ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

There was one day before the broadcast of the show, and the number of votes for the audition on the official website of Huanyu Girls was fixed on time in the early hours of the morning.

Shen Yueyan became No.1 in the audition with more votes than all the contestants.

As a top player in the world who has long been known, it is not surprising that she has this achievement.

As for No.2, it was unexpectedly won by an unknown girl.

Wen Xia, an alien who just came to Huanyu, even got his residence permit yesterday.

But speaking of her grassroots, her home planet is indeed remote and backward.

Not to mention the grassroots, she is indeed a friend of the Virgin Mary Luoquan, it is impossible for the Virgin Mary not to provide her with care.

But at least this number of votes is not too much water, each one can be traced to an individual, and there is no possibility of swiping votes.

In short, this grassroots idol who turned out to be born in the sky, with her energetic dance, made all fans feel her enthusiasm and fell in love with this beautiful alien girl.

There seems to be a magical power in her body, which makes people involuntarily have a good impression and want to cheer for her, and this magic power seems to have a significant effect on most people, which is really surprising.

In short, this variety show audition, which has been raging hot searches all over the world for several days, has finally come to an end.

However, the splendor of girls in the universe has only just begun.

Just the audition has already attracted so much attention, and God knows how popular it will be after the main competition starts.

So the hot searches in the next period of time will probably be swiped by this show.

And in the past few days, Luo Quan's private messages are also in a state of explosion. There are sponsors and stars in the entertainment circle all the time, wanting to join the recording of the show in various possible ways.

This is a treasure mountain visible to the naked eye, whether it is a product or an artist himself, he can gain huge popularity through this.

Taking advantage of the fact that the quota has not been taken up yet, of course they are doing as much as they can.

If it was Luo Quan half a month ago, faced with so many "team cooperation" invitations, it might be difficult to pick and choose.

As for now, naturally whoever bids the highest will come.

As for the flying guests, sorry, three instructors are enough, and no one else is needed to take a share.

No one came when I was recruiting, but now they are all very fast when they are popular, and they are not afraid of burning themselves.

What does this mean?It shows that this is a bunch of people without vision.

What this program needs most is the mentor's vision, to be good at discovering the strengths of the students, and let them know how to go in the future.

If the mentor has no vision and only sees immediate benefits, then for the students, there is no value in guiding them.

Therefore, Luo Quan refused them, and the rejection was justified.

Of course, these are her inner thoughts, and in reality, she definitely can't be so embarrassing.

She still plans to hang out in Huanyu in the future, if she says such hurtful words, it will be too embarrassing to meet her in the future.

While these words are true, not everything that is true should be said.

At the end of the audition, one hundred outstanding girls voted by netizens were qualified to participate in the main competition.

Luo Quan immediately provided travel expenses for these girls who valued both strength and beauty, and invited them to come to Huanyu to record the program of Huanyu Girls.

Luo Quan originally planned to record one episode after another like most variety shows.

However, Luo Quan felt that showing netizens two or three hours of content every week was too little, and it would easily cause a sense of fragmentation.

So she made a bold decision, that is, to live broadcast the whole process when performing on stage, and then edit and broadcast the life and exercise routine off the stage after recording.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that fans will have programs to watch and idols to follow every day.

The format of the program has changed from a weekly variety show to a daily TV series.

But this TV series has no script, and every actor is his true self.

In this way, Huanyu Girls will become more real and allow all fans to participate immersively in the whole process of cultivating idols.

Luo Quan didn't know whether her decision was good or bad, but she was very courageous and confident enough in the quality of the program.

She knows that even if this form cannot be liked by the public, at least the fact that girls have grown from Xiaobai to idols is very gimmick.

So she dared to make such an attempt. If it succeeds, then it will be a work that can be regarded as a milestone and affect all subsequent variety shows of the same type.

If it fails, there is no big loss. It is nothing more than making netizens feel that the content is too much, and office workers simply cannot read it.

This was a costless transaction, and it took Luo Quan less than 2 minutes to make a decision from a sudden whim.

Originally, the camera crew had already planned how to record the show in the past few days, but Luo Quan's sudden change of mind caught them by surprise.

However, for aspiring creators, making their works full of novelty and even having a chance to be famous in history is a scene they are very willing to see.

If it weren't for Party A's preference for routines that have been proven to be successful, who wouldn't like to do some good work that wows the audience while working part-time?

There was no chance in the past, but now Luo Quan offered to change the job, and was willing to provide overtime pay, so the photography team and others devoted themselves to the revision of the plan without any complaints.

The day before the broadcast of the show, the entire shooting plan was revised.

Luo Quan took a look and found that there was no problem.

And the invited students have already taken spaceships one after another and embarked on a journey to the universe.

At noon today at the earliest, and at the evening at the latest, they will all arrive.

However, everyone can only live in the hotel for the time being, and will be sent to Notre Dame's Summer Palace after the program starts recording, which can be regarded as leaving a little sense of expectation for them and the audience.

And Luo Quan, as the lord of the summer palace, moved in first with a group of family members.

"Take a look, this is my summer palace, and it was built with funds from the Church of Dawn."

With his hands on his hips, Luo Quan triumphantly introduced to the girls behind him.

Even if it was just on the square, the magnificence of the Summer Palace shocked them beyond measure.

Especially in Wenxia and Lyon, the magnificent buildings, exquisite sculptures, sacred atmosphere, and magnificent scenery here have surpassed any architectural complex on the earth.

And now Luo Quan told them that it was built for her by a group of aliens, which is really unbelievable!

"Luo Luo, I didn't expect you to do so well in Huanyu!" Wen Xia held Luo Quan's hand in surprise, her eyes full of admiration.

