Originally, according to Luo Quan's idea, taking advantage of the high popularity of the show, we took more pictures of the daily life of the contestants, so that their image could be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As a result, the Entertainment Management Bureau directly begged her to accept the supernatural powers. Like ordinary programs, it was only broadcast once a week. Compared with the plan, the popularity fell off a cliff.

The benefits obtained are greatly reduced, which is hard for Luo Quan to accept no matter what.

However, just as she was about to refuse, the other end of the phone tried to persuade her: "Holy Mother, I know you must be very dissatisfied with this arrangement, after all, no one is willing to give up such a huge benefit for nothing.

But you have to know that you are not the only variety show in Huanyu, how many people's painstaking works will be broadcast with you this summer vacation.

If you play around the clock, it will only squeeze other people's living space, which is only good for you, but for the entire market, it will do more harm than good.

We need more diversified content, otherwise everyone will go to the idol audition, so how can other types of variety show practitioners survive?

I admire you for making the show so well, but you really can't leave no room for your colleagues to survive.

Your program can feed hundreds of thousands of people, but during the broadcast period of the program, there will be tens of thousands of times more people without food.

The food and clothing of millions of waterworkers, Holy Mother, you are so smart, you should be able to figure it out.

According to the data, during the broadcast period of Huanyu Girls, the clearance rate of other variety shows has dropped to the lowest value in history. Whether it is popular or unpopular, whether it is an old variety show or a new one, all have been affected.

If you are willing to hold your hand high, these people will surely remember your kindness.

Even if you can't remember it, at least our Entertainment Management Bureau won't forget it! "

The Entertainment Management Bureau, the full name of the Universal Entertainment Management Bureau, is responsible for managing all entertainment projects in the universe, and its business scope includes auditing, broadcasting, and relaying programs, etc.

Logically speaking, knowing that Luo Quan has a close relationship with the Empress, the Entertainment Management Bureau will definitely give the green light to Luo Quan's actions.

But the show came to add to her obstacles as soon as the show started, which shows that the problems caused are indeed serious.

After listening to the person in charge of the Entertainment Management Bureau explain his interests to him, although Luo Quan was still a little upset, he still planned to recite a scripture to show her kindness.

In fact, on the earth itself, it has never been so exterminated.

If she made a blockbuster movie every month, and each movie was released for a month, and then one after another

With her current popularity, as long as the movie is above the standard line, the box office of almost every movie can easily exceed 20 billion.

This achievement may not be a problem in a single period, but if there is such a one every month, it will be quite scary.

You must know that this year's Spring Festival box office is already the highest in recent years, but it is only in the early tens of billions.

In many off-seasons, it would be nice to have a cumulative box office of 40 billion.

If Luo Quan could really make twelve movies a year and make movies every month without repetition, she would definitely be able to earn a lot of money, but her colleagues would basically have no way to survive.

Movie box office is closely related to the number of movies scheduled. If movie theaters want to make money, they must give more movies to popular, well-known, and high-grossing movies. less.

The fewer the films, the worse the performance, and then enter a vicious circle.

If things go on like this, no matter whether it is a small budget or a big production, they will be squeezed out by Luo Quan, and the box office will be far lower than expected.

Now it is difficult for a movie to get back to its original value. Every time it is released, it has to compete with an opponent who has a steady income of 20 billion. This difficulty is simply hell.

And it is necessary to harvest the box office as much as possible within a month, because next month, there will be a new movie in Luoquan.

If such a thing really happens, audiences of Chinese-language films may become more tasteful under the influence of Luo Quan's good films.

But other directors and investors are expected to suffer.

As for those small companies with relatively weak anti-risk capabilities, I am afraid that they will die without a place to die.

And this possible situation is exactly what Luoquan Yu Huanyuruo is doing, even worse than that.

A movie can be watched in two or three hours at most. If you have more free time on Saturdays and Sundays, you can watch two or three movies by yourself.

