Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1188 I don't watch it for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over

Chapter 1188 I don't look at it for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over ([-])

Lyon thought for a moment, and remembered which Chaoying way to become stronger.

"Old sister, although Huaxia also changed the name of Ultraman to Superman, but the Superman you mentioned is Superman, Ultraman may not be strong in the sun."

Leon explained helplessly that he suspected that the old lady regarded Superman and everything related to it as one thing.

"Do you really think you are Ultraman?" Luo Quan tapped Leon's head, "Becoming light is just a metaphor, I mean you can get superman's power, and the way to get power is to expose yourself to light." Sun, it’s not that you’ve really become that exhibitionist in underwear.”

"So that's how it is." Leon chuckled, "Isn't this power coming a little too easily? It's done by basking in the sun."

"I don't know exactly what the situation is, you have to figure it out by yourself." Luo Quan pondered for a while, and said, "After I've been busy for a while, I'll find you a teacher to see what kind of mutation you belong to. .”

"Okay." Leon nodded excitedly.

When he thought that he was going to really become a superman soon, his eyes were full of anticipation.

After sending Lyon away, Luo Quan fell into confusion.

This Wen Xia and brother, after they came, all of them were talented, as if they had their own systems, and even she herself was a little envious.

At the same time, Luo Quan was very curious, whether such changes would happen to the universe when the earthlings came.

In other words, because Wen Xia and Leon experienced spiritual recovery on Earth in advance, their physiques have become different from ordinary people, so they can get a higher level of treatment in Huanyu.

Luo Quan thought about it for a while, and was more inclined to the second situation, that is, their physique had changed due to the recovery of the earth's aura, and the environment of the universe just accelerated their changes.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan planned to get the other girls who haven't practiced martial arts to get busy after going back.

This is a good opportunity to reach the sky in one step. As long as you break through a big realm, you will be able to live for hundreds of years or thousands of years. It's really not too exciting!
After making a plan for the future, Luo Quan turned his attention back to the unfinished paintings.

Being interrupted by Leon, Luo Quan's creative inspiration was pressed to the pause button.

But after looking in the mirror, the inspiration immediately began to blow out.

It is the first time for Luo Quan to act as a muse for himself, but it feels quite strange, with a sense of shame of self-admiration.

But think about it carefully, as beautiful as she is, any artist should be full of inspiration after seeing it, right?
At first, it was just a question sentence, but as Luo Quan completed the self-portrait, the question sentence became an affirmative sentence.

"Yes, I am the source of inspiration for artists!"

Luo Quan looked at the live broadcast camera and said with a smile.

"Do you dare to be more narcissistic?"

"What makes you so ordinary and confident?"

"Holy Mother, what's wrong with you today, something is wrong."

"I admit that you do have a bit of beauty, but you can't be so complacent, right?"


Huanyu fans have inherited their spirit of daring to fight Luo Quan from Earth fans.

Whenever she has a tendency to sell and boast, she will not hesitate to scold her, ruthlessly hitting her self-confidence, and making her fully realize her own shortcomings, so as not to be too drifting.

Fans of Huanyu used to not know these tricks, but after watching Luo Quan's live broadcast on Earth for a long time, they even learned such a bad habit.

"Why did you all become like this?!" Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise, "The good ones don't imitate the bad ones, right?"

"It's just a joke with you, don't be so excited."

"Hey, the Holy Mother is in a hurry."

"We're just telling the truth."

"Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife."

"That's what you told us."

"So you started betraying Our Lady so soon?"

"I can't help it, Luo Bao is too scornful, he must be taught a lesson."

"Tell the lesson in detail."


Facing the responsibilities of fans, Luo Quan's expression was very innocent: "But I was telling the truth just now, I really got inspiration when I looked in the mirror."

As he said that, Luo Quan put the self-portrait he just drew in front of the camera: "Look, do I have to look in the mirror to get inspiration when I draw this?"

The barrage fell into silence for a while, and then changed their words one after another:

"I'll go, this self-portrait is well drawn, full of romanticism!"

