Today is a big day for many beautiful girls.

They crossed the distant star sea and came to the universe, just because there is a virgin who is both beautiful and intelligent, and created a program for cultivating idols.

They don't know what idol idol is, they only know that it is a branch of star, and it is a profession that has never appeared before.

This is a piece of virgin land that has never been cultivated, with endless possibilities and amazing competitors.

With their singing and dancing levels, no matter which one they can't be called the top level.

But it was such a popular variety show audition in Huanyujing, they were able to rank among the top [-], and many of them ranked not even low.

They themselves couldn't believe that they could rank so high, and they were also very curious about what kind of criteria these fans used to vote.

Could it be that they simply feel that they are more in line with their wishes, so even if they are not top-notch in singing and dancing, they still like themselves?

No one can answer these questions for them for the time being, and there is no time for them to think.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Luo Quan took a camera and knocked on the doors of every girl's room.

When they opened the door, almost all of them had just woken up, some of them had automatic toothbrushes in their mouths, and the corners of their mouths were full of white toothpaste foam.

Some simply looked sleepy, as if they hadn't woken up.

But it is also understandable, after all, the girls only arrived yesterday, and many of them have traveled hundreds of thousands of light-years away, so it is normal to feel tired after a long journey.

But Luo Quan's sudden attack was absolutely unexpected by them, so much so that they didn't even put on the makeup they should have when they left the country.

As we all know, apart from the perfect-looking Madonna of Luo, even great beauties like the Empress and Shen Yueyan would choose to wear makeup when attending important occasions.

Makeup is the easiest and most effective way to improve your appearance. It is much simpler than eating beauty meals or using various beauty products, and has fewer side effects.

The only downside is that before makeup and after makeup are almost different, it is easy to create a sense of separation for fans.

Therefore, except for the "wonderful flower" like Luo Quan, who will reduce the appearance after makeup, most people will choose makeup, especially when they need to leave the country.

But Luo Quan's sudden attack directly showed the truest side of the girls.

Although they can pass the audition, they are rare beauties.

But who doesn't want to be more beautiful when facing the audience? Human beings are visual animals, and they naturally prefer people and things with good looks. Now that it is like this, it is estimated that many fans who liked themselves before will lose their fans.

This was what the girls thought. After knowing that Luo Quan was broadcasting live, they all showed worried expressions.

However, the comments in the barrage were completely different from what they were worried about:
"Hahaha, so this is what the girls usually look like?"

"This way of covering your face and running away is really cute."

"There is one thing to say, even without makeup, she is still pretty, and she will not look mediocre when she shows up without makeup."

"Supplementary makeup is also very good, I like this kind of pure natural."

"What's the name of that short-haired girl? She looks so cute when she wails."

"It seems to be called Jiangli."

"The name is nice too, it's the type I like."


It's clear that fans are used to seeing all kinds of BBWs.

Under the whitewash of makeup, they are so beautiful that they are so beautiful that they are all the same.

And these girls in front of them, after losing the concealer of their makeup, all the shortcomings and characteristics of their faces are exposed, which is refreshing, and it also deepens everyone's memory.

Therefore, Luo Quan's abnormal behavior was quite correct, and it immediately distinguished the atmosphere of the show from other variety shows.

Of course, the girls didn't know what was said in the barrage at the moment.

I only know that it is too bad to go on camera without makeup, and it will become a black history in my career, so I closed the door and started to put on makeup.

Usually they put on make-up, they usually work slowly and meticulously, and it takes at least 10 minutes to finish.

But this time, Teacher Luo was waiting in the corridor, and there were so many people watching. Whoever appeared first would have an advantage, so they all speeded up their makeup in unison.

"Everyone, don't worry, we have plenty of time today." Luo Quan shouted in the corridor.

But that being said, who would really foolishly put on makeup in there?
If you are willing to play badly, others can't wait to get involved in the sky.

So Luo Quan's voice had the effect of urging instead.

Ten minutes later, the girls almost got stuck and left the room together.

At this time, they had already put on the most beautiful makeup, put on the most beautiful clothes, and showed their most charming side to everyone.

Beautiful girls are often seen by the audience, but it is quite rare to see beautiful girls with long legs and good figure appearing together. There are nearly a hundred people standing in two rows in the corridor, as if accepting Luo Quan's scrutiny. From the momentum, it seems very surging.

"Seeing everyone's spiritual outlook is like this, I am very happy as everyone's mentor."

Luo Quan stood at the end of the corridor and said loudly to the girls: "Starting today, everyone is a member of the Huanyu Girls Reserve. In the next month, everyone will use their own efforts to never know what an idol is." , Transformed into the first batch of idols in the world.

This is a very challenging career, and not only are there many difficulties and obstacles, but the probability of becoming famous is only one in ten. "

These words made the girls whisper worried.

"Yes, it's that cruel." Luo Quan's expression also became serious, "So, I hope everyone can pay attention to this opportunity, study hard, perform hard, and finally achieve a result that will live up to themselves and the fans.

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can maintain a healthy and competitive environment, and don't be tempted to think about it.

Good character and always top strength are more important. "

After finishing speaking, she directly waved and threw out a portable portal, and said, "Ahead is the place where you will live for the next month, everyone just go straight ahead, and the staff will help you send your luggage to your room."

As soon as the words fell, the girls began to line up and walk into the portal.

And the destination that the portal leads to is the starry sky stage that Luo Quan has carefully crafted.

Not only the girls were surprised by such a beautiful stage effect, but even the audience who were watching the live broadcast widened their eyes at the moment.

It can only be said that Luo Quanzheng's work has indeed exceeded everyone's expectations. Turning his oil painting into 3D and presenting it on the stage is almost the same as turning a script into a movie.