And most people will not watch a movie after watching it once, and they will also choose other movies at this time.

But Huanyu Girl is different. The live broadcast lasts for ten hours, from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night.

This is the life routine of the students, and it is also the routine of the audience.

After watching Huanyu Girl's live broadcast, except for the idlers who don't have a job, no one has time to watch other shows.

Unless I get tired of watching halfway through, I will choose another variety show.

But now that Huanyu Girls has just started broadcasting, and the audience is in full swing, why would they feel tired?

Just the growth process of these one hundred students is enough for them to watch for several weeks, and it will take a month to finish watching three times a day.

In an industry such as the entertainment industry that burns money every minute, what is the concept of a moonlight expenditure without opening?
Big companies have to suffer, let alone those small companies.

The Entertainment Management Bureau was the first to obtain the program broadcast data, and the frighteningly high ratings and retention rate made them immediately realize the seriousness of the problem.

So when other variety shows were still envious of Luo Quan, the Entertainment Management Bureau had already analyzed what the consequences would be if Huanyu Girl continued to be popular like this.

After much deliberation, the Entertainment Management Bureau decided to negotiate with Luo Quan, and even if she tried hard, she would have to accept her supernatural powers.

However, Luo Quan was better at speaking than they had imagined. The person in charge was even ready to kneel on the ground and shout for mercy from the Holy Mother.

After all, Luo Quan has such a good relationship with Her Majesty the Empress, and she is the Holy Mother of the Church of Dawn, so she must not be tough.

If you can't be hard, then you can only be soft. This is all kneeling down and begging for help. No matter how hard-hearted, there will be some compassion.

But Luo Quan has never been a hard-hearted woman. After thinking about what the person in charge said to her, she also felt that there was nothing she could do about it.

Originally thought that there were so many people in the universe and the market was big enough, no matter how popular her show was, it wouldn't cause a monopoly.

Now it seems that she somewhat underestimated the influence of Huanyu Girls, which has almost reached the point where everyone is empty-handed, and has become a national-level variety show since the first issue.

In the current situation, Luo Quan can be regarded as mixed.

The worry is that I just asked the camera crew to change the shooting plan, and now I have to change it back and use the first set of plans.

For designers, this kind of thing is more uncomfortable than killing them. It means that after the first plan, a series of efforts to modify it have all become useless.

But there is no way, who told the entertainment management bureau not to allow it, she also listened to people's advice to have a full meal.

The joy is that the Entertainment Management Bureau doesn't intend to just let her suffer from being dumb. Luo Quan promised so readily, they also have to give some benefits.

Things like home page push, hot search frequency arrangement and so on are the most basic, needless to say.

The second is the rebroadcasting. Originally, Luo Quan was busy with the rebroadcasting of the program to other civilizations.

Now she doesn't have to worry about these things anymore, the Entertainment Management Bureau will be responsible for getting things done, ensuring that there will be no mistakes.

In addition, all the students participating in the program this time, regardless of whether they will be eliminated in the end, will be able to obtain a certain amount of entertainment resources and maintain the hard-won popularity for a long time.

This is the benefit that Luo Quan has won for the students, and it can also be said to be compensation for them.

The number of Huanyu Girls in the group is nine, and her company has six candidates, which means that the other 94 people only compete for three seats.

This is actually very unfair, but she made this plate of dumplings just for these two ounces of vinegar.

So even if she knew it was unfair, it was impossible for her to divide half of the places.

But she is not a cruel person. Luo Quan is willing to provide a lot of help to these girls who lost at the starting line.

The round-the-clock live broadcast is one of the contents of the assistance.

The duration of each program is limited, and if it is evenly distributed to each student, it will be even less.

But if it is in the form of live broadcast, the time that everyone can get to show their faces will become quite considerable, so that the popularity and number of fans of each student can be greatly increased.

Seeing how popular the show was, Luo Quan thought that everyone would be able to compete with third- and fourth-tier stars when they left the show.