"It's so amazing, no matter which direction I'm in, Luo Quan's eyes in the painting will always look at me, how did this happen!"

"Amazing Luo Bao, the artistic level of this self-portrait is not generally high."

"It seems that we have misunderstood the Holy Mother. I apologize for my ignorance."

"Oh, this time it must have hurt Luo Bao's heart."


Luo Quan also didn't expect Huanyu's fans to change their faces so quickly. They were mocking wantonly just now, and now they immediately started apologizing to her one by one.

Probably because they are not familiar with her, or maybe they like her too much, so fans are very afraid of her getting angry.

If it were an earth fan who is familiar with her temper, I am afraid that she will still be stubborn until now, and by the way, she will pick on this self-portrait.

"It's better to get along with new fans." Luo Quan couldn't help crying, and said to the camera: "It's pretty good if you can apologize, you can correct your mistakes, and there is nothing good about it.

I just hope that everyone will have less doubts in the future, and make an evaluation after knowing the whole picture of time, otherwise it will be really uncomfortable to reverse the feeling of being slapped in the face. "

"Yes, I have learned the wisdom of life from the Holy Mother."

"I repent for my recklessness, and I hope Our Lady will forgive my actions and purify my dirty soul."

"I also want to repent to the Holy Mother, because my thoughts and actions are too dirty."

"Ah this..."

"It's time for the confessional again, everyone tell me what you have done against the sky during this time."

"Have you written a YY novel circle with the Virgin as the main character?"

"How can you do such a dirty thing! Where is the morality? Where is the belief? Where is the name of the novel and the publishing website?"

"Haha, I seem to have seen a harem novel with Luo Bao as the main character on the Endpoint Novels website. Could it be you who wrote it?"

"The end point is the official website. The scale is too small, and the writing is boring. It's better to move to the 1 long website."

"You have a Virgin Mary and want to open a harem? What do you think?"

"You are so courageous, YY
A harem also seems quite normal. "

"If I were the author, I would write about pure love, and do embarrassing things with Luo Bao every day."

"Bold, where are the crusaders?!"

"The crusaders have gone to search for books, and there is no time."


Looking at the increasingly outrageous barrage, Luo Quan's expression became dumbfounded.

Although she guessed that something like this would happen on Huanyu's side sooner or later, she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Right now, she is only on the official website YY, she is the heroine, and it is estimated that she will start on the informal website in a short time.

However, Huanyu's network supervision is particularly strict. In her capacity, those excessive YY content should be deleted and taken off the shelves, right?
Luo Quan didn't know either, anyway, she couldn't stop this kind of thing, and she was too embarrassed to mention it.

So put aside such heated discussions among fans, she can only treat the novel coldly as if she didn't see it, and wait until everyone will talk about her painting before starting to pick up the quarrel.

"Are you asking me why I drew this self-portrait?" Luo Quan looked at the barrage of questions that appeared most often pushed out by the system, and replied with a smile: "The main thing is to add some more appreciation value to the Summer Palace of Our Lady." Ornament bar.

Didn’t everyone think that there were too many gold, silver and jewelry in the summer palace before, which seemed a bit tacky? This time I will change the style.

Although I personally still like the resplendent and luxurious style, since everyone thinks that is not good, I am willing to make changes. "

Hearing this, fans also had a heated discussion:
"Actually, I don't think it's a problem for Luo Bao to like gold and gemstones. How many people in the entire universe would hate these things?"

"The Holy Mother's holiness must be extraordinary, how can she be dragged down by such things outside her body?"

"Yes, she should contribute more works of art, so as to be worthy of her god-given talent."

"No, talent is something you are born with, but it has nothing to do with God's bestowal. Please don't be kidnapped by morality."

"I think Luo Bao should be himself, and do whatever he likes. There is no need to force changes for the opinions of a certain group of people. Then you will not be you."

"However, if you worship money too much, the impact will indeed be bad. After all, Luo Quan's status is not ordinary now."

