I'm your boss now, what's wrong with the boss living in the employee's house?
Besides, didn't I invite you to live in Notre Dame's Palace for a few days, as if I took advantage of you. "

"Is this palace really big?" Wen Xia didn't hear much about it, but she was still very interested in this palace.

She prefers to live in a bigger house, but she didn't expect Luoquan to be in place in one step and enjoy the treatment that only an emperor can have, which is really enviable.

"If it's not big, why should I take out the topographic map?" Luo Quan pointed to the light cluster in the air and said, "You'll know how big it is after you go there.

I still have to add some artistic atmosphere to the summer palace, so let's go back to the house first, you guys continue to practice. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he went back to his room to draw a few more isomers of famous paintings handed down from generation to generation.

Nowadays, any work of art with a certain level is either ridiculously expensive, or there is no market for it.

Luo Quan wanted to turn the summer palace into a palace of art, and she would definitely not be able to buy the artwork she wanted without spending a lot of money.

However, the church and believers just paid a lot of money to help her build such a palace, and it didn't take long for them to ask for it, which is somewhat excessive.

As the saying goes, seeking others is better than seeking oneself, Luo Quan intends to create artworks by himself.

Oil paintings, sculptures, handicrafts, etc., she can do by herself, spend one or two hours a day to make, and one can make up a dozen works of art.

Imitation works of art are also works of art. Anyway, people in Huanyu don't know Da Vinci, Michelangelo, or Van Gogh.

She did this to spread the wisdom crystallization of the sages of the earth to a larger place. This is a noble and great cause, and it is definitely not just for her own vanity!
Luo Quan's way of persuading and comforting herself sounded a little shameless, and every time she thought about it, she would feel blush.

It's a pity that these artists couldn't reprimand her, otherwise she would definitely stop her behavior.

In short, Luo Quan's grand plan of moving artworks started quietly like this.

She decided to paint the work of Leonardo da Vinci, a genius of the Renaissance, first.

"Mona Lisa's Smile" was changed to "Luo Quan's Smile".

There is no need to change "The Last Supper". This kind of fictional painting full of religious atmosphere will be very popular with the church.

Besides, Judas is not included in the scriptures of the Church of Dawn, so it should not constitute an offense.

However, Luo Quan had just picked up his pen and was about to draw a self-portrait of himself. When he was wondering what he saw and laughed, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Wen Xia?" Luo Quan thought that Wen Xia encountered some problems while viewing the topographic map of the Summer Palace of Our Lady, so he came to ask her.

When he opened the door, he saw that it was Leon knocking on the door.

"When is it, brother?" Luo Quan put Leon in and put the paintbrush on the palette at the same time.

"What are you drawing?" Leon asked with a smile.

Luo Quan replied: "Luo Quan Lisa's smile, I am going to reproduce a masterpiece handed down by Da Vinci.

What's the matter with you, did you encounter problems when understanding the civilization of the universe? "

"That's not true. I went online just now and found that the situation here is actually not very different from that on Earth, it's just that there is more extraordinary power."

Lyon scratched his head while talking: "The problem has been with this extraordinary power for a long time, and there seems to be something wrong with my body."

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan immediately became a little nervous, "What's wrong, let me see?"

Earthlings are not natives of Huanyu after all, who knows what mutations will happen when they suddenly come to a brand new environment.

For various unexpected situations that may arise, early detection and early treatment are necessary.

"It's not a problem with a certain part."

Leon didn't know how to explain it, so he just bent his knees and jumped, and his whole body flew into the air: "I saw on the Internet that most of the practitioners here can fly, so I thought it would be great if I could fly too.

Then, I really flew up. "

"Damn, can your wish come true!" Everyone in Luoquan was dumbfounded, it was the first time she had seen such an outrageous talent.

The originator of Wen Xia's idol is enough nonsense, and when Leon came, he immediately got what he wanted.

Really a sophomore boy, what do you want?