But once the shooting plan is changed, most people's time will be compressed to a more uncomfortable amount.

That's why Luo Quan asked the person in charge to ask for some resources, so that these students would have a chance to continue to be popular after they left the show.

This can be regarded as a little compensation for her selfishness to the innocent students.

The truth of the incident must not be told to them. There is no need to let them know such a cruel fact. It is only necessary to let them know that even if they are eliminated early, there is still a chance to come back.

After thinking about it, after this news was announced, it is estimated that most of the students will still be grateful to themselves, which is really ironic.

But no matter what, she had an explanation for those students.

But the audience is definitely the only loser in this planned change.

It is a blood loss to watch the content several times less out of thin air.

Therefore, after Luo Quan announced that the daily live broadcast of Huanyu Girls would only last for one day, many viewers were furious:

"Then who is going to make up for the fun I'm missing?"

"The [-]/[-] live broadcast was agreed, why did it change to once a week?"

"Holy Mother, do you know how sad I am now, your behavior is nakedly playing with everyone's feelings!"

"I'm going to die when I don't have a girl from the universe watching."

"I have to give an explanation anyway, and how about compensation?"

"If you broadcast live in a swimsuit, I can still consider forgiving you."

"It's better to let the one hundred girls in the show swim together, then everyone will definitely have no objections."

"I'm going, it's a good idea!"

"I agree with both hands and feet!"


Even Luo Quan, after reading the last few suggestions, had to boast: You are a fucking genius.

It's not enough to wear a swimsuit by myself, but to actually want to see all the students in swimsuits is quite courageous.

However, this kind of behavior is not uncommon. The Seine River in China and AKB in Japan have done it. It seems to be called a water festival.

Anyway, it's just a group of dozens of girls, wearing swimsuits and shooting MVs on the beach.

In fact, the spring water company has built a team at the seaside once before, and has also shot many videos.

Those who said these words must be new fans, who have not seen these videos uploaded by her.

But this is indeed a good proposal. After all, the visual effect of a hundred beautiful girls in swimsuits is really different from that of a dozen or so people.

However, her prestige should not be so high that so many girls are obedient to go to the beach to shoot swimsuit videos.

This kind of thing is not acceptable to everyone, and there will definitely be resistance.

So for such a proposal, Luo Quan just pretended that he didn't see it.

But the explanation still needs to be given, so Luo Quan specially opened a live broadcast to respond to the fans: "The students will still film their daily routines, but they will not be broadcast live.

But the videos shot every week will be edited and then released together after each episode of the program.

At that time, after watching the performance of the students on stage, you can also watch them in daily life.

Although it may take a little longer to wait, everyone actually didn't lose much.

Moreover, during the live broadcast, it is easy to encounter a lot of boring content, but if it is after editing, there is basically no need to worry about this situation. The director will try his best to cut out interesting content for everyone to see. "

After getting the answer, the mood of a group of fans was relieved, but they were not completely satisfied:

"So, is that all? That seems to be what we'll see from the start."

"Why do you want to change the broadcast plan? I'm thinking about it, but I can't figure out what it means to keep the traffic and not make money."

"Maybe it's because the traffic is too big, so I dare not make money?"

"Is there anything the Holy Mother dare not do?"

"It's not that you don't dare, but that you can't. The cake is so big. Your show is so popular that everyone comes to watch your show. What about the other colleagues?"

"If you do a bad job, no one should watch it. What's the point of being jealous of others? If you have the ability, you can also make such a popular show."

"It's not that simple. It's true to say so, but Luo Quan can't go too far. Everything should be done in moderation."

"The entertainment industry is not about fighting and killing you to the death, it's about the ways of the world."

"Anyway, there is a high probability that the Entertainment Management Bureau will discuss it. It is impossible for the higher-ups to see Luo Quan's family as the only one."

"Oh, it's really a pity."


Among the fans, there are still many understanding people.

Their analysis on the bullet screen saved Luo Quan the effort of explaining to everyone.

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