She only knew that Luoquan had the title of Our Lady of Dawn in Huanyu, but in comparison, the most beautiful title in Huanyu was obviously more resounding.

So during this period of time, Wen Xia only paid attention to how those people on the Internet praised Luo Quan's beauty in a fancy way, but ignored what the title of Our Lady of Dawn really represented and what kind of energy it possessed.

Now that she has arrived at the Holy Spring Square in the Summer Palace of Notre Dame, she has re-recognized the new identity of her friend in Huanyuxing.

This should not be a star anymore, but a real superior.

Looking at Luo Quan, Wen Xia suddenly felt an unfathomable sense of mystery.

"That's amazing, sister!" Leon became even more excited, "You are the Virgin of the Dawn, and you can build palaces and recruit troops, so why don't you just name me the king of the side-by-side, and I will definitely treat you well when the time comes." Manage all affairs in the summer palace!"

This kind of speech is a typical foreign relative trying to interfere in politics.

If Luo Quan became a queen, with Leon's ambition, he could be a great general.

But the key point is that Luo Quan is neither a queen nor an emperor. She is just a religious representative who owns a piece of land and has a certain degree of autonomy on this land.

"I don't have the right to seal you the king of the word side by side, but I do have the right to accept a few ascetic monks here to look after the home and nursing home, and I can manage hundreds of people under my command." Luo Quan patted him with a smile Brother's shoulder, said: "How about it, are you interested?"

"Ascetic monk?" Leon trembled all over, "Forget it, I'm the one who fears suffering the most."

Luo Quan smiled and asked: "Isn't it good that you want to be the one-word king just now? Now you're retreating."

"Just kidding, look at you, you are serious." Leon hurriedly threw the blame on Luo Quan's head.

Luo Quan curled his lips, too lazy to break up with him.

Leaving the Holy Spring Square, he continued to lead everyone into the prayer hall.

It is very quiet here. Although there are many believers praying here, their voices can only be heard by themselves and God.

And in such a solemn and quiet environment, everyone couldn't help but become serious, straightened their backs, and observed the surroundings together.

Under Luo Quan's greeting, several maids walked in carrying several oil paintings, all of which were painted by her.

Some have been done before, and some have been done recently.

"Sunflower", "Starry Night", "Luo Quan's Smile", "The Last Supper".

When several masterpieces were placed on the wall, the artistic composition suddenly became taller than a [-]-story skyscraper.

Luo Quan looked at the ceiling and decided to draw "Genesis" after a while, and then print it all on the ceiling through technology.

In order to pray for the purity and simplicity of the hall, the church did not perform any artistic treatment on the ceiling when it was built.

It seemed a little mediocre at first, but now it has become Luo Quan's canvas.

After the epic masterpiece "Genesis" is released, I believe it will definitely cause a huge sensation in the world art world.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan hiahia laughed.

"Sister, you are planning to turn this place into your gallery." Leon sighed in admiration as he looked at Qiangshang's awesome paintings.

Luo Quan said proudly: "In order to distinguish myself from those nouveau riche, I must make my residence more artistic and elegant.

As the old saying goes, making a fortune and establishing a product now belongs to the stage of establishing a product.

Looking at these paintings on the wall, do you feel that the atmosphere here suddenly becomes taller?
In the future, if you put a few sculptures, handicrafts and so on, you can directly hold an exhibition! "

"It would be nice to have some more music." Xu Yanqing rubbed her chin with her hands and made a suggestion: "There is no sound in the prayer hall, so it seems a bit too quiet. If we arrange some choirs or some pianos to play here , the effect should be much better.”

"That's right!" Luo Quan slapped his thigh, "I said why I felt something was missing, but what was missing was music. I really forgot my old profession!"

Luo Quan said, and directly called the construction company that undertook the construction of Notre Dame's summer palace, and decided to let them carry out supplementary construction of the prayer hall.

Not only the construction company, but other people around Luo Quan were very surprised when they heard that Luo Quan wanted to add a musical instrument integrated with it in this church.

But the surprise is the surprise, there is really no technical difficulty.

Luo Quan soon sent the specific design drawing of this musical instrument to the other party, asking them to study it and see when construction can start.

The foreman told her that she could start working immediately, and it would be done in one night without disturbing anyone, but this would not involve manual work, and the whole process must be done by nano-robots, who would swim through the walls of the entire church through their tiny bodies. Go punch the hole and plug the instrument's pipes into it.

It sounds outrageous, but that's how pipe organs are built.

As the largest and most complex classical musical instrument in the West, the pipe organ is often built together with the church where it is located, and the two will eventually become one and never separate.

The sound of the pipe organ is very suitable for appearing in the church, full of look and grandeur.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Luo Quan can even imagine how magnificent the scene will be when the huge pipe organ is played here.

The volume of this instrument is said to be comparable to that of a whole symphony orchestra!

As for the music, since it is necessary to reflect the religious atmosphere, Luo Quan has quite a few suitable pieces in his mind.

If you want a more popular style, "Exodus" is very good. Epic, sacred, and magnificent, all these elements are gathered together, and the melody itself is extremely beautiful, so it should be very popular.

It's just that the story in the music probably cannot be directly used here, and the listener can only comprehend it through the music. What kind of story is this?

The story of "Exodus" will be told later, and right now, the stories belonging to the girls of the universe are about to begin.

After Wen Xia and the others settled down, Luo Quan told everyone in the program team to get a good night's sleep. Starting from [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, these girls who are very likely to change the entertainment industry in the universe will come to the Summer Palace of Our Lady one after another. .

What awaits them is an unknown fate.

What awaits the whole show is also an unknown and exciting fate!

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