Luo Quan said that he couldn't understand, she was the one who came first, how could she not compare to Wen Xia and Leon in terms of acquired abilities?

"It's not like what you want." Leon shook his head and denied this. "I thought so after I flew up, so I immediately began to imagine that it would be better if I could be invisible, but I couldn't be invisible in the end."

Luo Quan's face darkened: "You kid, what have you got in your head, you've even come to be invisible."

Leon smiled: "I just thought about it casually. In fact, I think the time pause is a little more awesome, but it just didn't come true."

"Okay, your thinking is perverted enough." Luo Quan made a stop gesture and started to let the system analyze Leon.

"Lyon's situation is a genetic mutation, the genetic lock has been opened, and there is a tendency to become a superman."

After the system scanned, it came to an astonishing conclusion.

"Gene mutation?!" Luo Quan couldn't get over it, "His genes have already been finalized on the earth, how could they change?"

The system replied: "Although the environment in the universe is similar to that of the earth, it is not the earth after all. It is filled with many harmless rays.

Most of them will not produce any changes after being hit by rays, but there are very few lucky ones who will have genetic mutations.

Leon's ability after mutation is probably the embodiment of the character he subconsciously desires to be. "

"Leon longs to be a Superman?" Luo Quan asked in surprise.

"You'll have to ask him himself."

"It's amazing!" Luo Quan widened his eyes, looked at Leon and said, "Leon, who is the superhero you most wanted to be since you were young?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Leon put his hands on his hips, puffed out his chest and said, "Of course it's Superman!"

Not only in the United States, the birthplace of Superman, but also in China, Superman is also the childhood belief of many children.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that something was wrong with Leon's possess, Luo Quan hurriedly asked, "Is this superman you're talking about superman or ultraman?"

"Ultraman, Superman is too nonsense, I would rather believe that I can become light." Leon said and made a flash stick transformation action, and continued: "Although I grew up in the United States, super Man's story really doesn't appeal to me.

In comparison, I like Dijia more. That year, like countless children, I turned into light! "

"Help, can you stop being a second child like this." Luo Quan helplessly held his forehead, feeling goosebumps rising.

"Haha, I've already passed that naive age, isn't it okay to recall it occasionally?" Leon didn't feel shy at all, after all, in his opinion, there didn't seem to be anything strange about a boy liking Ultraman Tiga.

Luo Quan thought about it, and felt that there was really nothing wrong with it.

But the point is, Leon's childhood dream is now coming true.

It seems that he really has the possibility to become light!

"I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Luo Quan took a deep breath and decided to tell Leon about it.

"Let's talk about the bad news first. I like bitterness before sweetness." Leon felt a little uneasy, wondering why the old lady was so serious all of a sudden.

"The bad news is that you may end up looking very different and your life will change dramatically."

"What kind of bad news is this?" Leon laughed, "My life has changed since I came here.

But I think it's nothing, and I should be able to adapt quickly. "

"You can see it." Luo Quan's mouth twitched, and he continued: "The good news is that you may really have the ability of Ultraman, and flying is one of its characteristics."

"You mean, I've become a superman!" Leon's eyes widened, and he jumped into the air with joy.

Luo Quan originally wanted to nod to confirm this point, but Leon flew up by himself, and there was no need for her to explain any further.

"Haha, that seems to be the case." Leon scratched his head, then controlled his body and slowly returned to the ground, "By the way, sister, do you know how I can become stronger? I can't just fly. I also want to shoot some lasers or something."

As he spoke, Leon posed directly at Luo Quan in a laser-firing pose.

"Don't look at me." Luo Quan hurriedly dodged to the side, afraid that Leon would really shoot out a beam of Spaceum light.

Fortunately, there was no powerful Ultraman light after Leon posed.

"My suggestion is to bask in the sun more. Since it is the embodiment of light, it is always good to absorb more sunlight from nature."

"Basking in the sun?" Leon was stunned, "Why is this way of becoming stronger so familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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