"That has nothing to do with the Holy Mother. Just like what she said just now, if people don't learn from the good and learn from the bad, what does it matter if she sets an example?"

"I can't say I agree."

"You don't need to agree."


Seeing the fans arguing so fiercely, Luo Quan quickly raised his hand to stop it: "Everyone, stop arguing about this matter, art and gold are not conflicting affairs, you can have both.

Just like my Summer Palace of Our Lady, there are several statues cast in gold, which are both luxurious and artistic.

Moreover, the summer palace itself is a luxurious work of art, which cost a lot of money and condensed the painstaking efforts of countless artists and designers.

Therefore, whether it is lack of money or lack of art, it is impossible to build the Summer Palace so perfect, so these two things can completely coexist, and there is no distinction between high and low. "

At the end of this speech, the barrage quarrel was immediately put on hold:

"As expected of the Holy Mother, the level of dialectics is high."

"Luo Bao, you don't study philosophy, do you?"

"Speaking of which, it seems that I don't know what major Luo Quan was in school."

"Being able to become the Holy Mother must be theology of cultivation."

"It is well known that theology and philosophy are diametrically opposed disciplines."

"Not necessarily."

"Classic folk science speaks, the end of philosophy of science is metaphysics."

"It used to be Minke, but now no matter which way you are, you can transcend the ordinary and become holy. There is no need to distinguish so clearly."

"That's true."


Luo Quan's rational remarks won him a lot of goodwill.

After all, no one would hate a smart and beautiful intellectual woman, and the status of the Virgin gave Luo Quan a more mature feeling.

Coupled with such a figure, to describe it in one sentence, it is very familiar.

For young people whose hormones have no place to rest, Luo Quan's lethality is extremely powerful, almost to the point of being irresistible.

Although she didn't know if she could make these fans treat him like a dog and bark at him with a single word, it shouldn't be difficult to get them to pay attention and give him a free like.

As a human being, Luo Quan doesn't need these relatively empty things now, what she wants is something else.

"Huanyu Girls will start broadcasting in two days, have you all made an appointment?" Luo Quan went around for a long time, and finally brought the topic to the point, "If you make an appointment now, it will be very helpful for the program to collect data.

The higher the data now, the longer it will stay on the hot search list, and the higher its popularity will be.

For the program, this is quite important. "

Luo Quan was very relieved by the fans' answers:

"Don't worry, Luo Bao, I've already made reservations for you with the accounts of more than 1 people in our family. You can see how much I care about your career."

"More than 1 is not bad, your family is quite big, isn't it?"

"Which planet is this young master, can you V50?"

"Is it finally going to be broadcast? I have been completely obsessed with this mode of picking my favorite idol and sending her to debut these days. It is as enjoyable as playing that kind of immersive growth game!"

"Indeed, and the experience is much more real than playing the game, and the character modeling of the game is not so beautiful."

"Wen Xia and Dongfang Chen are so beautiful, it makes people mad to love."

"I feel that Wen Xia's appearance is not as top-notch as the Holy Mother, but she can fascinate people, and I don't know why."

"I can't go a day without watching the videos of the girls competing!"

"So the contestants of the first episode are the top [-] contestants on the ranking list, what about the rest?"

"Of course they are all eliminated. The rules are very clear."

"Unfortunately, there are some players at the bottom of the ranking that I like better."


There are not many voices of regret like this. After all, everyone has different tastes, and the top ones may not be liked by everyone.

After Luo Quan saw it, he said helplessly: "There is nothing to do about this situation, the rules are arranged like this, if you don't have enough votes, you won't be able to advance.

However, if the program becomes popular this time, there will be a second and third season, and those students who failed the audition can participate again.

Taking advantage of this time, they can temper themselves well, maybe they will be the top [-] in the next season! "

At this time, two payment barrages appeared on the screen:
"Haha, I'll talk about this later, I just want to see Wen Xia, Xiao Miao and Chen Chen dancing on the same stage!"

"There are so many beauties in the Quanshui Company, I can't help but get excited just thinking about it."

(End of this chapter)

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