Chapter 1192 Hot Universe ([-])

After receiving the guidance of professionals, the momentum is different. After taking the stage, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Even the students who are competitors are still amazed by their unparalleled beauty.

Among these people, Wen Xia, who came from a grassroots background, is the one with the strongest aura. She walks around in the garden, as if the stage belongs to her own palace, and the student's seat is her throne.

In the highest row of seats, Wen Xia took a group of sisters and sat on it without hesitation.

The girls who appeared on the stage before actually wanted to sit on it, but they all felt that they were not strong enough, so they were discouraged in the end.

But after Wen Xia sat on it, it made people feel that there was no sense of disobedience, as if she should be sitting in this position.

This queen-like aura made Fang Mo and Shen Yueyan next to her secretly startled.

Wen Xia looked like a different person on and off the stage.

Off stage is a kind and friendly big sister, and after taking the stage, she becomes a queen who is the only one who respects me.

What's even more outrageous is that they couldn't resist such an aura in their hearts, which showed that they subconsciously recognized Wen Xia's overriding attitude.

"This female talent is so terrifying!"

Several women with relatively high cultivation bases all gasped.

Being able to show such an aura shows that Wen Xia has the possibility to aspire to the top of Taoism.

In the entire universe, there are no more than [-] people with this talent, and there are even fewer people who can really do it, only a mere [-] or so people.

Thinking of Wen Xia's potential, Bai Xingwei and the others couldn't help but sigh, it's a miracle of life that Luo Quan and Wen Xia, two crouching dragons and phoenixes, can appear on such a small earth.

If they found out that Leon was rapidly becoming stronger just by basking in the sun, they would be terrified.

After taking their seats, the fans of several people began to brush up the words of support.

Wen Xia and Shen Yueyan are the most, after all, the fan base is here.

There are also many Bai Xingwei and Dongfang Chen. The current aesthetic direction is more glamorous. The public likes this kind of high-cold imperial sister style, so the two women's personalities are quite popular.

There are fewer Li Xiaomiao and Fang Mo, but Keaiaiai and Zhishu Dali are also popular types, and they quickly gained a large number of fans after their debut.

And in the audience where no one could see, a plump middle-aged man looked at Li Xiaomiao on the stage and burst into tears.

When he received a recent photo of his daughter a few days ago, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Is this still his three-hundred-jin daughter?It was exactly the same as when her mother was young!
Originally, he thought that with this family genetic disease, he and his daughter would never even think about living a normal life.

But I didn't expect my daughter to really lose weight, which can be called reborn.

Thinking of the hardships she may have suffered during this period, and the happiness that has been rewarded after suffering, Li Xiaomiao's old father couldn't help but want to cheer her up as much as possible.

It's a pity that the live broadcast needs to pay attention to order. Now everyone is watching the students quietly. He suddenly yelled loudly, which would only recruit his daughter, so the old father could only cry silently in the audience.

The students on the stage were all focused on each other, and had no time to look at the audience who were out of the spotlight off the stage.

A hundred people smiled and looked at each other, and the more they looked at each other, the more they felt uncertain.

Before coming, they all knew that the competition this time was fierce and the opponents were very strong.

But after seeing real people, Bai found that their looks and figures that they are usually proud of are completely average here!

Because anyone who is close to these two is not qualified to be on stage at all.

Don't look at all kinds of doctrines and ethnic minority protection organizations shouting loudly on the Internet, making everyone change their aesthetics.

But it is impossible for any adult with subjective consciousness not to know what is beautiful and what is ugly.

Especially when voting, they will not obey aesthetics, but directly obey their own instincts, and the ones they vote for are the ones they most want to marry.

Only after the appearance and figure are up to standard, will we start discussing singing and dancing.

After the first group of students performed, the rest of the girls quickly realized that their singing and dancing skills might not even reach the passing mark, and the pressure couldn't help but increase a bit.

But so far, what the students have shown is only singing and dancing in the conventional sense.