And the script Luo Quan chose was a top oil painting that could shock the entire universe.

How awesome is the work "Starry Night", and countless people have analyzed it on the Internet. This is the ultimate embodiment of color and technique. Through vivid brushstrokes, the static painting is created into a dynamic effect, making people feel as if they are in a rotating world. the depths of the star sea.

This is a realm that many people can't achieve even if they spend their whole life, and Luo Quan is still creating an extended creation on this painting, turning a painting into a stage.

Such a whimsical idea is worthy of Luo Quan, who is known as the all-round artistic genius.

This year's best stage design award, I'm afraid it must go to her.

After the prospective idols come to the stage, they need to go backstage to prepare first, and then step onto the stage one by one under the call of the live host.

After the girls left talking and laughing, Leon and Xu Yanqing stepped onto the stage. Both of them were Luo Quan's mentors, and their appearance did not cause much shock... No wonder.

Xu Yanqing, who hasn't been on stage for a long time, sees you today, and her appearance seems to have become a bit better, even worse than when she was at her peak.

No one knew what she had gone through. She had a slightly dusty appearance, but now she had a sense of innocence washed away, as if she had returned to the state when she first debuted.

But the explosive figure reminds the audience of the fact that she is a sexy goddess all the time.

This sense of contrast made Xu Yanqing's charm soar in the eyes of the audience.

As for Lyon, he is a new face to all audiences.

Even if someone had known him in advance at Luoquan's place, they had only seen a few photos, and it was only today that they saw the real person.

Since coming to Huanyu, Leon's mental state has improved day by day.

When he was on Earth, he was always in a sub-healthy state because of his irregular life schedule and poor eating habits, and the melanin around his eyes was quite obvious.

Coming to Huanyu, Luo Quan suggested that he do nothing every day and just stay in the yard to bask in the sun.

The more you get exposed to the sun, the better your physical condition will be, and your appearance, which has declined seriously, will return to its peak

If Mia were here, she would never believe that the sunny and cheerful boy in front of her would be her husband.

At this time, Leon seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

In the relatively precocious West, this should be the peak age for boys and girls, and the body and appearance are at the best stage. After that, if you don’t pay attention to maintenance and exercise, you will quickly decline.

This is also the reason why people often say that foreigners have a short shelf life on the Internet.

Because their peak period came earlier, the period of decline naturally also became earlier.

But now Leon has reversed growth, standing next to the mature Luo Quan, those who know think they are siblings, those who don't know think they are mother and son.

After Leon's health improved, he was also very excited. As soon as he came to the stage, he began to recite and write the slogan provided by the sponsor at a speed of seven or eight words per second.

There are a total of twelve sponsors, and the normal process would take more than a minute to finish reading, but it was all done in less than 20 seconds!
At such a speed, a group of viewers almost climaxed.

"Too fast, is this tongue made of springs, it can move so fast!"

"Where did this handsome guy come from? Not only is he handsome, but he also possesses unique skills!"

"This is the half-brother of Shengmu Luo. It is said that he made his debut as a singer, and he is also an actor at the actor level in his parent star."

"These two brothers and sisters are really versatile, and they are both ridiculously handsome."

"Even if it's a singer, the libretto is indeed too fast."

"Forgot to mention, Leon is a rapper, especially good at rapping fast."

"No wonder."

"It's so handsome. It's been a long time since I've seen such a handsome blond guy. He's as handsome as those angels painted in the church."

"It would be better if I could be younger."

"Are you a priest?"

"What a hell joke."


Fortunately, Leon couldn't see the barrage, otherwise he would have sprayed five times in a second on the spot.

When he first debuted, he was considered too young by netizens because of his top-notch handsome appearance, and he made jokes about gay circles.

Li Ang hated this kind of thing, and spent several years trying to get rid of this impression.

On Earth, he has become the representative of a mature and good man.

Unexpectedly, he came to Huanyu and faced the disgusting things he encountered when he was young.

Fortunately, he couldn't see the barrage, otherwise the good mood of the day would end here.

With a speed that was as fast as sparks, Leon finished reading the advertisement of Huanyu Girl.

This is probably a rare scene in the entire world advertising industry. When others read the advertisement, they would like to prolong the time so that the audience can remember these products.

Leon spoke quickly, but his words were very clear, and he didn't appear to be vague because of his ridiculously fast speaking speed.

Just this move has made the audience realize that this is not a simple whole job, but also a demonstration of strength.

You know, rap is also an ability that idols need to master.

Although it is not as important as singing and dancing, it is absolutely necessary.

It now appears that Lyon has no problem serving as this mentor.

After the advertisement was finished, Luo Quan, Leon, and Xu Yanqing sat down.

Originally, there was a mentor performance session, but in order to avoid too much drama, it was cancelled.

If the audience really strongly requests, they can perform during the intermission, and they can even bring the contestants together, and the scene will be more lively.

With the call of the host, the spotlights on the stage began to turn, and they all converged to the end of the contestants.

It was a dark exit, and as the cheerful music sounded, the contestants walked back to the stage full of energy and smiling.

Every time a person appears, the company they belong to will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Many people who were promoted this time came from world-renowned entertainment companies.

It means that as soon as he came to the stage, he opened up the gap with other players in terms of popularity.

However, it is not these entertainers from well-known companies that are most enviable.

When Wen Xia and the others appeared, everyone knew that this was everyone's biggest opponent in the show.

Wen Xia, Bai Xingwei, Shen Yueyan, Li Xiaomiao, Dongfang Chen, and Fang Mo all came from Quanshui Entertainment and were trained by Luo Quan himself.

As early as the audition stage, they occupied the top position.

And this time in the primary election of the main competition, I believe that they will definitely achieve exceptionally good results.

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