The songs are currently more popular songs, and the dances are also in various dance categories, which are not uniform and seem a bit chaotic.

And this phenomenon continued until Wen Xia and the others came to power.

When a powerful dance music full of exotic customs was sung, the audience finally knew what technical poverty alleviation is.

The dance they danced is completely different from the dances they usually see!
It is more energetic, more explosive, and full of charm, which makes the audience's blood boil!

Moreover, the movements of the four people are uniform, as if it is an extremely precise instrument, the parameters have been set before the jump, and every jump and every swing of the arm is just right.

If you overlap them, you will definitely get a warrior who has become much thicker out of thin air!
And Fang Mo and Shen Yueyan, who came on stage afterwards, also let the audience see what idols dancing solo look like. They are also full of movement, and the breath of youthful girls rushes directly to the face, which makes people want to stop.

With just this one hand, everyone from Quanshui Entertainment has already surpassed other students by too much.

And the audience who watched the live broadcast also expressed their love and support to them by beating their hearts wildly. The number of votes for Wen Xia and the others began to soar at the speed of a spaceship.

This is the gold content of being among the best in the sea elections. After being on the stage, the visual shock brought by this neat and hot dance far surpasses any other dance.

There is probably only a dance performance like Avalokitesvara that can be compared with it.

It's a pity that the students on the stage can't dance like this, it's not surprising that they are compared.

After seeing Wen Xia and the others perform so well, the students who played later were obviously affected a lot, and many of them performed abnormally, resulting in quite low votes and scores in the end.

Low votes mean that you can't compare with others, and it also means elimination.

So when the last student's performance ended, many girls' eyes were full of tears, because they knew that the results would be read out soon, and then they would be eliminated.

"I saw a lot of girls wiping tears there, are they worried that they will be eliminated?" Luo Quan looked at the scores of the students and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, this is just the first official program. We won't start weeding until the fourth issue.

During this period, we still have many opportunities. "

Hearing this, the students breathed a sigh of relief.

"Also, I believe everyone has seen it just now, the dance you danced is very different from Wen Xia and the others."

Luo Quan paused, then continued: "This is a dance from an alien planet, everyone will not blame you, and in the next period of time, I will focus on learning this dance, I hope everyone can work hard, maybe next time If you perform, you will be able to counterattack!"

When a person is at a loss, what he needs most is encouragement from others.

Luo Quan's words had an inspiring effect, and the fighting spirit and ambition of the students were instantly ignited.

The program of the main competition is over here, but the camera will not be turned off, and will follow the students to film until they return to the dormitory to rest.

And because it was the first time to visit Notre Dame's summer palace, the girls lingered for a long time in this palace, which can be called a work of art, admiring everything that appeared in front of them.

After seeing the pair of "Starry Night" hanging in the prayer hall, the girls were all amazed at the talent of Teacher Luo Quan.

What was even more surprising was the audience.

In the current live broadcast room, many of them are attracted by the push on the homepage. Originally, they just wanted to watch the dancing and singing performance of a hundred girls.

"Who is this Luo Quan? The paintings are pretty good."

"Ah? Don't you even know Luo Quan?"

"The bad woman who was pointing the country to a group of girls on stage just now is Luo Quan."

"I'll go, so many paintings are drawn by her, that's a bit too talented."

"It's a bit outrageous. I thought this tutor was a tutor based on his appearance. It seems that there is something."

"Haha, Our Lady doesn't seem to be as famous as we imagined."

"Naturally, this live broadcast is not only broadcast in Huanyu, but civilizations in other star regions can also watch it. It may be the first time I have seen Luoquan over there."

"It was indeed the first time I saw it, and I fell in love with it the first time I saw it."

"It's outrageous, the hot search on our side, Luo Quan is actually the number one in the show!"

"New news, Luo Quan can also rank first in our business league's appearance."

"Beauty faults are ahead of others."

"Luo Quan has paid great attention to reducing the number of scenes for himself, but he still became popular."

"Haha, this is too pretentious, but it is indeed Luo Quan's favorite style."

"Do you have a frontal photo of Luo Quan? I'm from a foreigner. I want to get to know her."

"Switching to the local area network of Universal Civilization, searching for the most beautiful swimsuit in history or Ode to Joy, are all her peak moments."

"I'll go, is Our Lady of Dawn so unrestrained? The swimsuits are here."

"It's more unrestrained than you can imagine. She is wearing a swimsuit from their hometown. What kind of bikini is it called? It's sexy."

"My world view has collapsed, shouldn't the Virgin be kept pure?"

"Yes, Luo Quan has the kindest heart in the world, as well as the most beautiful face and hottest body in the world."

"In her words, don't you want to show your beauty while you are young and beautiful, don't you wait until you are old and have white hair and chicken skin to show your unbearable beauty?"

"This is the pattern of Our Lady! Selfless devotion, treat every fan equally!"

"Wow, I was so moved that I cried... T﹏T"


The most dazzling person in the show will always become the focus of discussion among the audience in various ways.

Luo Quan has tried his best not to let the camera focus on himself, and minimized his influence.

However, she is too eye-catching, and this time there are several civilizations outside the universe watching the show. After seeing him, the unfamiliar viewers are almost instantly fascinated. There are more students than the protagonists.

And these new fans, under the guidance of old fans, searched out the photos that Luo Quan had released before, and they were shocked.

They shouted excitedly: "Luoquan should not be the Holy Mother, but a female Bodhisattva!"

This kind of outrageous description is really hard to hold back, but Luo Quan's uploaded photos are indeed simply giving benefits to fans, and he has not collected a penny. It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that she is a female Bodhisattva who saves all living beings.

Fortunately, the previous art photo of "Broken Arm Venus" was blocked by the entire Internet, otherwise many people would have to be sent to the hospital for treatment today.

In fact, if it was only the status of the Virgin Mary, perhaps it would not have attracted so many people's attention.

But if it is a rich, generous, and beautiful Madonna who looks like a bug in the face pinching system, it is very foul, and it is difficult not to be fascinated by her.

Think about it, a pure and chaste girl who is supposed to be like an angel has a hardware condition that is more attractive than a devil, and she doesn't hide it at all, and she generously shares it with fans.

This kind of contrast, the forbidden pleasure brought to people is simply unparalleled.

However, Luo Quan is not in the mood to pay attention to these details for the time being.

After the show aired, she got good news and bad news.

The good news is that the popularity of Huanyu Girl has exploded and has broken many records in the past few years. The number of broadcasts in one day is more than that of many variety shows in one season.

And it's not only popular in the universe, but also in the civilizations of other star regions. In just one day, idol idols have become hot words at the beginning of the second half of the year.

Now the applications for various rebroadcasts have overwhelmed the mailboxes. The big money is holding money to buy the rights to broadcast the program, and the advertisers are scrambling to offer high prices.

As long as you can be on the show, even if it's just one episode.

And in order to match Lyon's rap-style announcement, the advertiser himself wrote the advertisement, and the sentences rhyme, which is more jingle than jingle.

This kind of fanatical pursuit is really beyond Luo Quan's expectation.

Originally thought that it would be very good to be able to enter the top ten in the universe, and then become popular in other civilizations.

Now it seems that it is very possible that many civilizations will reach the top!
However, the bad news came at this time.

Because the popularity was too explosive and there were too many viewers, the server was a little overwhelmed.

If it's just a few hours of programs, you can still stick to it.

But like in Luoquan's plan, half of the day is broadcast live, and with such a frequency every day, the server will have to finish playing in less than three days.

Therefore, the operator responsible for the broadcast asked Luo Quan to reduce the broadcast duration and frequency of the program in an almost begging tone.

Once a week, about 5 hours at a time is the best.

When the news came, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing at it.

The heat is too high, so high that the live broadcast server can't stand it, what is this called?
(End of this chapter)

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